Sermons on
2 Peter 1:4

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Assurance >  The Basis of Our Assurance  >  The Word of God
Promise >  Understanding the Concept of Promise  >  Defining Promise
Remembrance >  The Importance of Remembrance  >  Remembering God's Promises
The Basis of Our Assurance >  Assurance is Strengthened by God's Word  >  The Word's Promises
The Evidence of Assurance >  Assurance in God's Word  >  The Assurance of God's Promises
Understanding the Concept of Promise >  The Application of God's Promises  >  God's Promises are Our Assurance
The Role of Memories in Our Spiritual Journey >  Memories as Reminders of God's Faithfulness  >  Remembering God's promises
The Importance of Remembrance >  Remembering God's Deeds  >  Remembering God's Promises
The Breadth of God's Promises >  Understanding the Promises of God  >  God's promises are inclusive.
Living with Hope for Our Future >  The Source of Our Hope  >  Hope in God's Promises
Trusting God's Promises for Our Future >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Acknowledging the breadth of God's promises
Assurance is a Gift from God >  The Basis of our Assurance  >  The Promises of God
Patience in Waiting for God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
The Promise of Eternal Reward >  The Assurance of the Promise  >  The Testimony of Scripture
Promise in the Biblical Context >  Understanding the Concept of Promise in the Bible  >  Definition of Promise
The Source of Faith >  The Source of Faith: God's Word  >  The Promise of God's Word
God's Promises Provide Hope >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Promises Provide Strength >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Trust in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Remembrance Strengthens Our Faith >  Remembering God's Promises  >  Remembering God's promises in times of doubt
Faith in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Defining Promise >  Understanding the Concept of Promise  >  The Biblical Definition of Promise
Born Again >  The Benefits of Being Born Again  >  Inheritance of God's Promises
Encouraging Others with the Promise of God >  Understanding the Promise of God  >  The Scope of God's Promises
We Respond to God's Goodness with Gratitude >  Experiencing God's Goodness  >  We experience God's goodness through His promises.
All God's Promises are Yes in Christ >  Living in the Light of God's Promises  >  God's promises should shape our perspective and response to life's challenges
The Joy of Seeing God's Promises Fulfilled >  Understanding the Promises of God  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Bible Assures Us of God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Bible Assures Us of God's Promises >  Living in the Assurance of God's Promises  >  Living in the Light of God's Promises
Understanding that Delays Can Strengthen Our Perseverance >  The Blessings that Come Through Perseverance  >  Recognizing that through perseverance, we become partakers of God's divine nature.
Preparation for the Fulfillment of God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
Meditating on God's Promises to Foster Perseverance >  Understanding the Power of God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Power of Positive Thinking and Affirmations >  Implementing Positive Thinking and Affirmations in Daily Life  >  Trusting in God's promises
The Joy and Glory of Eternal Fellowship >  The Joy of Eternal Fellowship  >  Joy in God's Promises
The New Testament Concept of Birthright >  The Privileges of Our Spiritual Birthright  >  We are partakers of the divine nature
Assurance as a Gift from God >  The Biblical Basis for Assurance  >  God's Promises
Defining Hope in a Biblical Context >  The Foundation of Our Hope  >  God's promises
God's Promises are Fulfilled Through Faith >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Confidence through Faith in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Trusting in God's Promises with Patience >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Word Gives Strength in Weakness >  God's Word as a Source of Strength  >  God's promises in His Word
Rely on God's Strength and Promises >  Embracing God's Promises  >  Recognizing God's promises in the Bible
Reflecting God's Promises in Your Actions >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
Resisting the Devil and his Schemes >  Overcoming the Devil through the Victory of Christ  >  Claiming the promises of God
To Prepare Us for His Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
The Promise of Victory in Christ >  The Assurance of the Promise  >  The Word of God as our Assurance
The Concept of Being Born Again >  The Benefits of Being Born Again  >  Access to God's promises and blessings
God's Promises Amidst Fear and Uncertainty >  Living Out God's Promises  >  God's Promises and Our Actions
Abundance is not merely Material Wealth >  The Abundance of God's Promises  >  God's promises are abundant and sure.
Recognizing the Nature of God's Promises >  Understanding the Promises of God  >  God's promises are inclusive
We Claim God's Promises Through Prayer >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Declaring God's Promises Over Your Life >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Embracing the Abundance of God's Promises
Let the Promise Guide Your Actions >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
Understanding God's Will Through His Word >  Understanding God's Will Through His Promises  >  The promises of God as a reflection of His will
The Strength Derived from God's Word >  The Impact of God's Word on Our Faith  >  The Word of God helps us understand God's character and promises.
The Importance of Waiting on God >  Practical Ways to Wait on God  >  Trusting in God's promises
Experiencing the Satisfaction of God's Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Assurance through the Promises of God >  Understanding the Promises of God  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Kindness in the New Testament >  God's Kindness in His Promises and Blessings  >  God's Kindness in His Promises
Remembering God's Promises and His Fulfillment >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Eternal Significance of the Promise >  The Significance of the Promise  >  The Promise Shapes Our Lives
Experiencing the Blessings of God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Grasping the Scope of God's Promises
Understanding the Power of the Word >  The Word as God's Revelation  >  The Word as God's Promise
Practical Ways to Encourage One Another >  Speak Words of Encouragement  >  Sharing God's promises
Claim God's Promises of Victory >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises in the Bible
Embrace the Promise with Gratitude >  Embracing the Promise  >  Living in the Promise
The Nature of God's Promise >  God's Promises are for Our Benefit  >  God's promises are designed to bless us. He has granted to us His precious and very great promises
The Joy of God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Faithfulness in His Promises >  The Promises of God  >  Examples of God's Promises
The Impact of God's Promises >  God's Promises Demand Our Response  >  We are Challenged to Live by God's Promises
The Assurance of God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Urgency of God's Promises >  Recognizing the Urgency of God's Promises  >  The Impact of Embracing God's Promises
God's Promise is Our Comfort >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Word as God's Revelation >  The Word as God's Revelation of His Covenant  >  The Word as the record of God's promises
The Scope of God's Promise >  The Nature of God's Promises  >  God's promises are based on His character
God's Reaffirmation of His Promise >  Understanding God's Promise  >  The Definition of God's Promise
Keeping Faith in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
The Nature of Biblical Promises >  Definition and Importance of Biblical Promises  >  Understanding the Concept of Biblical Promises
The Assurance of the Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Fulfillment of God's Promises >  Living in the Fulfillment of God's Promises  >  Experiencing God's Promises
Being Confident in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Looking to Jesus for Hope >  Experiencing Hope through Jesus  >  Hope through His promises
God's Promises Give Us Hope >  The Role of God's Promises in Our Lives  >  God's Promises Foster Growth
Incorporating Scripture into Your Prayers >  Practical Ways to Incorporate Scripture into Your Prayers  >  Using Scriptural Promises in Your Prayers
The Significance of the Promise >  Understanding the Concept of a Promise  >  The biblical definition of a promise
The Nature of the Promise >  Understanding the Promise  >  The Promise as a Reflection of God's Character
Through His Word and Promises >  God's Promises: A Source of Hope and Assurance  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Joy of God's Promise >  Understanding God's Promise  >  The Scope of God's Promise
The Promise of Eternal Joy >  Understanding the Promise of Eternal Joy  >  The Promise is Given by God
Embrace the Promise with Hope >  Understanding the Promise  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Through Trusting in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Our Faith in God's Promise >  Living Out God's Promises  >  God's promises should inspire us to obedience
Inheriting the Promises of God >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
By Trusting in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Incorporating Scripture into Our Prayers >  Practical Ways to Incorporate Scripture into Our Prayers  >  Praying the Promises of God
The Application of God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises in Scripture
The Promise of Heaven's Gates >  The Assurance of Heaven's Gates  >  Assurance through God's Word
Understanding the Promises of God >  The Response to God's Promises  >  Live by God's Promises
The Nature of Future Blessings >  Understanding the Promise of Future Blessings  >  The nature of God's promises
Our Response to God's Promise >  Recognizing God's Promises  >  Identifying God's promises in the Scriptures
The Benefits of our Assurance >  Assurance Gives Us Peace  >  Assurance of God's promises brings peace in our daily lives, knowing that God will fulfill His promises.
The Response to the Promise >  Understanding the Promise  >  Recognizing God's Promises
The Impact of Christian Hope >  Understanding Christian Hope  >  Christian Hope is rooted in God's promises
The Challenges of Personal Transformation >  The Role of Faith in Transformation  >  Trusting in God's promises
The Ultimate Promise of God >  Introduction: Understanding God's Promises  >  The scope of God's promises - God's promises encompass all aspects of our lives, providing hope, comfort, and guidance.
The Nature of Our Hope >  The Source of Our Hope  >  Hope through the promises of God
Living in Peace through Faith >  Cultivating Peace through Faith  >  Trusting in God's Promises
Rejoicing in His Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Assurance in God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Promises of God >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Assurance of God's Promises >  Living by God's Promises  >  Living by God's promises leads to spiritual growth
Brings Joy and Satisfaction >  The Joy and Satisfaction in God's Promises  >  The eternal joy and satisfaction of God's promises
God's Encouragement is Constant >  God's Encouragement in Times of Doubt  >  God's Promises - God's promises are sure and steadfast. They are a source of encouragement in times of doubt.
Your Life Before Christ >  Living in Ignorance  >  Ignorant of God's Promises
Equal Access to God >  The Equality in Christ  >  In Christ, we are all children of God, co-heirs with Christ, and partakers of the divine nature. (Romans 8
God's Word Provides Strength >  God's Word Strengthens Our Faith  >  The Word of God helps us to trust in God's promises
The Promise in Scripture >  Living in the Light of God's Promises  >  Promises Propel Us Forward
Living in the Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Trusting in His Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Faith in the Promise >  Understanding the Promise  >  The Promise Defined
Believe in His Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Promise in Scripture >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Source of Hope >  Hope in the Word of God  >  Hope through God's promises in the Bible
A Promise for Belivers >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Promises are Immutable >  Responding to God's Immutable Promises  >  We should live according to His promises
God's Promise Brings Hope >  Responding to God's Promises  >  We should live in the light of God's promises
The Danger of Ignorance >  Ignorance Hinders Our Relationship with God  >  Ignorance of God's promises can lead to fear and anxiety, as we fail to trust in His provision and protection.
The Danger of Forgetting >  The Danger of Forgetting God's Word  >  Forgetting the promises of God
A Message of Hope >  The Source of our Hope  >  Hope in God's promises
God's Love is Everlasting >  Experiencing God's Everlasting Love  >  Through His Promises
Joy in His Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Joy in His Promise >  Conclusion: The Fullness of Joy in His Promises  >  The Abundance of His Promises
Staying Connected to God >  Trusting in God's Faithfulness  >  Relying on God's promises
Incorporating Scripture in Prayer >  Understanding the Importance of Scripture in Prayer  >  Scripture as a Promise
Born Again in Spirit >  The Benefits of Being Born Again  >  Access to God's promises
God's Promises are Unfailing >  Responding to God's Unfailing Promises  >  Live According to His Promises
Embracing God's Promise Daily >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Grasping the scope of God's promises
God's Promise in Christ >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Promise is Unchanging >  Living in the Light of God's Unchanging Promises  >  Living by God's promises
Preparing for the Fulfillment >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing God's Promises
God's Promises are Infallible >  The Impact of God's Infallible Promises on Our Lives  >  God's Promises Foster Growth
The Power of Remembrance >  The Importance of Remembering God's Deeds  >  Remembering God's Promises
Responding to God's Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Promises Bring Transformation >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Promises Inspire Faith >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Hope in Difficult Times >  Understanding the Nature of Hope  >  Hope in God's Promises
The Promise to Belivers >  Living in the Promise  >  Walking in the Promise
The Storms of Life >  Overcoming Life's Storms  >  Overcome through God's promises
The Blessings of Remembrance >  Remembering God's Promises  >  God's promises are a source of comfort and peace.
Experiencing the Shepherd's Rest >  Living in the Shepherd's Rest  >  Living in the Shepherd's Rest means resting in God's promises
Responding to God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
The Covenant with Noah >  Conclusion: Living Under the Covenant  >  Embracing God's promises
Looking Forward with Hope >  The Source of Our Hope  >  Hope in God's Promises
God's Provision and Confirmation >  Recognizing God's Confirmation  >  Confirmation through His Word
Believing God's Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The scope of God's promises
Share His Promises >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
The Word's Promises >  Understanding the Promises of God  >  The Word of God is filled with promises
Definition of Promise >  Understanding the Concept of Promise  >  The Biblical Meaning of Promise
The Promise Defined >  Understanding the Concept of God's Promise  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Promise Attached >  Understanding God's Promises  >  God's Promises are for Everyone
Embracing God's Promises >  Living Out God's Promises  >  Growing in the Knowledge of God's Promises
The Victory Assured >  The Basis of Our Assurance  >  The assurance is based on God's promises
Live the Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Prayer and Freedom >  Practical Steps to Embrace Freedom through Prayer  >  Praying the Promises of God for Freedom
Remembering through Scripture >  The Role of Scripture in Remembering  >  Scripture as a Reminder of God's Promises
Living in Anticipation >  Living in Anticipation of God's Promises  >  Trusting in God's Word
Nehemiah's Prayerful Planning >  The Lessons from Nehemiah's Prayerful Planning  >  The power of God's promises in motivating and guiding us
Understanding God's Promises >  The Response to God's Promises  >  We Should Live According to God's Promises
Remembrance Brings Worship >  The Power of Remembrance  >  Remembering God's Promises
Feeding Our Faith >  Growing Our Faith  >  Through God's Promises
Faith and Endurance >  Practical Steps to Grow in Faith and Endurance  >  Trust in God's Promises
Strength for Victory >  Gaining Strength through God's Word  >  Standing firm on God's promises
Overcoming Temptations >  The Power of God's Word in Overcoming Temptation  >  Trusting in God's promises during times of temptation
Choosing Positivity >  Practical Steps to Choosing Positivity  >  Focusing on God's promises
Everlasting Love >  The Assurance of God's Everlasting Love  >  God's love gives us confidence in His promises
Life Circumstances >  Overcoming Life Circumstances  >  Overcoming through the promises of God
Hope Sustains >  Understanding the Concept of Hope  >  Hope in God's Promises
Expectation >  Understanding Expectation  >  The Source of Expectation
The Biblical Definition of Union with Christ >  The Implications of Union with Christ  >  Our union with Christ also means that we are partakers of His divine nature and share in His inheritance.
The Assurance of God's Promises Through Prayer >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
The Importance of Promise in Christian Life >  Understanding the Concept of Promise in the Bible  >  The Definition of Promise
The Importance of Faith in God's Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  God's Promises are for Our Benefit
Trusting in God's Promises Gives Us Strength >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Fulfillment as the Completion of God's Promises >  The Impact of God's Fulfilled Promises  >  Transformation of Our Lives
The Word of God as our Fortress >  The Word of God is our Hope  >  The Word as our Promise
The Bible as a Source of Encouragement >  The Bible: A Source of Comfort and Hope  >  The Bible as a reminder of God's promises
Trusting in God's Promises Strengthens Our Faith >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the promises of God in the Bible
The Bible as the Manual of Wisdom >  The Wisdom of the Bible  >  The Wisdom of God's Promises
The Role of Prayer in Unlocking Possibilities >  Prayer as a Key to Unlocking God's Promises  >  Understanding God's Promises
Memories as Catalysts for Worship and Thanksgiving >  Memory as a Catalyst for Future Worship and Thanksgiving  >  Remembering God's Promises
The Breadth of God's Promises in Provision >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Sweetness as a Symbol of God's Blessings >  The Sweetness of God's Word  >  The Sweetness of God's Promises
Living in the Fulfillment of God's Promise >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
The Blessings of Faithfulness to God's Word >  Faithfulness to God's Word Strengthens Our Relationship with God  >  Through His Word, we learn about God's character and promises
The Bible as a Beacon of Hope >  The Bible: A Reminder of God's Promises  >  The Bible is filled with God's promises, each one a beacon of hope for believers.
God's Promises Provide a Foundation for Positivity >  Living on God's Promises  >  God's promises shape our character
Living in Light of God's Unchanging Promises >  Understanding God's Unchanging Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Living in Light of God's Unchanging Promises >  The Impact of God's Unchanging Promises on Our Lives  >  Promises Inspire Service and Dedication to God
God's Promises as a Source of Strength >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
God's Promises as a Source of Guidance >  Understanding God's Promises  >  The Scope of God's Promises
Practical Ways to Encourage and Edify Others >  Share the Gospel  >  Share God's Promises
Practical Ways to Incorporate Thanksgiving in Prayer >  Incorporate Thanksgiving in Your Petitions  >  Thank God for His promises
Encouragement Through Praying the Promises of God >  Understanding the Promises of God  >  The scope of God's promises
The Basis of Our Confidence in Prayer >  God's Promises  >  God's promises are sure and steadfast. We can have confidence in prayer because we trust in His promises.
Praying God's Promises Back to Him >  Understanding God's Promises  >  Recognizing the Promises of God
God's Promise to Hear and Heal >  Trusting in God's Promises  >  Living in the Light of God's Promises
God's Promises are for Our Benefit >  Claiming God's Promises  >  Peter 1
Acknowledging the Breadth of God's Promises >  Understanding the Promises of God  >  Recognizing the existence of God's promises
Misunderstanding or Misinterpretation of God's Promises >  Introduction: The Importance of Understanding God's Promises  >  The significance of God's promises in our lives
The Importance of Regular Bible Study >  Bible Study Deepens Our Understanding of God  >  Understanding God's Promises
The Promise Reiterated by the Angels >  The Promise Reiterated Today  >  Our response to God's promises