1478 sermons about Christ
A Biblical Witness Leads Others to Christ
A Call to Proclaim Christ
A Call to Reflect Christ
A Christ's Thousand-Year Reign on Earth
A Deeper Relationship with Christ
A Disciple Abides in Christ's Word
A New Identity in Christ
A New Life in Christ
A Picture of Christ and the Church
A Stronger Witness for Christ
A Sweet Spirit Attracts Others to Christ
Abide in Christ
Abide in Christ's Teachings
Abiding in Christ
Abiding in Christ and His Word
Abundant Life in Christ
Accepting and Acknowledging Our Salvation in Christ
Accepting Christ
Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior
Accepting Christ as our Savior
Accepting Christ's Love
Accepting Christ's Yoke
Accepting God's Gift of Reconciliation Through Christ
Accepting Jesus Christ
Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Access to God through Christ
Accomplished Through Jesus Christ
Achieving Stability in Christ
Acknowledging Christ's Lordship
Acknowledging the Inheritance We Have in Christ
Actions Demonstrate Our Transformation in Christ
Actions Impact Our Witness for Christ
Active Participation in the Body of Christ
Adoption and Christian Living
Advocacy: A Christian Duty
Aligning our Lives with Christ
All God's Promises are Yes in Christ
Always Striving to Grow in Christ-likeness
Ambassadors for Christ
Anchoring our Lives in the Hope of Christ
Angels in the Return of Christ
Anticipating Christ's Return
Anticipating Christ's Return with Urgency
Anticipating the Return of Christ
Anticipating the Return of Jesus Christ
Anticipating the Ultimate Victory in Christ
Anticipation of Christ's Return
Application: The Christian's Waiting
Applying Christ-like Leadership in Our Lives
Applying Wisdom in Our Witness for Christ
Assurance Facilitates Transformation into Christlikeness
Assurance in Christ's Return
Assurance in Christ's Victory Over Death
Assurance is Based on Christ's Work
Assurance through Faith in Christ
Assurance through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
At the Judgment Seat of Christ
Attracting Others to Christ
Baptism and Christian Community
Baptism and Christian Witness
Based on Our Response to Jesus Christ
Be a Witness for Christ
Bearing Fruit in Christ
Bearing Witness to Christ
Becoming Like Christ
Becoming More Like Christ
Becoming More Like Christ Through Learning
Becoming More Like Christ Through The Journey
Being Conformed to the Image of Christ
Being Part of a Christian Community
Being Transformed into the Likeness of Christ
Being Unmovable in Our Commitment to Christ
Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Believers as Ambassadors of Christ
Believers as Overcomers Through Faith in Christ
Believers in Christ
Believing in Jesus Christ
Biblical Prophecies Pointing to Christ's Imminent Return
Blood in Christian Communion
Boldness in Living a Christian Life
Boldness through Christ
Boldness Through Faith in Christ
Brotherhood in Christ
Brotherhood Reflects Christ's Love
Building a Christ-Centered Family
Building a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ
Building on the Foundation of Christ
Building on the Foundation of Jesus Christ
Building our Lives on Christ
Building Stronger Relationships within the Christian Community
Building Up the Body of Christ
By Abiding in Christ
By Abiding in Christ and His Word
By Accepting Christ's Salvation
By Faith in Jesus Christ
By Growing in Christlikeness
By Longing for Christ's Return
Celebrate the Victory in Christ
Celebrating Discipline as a Christian
Celebrating Life in Christ
Celebrating the Return of Christ
Celebration Attracts Others to Christ
Change Helps us to Reflect Christ
Characteristics of Christ-like Leadership
Characteristics of Christlikeness
Christ as God Made Flesh
Christ as Healer
Christ as Our Example of Fearless Living
Christ as our Example of Nobility
Christ as Our Partner
Christ as Our Perfect Mediator
Christ as our Source of Stability
Christ as Our Ultimate Example
Christ as Teacher
Christ as the Author of New Life
Christ as the Bridegroom
Christ as the Builder
Christ as the Center of the Mystery
Christ as the Cornerstone
Christ as the Creator
Christ as the Embodiment of God's Wisdom
Christ as the Eternal Hope
Christ as the Foundation
Christ as the Foundation of our Faith
Christ as the Foundation of the Family
Christ as the Head of the Church
Christ as the Head of the Family
Christ as the Healer
Christ as the Light of the World
Christ as the Living Stone
Christ as the Model for Children
Christ as the Model for Family Relationships
Christ as the Model for Husbands
Christ as the Model for Wives
Christ as the Peacemaker
Christ as the Perfect Foundation
Christ as the Perfect Model
Christ as the Perfect Sacrifice
Christ as the Prince of Peace
Christ as the Promise Keeper
Christ as the Reconciler
Christ as the Redeemer
Christ as the Refuge for Sinners
Christ as the Rejected Cornerstone
Christ as the Restorer of Broken Families
Christ as the Second Adam
Christ as the Seed of Abraham
Christ as the Son of David
Christ as the Source of Love
Christ as the Source of our Strength
Christ as the Sustainer
Christ as the True Israel
Christ as the Wisdom of God
Christ as the Word of God
Christ Fulfilled the Law Perfectly
Christ Gives Us Strength in Suffering
Christ has already overcome our suffering
Christ in Us
Christ Offers Hope and Healing
Christ our Advocate
Christ Suffered for Us
Christ Sympathizes with Our Suffering
Christ Understands Our Suffering
Christ's Ascension to Heaven
Christ's Atonement
Christ's Atonement is Substitutionary
Christ's Atonement is Sufficient
Christ's Authority Over the Body
Christ's Authority Over the Gates of Hell
Christ's Birth and Childhood as a Human
Christ's Birth and Life
Christ's Death
Christ's Death and Resurrection
Christ's Death and Resurrection Conquered Sin
Christ's Death as a Human
Christ's Dual Nature and Our Salvation
Christ's Emotions and Experiences as a Human
Christ's Exaltation for God's Glory
Christ's Example in Overcoming Temption
Christ's Faith in His Disciples
Christ's Faith in His Father
Christ's Faith in His Mission
Christ's Faithfulness as the Bridegroom
Christ's Final Victory
Christ's Fulfillment of the Law
Christ's Humble Birth
Christ's Humble Service
Christ's Humility
Christ's Humility and Exaltation
Christ's Humility and Servanthood
Christ's Humility at the Cross
Christ's Humility in His Incarnation
Christ's Humility in His Ministry
Christ's Intercession
Christ's Invitation to Take His Yoke
Christ's Kingship is Divine
Christ's Kingship is Righteous and Just
Christ's Kingship is Servant Leadership
Christ's Kingship is Universal
Christ's Kingship is Victorious
Christ's Life
Christ's Life was without Sin
Christ's Love and Compassion
Christ's Love for His Bride
Christ's Love for His Disciples
Christ's Love for His Father
Christ's Love for the Church
Christ's Love for the World
Christ's Miracles Demonstrating His Divinity
Christ's Mission
Christ's Nobility in Humility
Christ's Nobility in Love
Christ's Nobility in Obedience
Christ's Nobility in Righteousness
Christ's Nobility in Suffering
Christ's Obedience in His Death
Christ's Obedience in His Life
Christ's Obedience in His Resurrection
Christ's Obedience to the Father
Christ's Obedience unto Death
Christ's Ongoing Intercession
Christ's Perfect Obedience to the Law
Christ's Pre-Existence as God
Christ's Promise of Eternal Life
Christ's Promised Return
Christ's Purpose in Coming to Earth
Christ's Redeeming Love on the Cross
Christ's Redemption of Creation
Christ's Reign
Christ's Reign as King
Christ's Reign in the Church
Christ's Reign in the Hearts of Believers
Christ's Resurrection
Christ's Resurrection and Ascension
Christ's Resurrection and Victory
Christ's Resurrection as the Ultimate New Beginning
Christ's Righteous Life
Christ's Righteous Teaching
Christ's Righteousness
Christ's Righteousness Displayed
Christ's Righteousness Enables us to Live Righteously
Christ's Righteousness Gives us Confidence before God
Christ's Righteousness Imputed
Christ's Righteousness in His Death
Christ's Righteousness in His Life
Christ's Righteousness in His Resurrection
Christ's Righteousness is our Assurance of Salvation
Christ's Righteousness is our Justification
Christ's Righteousness Proclaimed
Christ's Righteousness Surpasses Human Righteousness
Christ's Righteousness was Proactive
Christ's Sacrifice
Christ's Sacrifice as Atonement for Our Wrongs
Christ's Sacrifice as the Means of Reconciliation
Christ's Sacrifice for All
Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross
Christ's Sacrificial Death
Christ's Sacrificial Love
Christ's Sacrificial Love on the Cross
Christ's Second Coming
Christ's Sinless Life
Christ's Substitution
Christ's Substitutionary Death
Christ's Suffering for Righteousness
Christ's Suffering on the Cross
Christ's Thousand-Year Reign
Christ's Triumph over Death
Christ's Ultimate Sacrifice
Christ's Unconditional Love for His Church
Christ's Victory
Christ's Victory at the Cross
Christ's Victory in His Ascension
Christ's Victory in His Intercession
Christ's Victory in His Return
Christ's Victory Over Darkness
Christ's Victory over Death
Christ's Victory Over Fear
Christ's Victory over Satan
Christ's Victory Over Sin
Christ's Victory over Sin and Death
Christ's Victory over Sin's Penalty
Christ's Victory over Sin's Power
Christ's Victory over Temptation
Christ's Victory Over the Enemy
Christ's Victory Over the World
Christ's Willingness to Die
Christ's Work on the Cross
Christ's Yoke
Christ's Yoke as a Symbol of Submission
Christ's Yoke Brings Rest
Christ's Yoke is a Symbol of Love
Christ's Yoke is Light
Christ's Yoke is Loving
Christ's Yoke Leads to Freedom
Christ's Yoke Teaches Us Humility
Christ, the Cornerstone
Christ, the Fulfillment of the Law
Christ, the Light of the World
Christ, the Wisdom of God
Christ-like Leadership Brings Unity and Harmony
Christian Fellowship
Christian Response to Depression
Christianity and Servanthood
Christians are to Obey and Respect Authorities
Claiming Victory in Christ
Commanded by Christ
Commitment to Christ
Confidence Through Christ
Conformity to Christ
Conformity to the Image of Christ
Conquering Death through Christ
Constantly Abide in Christ and His Word
Crafting a Christian Eulogy
Cultivating and Sustaining Christian Commitment
Cultivating Boldness in Our Christian Walk
Cultivating Happiness in Our Christian Life
Cultivating Joy in Christ
Cultivating Morality in Christian Life
Cultivating Positivity in Our Christian Walk
Cultivating Trust in Our Christian Life
Cultivating Virtue as Christian Women
Damage to the Body of Christ
David's Lineage Leading to Christ
David's Lineage to Christ
Dawn as a Symbol of Christ's Return
Dealing with Memories from a Christian Perspective
Death is Defeated in Christ
Death is Gain for Those in Christ
Defining Christian Commitment
Defining Morality in the Christian Context
Defining the Law of Christ
Definition of Christlikeness
Demonstrates Christian Love
Demonstrating Christ's Love
Demonstrating Christ's Love in Our Words
Demonstrating Christ's Love Through Our Actions
Demonstrating Stability in our Christian Walk
Dependence on Christ
Destiny and the Second Coming of Christ
Developing a New Nature in Christ
Developing Christ-like Character
Developing Christlike Character
Discipleship Brings Joy and Peace in Christ
Discipleship Involves Forsaking All for Christ
Discipline and Repentance in the Christian Life
Discipling Others to Live Victoriously in Christ
Dishonor Can Affect Our Witness for Christ
Disunity Distorts the Image of Christ
Drawing Others to Christ
Edification of the Body of Christ
Embracing a New Identity in Christ
Embracing Change in Our Christian Walk
Embracing our Identity as Ambassadors for Christ
Embracing Our Identity in Christ
Embracing Our Position in Christ
Embracing the Mind of Christ
Embracing Unity in Christ
Empowerment for Christian Living
Emulating the Perfect Integrity of Jesus Christ
Encouragement as a Christian Duty
Encouragement Reflects Christ's Love
Encouragement Strengthens the Body of Christ
Encouragers Reflect Christ
Endurance in the Christian Life
Engaging in Christian Community
Entry into the Body of Christ
Entry into the Christian Community
Equal Value in the Body of Christ
Equality in Christ
Equality in the Body of Christ
Essential for Obedience to Christ's Command
Eternal Glory with Christ
Eternal Life in Christ
Eternal Life is Being Like Christ
Eternal Life through Christ
Eternity and the Christian Life
Eternity and the Second Coming of Christ
Eulogies: A Christian Perspective
Evening as a Reminder of Christ's Return
Exhibiting a Christ-like Character
Experiencing Freedom in Christ
Experiencing Peace and Joy in Christ
Experiencing Restoration through Jesus Christ
Experiencing Unity in the Body of Christ
Faith as the Foundation of Christian Living
Faith in Christ
Faith in Christ as the Key
Faith in Christ's Finished Work
Faith in Christ's Resurrection
Faith in Jesus Christ
Faith in Jesus Christ Brings Salvation
Faith is Belief in Jesus Christ
Faith is the Basis of Christian Living
Faith Loves Christ and Others
Faithfulness as a Christian Virtue
Faithfulness to Christ
Favor Through Faith in Christ
Favor through Jesus Christ
Fellowship Attracts Others to Christ
Fellowship with God through Christ
Finding Hope in Christ
Finding Identity in Christ
Following Christ's Example
Following Christ's Example of Servanthood
Following Christ's Teachings
Following Christ's Teachings and Commandments
For Christ's Sake
For Unity in the Body of Christ
Foreshadowing of Christ's Redemption
Forgiving as Christ Forgave Us
Foundation of Christian Hope
Freedom Comes from Christ
Freedom from the Law through Christ
Freedom in Christ
Freedom in Christ Promises Eternal Life
Freedom through Christ
Freedom Through Jesus Christ
Fulfilled by Christ
Fulfilled in Christ
Fulfills the Law of Christ
Gates as a Metaphor for Jesus Christ
Generosity and Christian Living
Generosity as a Christian Virtue
Glorification with Christ
God Demonstrated His Forgiveness Through Jesus Christ
God Promises an Abundant Life in Christ
God's Assurance of Restoration Through Jesus Christ
God's Dream Restored through Christ
God's Faithfulness in Jesus Christ
God's Forgiveness through Christ
God's Forgiveness Through Jesus Christ
God's Glory in Jesus Christ
God's Glory Revealed in Jesus Christ
God's Grace is Available Through Jesus Christ
God's Light in Jesus Christ
God's Love Demonstrated in Jesus Christ
God's Love Demonstrated Through Jesus Christ
God's Love Poured Out Through Jesus Christ
God's Promise in Christ
God's Promises are Fulfilled in Christ
God's Protection as We Await Christ's Return
God's Provision through Jesus Christ
God's Riches At Christ's Expense
God's Solution: Jesus Christ
God's Victory Over Death Through Jesus Christ
Good deeds can lead others to Christ
Good Works Done in Christ's Name
Goodness Attracts Others to Christ
Grace in Action: Jesus Christ
Grace is Essential for Christian Living
Grace is God's Riches At Christ's Expense
Greater Christlikeness
Growing in Christ
Growing in Christ-like Character Through Spiritual Disciplines
Growing in Christlikeness
Growing in Faith in Christ
Growing in Faith in Jesus Christ
Growing in the Knowledge of Christ
Growing in the Likeness of Christ
Growing in Your Relationship with Christ
Growth in Christlikeness
Happiness Attracts Others to Christ
Heirs with Christ
Holding onto Hope in Christ
Holiness in Christ
Holiness Reflects Our Identity in Christ
Hope and Healing in Christ
Hope in Christ
Hope in Christ's Resurrection
Hope in Jesus Christ
Hope in the Resurrection of Christ
Hope in the Ultimate Victory of Christ
Hope of Christ's Return
Hope Points Others to Christ
Hope Through Jesus Christ
How to Take Christ's Yoke
Identification with Christ
Identification with Christ's Death, Burial, and Resurrection
Identifying with the Body of Christ
Identity in Christ
Imitating Christ's Love
Imitation of Christ
In Christ
In Christ, We Are More Than Conquerors
Increased Likeness to Christ
Influencing Others Towards Christ Through Our Relationships
Influencing Our World for Christ
Influencing the World for Christ
Inheritance with Christ
Integrity as a Christian Virtue
Integrity Reflects Christ
Introduction: The Purpose of a Christian Eulogy
Introduction: The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Inviting Commitment to Christ and His Kingdom
It Attracts Others to Christ
It Strengthens the Body of Christ
It Transforms Us into Christ's Likeness
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - The King of Kings
Jesus Christ and Forgiveness
Jesus Christ as Our Model of Honor
Jesus Christ as Our Refuge
Jesus Christ as the Coming King
Jesus Christ as the Cornerstone
Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Truth
Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Wisdom
Jesus Christ as the Equalizer in Salvation
Jesus Christ as the Example for Belivers
Jesus Christ as the Fulfillment
Jesus Christ as the Means
Jesus Christ as the Mediator
Jesus Christ as the Savior
Jesus Christ as the Son of God
Jesus Christ Demonstrated Leadership Through Service
Jesus Christ is the Word Made Flesh
Jesus Christ's Authority
Jesus Christ's Demonstrations of Forgiveness
Jesus Christ's Obedience
Jesus Christ's Proclamation of Abundant Life
Jesus Christ's Resurrection is a Historical Event
Jesus Christ's Resurrection is Our Hope
Jesus Christ, Our Peace
Jesus Christ, Our True Rest
Jesus Christ, the Embodiment of God's Forgiveness
Jesus Christ, the Fulfillment of Prophecy
Jesus Christ, the Light of the World
Jesus Christ, the Mediator of God's Forgiveness
Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace
Jesus Christ, the Propitiation for Our Sins
Jesus Christ, the Seed of Abraham
Jesus Christ, the Solution for Sin
Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God
Jesus Christ: Our Hope
Jesus Christ: Our Ultimate Tower of Protection
Jesus Christ: The Agent of Restoration
Jesus Christ: The Deliverer
Jesus Christ: The Embodiment of Peace
Jesus Christ: The Mediator of Salvation
Jesus Christ: The Object of Our Faith
Jesus Christ: The Perfect Bridegroom
Jesus Christ: The Restorer of Unity
Jesus Christ: The Rock of Our Salvation
Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Deliverance
Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Example of Greatness
Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Example of Lowliness
Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Sacrifice
Joy and Fulfillment in Christian Community
Joy Attracts Others to Christ
Joy Comes Through Faith in Christ
Joy in Christ
Joy in Christian Fellowship
Joy in Seeing Others Come to Christ
Justice as a Christian Responsibility
Justification by Christ's Righteousness
Knowledge of Jesus Christ
Leading Others to Christ
Lean on the Body of Christ
Leaning on the Body of Christ
Learning from Christ
Learning from Jesus Christ
Lessons from the Delay in Christ's Return
Living a Christ-Centered Life
Living a Christ-like Life
Living a Fruitful Christian Life
Living a Life of Abiding in Christ
Living a Life that Reflects Christ
Living a Life that Testifies to Christ
Living a Life Worthy of Christ's Sacrifice
Living a New Life in Christ
Living According to Christ's Teachings and Example
Living an Unmovable Life in Christ
Living as a New Creation in Christ
Living as Ambassadors for Christ
Living as an Example of Christ's Love
Living as the Bride of Christ
Living by Faith in Jesus Christ
Living Fearlessly through Faith in Christ
Living for Christ
Living for Christ, not for worldly gain
Living in Anticipation of Christ's Return
Living in Christ
Living in Christ's Love
Living in Christ's Victory
Living in Expectation of Christ's Return
Living in Light of Christ's Imminent Return
Living in the Light of Christ's Resurrection
Living in Union with Christ
Living Out a Christ-Centered Life
Living Out Christ's Example
Living Out Christ-likeness
Living Out Faith in Christ
Living Out Our New Identity in Christ
Living Out Salvation through Christ
Living Stones: Believers in Christ
Living the New Life in Christ
Living Under the Yoke of Christ
Living with Christ as our Cornerstone
Living with Stability in Christ
Living with Urgency in Our Christian Walk
Longing for Christ's Return
Loss of Christian Identity
Love for Christ and Others
Love One Another as Christ Loved Us
Love Others as Christ Loved Us
Love Reflects Christ
Love Reflects Christ to the World
Loving Others as Christ Loved Us
Lowliness and Christian Character
Lowliness and Christian Service
Lowliness as a Christian Virtue
Lowliness in Christian Relationships
Lowliness in the Christian Life
Loyalty as a Christian Virtue
Maintaining Our Partnership with Christ
Manhood Defined by Christ
Mercy in Jesus Christ
Miracles of Jesus Christ
Modeling Christ-like Behavior
Morality as a Path to Christlikeness
Neglect of Christian Duties
New Creation in Christ
New Life in Christ
Newness of Life in Christ
Nobility and Christian Character
Nobility and Christian Witness
Nobility in Jesus Christ
Our Birthright Through Christ
Our Elevation in Christ
Our Eternal Happiness is Secured in Christ
Our Future is Secure in Christ
Our Gratitude Can Lead Others to Christ
Our Hope is in Jesus Christ
Our Identity in Christ
Our Mission as Christians
Our Position in Christ
Our Position in Christ as Overcomers
Our Response to Christ's Sacrifice
Our Role as Ambassadors of Christ
Our Sonship through Faith in Christ
Our Spiritual Birthright as Christians
Our Suffering Can Lead Others to Christ
Our Victory in Christ
Our Victory is Assured in Christ
Overcoming Challenges by Our Victory in Christ
Overcoming Darkness through Christ
Overcoming Disobedience through Christ
Overcoming Failure through Christ
Overcoming Negative Consequences Through Christ
Overcoming Through the Power of Christ
Overcoming Vice through Christ
Overcoming Wrong through Christ
Participating in Christian Community
Participating in Christian Fellowship and Service
Partnership with Christ
Patience as a Reflection of Christ
Patience in the Life of Jesus Christ
Paul's Surrender to Christ
Paul, the Servant of Christ Jesus
Paul: A Servant of Christ
Peace and Joy in Christ
Peace in Christ
Peace Promised to Those Who Follow Christ
Peace through Christ
Peace through Faith in Christ
Persecution Brings Us Closer to Christ
Persecution Demonstrates Our Love for Christ
Persecution for the Sake of Christ
Persecution Shows Our Allegiance to Christ
Persecution: An Inevitable Part of Christian Life
Perseverance Demonstrates Our Love for Christ
Perseverance in the Christian Life
Peter's Boldness for Christ
Peter's Confession of Christ
Peter's Denial of Christ
Peter's Encounter with the Risen Christ
Peter: Faith in Christ's Lordship
Pilgrimage as a Model for Christian Life
Pilgrimage in the Life of a Christian
Pleasure in Knowing Christ
Positivity Draws Others to Christ
Positivity Reflects Christ
Practicing Christlike Love
Preparation for Christ's Return
Preparing for Christ's Imminent Return
Preparing for Christ's Return
Preparing for the Return of Christ
Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ
Proclaiming Christ's Message of Reconciliation
Proclaiming Christ's Victory to the World
Proclaiming One's Belief in Christ
Proclaiming the Good News of Christ
Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Prophecy Fulfilled in Christ
Prophecy Guides Christian Living
Prophecy Prepares Us for Christ's Return
Prophets as Preparers for Christ
Prophets Foretell the Coming of Christ
Public Declaration of Faith in Christ
Purity in Modern Christian Life
Purity Through Christ's Atonement
Receiving Christ as our Personal Savior
Receiving Salvation through Christ
Receiving the Wisdom of Christ
Recognizing Christ's Authority
Recognizing Christ's Divinity
Recognizing God's Authority in Jesus Christ
Recognizing our Eternal Life in Christ
Recognizing our Identity in Christ
Recognizing Our Role as Ambassadors of Christ
Recognizing the Power of Christ's Resurrection
Reconciliation with God through Christ
Redeemed by Christ
Redemption through Christ
Redemption through Christ's Blood
Redemption through Christ's Resurrection
Redemption through Faith in Christ
Reflect on the Ultimate Encourager: Jesus Christ
Reflecting Christ
Reflecting Christ in Our Character
Reflecting Christ in Our Lives
Reflecting Christ in Our Words and Actions
Reflecting Christ in the Eulogy
Reflecting Christ in the Eulogy through Faith
Reflecting Christ in the Eulogy through Grace
Reflecting Christ in the Eulogy through Hope
Reflecting Christ in the Eulogy through Love
Reflecting Christ's Character in Our Actions
Reflecting Christ's Sacrifice
Reflecting the Light of Christ
Reflecting the Wisdom of Christ
Reflects Christ's Love
Reigning with Christ
Relationships Should Reflect Christ's Love
Relying on the Body of Christ
Remembering Our Identity in Christ
Repentance and Faith in Christ
Representing Christ in our Daily Lives
Representing New Life in Christ
Responding to Christ's Atonement
Responding to Christ's Sacrificial Love
Responding to Injustice as Christians
Restoration in Christ
Restoration through Faith in Jesus Christ
Restoration through Jesus Christ
Right Motives Attract Others to Christ
Righteousness through Faith in Christ
Risk of Being Unprepared for Christ's Return
Rivers as a Symbol of Christ's Love
Sacrifice as a Christian Virtue
Sacrifice in the Christian Life
Sacrifice in the Life of Jesus Christ
Sacrifice Reflects Christ's Character
Salvation and Jesus Christ
Salvation as a New Life in Christ
Salvation through Christ
Salvation Through Faith in Christ
Salvation Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Salvation Through Jesus Christ
Sanctification Leads to Transformation into Christ's Likeness
Saul's Persecution of Christians
Securing Eternal Life Through Faith in Christ
Seeing People Come to Christ
Seeking Christ's Wisdom for Righteous Living
Self-Discipline and Christian Service
Servanthood as a Christian Duty
Servants as Ambassadors of Christ
Service and the Christian Community
Service as a Christian Duty
Service: A Call to Christian Duty
Serving as a Reflection of Christ's Love
Serving Cultivates Christ-likeness
Serving Others as Christ Served
Share the Good News of Jesus Christ
Share the Gospel of Christ
Share Your Personal Encounter with Christ
Sharing Christ with Others
Sharing in Christ's Victory
Sharing our Future in Christ with Others
Sharing the Good News of Christ
Sharing the Good News of Christ's Redemption
Sharing the Good News of Christ's Sacrifice
Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ
Sharing the Gospel of Christ
Sharing the Joy of Christ
Signs of Christ's Imminent Return
Smallness in Christian Living
Speaking about the deceased's faith in Christ
Spiritual Maturity is about Christ-like Character
Spiritual Maturity is About Growth in Christ-likeness
Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Stability as a Christian Virtue
Stability in Christ
Strength and Courage in Christ's Manhood
Strengthening the Body of Christ
Submission and Christ
Submission to Christ
Submission to Christ's Authority
Suffering Connects Us to Christ
Suffering Draws Others to Christ
Suffering for Christ
Suffering Makes Us More Like Christ
Surrender to Christ
Surrounding Ourselves with Zealous Christians
Surrounding Yourself with a Supportive Christian Community
Testing as a Part of Christian Life
Thanksgiving and the Christian Life
The Anointing of Belivers in Christ
The Anointing of Jesus Christ
The Antichrist and the End Times
The Antichrist and the False Prophet
The Antichrist's Rule
The Anticipation of Christ's Return
The Appearances of the Risen Christ
The Ascension and Second Coming of Christ
The Ascension of Christ
The Assurance of Justification through Christ
The Assurance of Our Future in Christ
The Assurance of Our Hope in Christ
The Assurance of Salvation in Christ
The Assurance of Salvation through Christ
The Assurance of Victory in Christ
The Atonement of Christ and Healing
The Authority We Have in Christ
The Basis of Our Partnership with Christ
The Basis of the Promise: Jesus Christ
The Beginning of the Christian Journey
The Believer's Authority in Christ
The Believer's Victory Through Faith in Christ
The Benefits of Abiding in Christ
The Benefits of Christ's Yoke
The Benefits of Christlikeness
The Benefits of Living Under Christ's Yoke
The Benefits of Newness in Christ
The Benefits of Our Victory in Christ
The Benefits of Partnership with Christ
The Benefits of Taking Christ's Yoke
The Benefits of Union with Christ
The Biblical Definition of Union with Christ
The Birth of Jesus Christ
The Blessed Hope of Christ's Return
The Blessings of Brotherhood in Christianity
The Blood of Christ and Christian Living
The Blood of Jesus Christ
The Body of Christ
The Breadth of Christ's Love
The Bride of Christ
The Bridegroom as a Symbol of Christ
The Bridegroom, Jesus Christ
The Call for Christians to Pursue Justice
The Call to Accept Christ Today
The Call to be Ambassadors for Christ
The Call to be Witnesses for Christ
The Call to Christians
The Call to Faith in Christ
The Call to Faith in Jesus Christ
The Call to Follow Christ
The Call to Follow Christ's Example
The Call to Imitate Christ
The Call to Justice in Christian Life
The Call to Live for Christ
The Call to Responsible Christian Living
The Call to Submit to Christ
The Call to Walk in Christ's Wisdom
The Celebration of Christ's Victory
The Certainty of Christ's Return
The Challenge for Christians
The Challenge of Christ-like Leadership
The Challenge of the Christian Journey
The Challenges of Brotherhood in Christianity
The Challenges of Submission to Christ
The Challenges to Christian Commitment
The Challenges to Depth in Our Christian Walk
The Characteristics of Christ
The Christian Community's Role in Addressing Depression
The Christian Life as a Pilgrimage
The Christian Perspective on Death
The Christian Response to Death
The Christian Response to Physical Death
The Christian Response to Unjust Authority
The Christian's Response to Death
The Christian's Response to the World's Influence
The Church and Christ as the Foundation
The Church and the Return of Christ
The Church as the Beloved of Christ
The Church as the Body of Christ
The Church as the Bride of Christ
The Church's Anticipation for Christ's Return
The Church's Faithfulness to Christ
The Church's Response to Christ's Love
The Church: The Bride of Christ
The Comfort and Assurance in Christ's Return
The Comfort in Christ's Return
The Coming of Christ
The Concept of "Divine Mystery" in Christianity
The Concept of Resurrection in Christianity
The Confirmation of Christ's Sonship
The Consequences of Not Abiding in Christ
The Cost of Following Christ
The Cost of Forsaking All for Christ
The Cross of Christ
The Cross: A Call to Follow Christ
The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Crucifixion of Christ
The Danger of Complacency in Christian Life
The Danger of Losing Focus on Christ
The Davidic Covenant and the Christian Life
The Dawn as a Symbol of Christ's Return
The Dawn of Salvation Through Jesus Christ
The Dawn: A Symbol of Christ's Glory
The Dawn: A Symbol of Christ's Victory
The Death and Resurrection of Christ
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Death of Jesus Christ
The Defense of our Faith in Christ
The Depth of Christ's Love
The Difficulty of Loving as Christ Loved
The Distinctiveness of Christian Resurrection
The Divine Author: Jesus Christ
The Divine Nature of Christ
The Divine Nature of Jesus Christ
The Dual Nature of Christ
The Early Christians' Expression of Gladness
The Efficacy of Christ's Sacrifice
The Empowerment for Christian Living
The End of Christ's Earthly Ministry
The End of Sin: Redemption through Christ
The Establishment of Christ's Reign
The Eternal Brotherhood with Christ
The Eternal Reward of Choosing Christ
The Eternal Union with Christ
The Everlasting Love of Christ
The Evidence of Jesus Christ
The Evidence of Life in Christ
The Evidence of Newness in Christ
The Example of Christ
The Example of Christ in Suffering
The Example of Christ's Selfless Love
The Example of Christ's Suffering
The Example of Christ's Ultimate Sacrifice
The Example of Jesus Christ
The Expectation of Christ's Return
The Final Revelation: The Return of Christ
The Final Victory: Christ's Return
The First Christian Sermon by Peter
The Foundation of Christian Brotherhood
The Freedom Christ Offers
The Freedom Found in Christ's Yoke
The Freedom in Christ
The Freedom in Christ's Yoke
The Freedom We Have in Christ
The Fulfillment in Christ
The Fulfillment in Jesus Christ
The Fulfillment of Christ's Victory
The Fulfillment of the Law in Christ
The Fulfillment of the Promise in Jesus Christ
The Fulfillment of the Promise: Jesus Christ
The Fulfillment of the Prophecy in Christ
The Future Fulfillment of Christ's Reign
The Generosity of Jesus Christ
The Gift of Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ
The Gift of Salvation Through Jesus Christ
The Glory of Christ's Return
The Glory of God in Christ's Miracles
The Glory of God in Jesus Christ
The Good News is about Christ's Victory
The Gospel as the Mystery of Christ
The Healing and Restoration in Christ
The Height of Christ's Love
The Historical Event of Christ's Resurrection
The Historical Fact of Christ's Resurrection
The Histories of Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit and Christian Living
The Holy Spirit Testifies About Christ
The Hope and Assurance in Christ's Redemption
The Hope in Christ
The Hope in Christ Amidst Sorrow
The Hope in Christ's Imminent Return
The Hope in Jesus Christ
The Hope in Knowing Christ
The Hope of Christ's Return
The Hope of Eternal Life in Christ
The Hope of Redemption in Christ
The Hope of Restoration Through Jesus Christ
The Hope of Resurrection in Christ
The Hope We Have in Christ
The Human Nature of Christ
The Human Nature of Jesus Christ
The Humility of Christ
The Imminence of Christ's Return
The Imminent Return of Christ
The Impact of a Christ-Centered Life
The Impact of Change on Our Christian Walk
The Impact of Christ's Love
The Impact of Christ's Sacrifice
The Impact of Christ-like Leadership
The Impact of Christian Hope
The Impact of Christian Service
The Impact of Discipline on Christian Living
The Impact of Faith in Jesus Christ
The Impact of Following Christ's Example
The Impact of Our Partnership with Christ
The Impact of Sacrifice on Christian Growth
The Impact of Secular Culture on Christians
The Implication of Christ's Victory
The Implications of Christ's Imminent Return
The Implications of Christ's Return
The Implications of Christ's Sacrifice
The Implications of Christ's Sacrifice for Believers
The Implications of Our Resurrection in Christ
The Implications of Resurrection in Christian Faith
The Implications of Union with Christ
The Importance of "Right" in Christian Life
The Importance of Accountability in Christian Living
The Importance of Adoration in Christian Life
The Importance of Brotherhood in Christianity
The Importance of Christian Community
The Importance of Christian Fellowship
The Importance of Commitment in the Christian Life
The Importance of Consecration in Christian Life
The Importance of Discipline in Christian Life
The Importance of Endurance in Christian Life
The Importance of Endurance in the Christian Life
The Importance of Faith in Christ
The Importance of Fruitfulness in Christian Life
The Importance of Humility in Christian Life
The Importance of Imminence in Christian Belief
The Importance of Integrity in Christian Life
The Importance of Justice in Christian Life
The Importance of Kindness in Christianity
The Importance of Knowledge in Christianity
The Importance of Loyalty in Christian Life
The Importance of Morality in Christian Life
The Importance of Nobility in Christian Life
The Importance of Obedience in Christian Life
The Importance of Obedience in Christianity
The Importance of Obedience in the Christian Life
The Importance of Preparing for Christ's Return
The Importance of Promise in Christian Life
The Importance of Purity in Christian Life
The Importance of Repentance in Christian Life
The Importance of Resurrection in Christian Faith
The Importance of Resurrection in Christianity
The Importance of Sacrifice in Christian Life
The Importance of Sacrifice in Christian Living
The Importance of Stability in Christ
The Importance of Trust in Christian Life
The Importance of Understanding Christ's Dual Nature
The Importance of Virtue in Christian Life
The Importance of Wisdom in Christian Life
The Importance of Zeal in Christian Life
The Importance of Zeal in Christian Service
The Incarnation and Christian Living
The Incarnation and the Humanity of Christ
The Incarnation and the Mission of Christ
The Incarnation of Christ
The Incarnation of Christ as a Divine Mystery
The Incarnation of Christ: God's Glory Revealed
The Injustice towards the Early Christians
The Intercession of Christ
The Invitation of Christ
The invitation to be baptized into Christ
The Invitation to Take Christ's Yoke
The Joy of Becoming More Like Christ
The Joy of Being with Christ
The Joy of Being with Christ Forever
The Joy of Christian Fellowship
The Joy of Knowing Christ
The Joy of Leading Others to Christ
The Joy of Serving Christ
The Joy of Unity in Christ
The Judgment Seat of Christ
The Kingship of Jesus Christ
The Lamb as a Symbol of Christ
The Lamb as Jesus Christ
The Law and the Christian
The Law as a Pointer to Christ
The Law of Christ
The Law of Christ in Practice
The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ
The Love in Knowing Christ
The Love of Christ
The Love of Christ for the Church
The Meaning of Newness in Christ
The Mercy of God in Christ
The Millennial Reign of Christ
The Ministry of Christ
The Ministry of Christ: God's Glory Displayed
The Ministry of Jesus Christ
The Model of Forgiveness: Jesus Christ
The Morning Star: Jesus Christ
The Mystery of Christ
The Mystery of Christ in Us
The Mystery of Christ's Church
The Mystery of Christ's Death and Resurrection
The Mystery of Christ's Dual Nature
The Mystery of Christ's Incarnation
The Mystery of Christ's Life and Ministry
The Mystery of Christ's Second Coming
The Mystery of Salvation through Faith in Christ
The Nature of Christ's Kingship
The Nature of Christ's Love
The Nature of Christ's Reign
The Nature of Christ's Return
The Nature of Christ's Wisdom
The Nature of Christian Service
The Nature of Faith in Christ
The Nature of Joy in Christ
The Necessity of Christ's Death
The Need for Personal Relationship with Christ
The New Covenant in Christ
The New Covenant in Jesus Christ
The New Creation in Christ
The New Life in Christ
The Paradox of Christian Surrender
The Passion of Christ
The Peace and Reconciliation Offered Through Christ
The Peace in Knowing Christ
The Peace of Christ
The Perfect Life of Christ
The Permanence and Unchanging Nature of Christ
The Persecution of Early Christians
The Persecution of Jesus Christ
The Person of Truth: Jesus Christ
The Power in Knowing Christ
The Power of Christ to Overcome Wrong
The Power of Christ's Name for Protection
The Power of Christ's Resurrection
The Power of Forgiveness through Jesus Christ
The Power of Jesus Christ
The Power of Joy in Christ
The Power of Submission to Christ
The Power of the Blood of Christ
The Practice of Brotherhood in Christianity
The Preexistence of Christ
The Preparation for Christ's Return
The Presence of Christ
The Present Reality of Christ's Reign
The Privilege of Knowing Christ
The Privilege of Obeying Christ's Command
The Privilege of Ruling with Christ
The Process of Becoming Christlike
The Process of Becoming Like Christ
The Process of Becoming New in Christ
The Process of Submission to Christ
The Promise for Christians
The Promise Fulfilled in Christ
The Promise Fulfilled in Jesus Christ
The Promise in Christ
The Promise of Christ
The Promise of Christ's Return
The Promise of Christ's Second Coming
The Promise of Eternal Life in Christ
The Promise of Eternal Life Through Christ
The Promise of Eternal Life with Christ
The Promise of Eternal Satisfaction in Christ
The Promise of Jesus Christ
The Promise of Life in Christ
The Promise of Restoration Through Christ
The Promise of Ruling with Christ
The Promise of Salvation through Jesus Christ
The Promise of Victory in Christ
The Promise through Jesus Christ
The Prophecy of Christ as the Cornerstone
The Prophecy of Christ's Victory
The Prophesy of Christ's Return
The Prophetic Announcement of Christ's Reign
The Prophetic Announcement of Christ's Sonship
The Provision of Jesus Christ
The Purifying Love of Christ
The Purpose of Christ's Return
The Pursuit of Peace: A Christian Responsibility
The Pursuit of Wisdom in Christ
The Reality of Jesus Christ
The Recipients of Christ's Love
The Reconciliation of Humanity Through Christ
The Redemption through Christ
The Redemption through Jesus Christ
The Refining Fire of Christ's Judgment
The Reflection of Christ's Light
The Reign of Christ
The Reign of Jesus Christ
The Relationship between Christ and the Church
The Remnant and the Coming of Christ
The Response to Christ's Love
The Response to Christ's Redemption
The Response to Christ's Return
The Response to Christ's Sonship
The Restoration of Innocence through Christ
The Restoration of Language Through Jesus Christ
The Restoration of Peace through Christ
The Result: New Life in Christ
The Resurrection Empowers Christian Living
The Resurrection of Christ
The Resurrection of Christ: God's Glory Triumphs
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ at Dawn
The Resurrection: Christ's Victory over Death
The Return of Christ
The Return of Jesus Christ
The Revelation of Christ's Divinity
The Revelation of Truth in Jesus Christ
The Reward of a Victorious Christian Life
The Reward of Eternal Life with Christ
The Reward of Knowing Christ Intimately
The Reward of Sacrificing for Christ's Sake
The Righteousness of Christ as Our Justification
The Righteousness of Christ as Ultimate Wisdom
The Righteousness of Christ Fulfilled the Law
The Righteousness of Christ Imputed to Belivers
The Righteousness of Christ in His Death
The Righteousness of Christ is our Hope
The River Jordan and Its Significance in Our Christian Journey
The Role of Accountability in Christian Life
The Role of Accountability in Christian Living
The Role of Baptism in Christian Witness
The Role of Boldness in Our Christian Walk
The Role of Christ in Bringing Justice
The Role of Christ in Our Freedom
The Role of Christ in Our Suffering
The Role of Christ in Restoring the Family
The Role of Christ in the Family
The Role of Christ's Victory
The Role of Christians
The Role of Christians in Upholding Justice
The Role of Commitment in Christian Growth
The Role of Discipline in Christian Life
The Role of Fellowship in Christian Growth
The Role of Fellowship in Christian Life
The Role of Gratitude in Christian Life
The Role of Humility in Christian Life
The Role of Integrity in Christian Life
The Role of Jesus Christ
The Role of Jesus Christ in Deliverance
The Role of Jesus Christ in Faith
The Role of Jesus Christ in Healing
The Role of Jesus Christ in Judgment
The Role of Jesus Christ in Reconciliation
The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation
The Role of Knowledge in Christian Life
The Role of Knowledge in Christian Service
The Role of Lowliness in Christian Living
The Role of Morality in Christian Life
The Role of Morality in Christianity
The Role of Obedience in Christian Life
The Role of Patience in Christian Life
The Role of Patience in the Christian Life
The Role of Perseverance in Christian Life
The Role of Perseverance in the Christian Life
The Role of Positivity in the Christian Life
The Role of Self-Denial in Christian Life
The Role of Strength in a Christian's Life
The Role of Suffering in Christian Life
The Role of the Eulogy in the Christian Funeral
The Role of Trust in Christian Life
The Role of Virtue in Christian Life
The Role of Zeal in Christian Life
The Sacrifice of Christ
The Sacrifice of Christ for the Church
The Sacrifice of Christ's Love
The Sacrificial Love of Christ
The Samaritan as a Picture of Christ
The Satisfaction in Knowing Christ
The Scope of Christian Commitment
The Search for Identity Outside of Christ
The Second Coming of Christ
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The Sending of Jesus Christ
The Significance of Baptism in Christian Faith
The Significance of Christ as the Bridegroom
The Significance of Christ's Death
The Significance of Christ's Divine Nature
The Significance of Christ's Human Nature
The Significance of Christ's Resurrection
The Significance of Christ's Righteousness
The Significance of Christ's Sacrifice
The Significance of Christ's Sonship
The Significance of Sacrifice in Christian Life
The Signs of Christ's Imminent Return
The Signs of Christ's Return
The Sonship of Jesus Christ
The Source of Christ's Wisdom
The Source of True Peace: Jesus Christ
The Spirit: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian Life
The Strength and Stability That Christ Provides
The Sunrise as a Symbol of Christ's Resurrection
The Sunrise Points to Christ's Second Coming
The Sunrise Symbolizes Christ's Victory Over Death
The Sunrise: A Symbol of Christ's Resurrection
The Sunrise: The Resurrection of Christ
The Sunset as a Prelude to the Second Coming of Christ
The Temptation of Jesus Christ
The Thessalonians' Watchfulness for Christ's Return
The Timing of Christ's Return
The Transformation in Knowing Christ
The Transformation into Christ's Likeness
The Transformation into the Likeness of Christ
The Transformation through Christ
The Transformative Power of Christ's Light
The True King: Jesus Christ
The Truth about Jesus Christ
The Truth in Christ
The Ultimate Authority - Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Change: Transformation into Christ's Likeness
The Ultimate Choice: Accepting or Rejecting Christ
The Ultimate Conqueror: Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Defense: Salvation through Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Elevation: Christ's Exaltation
The Ultimate Endurance of Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Example of Humility: Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Example of Integrity: Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Example of Loyalty: Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Example of Nobility: Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Example of Success: Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Fulfillment in Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Goal of Christlikeness
The Ultimate Goal: Christlikeness
The Ultimate Hope: The Return of Christ
The Ultimate Injustice: The Crucifixion of Christ
The Ultimate Peace: Eternal Peace in Christ
The Ultimate Provision: Salvation through Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Revelation: Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Stewardship of Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Success: Salvation through Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Sweetness Found in Christ
The Ultimate Victory in Christ
The Ultimate Victory Over Failure Through Christ
The Ultimate Waiting: Waiting for Christ's Return
The Unexpectedness of Christ's Return
The Unity of All Believers in Christ
The Unity of the Body of Christ
The Universal Calling to Follow Christ
The Urgency of Christ's Return
The Urgency of Christian Living
The Value of Christ's Wisdom
The Victory in Christ
The Victory is Through Jesus Christ
The Victory of Christ
The Victory of Christ in His Death
The Victory of Christ in His Life
The Victory of Christ in His Resurrection
The Victory of Christ Over Darkness
The Victory of Christ over Death
The Victory of Christ over Sin
The Victory of Christ over the World
The Victory of Jesus Christ
The Victory over Negative Memories through Christ
The Victory over Sin through Christ
The Victory through Jesus Christ
The Victory: Christ's Triumph Over the Enemy
The Voluntary Nature of Christ's Sacrifice
The Witness as a Disciple of Christ
The Word of God is Jesus Christ
The Work of Christ
The Work of Christ in Redemption
The Work of Christ in Salvation
The Work of Christ on the Cross
The Yoke and the Christian Life
Through a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ
Through Abiding in Christ
Through Accountability in Christian Community
Through Christ
Through Faith in Christ
Through Faith in Christ's Atonement
Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Through His Son, Jesus Christ
Through Jesus Christ
Through Repentance and Faith in Christ
Through the Power of Christ
To Be Like Christ
To Bear Witness to Christ
To Build Up the Body of Christ
To Grow in Christlikeness
To Lead Us to Christ
To Prepare the Way for Christ's Return
To Proclaim the Good News of Christ
To Proclaim the Gospel of Christ
Transformation into Christ's Image
Transformation into Christ's Likness
Transformation into Christlikeness
Trials Make Us More Like Christ
True Freedom is Found in Christ Alone
Trust as a Fundamental Christian Principle
Trust in Christ
Trust in Christ's Promise of Eternal Life
Trust: A Cornerstone of Christian Faith
Trusting in Christ
Truth as a Foundation of Christian Life
Truth as a Fundamental Christian Virtue
Truth in Christ's Teachings
Truth in Jesus Christ
Truth is Embodied in Jesus Christ
Unbelief and Rejection of Christ
Understanding Christ's Example
Understanding Christ's Role in Our Transformation
Understanding Christ's Victory
Understanding Christ's Victory on the Cross
Understanding Christlikeness
Understanding Commitment in the Christian Context
Understanding Faith in Christ
Understanding Generosity as a Christian Virtue
Understanding Our Abundance in Christ
Understanding Our Authority in Christ
Understanding Our Freedom in Christ
Understanding Our Future in Christ
Understanding Our Identity in Christ
Understanding Our Role as Ambassadors of Christ
Understanding Our Role as Christians in Society
Understanding Our Victory in Christ
Understanding Perseverance in the Christian Life
Understanding Stability in Christ
Understanding that Victory is Assured in Christ
Understanding the Body of Christ
Understanding the Call to Be Like Christ
Understanding the Concept of Abiding in Christ
Understanding the Concept of Boldness in Christianity
Understanding the Concept of Brotherhood in Christianity
Understanding the Concept of Christ's Yoke
Understanding the Concept of Depth in Christianity
Understanding the Concept of Equality in Christ
Understanding the Concept of Freedom in Christ
Understanding the Concept of Newness in Christ
Understanding the Concept of Partnership with Christ
Understanding the Depth of Our Christian Heritage
Understanding the Foundation: Jesus Christ, the Rock
Understanding the Good News of Christ
Understanding the Hope of Christ
Understanding the Law of Christ
Understanding the Meaning of a Christ-Centered Life
Understanding the Mystery of Christ's Love
Understanding the Power of Christ's Resurrection
Understanding the Promise of Christ's Return
Understanding the Resurrection of Christ
Understanding the Victory of Christ
Understanding the Wisdom of Christ
Understanding Victory in Christ
Union with Christ
Unity and Love Attract Others to Christ
Unity in Christ
Unity in the Body of Christ
Unity Strengthens the Body of Christ
Using Freedom to Grow in Christ
Valuing the Wisdom of Mature Christians
Victory as the Anticipation of Christ's Return
Victory in Christ
Victory in Christ's Return
Victory is Assured in Christ
Victory Through Christ
Victory Through Faith in Christ
Victory Through Jesus Christ
Virtue as Living in Christ-like Manner
Virtue Builds Christian Community
Virtue Reflects Christ
Virtues of a Christian
Walk in Obedience to Christ
Walking in the Wisdom of Christ
We are Ambassadors of Christ
We are Co-heirs with Christ
We are Made New Creatures in Christ
We are Made New in Christ
We are New Creations in Christ
We are the Body of Christ
What is our Spiritual Birthright as Christians?
Wisdom and Righteousness in Christian Living
Wisdom in Christ
Wisdom through Faith in Christ
Women as Leaders in Christian Organizations
Women as Witnesses of Christ's Resurrection
Women as Witnesses to Christ's Resurrection
Worship can draw others to Christ
Worship Unites the Body of Christ
Your Encounter with Christ
Your Life After Meeting Christ
Your Life Before Christ
Zeal as a Motivator for Christian Service
Zeal Attracts Others to Christ
Zeal of Jesus Christ