The Purpose of Trials >
Trials Point Us to the Hope of Eternity >
Trials help us to set our minds on things above
Living in Hope of This Peace >
Living in the Hope of This Peace >
We can live in hope of this peace by setting our minds on things above, not on earthly things
Heaven as Our Eternal Home >
Living with the Perspective of Heaven as Our Home >
We are to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things
Love for Worldly Pleasures >
Practical Steps to Overcome Love for Worldly Pleasures >
Setting our minds on things above, not on earthly things
The Influence of the Kingdom >
The Influence of the Kingdom on the Believer >
The Kingdom of God influences our perspective towards life, making us focus on eternal things rather than temporal
The Promise of Eternal Fellowship >
Living in Light of the Promise of Eternal Fellowship >
We should live with an eternal perspective, focusing on the things of God rather than the things of this world.
The Height of Christ's Love >
The Unreachable Height of Christ's Love >
His love lifts us above our circumstances and gives us a heavenly perspective
The Future Glory for Belivers >
The Impact of Our Future Glory on Our Present Lives >
Future glory helps us to keep our focus on eternal things rather than temporal things
Manifested in His Ascension >
The Ascension: A Pledge of Our Future Glory >
His ascension reminds us to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.
The Symbolism in Prophecy >
The Impact of Understanding Symbolic Prophecy on Our Lives >
Encouraging Us to Live in Light of Eternity
Recognizing the Old Mindset >
Overcoming the Old Mindset >
We overcome the old mindset by living in the Spirit and setting our minds on things above
Defining the Heavenly Perspective >
The Importance of the Heavenly Perspective >
The heavenly perspective aligns our priorities with God's priorities. It helps us to live a life that is pleasing to God.
The Dangers of Busyness >
The Danger of Missing God's Purpose for Our Lives >
Busyness can distract us from the eternal perspective and cause us to focus on temporary, worldly matters.
Invest in Eternal Things >
Conclusion: The Call to Invest in Eternal Things >
The call to shift our focus from earthly to heavenly investments
The Gates of Jerusalem >
The Inspection Gate: The Gate of Judgment >
The need for believers to live in light of eternity
The Power to Turn >
Persevering in the Power to Turn >
Continually turning from sin and towards God
Increased Joy and Peace >
The Role of Prayer in Increasing Joy and Peace >
Prayer helps us to focus on God, not our circumstances
Worship Changes Our Perspective >
Worship Shifts Our Focus from Earthly to Heavenly >
Worship enables us to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Worship Transforms our Perspective >
Worship Shifts our Focus from Earthly to Heavenly >
Worship helps us to shift our focus from the things of this world to the things of God.
The Call to Transformation >
The Impact of Transformation >
Transformation changes our perspective on life, we start to see things from God's perspective
Anticipating Our Eternal Home >
Living in Light of Our Eternal Home >
Setting our minds on things above, not on earthly things. Heavenly-mindedness should characterize our lives.
The Consequences of Worldliness >
The Danger of Spiritual Decay >
The love of the world and its pleasures can cause us to drift away from God and His teachings.
The Necessity of Hell >
Conclusion: Responding to the Reality of Hell >
Living in light of eternity, mindful of the reality of Hell
The Eternal State >
Living with the Eternal Perspective >
The Importance of the Eternal Perspective
Death and Loss >
Living in Light of Death and Loss >
Living with an eternal perspective
Focusing on God >
Understanding the Importance of Focusing on God >
The need for a God-centered life
In this Life >
Preparing for Eternity in this Life >
Living with an Eternal Perspective
Strength for Eternity >
Understanding Our Eternal Destination >
Understanding the difference between earthly and eternal perspective
Strength for Eternity >
Living with an Eternal Perspective >
Setting our minds on things above, not on earthly things
The Eternal Reward >
The Impact of the Eternal Reward on Our Lives >
It Helps Us to Set Our Priorities
Reward in Heaven >
The Motivation for Seeking Heavenly Rewards >
The pursuit of heavenly rewards helps us to keep an eternal perspective.
Eternal Rewards Await >
The Importance of Striving for Eternal Rewards >
Striving for eternal rewards keeps our focus on God and eternity, not on the temporary things of this world
Clarity and Focus >
Cultivating Clarity and Focus in Our Lives >
Maintaining Focus through Prayer and Worship
Lack of Desire >
Overcoming Lack of Desire >
Cultivating godly desires
Defining Future Glory >
The Impact of Future Glory on Our Lives >
It Transforms Our Perspective - The promise of future glory transforms our perspective on life. It helps us to see beyond our present circumstances and to set our minds on things above
The Cosmic Impact >
Living with a Cosmic Perspective >
Cultivating a heavenly mindset, setting our minds on things above, not on earthly things
Commitment to Christ >
The Challenges of Commitment to Christ >
The Struggle with Worldly Distractions
Heavenly Reward >
Conclusion: Living in Light of Heavenly Rewards >
We should live with an eternal perspective
Hope Purifies >
The Purifying Power of Hope >
Hope Purifies Our Minds
Resist >
Resist Worldly Desires >
Living a God-Centered Life