A Time of Formation >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Formation >
The Holy Spirit as the agent of formation
Purity in Thought >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Maintaining Purity in Thought >
The Holy Spirit's Transformation.
Change is a Part of God's Design >
Change is a Part of God's Redemptive Plan >
Change is a part of the process of sanctification. As believers, we are called to be transformed into the image of Christ.
The Word of God Guides our Steps >
The Word of God as a Means of Transformation >
As we allow the Word of God to guide our steps, we will be transformed into the image of Christ.
Embracing Worship as a Way of Life >
The Impact of a Worshipful Life >
A worshipful life transforms us. As we worship God, we are changed into His likeness, becoming more like Jesus every day.
The Holy Spirit as the Flame >
Conclusion: The Transformative Power of the Holy Spirit's Flame >
The Holy Spirit's flame as a catalyst for spiritual growth
The Word of God Guides Us >
The Word of God is a Means of Spiritual Growth >
Through the scriptures, we are transformed into the likeness of Christ.
The Joy of Being with God >
The Impact of God's Presence in Our Lives >
God's presence transforms us into His likeness. As we spend time in His presence, we are changed from glory to glory.
Happiness is not about Worldly Success >
The Joy of Living for God >
The joy of spiritual growth. As we grow in our relationship with God, we experience the joy of becoming more like Christ.
Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth >
The Impact of Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth >
Worshiping God in spirit and truth transforms us into the image of Christ, as we behold His glory.
Understanding the Fruit of the Spirit >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Producing the Fruit >
The process of sanctification - becoming more like Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Consequences of What We Sow >
The Power of Grace in Sowing and Reaping >
Grace for transformation. As we sow to the Spirit, God's grace works in us to transform us into the image of Christ
The Holy Spirit as Fire >
Conclusion: Embracing the Fire of the Holy Spirit >
The transformative power of the Holy Spirit's fire
The Work of the Spirit >
The Spirit Regenerates and Renews >
The Spirit transforms us into the image of Christ
The Holy Spirit in Creation >
The Holy Spirit as the Transformer of Creation >
The Holy Spirit's role in the transformation of our lives
Reviving the Word of God >
Reviving the Word of God in Our Lives >
Experiencing the transformative power of the Word of God
The Power of Personal Experience >
Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Personal Experience >
The transformative power of personal experience in our Christian walk
A Call to New Life >
The Transformative Power of the New Life >
The new life enables us to reflect Christ's love and character to others.
The Holy Spirit's Teaching Methods >
The Holy Spirit Teaches Us Through Spiritual Growth >
The Holy Spirit transforms us into the image of Christ as we grow in our faith.
The Future Glory for Belivers >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Our Future Glory >
The Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of Christ, preparing us for future glory
The Results of Jesus' Prayer >
Jesus' Prayer Resulted in Glory >
The glory Jesus prayed for is not just a future promise but a present reality. We are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory.
The Privilege of Knowing Christ >
The Transforming Power of Knowing Christ >
Knowing Christ leads to spiritual transformation as we are conformed to His image
Maintaining the Presence of God >
Experiencing the Fullness of God's Presence >
The transformation that occurs when we continually abide in God's presence.
Participating in God's Work >
The Impact of Participating in God's Work >
Participating in God's work brings transformation in our lives and in the lives of others.
Called to Be Holy >
The Nature of Holiness >
Holiness as transformation into Christ's likeness
God's Grace in Testing >
The Outcome of God's Grace in Testing >
God's grace in testing refines us into the image of Christ.
God's Understanding of Time >
God's Time is Transformative >
God's transformative time changes us into His likeness. We are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory.
To Fulfill His Promise >
Living in the Fulfillment of God's Promises >
Living in the fulfillment of God's promises brings transformation
The Spirit Produces Fruit >
The Impact of the Fruit of the Spirit >
The Fruit of the Spirit has a transformative impact on our lives, changing us into the likeness of Christ
Jesus as the Purifier >
The Effects of Purification in the Believer's Life >
Transformation into the image of Christ
Faith Activates God's Promises >
The Results of Activating God's Promises >
Growing in Christlikeness - As we live out God's promises, we grow in Christlikeness, being transformed into His image.
The Source of Goodness >
The Holy Spirit and the Fruit of Goodness >
The Holy Spirit empowers us to reflect God's goodness
God's Vision for Us >
God's Vision Transforms Us >
God's vision for us includes our transformation into the likeness of Christ. We are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory.
Jesus is Our Comforter >
Cultivating a Relationship with Jesus, Our Comforter >
Growing in relationship with the Comforter
It Reflects God's Love >
The Impact of Reflecting God's Love >
Reflecting God's love transforms us. As we love, forgive, and serve others, we become more like Christ.
The Law and Love >
The Law, Love, and Our Relationship with God >
Love and the Transformation of the Heart
A Call to Mission >
The Impact of the Mission >
The mission transforms us as we serve
To Shine Our Light >
The Characteristics of Our Light >
Our light is a reflection of God's glory
Striving for the Heights >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Striving for the Heights >
The Holy Spirit as the One who sanctifies and transforms us
Worship as a Relationship >
The Role of Worship in our Spiritual Growth >
Worship helps us to be transformed into the image of Christ
Daily Time with God >
The Impact of Daily Time with God on Our Lives and Others >
Transformation of Our Character
Worship Changes Our Perspective >
Worship Brings Healing and Transformation >
As we worship, God's presence brings transformation in our lives, changing us from the inside out.
Faith in God's Word >
The Evidence of Faith in God's Word >
Transformation - Faith in God's Word transforms us into the image of Christ.
The Heart is Sinful >
The Need for a New Heart >
The role of the Holy Spirit in transforming our hearts
Regular and Fervent Prayer >
The Impact of Regular and Fervent Prayer in Our Lives >
Regular and Fervent Prayer Brings Transformation
Biblical Definition of Sonship >
The Assurance of Sonship >
The ultimate proof of our sonship is the transformation in our lives. As we grow in our relationship with God, we become more like Christ in our thoughts, words, and actions.
Depth in Spiritual Growth >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Growth >
The Holy Spirit as the power for spiritual transformation
The Ultimate Goal: Christlikeness >
Understanding the Goal: Christlikeness >
Christlikeness is not about perfection but about growth and transformation. It is a lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus in character and actions.
The Ultimate Goal: Christlikeness >
The Power for Christlikeness: The Holy Spirit >
The Holy Spirit is the power source for Christlikeness. He works in us to transform us into the image of Christ.
The Privileges of Adoption >
We are Transformed into His Likeness >
We are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory.
Lessons from the Desert >
The Desert is a Place of Transformation >
The desert is a place where we are changed from glory to glory.
The Rewards of Faith >
Faith Brings Spiritual Growth >
Faith is essential for spiritual growth. It is through faith that we are sanctified and become more like Christ.
God's Recognition of Us >
God's Recognition Leads to Our Transformation >
We are transformed into the image of Christ
Glory to God >
The Glory of God in the Life of a Believer >
Transformed by God's Glory
Prayer Transforms Us >
Prayer Shapes Our Character >
Prayer molds us into the image of Christ. As we spend time in prayer, we become more like Jesus, reflecting His love, grace, and mercy.
Freedom to Grow >
The Joy of Experiencing Freedom to Grow >
The joy of being transformed
Ongoing Spiritual Growth >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Growth >
Understanding the Holy Spirit's role in transforming us into the image of Christ
Growth and Edification >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Growth and Edification >
The Holy Spirit's work in our spiritual transformation
God's Manifest Presence >
Understanding God's Manifest Presence >
Recognizing the importance of God's manifest presence
Defining God's Glory >
The Reflection of God's Glory in Believers >
The Transformation into God's Glory
Purpose of Anointing >
The Necessity of Anointing >
Anointing is Necessary for Personal Spiritual Growth
A Heart Transformed >
The Process of Heart Transformation >
The role of the Holy Spirit in heart transformation
Encouraging Spiritual Growth >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Growth >
The Holy Spirit's role in transforming us into Christ's likeness.
Weakening of Faith >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Strengthening Our Faith >
The Holy Spirit's role in our spiritual growth
Purpose and Meaning >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Discovering Purpose and Meaning >
The Holy Spirit's Role in Our Transformation
The New Covenant >
Living under the New Covenant >
We are empowered to live a holy life under the New Covenant
The Deeper Issue >
Understanding the Surface >
Realizing the need for change and growth
Recognizing God's Hand >
Experiencing God's Hand through His Spirit >
Seeing God's hand in the transformation of lives by the Holy Spirit
Conquest and Mercy >
Living Out Conquest and Mercy >
Reflecting God's Character in Conquest and Mercy
Worship with Love >
The Impact of Love-filled Worship >
Love-filled worship transforms the worshipper
Meeting Spiritual Needs >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Meeting Spiritual Needs >
The Holy Spirit's role in spiritual transformation
To See God >
The Implications of Seeing God >
The transformation that comes from seeing God
The Ongoing Process >
Understanding the Ongoing Process >
Embracing the reality of ongoing transformation in Christ
Emulating Positive Examples >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Emulating Positive Examples >
The Holy Spirit's work in transforming us into Christ's likeness
Hope in God >
The Impact of Hope in God >
Hope Leads to Transformation
Prayer Changes Us >
The Transformative Effect of Prayer on Our Lives >
Prayer molds us into God's image
Change is God-Ordained >
The Ultimate Change: Our Transformation in Christ >
The process of our transformation
Conformity to Christ >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Conformity to Christ >
The Holy Spirit's Work in Us
Freedom in Eternity >
The Path to Freedom in Eternity >
The path to eternal freedom involves a process of sanctification, becoming more like Christ.
Good Testimony >
The Impact of a Good Testimony >
A Reflection of God's Glory
Christ's Righteousness >
The Implication of Christ's Righteousness >
Transformation Through Christ's Righteousness
Personal Growth >
The Role of God in Personal Growth >
God's Spirit as the Enabler of Growth
God's Exaltation >
The Benefits of God's Exaltation >
Transformation Through God's Glory
Influencing Others >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Influencing Others >
The Holy Spirit transforming us to be positive influencers
Eternal Glory >
The Experience of Eternal Glory >
Experiencing Eternal Glory Now
Prayer Transforms >
The Transformative Power of Prayer >
Prayer transforms us spiritually
The Empowerment >
Empowerment for Spiritual Growth >
Empowerment for transformation
Divine Encounters >
Understanding Divine Encounters >
The Result of Divine Encounters
Moses' Fast >
Lessons from Moses' Fast >
The transformative power of God's presence
Cultivating Character >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Cultivating Character >
The Holy Spirit's role in transformation
Nurturing Intimacy >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Nurturing Intimacy >
Empowerment and Transformation
The Holy Spirit >
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit >
The Holy Spirit Cultivates the Fruit Through the Process of Sanctification
Sacrificial Death >
Conclusion: The Call to Sacrificial Death >
The Result of the Call
Defining Imitation >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Imitation >
The Holy Spirit's work in transformation
The Glory of God in His Word >
The Word of God Transforms Us into His Glory >
As we behold the glory of God in His Word, we are transformed into the same image.
A Disciple is a Follower of Jesus >
The Joy of Discipleship >
Discipleship brings joy because it results in spiritual growth and maturity. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we experience the joy of becoming more like Him.
The Word of God for Spiritual Growth >
The Word of God is the Mirror for Spiritual Transformation >
The Word of God molds us into the image of Christ as we meditate on it and apply it to our lives
The Benefits of Being Adopted by God >
We Are Transformed into the Likeness of Christ >
As we behold the glory of the Lord, we are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another
Jesus as the Model of Holiness >
Following Jesus' Example of Holiness >
We can grow in holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit and the study of God's Word.
The Power of the Holy Spirit >
The Empowering Work of the Holy Spirit >
The Holy Spirit as the Sanctifier who makes believers holy and transforms them into the image of Christ.