Sermons on
1 John 3:2

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Transformation as a Proof of God's Power >  The Process of Transformation  >  Completion of Transformation
Living a Life of Righteousness and Holiness >  The Ultimate Goal: Becoming Like Christ  >  Looking forward to the day when we will be fully like Him
Sanctification Leads to Transformation into Christ's Likeness >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Transformation Prepares Us for Eternity with God >  Transformation Prepares Us for Eternity  >  Readiness for God's Presence
The Limitations of Human Efforts to Change >  The Promise of God's Transforming Power  >  The hope of ultimate transformation
The Promise of Eternal Life with God >  The Fulfillment of the Promise  >  At the Return of Christ
Adoption as a Picture of God's Love >  Adoption as a Picture of Our Future Hope  >  Adoption and the hope of glory
The Promise of Eternal Life for Believers >  The Fulfillment of the Promise of Eternal Life  >  The promise of eternal life means we will be like Christ in his glory
The Importance of Preparing for Christ's Return >  The Hope and Joy of Christ's Return  >  The Joy of His Appearing
It Signifies the Completion of God's Redemption >  The Future Hope of Redemption  >  The return of Christ
Being Conformed to the Image of Christ >  The Process of Conformation  >  It is completed at glorification
Becoming More Like Christ Through The Journey >  Pressing on Towards the Goal  >  Anticipating the reward of being made like Christ
Transformation Results in a New Creation >  The Eternal Perspective of Transformation  >  Transformation as preparation for eternity with God
The Holy Spirit's Role in Sanctification >  The Process of Sanctification by the Holy Spirit  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Restoration of the Image of God >  The Results of Restoration  >  Eternal Life
The Eternal Nature of Our Souls >  The Soul's Journey and Transformation  >  The soul's glorification in eternity
God's Love Takes Us to Heaven >  God's Love and Heaven  >  God's Love Prepares Us for Heaven
Our Joy is Found in Jesus >  The Joy of Anticipating Jesus' Return  >  The joy of knowing we will see Jesus face to face.
Abiding in Christ and His Word >  Conclusion: The Call to Abide in Christ and His Word  >  The Promise of His Return
Eternal Life is Being Like Christ >  The Promise of Being Like Christ  >  We will see Him as He is
The Future Glory of the Church >  The Church's Future Glory is Transformative  >  Transformation of Believers
Heaven as a Place of Perfection >  Conclusion: The Call to Seek Perfection  >  The Assurance of Perfection in Heaven
Renewing Our Minds with God's Word >  The Ongoing Journey of Renewal  >  The Promise of Complete Renewal
The Transformation of the Believer's Life >  The Continual Process of Transformation  >  Looking forward to our ultimate transformation
The Potential for Growth and Transformation >  Embracing the Outcome of our Growth and Transformation  >  Looking forward to the ultimate transformation in Christ
Growing in the Likeness of Christ >  The Impact of Christ-likeness on Our Lives  >  Eternal Reward
The Ultimate Glorification as God's Promise >  The Promise of Glorification  >  Glorification as God's Promise
The Righteousness of God and Salvation >  Living in God's Righteousness  >  The Hope of Righteousness
The Ultimate Fulfillment of Our Hope >  The Fulfillment of Our Hope  >  The Fulfillment in the Beatific Vision
The Future of Language in Heaven >  The Language of Revelation  >  The (Revelation of Jesus Christ
Anticipating the Mystery of God's Glory >  Anticipating the Revelation of God's Glory  >  The Hope of Glory
The Challenges and Rewards of Transformation >  Conclusion: Embracing the Journey of Transformation  >  Looking Forward
Anticipating the Fullness of God's Kingdom >  The Joy of Anticipating the Fullness of God's Kingdom  >  The joy of knowing that we will be transformed into Christ's likeness
The Promise of a New Life >  The Promise Fulfilled  >  The promise is ultimately fulfilled when we see Jesus face to face
Understanding the Concept of Image Bearers >  Conclusion: The Hope of Fully Restored Image Bearers  >  The anticipation of Christ's return
Embracing Our Identity as Image Bearers >  Celebrating Our Identity as Image Bearers  >  Looking Forward to Eternity
The Process of Becoming Like Christ >  Persevering in the Journey of Becoming Like Christ  >  Holding on to the hope of Christ's return and our ultimate transformation
Living in the Reality of Transformation >  The Promise of Ultimate Transformation  >  Eternity with God
The Promise of Peace and Righteousness >  The Fulfillment of the Promise  >  The Fulfillment of Righteousness
Understanding the Concept of Eternal Elevation >  The Process of Eternal Elevation  >  Culminates in Glorification
The Comfort of His Coming >  The Joy of His Coming  >  The Fulfillment of Our Hope
Sanctification as a Biblical Concept >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Final Sanctification
The Transformation into Christ's Likeness >  The Ultimate Goal of Transformation  >  The goal
The Assurance of Eternal Glory >  Anticipating the Fulfillment of the Promise of Eternal Glory  >  Anticipating with Longing
The Eternal Glory with God >  The Experience of Eternal Glory  >  The Ultimate Experience
The Transformation of the Believer >  The Hope of Complete Transformation  >  The hope of being like Christ
Light for Beauty and Aesthetics >  The Ultimate Light and Beauty in Heaven  >  Our Future in the Light
Man as the Image Bearer >  The Restoration of the Image Bearer  >  The Hope of Glorification
The Hope of Eternal Life >  The Glory of Eternal Life  >  We Will See God Face to Face
The Promise of Ultimate Transformation >  The Promise of the Ultimate Transformation in the Future  >  The ultimate transformation will be completed at the return of Christ.
Receiving God's Reward in Heaven >  The Joy of Receiving God's Reward  >  The joy of seeing Jesus face to face
The Promise of Seeing God >  The Response to the Promise  >  We should long for the day when we will see Him face to face
Sanctification as a Lifelong Process >  The End Goal of Sanctification  >  Eternal Life
Sanctification is a Lifelong Process >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Transformation as a Continuous Process >  The Process of Transformation  >  Transformation is completed at glorification
Sanctification as a Lifelong Journey >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
The Anticipation of Eternal Glory >  Proclaiming Eternal Glory  >  Longing for His Return
The Redemption of Our Bodies >  The Implications of the Redemption of Our Bodies  >  The Eternal Life in the Presence of God
The Responsibilities of Spiritual Adoption >  Anticipating the Fullness of Our Spiritual Adoption  >  Rejoicing in the hope of our glorious transformation
Change Leads to Eternal Glory >  The Eternal Glory Awaiting Believers  >  The joy of being with Christ forever
The Ongoing Work of Salvation >  The Finality of Salvation  >  We will be transformed into the likeness of Christ
The Future Revelation of God >  The Nature of Future Revelation  >  It will be a personal revelation
Understanding Our Future in Christ >  Our Future is Glorious in Christ  >  Transformed into His Likeness
The Power of His Return >  The Impact of His Return  >  Transformation of Believers
The Joy of the Future >  The Future Glory in Christ  >  Christ's Return and Our Glorious Transformation
The Joy Awaiting in Heaven >  The Joy of Reunion  >  Seeing Jesus face to face
The Transformation in Knowing Christ >  The Process of Transformation  >  Transformation is completed when we see Christ face to face
God's Role in Our Transformation >  God Completes Our Transformation  >  Glorification
The Ongoing Journey of Transformation >  The Ongoing Journey  >  Hope for the Future
The Importance of Initial Sanctification >  The Process after Initial Sanctification  >  Ultimate sanctification
The Process of Initial Sanctification >  The Completion of Sanctification  >  The Hope of Heaven
The Process of Progressive Sanctification >  The Completion of Sanctification  >  Eternal Life
The Blessings of Seeing God >  The Transformation through Seeing God  >  We become like Him
Experiencing Resurrection and Glorification >  Understanding the Concept of Glorification  >  The Promise of Our Glorification
Transformation Culminates in Glorification >  The Promise of Glorification  >  Glorification
The Meaning of Sanctification >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Transformation Continues with Sanctification >  The Impact of Sanctification  >  Sanctification Prepares Us for Eternity
Transformed into His Image >  The Ultimate Purpose of Our Transformation  >  To Prepare Us for Eternity with God
Definition of Spiritual Transformation >  The Ultimate Goal of Spiritual Transformation  >  Anticipating our final transformation when Christ returns
Transformation is a Journey >  The Outcome of Our Transformation  >  Looking forward to our ultimate transformation in heaven
Definition of Progressive Sanctification >  The Assurance of Progressive Sanctification  >  The Promise of Ultimate Sanctification
Transformation into His Likeness >  The Promise of Transformation  >  The glory of being like Christ
New Life in Christ >  The Assurance of Eternal Life  >  The Confidence in Christ's Return
The Transformation through Christ >  The Promise of Complete Transformation  >  The hope of future glory
It Leads to Sanctification >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Completion of Sanctification
Sanctification by the Spirit >  The Process of Sanctification by the Spirit  >  Ultimate Sanctification
God's Call for Change >  Living in the Light of God's Call for Change  >  Looking forward to eternal change
The Promise of Change >  Celebrating the Promise of Change  >  Looking forward to eternal change
The Promise of Holiness >  Living in the Promise of Holiness  >  The Promise of Future Holiness
By Growing in Christlikeness >  Understanding Christlikeness  >  The importance of Christlikeness
Man as God's Image-Bearer >  The Future Hope of God's Image-Bearers  >  The Promise of Eternal Life
Holiness is God's Nature >  The Hope of Perfect Holiness  >  The Promise of Glorification
The Development of Virtues >  The Ultimate Goal of Developing Virtues  >  To Prepare for Eternity
The Atonement for Sin >  The Implications of Atonement  >  The Hope of Glory
The Privileges of Sonship >  Transformation into Christ's Likeness  >  The promise of complete transformation at Christ's return
The Hope of Glorification >  Understanding the Concept of Glorification  >  The Promise of Glorification
Anticipation of Christ's Return >  The Impact of Christ's Return  >  Personal Transformation
Assurance in Christ's Return >  The Assurance of Salvation in Christ's Return  >  Assurance of Glorification
Living Out Our Sonship >  Anticipating the Future of Our Sonship  >  Preparing for our glorious transformation
The Ultimate Goal: Christlikeness >  The Reward of Christlikeness: Eternal Life  >  Christlikeness leads to eternal life. Those who are like Christ will one day see Him as He is and be with Him forever.
Anticipating God's Future Glory >  The Revelation of God's Future Glory  >  The Resurrection of Believers
The Security of Sonship >  The Fulfillment of Our Sonship  >  We will be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is
The Image of God >  The Image of God and Redemption  >  The Hope of Glory
The Continuation of Transformation >  The Impact of Transformation on Our Lives  >  Transformation Prepares Us for Eternity
Joy Strengthens Us >  The Eternal Joy Awaiting Believers  >  Our eternal joy will be complete when we see Christ face to face.
Joy Transforms Us >  The Ultimate Joy: Our Future Hope  >  The joy of seeing Jesus face to face
Transformation through Salvation >  The Ultimate Goal of Transformation  >  Transformation for Eternity
Growing in Christlikeness >  The Process of Growing in Christlikeness  >  Culminates in glorification
The Imago Dei >  The Restoration of the Imago Dei  >  The Completion of Restoration
Growth in Holiness >  The Fruit of Holiness  >  Eternal Reward
To Experience Transformation >  The Promise of Transformation  >  A glorious future
Change is Necessary >  The Promise of Eternal Change  >  We Will See Him as He Is
The Human Nature >  Living According to Our New Nature  >  The Hope of Glory
Understanding Progressive Sanctification >  The Promise of Complete Sanctification  >  The anticipation of being like Christ in His glory
Defining Sanctification >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Ongoing Sanctification >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Ultimate Sanctification >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Ultimate Sanctification >  The Promise of Ultimate Sanctification  >  The joy of God's presence
The Rewards >  The Ultimate Reward  >  Being with Christ
Continual Transformation >  The Process of Continual Transformation  >  Completion of Transformation
Glorification >  The Process Leading to Glorification  >  Glorification
Point to the Hope of the Gospel >  Pointing to the Hope of the Gospel  >  The Ultimate Hope
The Joy of Being with Christ Forever >  Anticipating the Joy of Being with Christ Forever  >  The joy of being in Christ's presence forever
The Transformation into the Likeness of Christ >  The Result of Our Transformation  >  A Life that is Ready for Eternity
Salvation as a New Life in Christ >  The Promise: Eternal Life in Christ  >  Anticipating Christ's return
Holiness is Achieved Through the Holy Spirit >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Ultimate Sanctification
Nobility as a Reflection of God's Character >  The Impact of Nobility on the World  >  Nobility as a Preparation for Eternity
Miracles are not Limited to Biblical Times >  The Greatest Miracle of All  >  The Future Miracle of Glorification
The Reward of Eternal Life with Christ >  The Joy of Eternal Life  >  Fellowship with God
Jesus as the Sustainer of our Faith >  Jesus, the Sustainer of our Faith until the End  >  Jesus will complete our faith at His return
Faith is a Journey, Not a Destination >  The Destination of Our Faith Journey  >  Our faith journey ends when we are fully conformed to the image of Christ
The Promise of Eternal Fellowship in Heaven >  The Transformation of Believers for Eternal Fellowship  >  The transformation of our moral and spiritual nature
Heaven is a Place of Perfect Fellowship >  The Implications of Perfect Fellowship in Heaven  >  Our Relationship with God
Heaven is a Place of Perfect Fellowship >  The Implications of Perfect Fellowship in Heaven  >  Our Personal Transformation
Faith is the Catalyst for Spiritual Transformation >  Faith as a Catalyst for Spiritual Transformation  >  Faith and Glorification
Christ's Righteousness Enables us to Live Righteously >  The Assurance of Christ's Righteousness  >  - Hope in Christ
The Role of Jesus in Achieving Purity >  Jesus as the Goal of Our Purity  >  One day, we will be completely pure
The Ultimate Hope: The Return of Christ >  The Power of Christ's Return  >  Transformation of Believers
The Gospel's Power to Continally Transform Us >  The Gospel's Power in Our Ultimate Transformation  >  We will be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is
God's Command for Us to be Holy >  The Blessings of Holiness  >  Eternal Reward
The Restoration of God's Image in Us >  The Result of Restoration  >  The fully restored image of God in us will be realized in eternity
Understanding the Call to Be Like Christ >  The Promise of Becoming Like Christ  >  The Hope of Glory
The Struggle with Sin in Progressive Sanctification >  The Hope and Promise of Complete Sanctification  >  The Hope of Glory
The Mystery of the Resurrection Body >  The Resurrection Body and the Resurrection of Christ  >  Christ's resurrection body is the model for our resurrection body
Change Helps us to Reflect Christ >  The Outcomes of Change: Reflecting Christ  >  Change prepares us for eternity with Christ