Sermons on
John 1:4

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Jesus as the Light of the World >  The Impact of the Light of Jesus  >  The Light brings life and hope in the midst of darkness.
Our Response to Truth >  Living in the Truth  >  Walking in truth
The Deception of the Enemy at the Gates >  Overcoming the Enemy's Deception  >  Walking in the truth.
Through Prayer and Fellowship with God >  The Beauty of Fellowship with God  >  The joy and peace that comes from fellowship with God.
To Reach Out to the Lost >  The Joy of Seeing the Lost Found  >  The Joy in Our Hearts
Committing to Share God's Word >  The Rewards of Sharing God's Word  >  The Joy of Seeing Lives Transformed.
Truth Leads to Righteous Living >  Embracing Truth in Our Daily Lives  >  Living in Truth
We Must Believe the Truth >  Living Out the Truth in Our Daily Lives  >  By Walking in Truth
God's Inherent Light >  The Impact of God's Inherent Light  >  God's Light Brings Life
Respond with Joy >  Spreading Joy  >  Joy in Discipleship
To Speak Truth >  The Blessings of Speaking Truth  >  Truth Honors God
The Eternal Word >  Understanding the Concept of the Eternal Word  >  The Eternal Word as the Source of Life and Light
The Word >  The Word as Life  >  The Word as the source of life.
Spiritual Impact >  The Rewards of Spiritual Impact  >  The Joy of Seeing Lives Transformed
Teaching: A Divine Mandate >  The Challenges and Rewards of Teaching  >  The reward of seeing spiritual growth in others.
Embracing the Role of Stewardship in Parenting >  The Blessings of Embracing Stewardship in Parenting  >  4.1 The Joy of Seeing Spiritual Growth
Families are to Prepare Children for Adulthood >  The Promise and Reward of Faithful Parenting  >  The joy of seeing children walk in truth (3 (John 1
The Joy of Leading Others to Christ >  The Joy of Seeing Lives Transformed  >  Rejoicing in the growth and maturity of new believers (3 (John 1
The Gospel Preached to All Nations >  Our Role in Preaching the Gospel  >  The blessing of participating in the Great Commission
Seeking to Serve Others with Our Knowledge >  The Blessings of Serving Others with Our Knowledge  >  The joy of seeing others grow in their faith (3 (John 1
The Strength Found in Words of Truth >  The Call to Speak Truth  >  Truth Honors God
Serving God Today Brings Joy and Fulfillment >  The Joy of Serving God  >  The joy of seeing God at work
The Husband as the Spiritual Leader >  The Blessings of Being a Spiritual Leader  >  The blessing of seeing your family grow in faith. (3 (John 1
Encouraging Others in Their Spiritual Growth >  The Rewards of Encouraging Others  >  Experiencing joy in seeing others grow (3 (John 1
Making Disciples is a Lifelong Commitment >  The Reward of Discipleship  >  The joy of seeing spiritual growth
Praying for Others to be Blessed >  The Blessings of Praying for Others  >  Experiencing joy in seeing others blessed (3 (John 1
Encouragement as a Form of Service >  The Impact of Encouragement on the Encourager  >  Encouragement brings joy and fulfillment (3 (John 1
The Eternal Word as the Perfect >  Introduction: Understanding the Eternal Word  >  The Eternal Word as the Source of Life and Light
The Joy of Gathering the Harvest >  Participating in the Harvest  >  The Joy of Participation
Jesus as the Word of God >  The Word as Light and Life  >  The Word as the Source of Life
Christ as the Word of God >  The Work of the Word  >  The Word brings light and life
Jesus as the Word of Life >  Understanding Jesus as the Word of Life  >  Jesus is the embodiment of life, and this life brings light to mankind
Jesus as the Word Made Flesh >  Understanding the Concept of the Word  >  The Word as the source of life and light
The Nature of God as Truth >  God Expects Us to Live in Truth  >  By Walking in Truth
God's Light Brings Life and Hope >  The Life-Giving Power of God's Light  >  God's Light Brings Spiritual Life
We are Called to Make Disciples >  The Challenges and Rewards of Discipleship  >  The joy of making disciples
190 God's Truth Sets Us Free >  Living in God's Truth  >  3.2 Walking in God's Truth
The Promise of the Light >  Jesus Christ: The Light of the World  >  Jesus
Participating in the Process of Restoration >  Experiencing the Joy of Restoration  >  4.2 Shared joy
How to Live by the Truth >  Living the Truth  >  3.3 Walking in the truth
The Joy in Sharing the Gospel >  The Joy of Seeing the Gospel Bear Fruit  >  3.1 The joy of seeing others come to faith in Christ (3 (John 1
Spreading the Hope of the Gospel >  The Challenges and Rewards of Spreading the Gospel  >  5.2 Experiencing Joy and Fulfillment (3 (John 1
Parents as Stewards of God's Children >  The Rewards of Stewardship  >  Joy and Satisfaction
Cultivating a Vision for Future Generations >  The Promise and Hope of Cultivating a Vision for Future Generations  >  The joy and reward of seeing children walk in truth (3 (John 1
We are Co-Laborers with God >  The Rewards of Being Co-Laborers with God  >  The joy of seeing lives transformed (3 (John 1
The Deception of the Enemy >  Living in Victory over the Enemy  >  Walking in Truth
The Rewards of Discipling Others >  Personal Satisfaction and Joy  >  Discipling others brings joy in seeing lives transformed. Witnessing the positive changes in the lives of those we disciple brings immense joy. (3 (John 1
Inability to Discern the Truth >  The Importance of Discerning the Truth  >  Living a God-Pleasing Life
The Family's Role in Evangelism >  The Promise and Hope for Families in Evangelism  >  The joy and reward of seeing family members come to faith (3 (John 1
The Joy of Blessing Others >  The Joy that Comes from Blessing Others  >  Seeing others blessed
The Importance of Speaking Truth >  The Blessings of Speaking Truth  >  Truth Brings Peace and Joy(3 (John 1
A Noble Person is Truthful >  The Power of Truthfulness  >  Truthfulness Honors God
Light for Beauty and Aesthetics >  The Role of Light in Creation and Beauty  >  Light as a Source of Life
Encouraging Others to Have Faith >  The Blessing of Being an Encourager  >  Encouragers experience joy and fulfillment in seeing others grow in faith
Encouraging Others in Their Transformation >  The Impact of Encouragement on the Encourager  >  5.3 Encouragement brings joy and fulfillment (3 (John 1
The Joy in Our Hearts >  Sharing the Joy of the Gospel  >  Joy in Discipleship
The Light of the World >  Jesus: The Light of the World  >  Jesus' light brings life
The Power of Jesus' Light >  The Impact of Jesus' Light on Our Lives  >  The Light Brings Life
Being a Light to Others >  The Reward of Being a Light  >  Experiencing the joy of being used by God to impact lives (3 (John 1
Reflecting the Light of Jesus >  Understanding the Light of Jesus  >  The Light that Gives Life
Your Actions Can Inspire Others >  The Rewards of Inspiring Others  >  The joy of seeing others grow in faith (3 (John 1
It Brings Joy and Satisfaction >  Sharing the Joy and Satisfaction  >  Joy and satisfaction in discipleship
It Brings Joy to Others >  Joy Comes from Loving Others  >  The joy of loving others
Lies Can Lead to Destruction >  The Power of Truth  >  The eternal reward of truth (3 (John 1
The Responsibility of Family Authority >  The Blessings of Exercising Family Authority  >  Children Who Walk in the Truth
We Must Proclaim God's Word >  The Rewards of Proclaiming God's Word  >  The joy of seeing lives transformed by the Gospel (3 (John 1
The Undermining of Parental Roles >  The Blessings of Upholding Parental Roles  >  Godly Offspring
The Challenge of Discipling Others >  Overcoming the Challenges of Discipleship  >  3.3 Embracing the Joy of Discipleship
Encouraging Others in Their Calling >  The Blessings of Encouraging Others in Their Calling  >  Encouraging others in their calling brings joy and fulfillment (3 (John 1
Encouragement to Use Our Gifts >  The Joy and Reward of Using Our Gifts  >  Experiencing the joy of serving others and seeing them grow in their faith. (3 (John 1
Sharing God's Refuge with Others >  Celebrating the Joy of Sharing God's Refuge  >  Rejoicing when others find refuge in God (3 (John 1
Understanding Our State of Darkness >  The Light of the World  >  The life-giving power of Jesus' light(John 1
The Role of Watchmen Today >  The Reward of Faithful Watchmen  >  The joy of seeing others grow in Christ
The Call to Make Disciples >  The Rewards of Making Disciples  >  The joy of seeing spiritual growth (3 (John 1
Parents as Nurturers of Faith >  The Blessings of Nurturing Faith  >  The Joy of Seeing Children Walk in Truth
The Eternal Word and Salvation >  Understanding The Eternal Word  >  The Word as Life and Light
Joy in God's Salvation >  Sharing the Joy of Salvation  >  Joy in Discipleship
Our Role as Shepherds >  The Shepherd's Reward  >  The joy of seeing the flock grow in faith is the shepherd's reward (3 (John 1
The Role of Encouragement >  The Blessings of Being an Encourager  >  Encouragers Experience Joy
Man as the Leader >  The Reward of Godly Leadership  >  The Joy of a Faithful Church (3 (John 1
Mentoring and Discipling Others >  The Call to Mentor and Disciple Others  >  5.2 The Joy of Mentoring and Discipling
The Joy of Pentecost >  The Joy of Sharing the Gospel  >  The Joy of Discipleship
The Value of Truth >  Living in Truth  >  Walking in Truth
The Creation of Light >  The Purpose of Light  >  Light as a life-giving force
Jesus as the Word >  The Word as the Light of Men  >  The Word Gives Life
The Embodiment of Truth >  Living in the Truth  >  Walking in the Truth
Truth in Jesus Christ >  Living in the Truth of Jesus Christ  >  Walking in Truth
Walking in the Truth >  The Importance of Walking in Truth  >  The Blessings of Living in Truth (3 (John 1
By Walking in Truth >  The Importance of Walking in Truth  >  Truth Strengthens Our Relationship with God
God's Light Dispels Darkness >  Understanding the Nature of God's Light  >  God's Light as Life
Jesus as the Source >  Jesus as the Source of Life  >  The Life-Giver
Happiness as Knowing God >  The Joy of Sharing the Knowledge of God  >  The joy of seeing others come to know God (3 (John 1
Jesus, the True Light >  The Nature of Jesus' Light  >  Jesus' light brings life to all men
Truth Leads to Freedom >  Living in Truth  >  Walking in Truth
In Terms of Identity >  Securing Our Identity in Christ  >  Walking in Truth
By Sharing the Gospel >  The Blessings of Sharing the Gospel  >  Joy of Discipleship
Living Out the Truth >  Living the Truth  >  Walking in the Truth
The Joy of Parenthood >  The Joy and Challenges of Parenthood  >  Celebrating the joys and victories of your children (3 (John 1
Truth as God's Character >  Living in God's Truth  >  Walking in God's Truth
Experiencing the Ultimate Pleasure >  Sharing the Ultimate Pleasure  >  Sharing the ultimate pleasure brings joy to others (3 (John 1
The Encounter with Jesus >  The Nature of the Encounter  >  Jesus, the Light of the World
Jesus' Light Transforms Us >  Our Transformation through Jesus' Light  >  The Light of Jesus brings life
The Response to Truth >  Rejoicing in the Truth  >  Finding Joy in the Truth
The Word Made Flesh >  Introduction: The Word in the Beginning  >  The Word as the source of life and light
Joy in Service >  The Joy Derived from Service  >  The joy of seeing the impact of our service (3 (John 1
Encouragement Fosters Growth >  The Blessings of Being an Encourager  >  Encouragers Experience Joy
Mentoring and Discipleship >  The Rewards of Mentoring and Discipleship  >  Spiritual multiplication
Influencing Future Generations >  The Impact of Our Influence on Future Generations  >  The joy of seeing the fruit of our influence (3 (John 1
Sowing in Faith >  The Joy of Reaping in Faith  >  The joy of seeing spiritual growth
Proclaiming God's Justice >  The Victory in Proclaiming God's Justice  >  The Joy of Participating in God's Work
Joy in Discipleship >  The Joy of Making Disciples  >  Joy in Seeing Spiritual Growth
Guidance in Truth >  The Promise of God's Guidance in Truth  >  The Blessings of Walking in Truth
Testing the Source >  The Blessings of Diligently Testing the Source  >  Honoring God by upholding His truth. (3 (John 1
Illuminating the Darkness >  The Power of the Light  >  Light brings life
Truth Brings Freedom >  Living in the Freedom of Truth  >  Walking in Truth
Defining Biblical Leadership >  The Rewards of Biblical Leadership  >  Joy of Serving
God's Unchanging Presence >  The Blessings of God's Unchanging Presence  >  The blessing of God's unchanging presence is eternal life. In His presence is life, and that life is the light of men.
To Guide Others >  The Rewards of Guiding Others  >  5.1 Experiencing joy and fulfillment (3 (John 1
Influencing Others Positively >  The Rewards of Positive Influence  >  6.1 The joy of seeing others grow in Christ (3 (John 1
To Influence Others >  The Impact of Influence  >  The joy and fulfillment that comes from positively influencing others (3 (John 1
Integrity Brings Peace >  Cultivating Integrity  >  4.1 Walking in the Truth
Teaching the Children >  The Blessings of Teaching the Children  >  Teaching children about God brings joy and fulfillment (3 (John 1
Joy in Community >  The Role of Community in Sustaining Joy  >  The Joy of Seeing God at Work in Others
Deception Causes Division >  Overcoming Deception  >  Walking in Truth
Accepting the Truth >  Living in the Truth  >  Walking in the Truth
Maintaining True Joy >  Sharing True Joy  >  Through Discipleship
Parents as Intercessors >  Encouragement for Parents in their Intercessory Role  >  The joy of seeing God's work in the lives of our children (3 (John 1
Establishing Churches >  The Joy of Church Planting  >  Seeing Believers Grow
Sharing Wisdom >  The Rewards of Sharing Wisdom  >  The joy of seeing others grow in wisdom (3 (John 1
On Ministry >  The Rewards of Ministry  >  The Reward of Seeing Lives Transformed
Truth Sanctifies >  Living in the Truth  >  Walking in Truth
Making Disciples >  The Rewards of Making Disciples  >  Experiencing the joy of spiritual parenthood (3 (John 1
Guiding Others >  The Joy and Reward of Guiding Others  >  The joy of seeing spiritual growth in others (3 (John 1
Teachers >  The Reward of Teachers  >  The Joy of Seeing Growth
Deception >  Living in Truth  >  Walking in the Truth
God Created the Universe with His Word >  The Word as the Source of Life  >  The Word as the source of spiritual life
Jesus as the Manifestation of God's Light >  The Light of the World  >  Jesus as the source of life
God is the Source of Spiritual Light >  The Role of God's Light in Our Lives  >  God's light brings life and hope.
Jesus Christ, the Light of the World >  The Light of the World: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus' light brings life
The Implications of Jesus being the Light >  Jesus as the Light Brings Life  >  Jesus, the Light, nourishes our spiritual growth. Growth
Understanding the Concept of the Eternal Word >  The Eternal Word in the Life of Believers  >  The Word as the Source of Life