The Basis of God's Final Judgment >
God's Judgment is Based on Our Deeds >
Our actions in this life will be the basis of God's judgment. Every deed, whether good or bad, will be taken into account.
The Judgment Seat of Christ >
Understanding the Judgment Seat of Christ >
The concept of the Judgment Seat of Christ in the New Testament
The Throne Room of God >
The Throne Room: A Place of Judgment >
The importance of living righteously in light of God's impending judgment.
The Purpose of Good Works >
Good Works Prepare Us for Eternity >
Reward at the judgment seat of Christ - Our good works will be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ. They are not in vain, but will receive their due reward.
God's Judgment is Perfect >
Responding to God's Perfect Judgment >
We must prepare for God's judgment. We should live in a way that pleases Him.
Loss of Reward >
The Final Judgment and the Reward of the Faithful >
The reality of the final judgment and the reward or loss thereof.
The Inspection Gate >
Conclusion: Living a Life of Continuous Inspection >
Looking forward to the ultimate inspection by our Lord Jesus Christ
Personal Evangelism >
Understanding the Importance of Personal Evangelism >
The Urgency of Evangelism
Eternal Judgment >
Understanding the Concept of Eternal Judgment >
The Certainty of Eternal Judgment
The End Times as a Mystery >
The Mystery of the Final Judgment >
The final judgment should motivate believers to share the gospel and live righteously