The Limitations of Human Wisdom >
The Need for Humility and Dependence on God's Wisdom >
We must seek God's wisdom above all else, even when it contradicts human wisdom.
God's View on Failure >
Overcoming Failure with God's Help >
Seeking God's wisdom and guidance when we fail.
Communication with God >
The Power of Communication with God >
Communication with God brings wisdom and understanding.
Knowledge Puffs Up >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Imparting Knowledge >
The Holy Spirit helps us to use knowledge wisely.
The Defense of our Faith in Christ >
Equipping Ourselves for the Defense of our Faith >
Engaging in prayer - Prayer is our communication with God, where we can ask for wisdom and guidance in defending our faith.
The Role of Prayer in Strengthening Relationships >
Prayer as a Foundation of Relationships >
Prayer as a way of seeking God's guidance - In our relationships, we often need wisdom and guidance. Prayer is a way of seeking God's wisdom and guidance in our relationships.
The Role of Prayer in Strengthening Relationships >
Practical Ways to Incorporate Prayer in Relationships >
Praying for wisdom in relationships - Praying for wisdom in how to handle relationships can lead to healthier and stronger relationships.
Fasting Changes Our Relationship with God >
Fasting Increases Our Sensitivity to God's Voice >
Through fasting, we can gain clarity and direction from God. As we seek Him with a sincere heart, He promises to guide us and give us wisdom.
By Loving God Above All Else >
The Blessings of Loving God Above All Else >
Receiving guidance - As we prioritize God in our lives, He promises to guide us and give us wisdom.
The Bible Brings Understanding and Wisdom >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Understanding the Bible >
As we read and study the Bible, we should pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance to understand and apply its truths.
The Word of God Guides Us >
The Word of God is a Source of Wisdom >
The Bible provides us with divine wisdom that surpasses human understanding.
Wisdom is Found in God's Word >
The Source of Wisdom >
Wisdom is a Divine Gift - Wisdom is not something we can attain on our own. It is a gift given by God to those who earnestly seek Him.
The Role of Women as Wives >
Women as Prayer Warriors >
Through prayer, women can seek God's wisdom, strength, and guidance for their role as wives.
Wisdom in the Life of Jesus >
Jesus Revealed Wisdom in His Invitation to Follow Him >
He gives wisdom to those who ask, promising to generously provide without finding fault
The Nature of Christ's Wisdom >
Christ's Wisdom is Perfect >
His wisdom is flawless and complete. It lacks nothing and is free from any error or mistake
The Nature of Christ's Wisdom >
Christ's Wisdom is Accessible to Believers >
Christ's wisdom is available to all who seek Him. He generously gives wisdom to those who ask Him
The Source of Christ's Wisdom >
Christ's Wisdom is Available to Believers >
Christ's wisdom is available to all believers who seek Him with a sincere heart
Ambition to Grow in Faith >
Cultivating Ambition to Grow in Faith >
The role of prayer in nurturing our ambition to grow in faith
Dreams from the Human Mind >
Interpreting Dreams from a Biblical Perspective >
The importance of seeking God's wisdom in interpreting dreams
Seek God's Wisdom and Grace >
Understanding the Importance of Seeking God's Wisdom >
The role of God's wisdom in guiding our decisions and actions
A Command, not an Option >
Practical Steps to Obeying God's Commands >
Pray for strength and wisdom to obey God's commands
The Peril of Rushing Decisions >
The Blessings of Waiting on God's Timing >
Waiting on God's timing brings clarity. God can provide wisdom and understanding when we seek Him and wait patiently for His guidance.
The Peril of Rushing Decisions >
Practical Steps to Avoid Rushing Decisions >
Seek God's wisdom through prayer and reading His Word. This can provide guidance and clarity in decision making.
The Folly of Rash Speech >
The Need for God's Help in Controlling Our Speech >
We should seek God's wisdom in our speech
The Value of Christ's Wisdom >
Christ's Wisdom is Accessible >
Christ's wisdom is available to all who seek it. It is not hidden or reserved for a select few.
The Bible as a Guide >
The Bible as a Source of Wisdom >
The Bible is filled with wisdom that guides us in making right decisions.
Praying for a Listening Heart >
The Role of Prayer in Cultivating a Listening Heart >
Prayer as a means of seeking God's wisdom and understanding.
Setting Goals and Making Plans >
Understanding the Importance of Setting Goals and Making Plans >
Acknowledging the need for wisdom and discernment in setting goals and making plans
The Proper Use of Knowledge >
The Pursuit of Knowledge and Wisdom >
Emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge and wisdom from God
Using Success to Bless Others >
Conclusion: The Call to Use Success to Bless Others >
Praying for God's guidance and wisdom in using our success(James 1
The Wisdom of Solomon >
The Lessons from Solomon's Wisdom >
The importance of seeking wisdom from God, who gives generously to all without finding fault
Trials Test Our Faith >
Responding to Trials with Faith >
Praying for wisdom and understanding during trials
Feeding on the Word >
Challenges in Feeding on the Word and How to Overcome Them >
Lack of understanding and the need for prayer and guidance
David's Prayer for Guidance >
Conclusion: Applying David's Prayer for Guidance to Our Lives >
Living out the lessons from David's prayer for guidance
Praying for Open Doors >
The Importance of Praying for Open Doors >
The need for prayer in seeking God's guidance and wisdom in recognizing open doors
God's Encouragement is Constant >
God's Encouragement in Times of Doubt >
God's Wisdom - God gives wisdom generously to all who ask, helping us to overcome our doubts.
Praying at All Times >
The Practice of Praying at All Times >
Praying in times of decision-making and seeking guidance.
In Terms of Relationship >
Dealing with Challenges in Relationships >
Seeking God's wisdom and guidance in difficult relationships
To Reveal His Plans >
God Reveals His Plans Through Prayer >
Through prayer, we can seek and understand God's will
The Danger of Ignorance >
The Remedy for Ignorance >
Prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit are essential for gaining wisdom and discernment.
Trusting in God's Wisdom >
The Importance of Trusting in God's Wisdom >
Trusting in God's wisdom leads to right decisions and actions
Missed Opportunities for Growth >
Identifying Opportunities for Growth >
Seeking opportunities for growth through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Consequences of Prayerlessness >
Lack of Guidance and Wisdom >
Prayerlessness results in a lack of divine guidance. Through prayer, God gives us wisdom and direction for our lives.
Stay Close to God >
The Benefits of Staying Close to God >
Gaining wisdom and understanding for life's decisions
Deeper Relationship with God >
Experiencing the Benefits of a Deeper Relationship with God >
Gaining wisdom and guidance for life's decisions
Regular Reading and Study >
The Practice of Regular Reading and Study >
Pray for Understanding - Before we read and study, we should pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten our understanding and apply the Word to our lives.
Balancing Work and Leisure >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Achieving Balance >
Relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance
In Our Decision Making >
Seek Wisdom from God's Word >
Seeking wisdom from God through prayer and meditation on His Word
Positive Change in Society >
Overcoming Challenges in Implementing Positive Change >
Praying for guidance and wisdom in decision-making
Worship and Praise God >
The Blessings of Worship and Praise >
Receiving divine guidance and wisdom as we seek God in worship and praise.
God's Word Provides Comfort >
God's Word Provides Comfort in Our Uncertainty >
God's Word encourages us to seek His wisdom in all things, bringing comfort in our uncertainty.
Fear as a Teacher >
Fear as a Teacher: Lessons from the Bible >
Fear teaches us to seek God's guidance
God's Plan is Dynamic >
Participating in God's Dynamic Plan >
Seeking God's guidance to understand our part in His plan
Ultimate Wisdom is Practical >
Understanding the Nature of Ultimate Wisdom >
Ultimate Wisdom is not merely intellectual knowledge, but a divine gift from God.
The Source of Knowledge >
The Role of Prayer in Accessing God's Knowledge >
The importance of asking God for wisdom in prayer
The Consequences of Speed >
The Danger of Rushing into Decisions >
The importance of seeking God's wisdom before making decisions
The Wise King >
The Source of Wisdom >
Recognizing the source of true wisdom - God
The Wise King >
Applying Wisdom in Our Lives >
Seeking wisdom from God
Use Your Gifts >
Cultivating Your Gifts >
Seeking God's Guidance in Using Your Gifts
Saul's Rash Oath >
Conclusion: Applying the Lessons of Saul's Oath Today >
The call to wisdom and discernment in our lives
Prayer as Communication >
Understanding Prayer as a Form of Communication >
Prayer as a tool for seeking God's guidance
Knowledge and Service >
Practical Steps to Grow in Knowledge and Service >
Prayer for Wisdom and Opportunities to Serve
Accuracy of Predictions >
Responding to God's Predictions >
Seeking wisdom and understanding through prayer and study
Access to God >
The Benefits of Our Access to God >
Receiving guidance and wisdom from God
In Our Relationships >
The Role of God in Our Relationships >
Seeking God's Wisdom in Relationship Challenges
Acknowledging the Problem >
God's Role in Problem Solving >
God provides wisdom and understanding to those who seek Him. We can turn to Him for guidance in solving our problems.
Acknowledging the Problem >
The Power of Prayer in Acknowledging and Solving Problems >
Prayer helps us to align our will with God's and to seek His wisdom in solving our problems.
Trials and Testing >
Responding to Trials and Testing >
We should seek wisdom from God to understand and endure trials
Obey God's Word >
Practical Steps to Obey God's Word >
Praying for Understanding and Obedience
Source of Wisdom >
Wisdom Gained Through the Holy Spirit >
The Spirit gives wisdom generously to those who ask
Guidance and Wisdom >
Practical Steps to Seek Guidance and Wisdom >
Prayer and meditation on God's Word
Pray for Wisdom >
The Call to Pray for Wisdom >
God's Willingness to Give Wisdom
Goodness in Action >
Overcoming Challenges to Goodness >
Seek God's wisdom in every situation
Closeness to God >
The Benefits of Closeness to God >
The wisdom and guidance we receive from God when we seek Him
Distance from God >
The Blessings of Drawing Near to God >
Receiving divine guidance and wisdom
Pray for Them >
The Blessings of Being Prayed For >
Receiving wisdom and guidance
Missing God's Best >
Neglecting Prayer >
Failing to seek God's guidance and wisdom through prayer
God Allows Trials >
Responding to Trials with Trust and Perseverance >
Seek God's wisdom in trials. When we don't know what to do, we should ask God for wisdom and guidance.
Dreams from God >
Responding to Dreams from God >
Seeking God's wisdom and understanding
Hearing His Voice >
The Benefits of Hearing His Voice >
Gaining wisdom and understanding for life's decisions.
Testing the Source >
Practical Steps in Testing the Source >
Pray for wisdom and discernment.
Faithfulness in Wealth >
Cultivating Faithfulness in Wealth >
Pray for wisdom to use wealth in a way that honors God.
In Our Service >
The Power Behind Our Service >
Depending on God's wisdom
Pray for Faith >
The Role of Prayer in Building Faith >
Prayer as a Way to Seek God's Will
Praying in Solitude >
The Benefits of Praying in Solitude >
Gaining Clarity and Direction from God
Living as Examples >
Overcoming Challenges as We Live as Examples >
Trusting in God's wisdom when facing difficult decisions
Seek God First >
The Benefits of Seeking God First >
Receipt of God's wisdom
In Our Priorities >
Aligning Our Priorities with God's Will >
The need for discernment in setting priorities
Instability in Life >
Responding to Instability with Faith >
Seeking God's guidance during unstable times
Wait with Prayer >
Practical Steps to Wait with Prayer >
Seeking God's wisdom and guidance in prayer during waiting periods
In Our Decisions >
The Role of Prayer in Our Decisions >
Praying for wisdom and understanding
Seeking Knowledge Diligently >
The Process of Seeking Knowledge >
Seeking knowledge through prayer. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."
Plan and Budget >
The Role of Faith in Planning and Budgeting >
Seeking God's wisdom and guidance in financial decisions
A Good Reputation >
Maintaining a Good Reputation >
Seeking wisdom and guidance from God
Lack of Direction >
Seeking God's Direction >
Turning to God in prayer for guidance and wisdom.
Trust and Security >
Trust and Security in Our Daily Lives >
Trust and Security in Decision Making
To Influence Society >
Praying for Our Society >
Seeking God's guidance and wisdom in societal issues.
Nurturing the Family >
Overcoming Challenges in the Family >
Seeking God's wisdom in conflict resolution
Prayer for Integrity >
The Role of Prayer in Cultivating Integrity >
Prayer as a Tool for Transformation
Victory Over Enemies >
The Importance of Prayer in Overcoming Enemies >
Praying for wisdom to discern the schemes of the enemy
Prayer for Restoration >
The Power of Prayer in Restoration >
Prayer as a tool for seeking God's guidance and strength in the restoration process.
Wisdom in Christ >
The Source of Wisdom >
Acknowledging that wisdom is a gift from God
Nurturing Physical Health >
Overcoming Challenges in Maintaining Physical Health >
Seeking God's wisdom in making health decisions
Understanding God's Path >
God's Path is Discerned Through Prayer >
Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. Through prayer, we can seek His guidance and wisdom.
God's Wisdom >
The Application of God's Wisdom >
God's Wisdom Guides Our Decisions
Overcoming Temptations >
The Role of Prayer in Overcoming Temptation >
Seeking God's guidance during times of temptation
Spiritual Gifts >
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts >
Praying for Revelation
Building Relationships >
Restoring Broken Relationships >
Relying on God's wisdom and guidance in the process of restoration
Handling Criticism >
Learning from Criticism >
Allowing criticism to draw us closer to God
Silent Prayer >
The Power of Silent Prayer >
Silent Prayer and Divine Guidance
Personal Reflection >
The Process of Personal Reflection >
Seeking God's guidance in our reflection
Spiritual Preparation >
The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Preparation >
Praying for Wisdom and Understanding
Respectful Communication >
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Respectful Communication >
Relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance
Live Wisely >
Understanding What It Means to Live Wisely >
Wisdom comes from God and is a gift to those who ask
Live Wisely >
How to Live Wisely >
Seek wisdom from God through prayer and reading His Word
Spiritual Protection >
The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Protection >
Praying for wisdom and discernment
Pharaoh's Dreams >
Conclusion: Applying the Lessons Today >
Seeking God's guidance in times of uncertainty
Taking Action >
Practical Steps to Taking Action >
Praying for wisdom and guidance - if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God
God's Perspective >
Aligning Our Perspective with God's >
We need to seek God's wisdom and understanding through His Word and prayer.
Personal Trials >
The Proper Response to Trials >
Pray for wisdom and understanding
Accepting Change >
Responding to Change with Faith >
Seeking God's wisdom in times of change
Defining Wisdom >
The Source of Wisdom >
Wisdom comes from God. The Bible teaches that wisdom is a gift from God, not something we can earn or acquire on our own.
Personal Suffering >
Responding to Personal Suffering >
Seeking God's wisdom in our suffering
Emotional Impact >
Managing Emotions in a Godly Manner >
Seeking Godly Wisdom for Our Emotions
God's Challenge >
Responding to God's Challenge >
Seeking God's Wisdom in the Midst of Challenge
Personal Study >
The Practice of Personal Study >
Incorporating prayer into personal study
The Will >
Aligning Our Will with God's Will >
Seeking God's Will in Prayer
Personal Decision >
Making Godly Personal Decisions >
Seeking God's wisdom before making decisions
With Responsibility >
Embracing Responsibility: Steps to Take >
Seeking God's Wisdom and Strength
Jesus' Forewarning >
Responding to Jesus' Forewarnings >
We should respond with prayer and reliance on God's wisdom.
Teaching Others >
The Characteristics of Effective Biblical Teaching >
Teaching with wisdom
Positive Influence >
The Role of Prayer in Positive Influence >
Seeking God's guidance to become a positive influence
Prioritize God >
The Blessings of Prioritizing God >
Receiving God's guidance and wisdom
Trust God >
How to Trust God in Difficult Times >
Pray and seek His guidance
Avoiding Debt >
Practical Steps to Avoid Debt >
Seeking God's wisdom in financial decisions
Seeking Truth >
Seeking Truth in Prayer >
Prayer for Wisdom and Understanding
Increased Wisdom >
Understanding the Need for Increased Wisdom >
The importance of wisdom in decision making
Seeking Revenge >
Practical Steps to Overcome the Desire for Revenge >
Seeking God's strength and wisdom in dealing with offenses
Jonah's Depression >
Overcoming Depression: Biblical Principles >
Seeking God's wisdom and guidance
Participation >
The Barriers to Participation and How to Overcome Them >
Lack of Understanding
Interpretation >
The Practice of Biblical Interpretation >
Prayerful Approach
Discernment >
Growing in Discernment >
Discernment Through Prayer
Disagreements >
Seeking God's Wisdom in Disagreements >
Praying for wisdom and understanding
Use Words to Encourage and Build Up >
Overcoming the Challenges in Using Words to Encourage and Build Up >
Relying on God's grace and the Holy Spirit's power to use words wisely
The Role of Faith in Overcoming Depression >
The Role of Professional Help and Faith >
Understanding that seeking professional help does not negate our faith, but can be a means through which God provides healing
The Proper Approach to Studying God's Word >
Approach God's Word with Humility >
Acknowledge that we need God's wisdom. We should approach the Bible with an understanding that we need God's wisdom to understand His Word.