Sermons on
1 Timothy 2:1

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

Judgment >  The Role of Believers in Judgment  >  Believers as Intercessors
The Call to Reppentance >  Encouraging Others to Repent  >  Praying for the repentance of others
Preparing for Judgment >  Encouraging Others to Prepare for Judgment  >  Praying for the salvation of others
The Elements of Worship >  Supplication  >  Interceding for Others
Understanding the Purpose of Prayer >  Prayer as a Means of Intercession  >  Prayer for Others
The Power of Prayer >  The Power of Intercessory Prayer  >  Interceding for Others.
How to Be an Effective Witness >  Pray for the Salvation of Others  >  Intercede for the lost.
Practical Steps to Foster Unity >  Pray for Unity  >  Intercede for each other and for the unity of the Church.
Cultivating Healthy Relationships >  The Power of Prayer in Relationships  >  The impact of intercession in relationships.
The Sunset as a Call to Reflection and Prayer >  The Sunset as a Call to Prayer  >  Interceding for Others
The Night as a Time of Deep Prayer >  The Night as a Time of Intercession  >  The night can be a time to intercede for others in prayer.
The Church's Mission to Extend the Kingdom >  How the Church Extends the Kingdom of God  >  Through prayer and intercession.
To Reach Out to the Lost >  Practical Ways to Reach Out to the Lost  >  Through Prayer
The Watchmen on the Walls >  The Role of Watchmen Today  >  Watchmen in Prayer
Through Prayer and Fasting >  The Impact of Prayer and Fasting on the World  >  Intercession for Others
Believers as Intercessors >  Understanding Intercession  >  Definition of Intercession
Encourage Through Prayer >  Encouragement Through Intercessory Prayer  >  The Role of Intercession in Encouragement.
Partnership with Christ >  The Role of Prayer in Our Partnership with Christ  >  Prayer as Intercession
Remembering Through Prayer >  Remembering Others in Our Prayers  >  The importance of intercessory prayer
Spiritual Growth >  The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Growth  >  A Means of Intercession
When Parents are Non-Believers or Spiritually Weak >  Responding to Non-Believing or Spiritually Weak Parents  >  Praying for their spiritual enlightenment
It Can Bring Others Closer to God >  Praying for Others  >  Interceding for others
Pray for Open Hearts and Receptive Minds >  The Power of Praying for Open Hearts and Receptive Minds  >  The Impact of Praying for Others
Praying for Others to Experience Spiritual Hunger >  The Need to Pray for Others' Spiritual Hunger  >  The Role of Intercession
Prayer as a Tool for Spiritual Warfare >  Types of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare  >  Intercession
Interceding for the Church and its Members >  The Church as a Community of Intercessors  >  The Church's Role in Intercession
Embracing the Opportunity to Serve God Today >  Practical Ways to Serve God Today  >  Through Prayer and Intercession
Prayer for Healing and Comfort for Others >  Understanding the Power of Prayer  >  The significance of intercessory prayer
Peace Promised to Those Who Follow Christ >  Sharing Christ's Peace with Others  >  By Praying for the Peace of Others
The Example of Jesus Praying at Night >  Applying Jesus' Example in Our Lives  >  Interceding for others in our prayers
Practical Ways to Show Kindness to Others >  Show Kindness Through Prayer  >  Pray for others
The Believer's Power to Bind and Loose >  The Responsibility of Believers  >  To Pray and Intercede
Pray for the Person Who Hurt You >  Practical Steps to Pray for Those Who Hurt Us  >  Praying for their wellbeing and spiritual growth
God's Wrath Was Turned Away From Israel >  Lessons for Us Today  >  The Power of Intercession
Acknowledging the Existence of Spiritual Warfare >  The Power of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare  >  The role of intercession in spiritual warfare
Paul's Encouragement to Pray Without Ceasing >  The Practice of Unceasing Prayer  >  Praying for Others
The Impact of Intercession in Relationships >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  Intercession as a Form of Prayer
The Role of Intercession in Encouragement >  Understanding Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
Growing in Your Relationship with Christ >  Cultivate a Prayer Life  >  Praying for others as an act of love and service
Praying for Others to be Blessed >  Understanding the Power of Prayer  >  Embracing the privilege to pray for others
Constantly Communicating with God Through Prayer >  The Different Forms of Prayer  >  Prayers of Intercession
Prayer as the Foundation of Fellowship >  The Role of Prayer in Fellowship  >  Intercessory prayer in fellowship
The Israelites' Complaints and Moses' Intercession >  Lessons from the Israelites' Complaints and Moses' Intercession  >  The Importance of Intercession
Interceding for the Righteous in Sodom >  The Responsibility of Believers to Intercede  >  Believers are Called to Intercede for Others
Prophets Mediate between God and People >  The Prophetic Ministry Today  >  The Church
Following the Example of the Prophets >  Living as Modern-Day Prophets  >  Interceding for Others
Praying for the Needs of Others >  Understanding the Importance of Intercessory Prayer  >  God's Command to Pray for Others
Praying for and with Each Other >  The Power of Praying for Each Other  >  Intercessory Prayer as an Act of Love
The Call to Prayer for Unity >  Praying for Unity  >  Praying for Others
Through Regular Bible Study and Prayer >  The Power of Regular Prayer  >  Intercession
Setting a Regular Time for Prayer >  Practical Steps to Set a Regular Time for Prayer  >  Creating a prayer list
Spreading the Gospel of God's Possibilities >  How to Spread the Gospel of God's Possibilities  >  Through Prayer and Intercession
Praying for the Global Orphan Crisis >  The Power of Prayer in Addressing the Crisis  >  Prayer as a means of intercession
Sharing God's Love with the World >  Sharing God's Love with Others  >  Praying for others and their needs. Intercession
Joyful Prayer Impacts Those Around Us >  The Impact of Joyful Prayer on Others  >  Joyful prayer as a tool for intercession
Prayer for the Perpetrators of Injustice >  The Role of the Church in Addressing Injustice  >  The Church's responsibility to pray for the perpetrators of injustice
Developing a Heart for the Lost >  Cultivating Compassion for the Lost  >  Praying for the Lost
Prayer for the Salvation of Others >  Understanding the Importance of Praying for Others  >  The biblical mandate to pray for others
Encouraging Others to Prepare for Judgment >  Encouraging Others in Their Preparation  >  Praying for their salvation
Prayer as a Means of Intercession >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
The Role of Faith in Prayer >  The Role of Faith in Different Types of Prayer  >  Intercession
Understanding the Role of a Witness >  The Role of Prayer in Witnessing  >  We should pray for those we are witnessing to
Pray for the Salvation of Others >  The Role of Prayer in Salvation  >  Prayer as intercession - As believers, we are called to intercede on behalf of others, praying for their salvation.
Cultivating Boldness in Our Christian Walk >  Boldness in Prayer  >  Interceding for others
The Characteristics of a Biblical Leader >  A Biblical Leader is Prayerful  >  They intercede for others in prayer
The Role of Prayer in Predestination >  The Importance of Prayer in Predestination  >  Prayer as Participation
Practical Ways to Share God's Refuge >  Pray for Others  >  Intercede
Practical Steps to Enhance Night Prayers >  Structure Your Night Prayers  >  Pray for others before presenting your own needs
Understanding the Nature of Our Battle >  The Power of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare  >  The power of intercession
The Urgency of the Church's Mission >  The Role of Every Believer in the Mission  >  Prayer
The Watchmen in the Old Testament >  The Watchmen as a Symbol for Today's Believers  >  The Call to Intercession
The Importance of Solitude in Prayer >  The Power of Solitude in Prayer  >  Intercession
Cultivating a Heart that Blesses Others >  Living a Life of Prayer  >  Praying for others regularly
The Method of Spreading the Gospel >  Praying for the Lost  >  Interceding for the salvation of others(1 Timothy 2
Spreading the Hope of the Gospel >  Practical Ways of Spreading the Hope of the Gospel  >  Through Prayer and Intercession
Cultivating the Peace that Surpasses Understanding >  The Role of Prayer in Cultivating this Peace  >  Praying for Others
Practical Ways to Share God's Goodness >  Praying for Others  >  Interceding for others in prayer
Preparing for the Day of Judgment >  Sharing the Gospel in Preparation for the Day of Judgment  >  Praying for the salvation of others
Practical Ways to Serve in Hope >  Serving through Prayer  >  Praying for Others
The Blessings and Rewards of Intercession >  Understanding Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
Different Forms of Communication with God >  Prayer  >  Intercessory Prayer
Understanding the Role of a Watchman >  The Responsibilities of a Watchman  >  To Intercede
The Response to the Watchman's Message >  Our Role as Watchmen  >  Praying for the lost
Practical Ways to Encourage Through Actions >  Offer Help and Support  >  Praying for Others
Overcoming Challenges in Spreading the Gospel >  Utilizing God's Strategies for Spreading the Gospel  >  Timothy 2
The Means of Proclaiming His Greatness >  Through Prayer and Intercession  >  Praying for others in the name of Jesus
Practical Ways to Serve One Another >  Serving through Prayer  >  Interceding for Others
Cultivating the Biblical Virtue of Patience >  The Role of Patience in Evangelism  >  Praying for the Lost
Seeking the Good of Others >  Practical Ways to Seek the Good of Others  >  Through Prayer and Intercession
Life on Earth is Temporary >  Encouraging Others to Embrace the Temporary Nature of Life  >  Praying for others
Regular Bible Study and Prayer >  The Importance of Regular Prayer  >  Prayer for Intercession
Give Thanks for Their Life >  Giving Thanks for Their Life in Prayer  >  Interceding for others with a heart of gratitude
The Importance of Intercessory Prayer >  Understanding Intercessory Prayer  >  Definition of Intercessory Prayer
The Power of Corporate Fasting >  The Role of Prayer in Corporate Fasting  >  Intercession
Encourage Them with God's Promises >  Encouraging Others with God's Promises  >  Pray God's Promises
We are Ambassadors of Christ >  The Responsibilities of an Ambassador for Christ  >  Praying for Others
The Different Forms of Prayer >  Intercession  >  Understanding Intercession
Using Words for God's Glory >  Praying with Purpose  >  Interceding for others through prayer
Thanksgiving in Song and Prayer >  Thanksgiving in Prayer  >  Biblical examples of thanksgiving in prayer, such as (Daniel and Paul. (Daniel 6
Serving through Prayer and Intercession >  The Ministry of Intercession  >  Intercession as a form of service
The Creative Power of Words >  The Power of Words in Prayer  >  The impact of intercessory prayer
Blessing Others Through Our Actions >  Encouraging Others to Bless  >  Prayer and Intercession
We Have Access to God >  The Responsibility of Our Access to God  >  To Intercede for Others
God's Promise to Bring Justice >  Our Response to God's Promise of Justice  >  Pray for God's justice. We should intercede for those who are suffering and ask God to bring about His justice.
Words Can Intercede for Others >  The Concept of Intercession  >  Intercession as a form of prayer
The Impact of Intercessory Prayer >  Understanding Intercessory Prayer  >  Definition of Intercessory Prayer
The Purpose of Continual Prayer >  To Intercede for Others  >  Prayer as a Means to Seek God's Intervention in Others' Lives
Loving Our Neighbors as Ourselves >  Practical Ways to Love Our Neighbors  >  Through Prayer
Praying with and for Others >  The Importance of Praying for Others  >  Intercessory Prayer
Our Response to the Lost >  Cultivating Compassion for the Lost  >  Praying for the lost
Influencing the World for Christ >  Praying for the World  >  Interceding for the lost
Prayer Connects us with God >  The Impact of Prayer  >  Prayer Impacts Others
The Significance of Morning Prayer >  Morning Prayer Empowers Us to Serve Others  >  Interceding for others
The Tranquility of the Night >  The Night as a Time of Prayer  >  Praying for Others
The Responsibility of Every Believer >  To Pray Without Ceasing  >  Interceding for Others
Pursuing Peace in All Interactions >  The Role of Prayer in Pursuing Peace  >  Interceding for Others
Glorifying God in Our Relationships >  Nurturing Relationships with Unbelievers  >  Praying for the salvation of those in our lives
Practical Ways to Share Hope >  Pray for Others  >  - Intercede for others
Living in Light of Judgment >  Encouraging Others to Live in Light of Judgment  >  Praying for the salvation of others
Understanding the Importance of Prayer >  Prayer as a Means of Intercession  >  Prayer on behalf of others
Entering the Gates of Righteousness >  Encouraging Others to Enter the Gates of Righteousness  >  Praying for the Lost
Practical Steps to Cultivate Hope >  Cultivate Hope through Prayer  >  Pray for others. Interceding for others helps us to focus on the needs of others, which can cultivate hope. Intercessory prayer is a powerful way to cultivate hope.
Understanding the Concept of Deliverance >  The Role of Prayer in Deliverance  >  Intercessory Prayer
God's Promise of the Mansion >  Sharing the Promise with Others  >  Praying for the Lost
Practical Ways to Foster Brotherhood >  Pray for One Another  >  Interceding for our brothers and sisters in Christ
The Call to Faith >  Encouraging Others to Heed the Call  >  We must pray for the salvation of those who have not yet responded to the call
Our Responsibility in God's Kingdom >  To Pray Continually  >  Interceding for others in prayer
Cultivating a Vibrant Prayer Life >  Embracing Different Forms of Prayer  >  Practicing intercessory prayer for others
The Role of the Husband >  The Husband as a Prayer Warrior  >  He is to pray for his wife and children, interceding for them and standing in the gap.
Practical Ways to Honor God >  Share the Gospel  >  - Praying for the Lost
Practical Steps to Demonstrate Forgiveness >  Pray for the Person Who Hurt You  >  Pray for their salvation and spiritual growth
Practical Ways to Worship God >  Worship Through Prayer  >  Pray for Others
Cultivating a Lifestyle of Watchfulness >  Cultivating Watchfulness in Prayer  >  Intercessory Prayer
Remembering the Power of Prayer >  The Power of Corporate Prayer  >  Intercession in Prayer
The Power to Bless Others >  Practical Ways to Bless Others  >  Blessing through Prayer
Practical Ways to Love Others >  Share the Gospel  >  Pray for Others
Practical Ways to Show Mercy >  Praying for Others  >  Interceding for others
Responding to Blessings with Prayer >  Interceding for Others to be Blessed  >  Interceding for those who are less fortunate or in need
Remembering Others in Our Prayers >  The Importance of Praying for Others  >  Understanding the power of intercessory prayer
The Purpose of Eternal Punishment >  The Role of the Church in Warning About Eternal Punishment  >  Praying for the Lost
Leading Others to Christ >  Praying for the Salvation of Others  >  Interceding for the lost
Experiencing Comfort through Prayer >  The Comfort of Intercessory Prayer  >  Praying for Others
The Urgency of Prayer >  Recognizing the Urgency of Prayer  >  The Urgency of Prayer for Others
Engaging in Constant Prayer >  The Power of Constant Prayer  >  Intercession
Through Prayer and Intercession >  The Role of Intercession in Prayer  >  Definition of Intercession
A Means of Intercession >  Understanding Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
Discipleship in Our Witness >  Practical Ways to Incorporate Witness in Discipleship  >  Praying for the Lost
Watchmen in the Church >  The Responsibilities of a Watchman  >  Praying for the Church
When Parents Are Ungodly >  The Role of the Church in Supporting Children of Ungodly Parents  >  The church's role in prayer and intercession
Daniel's Prayer of Thanksgiving >  Daniel's Intercession for His People  >  The believer's responsibility to pray for others
God's Calling is Unconditional >  Sharing the Good News of God's Unconditional Calling  >  We share the good news of God's unconditional calling by praying for others to experience His love and grace. This prayer is not a ritual but a heartfelt desire.(1 Timothy 2
Praying for One Another >  Understanding the Importance of Intercessory Prayer  >  The biblical command to pray for others
Interceding for the People >  The Importance of Intercession  >  Intercession Demonstrates Love
Standing in the Gap >  The Need for Gap-Standers Today  >  The call for believers to intercede for others
Characteristics of Spiritual Maturity >  A Mature Christian is Prayerful  >  They pray for others, not just for themselves.
We Can Find Comfort >  Comfort Through Prayer  >  Intercessory Prayer for Comfort
Prayer as a Privilege >  The Privilege of Intercessory Prayer  >  The call to intercede for others
The Intercession of Christ >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
The Intercession of Christ >  Responding to Christ's Intercession  >  Intercede for Others
The Victory through Prayer >  Living a Victorious Life through Prayer  >  Praying for Others
The Day of Atonement >  The Implications of the Day of Atonement for Christians Today  >  The Call to Intercede for Others
Jesus Prayed at Night >  The Lessons We Can Learn from Jesus' Night Prayers  >  The Need to Pray for Others
Jesus Praying at Dawn >  Emulating Jesus in Our Prayer Life  >  Praying for others, just as Jesus prayed for us
Jesus' Invitation to All >  The Role of Believers in Extending the Invitation  >  We must pray for those who have not yet accepted the invitation
Definition of Corporate Prayer >  The Elements of Corporate Prayer  >  Petition and Intercession
Our Mission as Christians >  To Pray Continually  >  Interceding for others(1 Timothy 2
Bringing Glory to God >  Reflecting God's Glory to Others  >  Praying for Others
Sharing Our Hope Through >  Sharing Our Hope Through Our Prayers  >  Interceding for the Lost
Attracting Others to Christ >  Praying for the Lost  >  Interceding on Behalf of Others
Drawing Others to Christ >  Praying for the Lost  >  Understanding the power of intercessory prayer
Pray for the Person >  The Biblical Mandate to Pray for Others  >  Obeying Paul's exhortation to pray for all people
Defining Fasting and Prayer >  Understanding the Concept of Prayer  >  Different Types of Prayer
Lessons from Moses' Leadership >  Intercession for the People  >  Moses' intercession is a model for Christian leaders today.
Intercede for the Victims >  Understanding Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
The Source of Revival >  Prayer is the Fuel of Revival  >  Prayer Intercedes
Praying for God's Compassion >  The Importance of Praying for God's Compassion  >  Praying for Others
The Judgment of Unbelievers >  The Response to the Judgment of Unbelievers  >  The importance of praying for unbelievers
Supplication Builds Our Faith >  Understanding Supplication  >  Defining Supplication
He Intercedes for Us >  The Impact of Intercession in Our Lives  >  Encouragement to Intercede for Others
The Evidence of Repentance >  Encouraging Repentance  >  Pray for others
Living a Victorious Life >  Persevering in Prayer and Praise  >  Interceding for others in prayer
Maintaining Victory in Warfare >  Pray Without Ceasing  >  Interceding for Others
Living as the Remnant >  Characteristics of the Remnant  >  The remnant is marked by a life of prayer and intercession.
Preparing for Physical Death >  Encouraging Others to Prepare for Death  >  Praying for the salvation of others
The Conditions for Elevation >  Prayer  >  Praying for others
Practical Steps to Forgiveness >  Pray for the Person Who Hurt You  >  Pray for their repentance and salvation(1 Timothy 2
Signs of Spiritual Hunger >  A Passion for Prayer  >  A commitment to intercessory prayer for others.
Servanthood and Community >  Practical Ways to Serve in Our Community  >  Serving Through Prayer
Our Role Today >  To Pray Continually  >  Interceding for others in prayer as a way of supporting and loving them
Empowerment through Prayer >  The Power of Intercessory Prayer  >  Interceding for others as a form of love
Interceding for Others >  The Importance of Interceding for Others  >  Fulfilling God's Command
Prayer for Others >  The Importance of Praying for Others  >  Intercessory Prayer
Watchmen in Prayer >  Practical Steps to Becoming Effective Watchmen in Prayer  >  Embracing the Call to Intercession(1 Timothy 2
Intercession for Others >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
Definition of Intercession >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  Intercession as a form of prayer
Prayer as Intercession >  Understanding Intercessory Prayer  >  Defining Intercessory Prayer
Humility in Prayer >  Practicing Humility in Prayer  >  Praying for Others
Preparing for Death >  Encouraging Others to Prepare for Death  >  Praying for the salvation of others
Through Genuine Repentance >  Encouraging Genuine Repentance  >  Prayer and Intercession
Power to Save >  Sharing the Power of God's Salvation  >  Praying for the salvation of others
The Prayer of >  The Prayer of Intercession  >  Praying for Others(1 Timothy 2
For God's Glory >  Sharing God's Glory  >  Praying for Others
Prayer Impacts Others >  Prayer is a Powerful Tool for Intercession  >  Understanding the concept of intercessory prayer
The Ultimate Decision >  Encouraging Others to Make the Ultimate Decision  >  Praying for the Lost
God's Judging Words >  Sharing God's Judging Words with Others  >  With Prayer
Christ's Ongoing Intercession >  Responding to Christ's Intercession  >  Participating in Intercession
Pray Before Correcting >  Practical Steps to Pray Before Correcting  >  Pray for the person you are about to correct, asking God to prepare their heart.
Pray for Them >  Understanding the Power of Prayer  >  Understanding prayer as a means of intercession
Praying for Them >  Understanding the Importance of Intercessory Prayer  >  The heart of intercessory prayer
Praying for Them >  Encouragement to Embrace the Ministry of Intercession  >  God's call
Encouragement Through Prayer >  Practical Ways to Encourage Others Through Prayer  >  Praying for others in their absence
Prayer and Intercession >  The Importance of Intercessory Prayer  >  Intercession as a form of love for others
Serving through Prayer >  The Role of Prayer in Serving Others  >  Interceding for others in prayer
Spreading God's Love >  Sharing God's Love with Others  >  Pray for Others
The Disciples' Joy >  The Joy of Prayer  >  Joy in interceding for others
Pray and Fast >  Understanding the Power of Prayer  >  The Power of Intercession
Influencing the World >  Influencing Through Relationships  >  Praying for others
Worship through Prayer >  The Practice of Prayer in Worship  >  Intercessory prayer
Reflecting Through Prayer >  The Role of Reflection in Prayer  >  Reflecting on the needs of others and interceding for them
Joy through Prayer >  The Joy of Prayer  >  Joy in Intercession
Supplication Brings Peace >  Practical Steps to Making Supplication  >  Supplicate for Others
Worship of God >  The Elements of Worship  >  Prayer and Intercession
Unbelievers will Mourn >  The Hope for Unbelievers  >  The Power of Prayer
Advocates of Reconciliation >  The Call to be Advocates of Reconciliation  >  Praying for Reconciliation
The Son's Intercession >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  Definition of Intercession
The Son's Intercession >  The Call to Intercede for Others  >  Following Jesus' Example
Understanding Spiritual Warfare >  The Power of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare  >  Intercessory prayer
Parents as Intercessors >  Understanding the Role of Intercession  >  Intercession as a form of prayer where we plead before God on behalf of others
Understanding Spiritual Impact >  Understanding the Role of Prayer  >  Prayer as a means of intercession
Unbelieving Parents >  Responding to Unbelieving Parents with Love and Respect  >  Praying for Salvation
Praying Consistently >  The Power of Consistent Prayer  >  Consistent Prayer Impacts Others
Humble Prayer >  Cultivating Humility in Prayer  >  Pray for Others
Impacting Others >  The Role of Prayer in Impacting Others  >  Praying for others
On Others >  Praying for Others  >  Interceding for others in prayer
Community Transformation >  Practical Steps Towards Community Transformation  >  Prayer
Christ's Intercession >  Understanding Christ's Intercession  >  The Definition of Intercession
Active Outreach >  The Role of Prayer in Active Outreach  >  Praying for those we reach
By Prayer >  Living a Life of Prayer  >  Praying for Others
Encouraging Repentance >  Encouraging Others to Repent  >  Praying for Others
Community Engagement >  The Role of Prayer in Community Engagement  >  Praying for the needs of the community
Job's Intercession >  Lessons from Job's Intercession  >  The Importance of Intercession
Defining Evangelism >  The Method of Evangelism  >  Evangelism Through Prayer
Jesus' Intercession >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  The definition of intercession
Jesus' Intercession >  Our Response to Jesus' Intercession  >  Intercede for Others
Understanding Intercession >  Defining Intercession  >  Intercession as a form of prayer
Understanding Prayerlessness >  The Power of Prayer  >  Intercession
Intercession >  Understanding the Concept of Intercession  >  Defining Intercession
Request >  The Impact of Our Requests  >  The impact on others
Prayer and Bible Study for Spiritual Warfare >  The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare  >  Intercessory prayer as a tool for spiritual warfare
The Impact of Our Prayers on Others >  Prayer as a Means of Intercession  >  Interceding for others through prayer
The Role of Jesus as our Intercessor >  Our Response to Jesus‚Äô Intercession  >  Pray for Others
The Power of Prayer in our Lives >  The Power of Intercessory Prayer  >  Interceding for Others
Trusting in Jesus' Sacrifice for Our Sins >  Encouraging Others to Trust in Jesus' Sacrifice  >  Praying for Others
The Church's Role in the End Times >  To Pray and Intercede  >  The church has a responsibility to pray and intercede for the world during the end times.
Night as a Time of Spiritual Growth >  The Night as a Time of Prayer  >  The night is a time to intercede for others. We can use this time to pray for the needs of others. Intercession is a significant aspect of spiritual growth.
Jesus Intercedes for Us in Our Sufferings >  Responding to Jesus' Intercession in Our Sufferings  >  Joining Jesus in intercession
How Prayer Demonstrates Our Faith in God >  Prayer is a Response of Faith  >  Intercessory prayer is a faith response, standing in the gap for others
The Role of Faith in Effective Prayer >  The Impact of Faith in Effective Prayer on Our Lives and Others  >  Influence on Others
The Impact of Prayer on Personal Life >  Prayer as a Means of Intercession for Others  >  The privilege and responsibility of praying for others
The Power of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare >  The Power of Intercessory Prayer in Spiritual Warfare  >  The Call to Intercessory Prayer
The Role of the Church in Healing >  The Role of Prayer in Healing  >  Intercessory Prayer
The Practice of Thanksgiving in Daily Life >  Expressing Thanksgiving in Prayer  >  Interceding with Thanksgiving
The Night as a Time of Intercession >  Understanding Intercession  >  The Role of Intercession
The Role of Prayer in the Journey >  Prayer as a Means of Intercession  >  Praying on behalf of others
Practical Steps to Enhance Our Prayer Life >  Interceding for Others  >  Praying for the needs of others
Practical Steps in Praying for our Future >  Pray for Others  >  Intercede for others in prayer.
Practical Ways to Seek Justice as Worship >  The Role of Prayer in Seeking Justice  >  Interceding for those who are suffering injustice
Practical Ways to Love and Serve Others >  Sharing the Gospel  >  Praying for others
The Blessings of Loving and Serving Others >  Practical Ways to Love and Serve Others  >  Through prayer and intercession
The Role of Prayer in Church Leadership >  Prayer as a Tool for Intercession  >  Interceding for the Church
Living in Light of Christ's Imminent Return >  Preparing Others for His Return  >  Praying for the Lost
How to Seek Comfort in God's Word >  Pray According to God's Word  >  Interceding for Others Using God's Word
How to Turn to God in Prayer >  Cultivating a Lifestyle of Prayer  >  - Praying for others as well as ourselves
The Biblical Basis for Prayer and Fasting >  The Purpose of Prayer and Fasting  >  To intercede for others
Practical Ways to Serve God in Freedom >  Pray Without Ceasing  >  Pray for others, interceding on their behalf
The Role of Prayer in Active Service >  Prayer as a Means of Intercession  >  Praying for those we serve
Practical Ways to Serve Others in Love >  Serving through Prayer  >  Interceding for others
The Call for Believers to be Intercessors >  The Biblical Mandate for Intercession  >  Paul's exhortation
The Role of Prayer in Maintaining Peace >  Prayer as a Tool for Peacemaking  >  Prayer as an Instrument of Intercession
The Role of Prayer in Cultivating Joy >  The Connection Between Prayer and Joy  >  The Joy of Intercessory Prayer
The Impact of Prayer on Our Lives >  Prayer Fuels Our Mission and Ministry  >  Through prayer, we can intercede for others, playing a vital role in the advancement of God's kingdom.
The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Growth >  Prayer as a Weapon in Spiritual Warfare  >  Prayer as a tool for intercession, standing in the gap for others.
The Role of Prayer in Bringing Comfort >  The Comfort of Intercessory Prayer  >  Intercessory prayer as a means of comfort
The Blessings of Seeking and Offering Help >  The Role of Prayer in Seeking and Offering Help  >  Praying for Others
Praying for the Repentance of Others >  The Biblical Mandate to Pray for Others  >  The Call to Intercession
Prayer as a Catalyst for Revival >  The Elements of a Revival-Inducing Prayer  >  Intercession for others
Praying and Singing Hymns to God >  Integrating Prayer and Hymns in Our Daily Lives  >  Encouraging Others Through Prayer and Hymns