Sermons on
1 Thessalonians 5:23

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Renewal >  The Process of Renewal  >  Sanctification
The Plan of Salvation >  The Result: New Life in Christ  >  Sanctification
Understanding the Purpose of Prayer >  Prayer as a Means of Spiritual Growth  >  Prayer Helps Us to Grow in Holiness
The Importance of Stability >  Practical Steps to Achieve Stability  >  Living a Balanced Life
Baptism with the Holy Spirit and Fire >  The Necessity of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and Fire  >  The need for purification and sanctification.
Living in Anticipation of Christ's Return >  Living a Life of Readiness  >  Living righteously
The Gospel Brings Spiritual Transformation >  The Gospel's Power to Continually Transform Us  >  The Gospel Sanctifies Us
Holiness Results in Eternal Life >  The Journey of Holiness  >  The Process of Sanctification
The Origin of Spiritual Hunger >  The Creation of Man and the Inherent Spiritual Hunger  >  The spiritual component of man's nature.
The Necessity of Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  Sanctification
Transformation of Others >  The Process of Transformation  >  The necessity of sanctification.
Spiritual Growth >  The Process of Spiritual Growth  >  Sanctification
God's Original Design for Health and Wholeness >  God's Perfect Creation  >  The spiritual, mental, and physical health God intended for humanity.
Seeking God's Guidance in Examining Our Motives >  Seeking God's Guidance in Purifying Our Motives  >  The process of sanctification in purifying our motives
Recognizing our Imperfections and Need for Change >  The Need for Change  >  The Process of Sanctification
Being Conformed to the Image of Christ >  The Process of Conformation  >  It continues through sanctification
The Promise of Restoration Through Christ >  The Process of Restoration  >  Sanctification
The Spiritual Component of Man's Nature >  Understanding the Spiritual Nature of Man  >  Man as a tripartite being
The Eternal Nature of Our Souls >  The Soul's Journey and Transformation  >  The soul's sanctification process in this life
Sanctification is Necessary for Eternal Life >  Understanding Sanctification  >  Definition of Sanctification
Encouraging Professional Help Alongside Spiritual Guidance >  The Integration of Professional Help and Spiritual Guidance  >  The Complementary Nature of Professional Help and Spiritual Guidance
Understanding God's Desire for Our Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  The Process of Sanctification
The Eternal Significance of Our Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  The Continuation of Transformation
The Consequences of the Old Self >  The Transformation from the Old Self to the New Self  >  The Process of Sanctification
The Bible's View on Mental Health >  Understanding Mental Health from a Biblical Perspective  >  The Bible's holistic view of humanity
Embracing the Ultimate Goal of Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  Sanctification
Healing as Part of the Atonement >  Understanding the Atonement  >  The Scope of the Atonement
Holiness in the Lives of Belivers >  The Process of Holiness  >  Sanctification
The Role of Jesus in Deliverance >  The Role of Jesus in Ongoing Deliverance  >  Sanctification through Jesus
The Call to Live in Holiness >  Understanding the Call to Holiness  >  The Source of Holiness
Understanding the Concept of Eternal Elevation >  The Process of Eternal Elevation  >  Continues with Sanctification
Living in Light of Final Sanctification >  Understanding Final Sanctification  >  Defining Final Sanctification
God's Judgment Leads to Purification >  The Process of Purification through Judgment  >  Sanctification
The Expectation of Christ's Return >  Preparing for Christ's Return  >  Moral Preparedness
Transformation in a Biblical Context >  The Process of Transformation  >  Sanctification
Transformed from Glory to Glory >  The Process of Transformation  >  Continuation of Transformation
The Holy Spirit and Sanctification >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Sanctification as a Work of God
Transformation Through the Holy Spirit >  The Holy Spirit and Sanctification  >  The Process of Sanctification
Consecration Leads to Spiritual Growth >  The Process of Consecration  >  Sanctification
The Biblical Basis for Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  Sanctification
The Biblical Definition of Consecration >  The Process of Consecration  >  A Continuous Journey
God's Will for Our Health >  Our Responsibility in Maintaining Health  >  We are to live a balanced life, taking care of our physical, mental, and spiritual health.
The Purpose of Continual Prayer >  To Foster Spiritual Growth and Transformation  >  Prayer as a Tool for Personal Sanctification
Transformation as a Continuous Process >  The Process of Transformation  >  Transformation continues through sanctification
The Joy of Knowing Christ >  The Joy of Transformation in Christ  >  The joy of being sanctified in Christ
A Desire for Inner Purity >  The Path to Inner Purity  >  Sanctification
The Sinful Nature of Man >  The Solution to the Sinful Nature  >  Sanctification
Understanding the Concept of Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  Sanctification
Holiness Brings Peace and Joy >  The Process of Becoming Holy  >  Sanctification
The Spiritual Significance of Motion >  The Role of Spiritual Motion in Christian Life  >  Spiritual motion as a journey towards sanctification
The Dynamics of Spiritual Motion >  The Process of Spiritual Motion  >  Sanctification
The Ongoing Work of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation as a Process  >  Sanctification
The Significance of God's House >  God's House as a Place of Spiritual Growth  >  A place of sanctification
The Results of Jesus' Prayer >  Jesus' Prayer Led to Sanctification  >  The sanctification Jesus prayed for is not a one-time event but a lifelong process. We are continually being made holy as we grow in our relationship with God.
The Challenges of Personal Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  The process of sanctification
Understanding the Concept of Sanctification >  The Role of God in Sanctification  >  Sanctification is a work of God's grace. It is God who sanctifies us, not we ourselves.(1 Thessalonians 5
The Effects of Sin's Distortion >  The Solution to Sin's Distortion  >  Sanctification
Transformation into Christ's Image >  The Process of Transformation  >  The ongoing stage
Transformation in Our Lives >  The Process of Transformation  >  Sanctification
Through Personal Spiritual Growth >  The Process of Personal Spiritual Growth  >  Continuing with Sanctification
Preparing for Christ's Return >  Living in Expectation of Christ's Return  >  Maintaining a lifestyle of holiness
Spiritual Growth and Edification >  The Process of Spiritual Growth  >  Continuing in Sanctification
On Our Spiritual Growth >  The Process of Spiritual Growth  >  Continuing in Sanctification
To Purify His People >  The Process of Purification  >  Sanctification
Holiness is a Process >  The Process of Becoming Holy  >  Sanctification
The Pervasiveness of Sin >  The Remedy for Sin  >  Sanctification
To Grow in Christlikeness >  The Path to Christlikeness  >  Sanctification
The Hope of Glorification >  The Process Leading to Glorification  >  Sanctification
The Promise of Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  Transformation Continues with Sanctification
Building a Solid Foundation >  The Process of Building a Solid Foundation  >  Building the Structure
Understanding the Old Self >  The Transformation from the Old Self to the New Self  >  The Process of Sanctification
The Journey of Holiness >  The Process of Holiness  >  Sanctification
The Plan of Redemption >  The Result of Redemption  >  Sanctification
Different Types of Callings >  The High Call to Holiness  >  The process of sanctification in the believer's life(1 Thessalonians 5
Purity and Holiness >  The Path to Purity and Holiness  >  Sanctification
Salvation and Wholeness >  The Journey to Wholeness  >  The Meaning of Wholeness
Righteousness and Sanctification >  Living Out Righteousness and Sanctification  >  Embracing Sanctification
Grace in Sanctification >  The Role of Grace in Sanctification  >  Sanctification is a process
Holiness Requires Separation >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Sanctification Defined
Consecration Brings Blessings >  The Process of Consecration  >  Sanctification
Growing in Christlikeness >  The Process of Growing in Christlikeness  >  Continues through sanctification
It Transforms Relationships >  Understanding the Power of Transformation  >  The process of transformation
Growth in Holiness >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Sanctification Defined
The Heart's Vulnerability >  The Transformation of the Vulnerable Heart  >  The heart's transformation through sanctification
Sanctification Requires Obedience >  Understanding Sanctification  >  Definition of Sanctification
The Old Gate >  The Old Gate and the Call to Holiness  >  The Old Gate
Faith and Sanctification >  The Relationship Between Faith and Sanctification  >  The End Goal
Protection and Preservation >  Understanding God's Preservation  >  The Scope of God's Preservation
The Sinful Desire >  Living Free from Sinful Desire  >  The Process of Sanctification
Human Eternity >  Understanding Human Eternity  >  The Eternal Soul
Continual Transformation >  The Process of Continual Transformation  >  Continuation of Transformation
Defining Vice >  The Power of Christ to Overcome Vice  >  The Process of Sanctification
Understanding Holiness >  Defining Holiness  >  Holiness as Wholeness
Victory Calls for a Life of Holiness >  The Path to Holiness  >  Holiness is achieved through sanctification
Victory as the Anticipation of Christ's Return >  Living in Anticipation of Christ's Return  >  Holiness
We are Made New Creatures in Christ >  The Ongoing Transformation in Christ  >  The Process of Sanctification
The Ultimate Joy and Praise: Our Salvation >  Living Out Our Salvation  >  Salvation and Sanctification
The Mansion as Our Eternal Home >  The Journey to Our Eternal Home  >  The Process
The Interconnection Between Physical and Emotional Consequences >  Understanding the Interconnection  >  The Biblical Perspective of Wholeness
The Nature of God's Transforming Power >  The Process of God's Transforming Power  >  Sanctification
Virtue as a Means of Sanctification >  Virtue and Sanctification  >  The Process of Sanctification
The Holy Spirit as the Sanctifier >  The Process of Sanctification  >  Sanctification is a lifelong process of being made holy, set apart for God's purposes. It's not a one-time event, but a continuous journey.