Sermons on
John 13:35

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Unity >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Newness >  The New Commandment: Love One Another  >  Love
Understanding the Concept of Fellowship >  The Blessings of Fellowship  >  Fellowship Reflects God's Love
The Importance of Fellowship >  The Impact of Fellowship  >  Fellowship Demonstrates God's Love
The Importance of Unity >  The Importance of Unity in the Church  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Practical Steps to Foster Unity >  Demonstrate Love  >  Remember that by our love for each other, the world will know that we are Christ's disciples.
The Impact of Servanthood >  The Impact of Servanthood on the Church  >  Manifestation of God's Love
Understanding the Concept of Brotherhood >  The Importance of Brotherhood in Christianity  >  Brotherhood Reflects Christ's Love
The Blessings of Brotherhood >  Brotherhood Demonstrates the Gospel  >  The reflection of the Gospel in brotherly love.
The Power of Positive Living >  The Power of Positive Living in Evangelism  >  Reflecting Christ
Equality in the Body of Christ >  The Blessings of Equality in the Body of Christ  >  Witness to the World
The New Commandment >  The Implications of the New Commandment  >  Love as a mark of discipleship
The Ultimate Change >  The Evidence of Change  >  Living a life of love and service to others.
Love One Another >  The Practice of Love  >  Love as a means of witnessing to the world.
Morning Joy is a Gift from God >  Sharing the Gift of Morning Joy  >  Demonstrating God's love through our joy.
Fellowship as a Means of Spiritual Growth >  The Role of Fellowship in the Larger Christian Community  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
To Build Up the Body of Christ >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity as a testimony to the world.
Unity as a Testimony to the World >  The Impact of Unity on the World  >  Unity as a Tool for Evangelism
The Gospel Produces Joy and Peace >  The Impact of the Gospel's Joy and Peace  >  The joy and peace of the Gospel testify to the world about God's love and power
Experiencing the Fullness of God's Love >  Living in God's Love  >  Loving Others
Walking in the Newness of Life >  Sharing the Newness of Life with Others  >  Demonstrating Christ's Love
God is the Source of Love >  God's Love Reflected in Our Lives  >  Our love for others is a testimony to the world of God's love.
Believers as Proclaimers of the Gospel >  Living the Gospel  >  Demonstrating the love of Christ in our actions.
Worship as an Expression of Love >  The Power of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate worship is a powerful witness to the world.
Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit >  The Impact of Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit  >  Impact on Relationships
The New Commandment Given by Jesus >  The Introduction of the New Commandment  >  The Significance of the New Commandment
Actions Should Show Love to Others >  The Impact of Love on Others  >  Love Reflects Christ
Fellowship for Encouragement and Support >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
Through Fellowship with Other Believers >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Evangelism
The Shut Gates of Heaven >  Living a Life Worthy of Heaven  >  Love and Good Works
The Greatest Achievement is Love >  The Importance of Love in the Christian Life  >  By love, we are known as Christ's disciples.
The Influence of the World >  Living as Light in a World of Darkness  >  Demonstrating God's Love to the World
Worship Influences the World >  Worship as a Response to God's Love  >  Worship Inspires Love
Fellowship with Other Believers >  The Role of Love in Fellowship  >  Love as the Test of True Fellowship.
Fellowship with Other Believers >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Fellowship as a Demonstration of God's Love.
Passion in Our Relationships >  The Impact of Passionate Relationships on Our Lives and the World  >  Passionate Relationships Reflect God's Love
The Law of Christ >  The Benefits of Following the Law of Christ  >  Witness to the World
The Road of Hope >  Sharing the Hope We Have  >  By Our Love
The Challenge of Unity >  The Role of Love in Promoting Unity  >  Love as the Expression of Unity
The Blessing of Fellowship >  The Blessings of Fellowship  >  Fellowship Reflects God's Love
Loving God and Others >  The Rewards of Love  >  Love reflects Christ to the world.
To Proclaim the Gospel >  The Method of Proclaiming the Gospel  >  Proclaiming Through Love
Nobility in our Relationships >  The Impact of Nobility in our Relationships  >  Reflecting Christ's Love
Pleasure in Loving Others >  The Command to Love Others  >  Love is a mark of discipleship
Serving Others in Love >  The Impact of Serving Others in Love  >  Serving others demonstrates God's love to the world.
Love in Action >  The Impact of Love in Action  >  Love Reflects Christ
Fellowship through Service >  The Blessings of Fellowship through Service  >  Unity in the Body of Christ
The Kingdom Demonstrated >  The Kingdom of God Demonstrated in the Church  >  - The Church's character
Pray for Unity >  The Results of Praying for Unity  >  Greater Impact for the Gospel
Transformation of Self >  Living Out Our Transformation  >  Demonstrating our transformation through love.
Transformation of Others >  The Role of the Church in Transformation  >  The Church's role in demonstrating love and unity.
Loving One Another >  The Command to Love One Another  >  Love as a mark of discipleship
Prayer and Fellowship >  The Importance of Fellowship in the Christian Life  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
Calm in Relationships >  The Blessings of Calmness in Relationships  >  The testimony of peace to a troubled world.
Stability in Relationships >  The Impact of Stable Relationships on the Community  >  Reflecting God's love to others through our relationships.
Impact on Others >  The Power of Positive Influence  >  Reflecting Christ's Love
Displaying God's Love >  Reflecting God's Love to Others  >  Love in Community
Promoting Reconciliation >  The Impact of Reconciliation  >  Reconciliation Demonstrates God's Love
Through Fellowship >  Understanding the Importance of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
Choosing to Love Even When It's Hard >  The Power of Choosing to Love  >  Love Reflects Christ
The Transformative Power of Love and Acceptance >  The Role of Love and Acceptance in the Church  >  Love and Acceptance as a Witness
Showing Genuine Care and Concern for Others >  The Impact of Showing Genuine Care and Concern  >  Reflecting God's love to the world
The Enemy's Strategy to Divide and Conquer >  The Consequences of Division  >  The loss of unity and love among believers
Serve by Offering Emotional Support and Encouragement >  The Impact of Emotional Support and Encouragement on the Church  >  Fostering unity and love within the church
Love as the Binding Force of Unity >  The Impact of Love on Unity  >  Love Reflects Christ
Paul's Exhortation to Unity in the Church >  Conclusion: The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity is a Testimony to the World
The Call for Unity in the Church >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Unity as a Means for Effective Ministry >  The Impact of Unity in Ministry  >  Unity Attracts Others to Christ
Maintaining Unity Through Humility, Gentleness, and Patience >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
The Role of Brotherhood in Spiritual Edification >  The Role of Brotherhood in Edifying the Church  >  Brotherhood Reflects Christ's Love to the World
The Concept of Unity in the Bible >  The Importance of Unity in the Church  >  Unity for Effective Witness
The Church's Call to Love and Serve >  The Role of the Church in Love and Service  >  The Church as a Community of Love
The Fruit of the Spirit in Service >  The Impact of the Fruit of the Spirit in Service  >  The Fruit of the Spirit in service as a testimony to others.
Surrounding Ourselves with Godly Influences and Community >  The Impact of Godly Influences and Community  >  The Witness to the World
The Importance of Fellowship and Mutual Encouragement >  The Impact of Fellowship and Encouragement on the Church  >  Outreach and Evangelism
The Role of Fellowship in Christian Growth >  Fellowship as a Means of Evangelism  >  Reflecting Christ
Engaging in Corporate Prayer and Mutual Encouragement >  The Impact of Corporate Prayer and Mutual Encouragement on the Church and the World  >  It Demonstrates God's Love to the World
Love as a Witness to the World >  Demonstrating Love to the World  >  Love as a Witness
Love as the Test of True Fellowship >  Love as the Result of Fellowship  >  Love Reflects True Fellowship
Fellowship as a Demonstration of God's Love >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Witnessing to the World
The Call to Abide in God's Love >  The Call to Spread God's Love  >  Love as a Witness
Unity as a Testament of Our Faith >  The Importance of Unity in Our Faith  >  Unity is a Witness to the World
Community as a Witness to the World >  The Role of Love in Community  >  Love as the distinguishing mark of Christians
Unity and Love Attract Others to Christ >  The Impact of Unity and Love on Evangelism  >  Unity and Love as a Testimony
Unity as a Reflection of God's Love >  The Call for Unity Among Believers  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
The Possibility of Restoration in Broken Relationships >  Living in Restored Relationships  >  The witness of restored relationships to the world
Our Transformation as a Testimony to Others >  Sharing Our Transformation as a Testimony  >  Demonstrating Christ's Love
Peace as a Witness to the World >  The Impact of Peaceful Witness on the World  >  Peaceful witness as a testimony of God's love
The Call to Put Others Before Ourselves >  The Blessings of Putting Others First  >  Reflecting Christ's love to the world
Recognizing the Value of Peace in Relationships >  The Blessings of Peaceful Relationships  >  Peaceful Relationships Are a Testimony to the World
The Role of Community in Spiritual Growth >  Community as a Witness to the World  >  The role of community in demonstrating God's love(John 13
The Church has the Power of Unity >  The Impact of Unity on the World  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Unity and Love Bring Blessings and Revival >  The Power of Love  >  Love in the Church
Disunity and Division within the Church >  The Consequences of Disunity and Division in the Church  >  Damage to the Church's Testimony
The Importance of Love in Relationships >  Love Demonstrates Our Faith  >  Love as a Testimony to the World
The Importance of Love in Relationships >  Love is a Commandment, Not an Option  >  Love is a Requirement for Discipleship
The Peril of Knowledge Without Love >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  Love as the defining characteristic of a Christian
Right Motives Attract Others to Christ >  The Impact of Right Motives on Others  >  Right motives reflect Christ's love
Fearless Living Brings Glory to God >  Fearless Living as a Testimony to God's Glory  >  Manifesting God's love
Encouraging and Building Each Other Up >  The Impact of Encouragement on the Church and the World  >  Encouragement Reflects Christ's Love
Community as a Platform for Evangelism >  The Role of Community in Evangelism  >  Community as a Witness
Experiencing the Joy of Serving Others >  The Impact of Serving Others  >  Demonstrating God's love
Love is the Bond of Perfection >  The Role of Love in Christian Living  >  Love in Our Witness to the World
Unity as a Source of Strength >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity is a Testimony to the World
Living Out the Truth in Love >  Expressing the Truth in Love  >  The Testimony of Truth and Love
It Strengthens the Body of Christ >  The Importance of Strengthening the Body of Christ  >  For Witness
Unity Strengthens the Body of Christ >  The Impact of Unity on the Body of Christ  >  Unity Enhances Our Witness to the World
Fellowship as a Platform for Service >  The Impact of Service through Fellowship  >  Demonstrating God's love
By Love and Service to Others >  Understanding the Commandment of Love  >  Love is a (Mark of Discipleship
The Church to Love and Serve >  The Impact of Loving and Serving the Church  >  Witness to the World
Joy in Serving Others with Love >  Understanding the Commandment of Love  >  Love is the (Mark of a True Disciple
Relying on the Body of Christ >  The Impact of Relying on the Body of Christ  >  - The witness of the Body of Christ to the world
The Disruption of Unity Through Sin >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  The damage to Christian witness
Engage in Fellowship with Other Believers >  Understanding the Importance of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Testimony to the World
Fellowship as a Source of Strength >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church  >  Fellowship enhances the church's witness
Participating in Christian Fellowship and Service >  Understanding the Importance of Christian Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
The Church Provides Fellowship and Accountability >  The Call to Embrace Fellowship and Accountability  >  The Outcome
Encouraging One Another in Spiritual Growth >  The Impact of Encouragement on the Church  >  Effective witness
Participate in Fellowship with Other Believers >  The Impact of Fellowship  >  Effective Witness to the World
Choosing to Identify with God's People >  The Importance of Identifying with God's People  >  Witnessing to the World
Worship Strengthens Our Relationship with God >  The Power of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate worship is a testimony to the world
God's Plan is for Our Good >  Sharing the Good News of God's Plan  >  Sharing the good news through our love for others
The Command to Love One Another >  The Impact of Loving One Another  >  Loving one another is a powerful testimony to the world about the transformative power of the Gospel.
The Commandment to Love One Another >  The Impact of Love  >  Love testifies
Demonstrating Christ's Love Through Our Actions >  The Impact of Demonstrating Christ's Love  >  Testimony to the World
Love as a Mark of Discipleship >  The Impact of Love on Discipleship  >  Love as a witness to the world
Unity as a Tool for Evangelism >  The Importance of Unity in Evangelism  >  Unity Attracts
Love as the Expression of Unity >  The Impact of Love-Driven Unity in the Church  >  Love-Driven Unity Reflects Christ
Love Reflects Christ to the World >  Love as a Reflection of Christ  >  Love reveals Christ
Love is a Mark of Discipleship >  Love as a Mark of True Discipleship  >  Disciples are Known by Their Love
Disunity Distorts the Image of Christ >  The Power of Unity in Displaying Christ's Image  >  Unity reflects Christ's love
Demonstrating the Reality of Our Faith >  Faith is Demonstrated Through Love  >  Love is the greatest evidence of our faith in Christ.
Our Actions Speak Louder Than Words >  The Power of Love in Action  >  The impact of love in action on the world
Through Practicing Love in Daily Life >  The Impact of Practicing Love in Daily Life  >  Love Influences the World
Encouragement Cultivates a Spirit of Love >  The Impact of Encouragement on the Christian Community  >  Encouragement as a witness to the world
Love and Care for One Another >  Understanding the Biblical Command to Love  >  Love is the (Mark of a True Disciple
Love and Care for One Another >  The Impact of Love and Care on the Community  >  Love Reflects Christ to the World
Fellowship as a Demonstration of Love >  The Importance of Fellowship in Demonstrating Love  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
Christ as the Source of Love >  Living in the Fullness of Christ's Love  >  Demonstrating Love
Love as the Expression of Fellowship >  The Impact of Love on Fellowship  >  Love Reflects Christ
Love Demonstrates Our Relationship with God >  Love as a Reflection of Our Relationship with God  >  Love is the evidence of a transformed life in Christ
Love Demonstrates Our Relationship with God >  The Impact of Love in the World  >  Love is a powerful testimony to the world
The Call to Love our Neighbors >  The Impact of Loving our Neighbors on our Christian Witness  >  Love as a testimony of our faith
It Reflects Our Relationship with God >  Our Relationship with Others Reflects Our Relationship with God  >  Love for others is a reflection of God's love in us, showing our relationship with Him.
Jesus Christ Demonstrated Leadership Through Service >  The Impact of Servant Leadership  >  Servant leadership reflects the heart of God and draws others to Him
The Biblical Basis for Collective Witness >  The Early Church as a Model for Collective Witness  >  The early church witnessed collectively through their love for one another
Increased Love for God and Others >  The Impact of Love  >  Love Testifies
A Love for God and Others >  The Power of Love  >  Love is the (Mark of a True Christian
Sharing the Good News of Salvation >  The Method of Sharing the Good News  >  Through Our Love
Proclaiming Christ's Victory to the World >  How to Proclaim Christ's Victory  >  Through Our Love
Community as a Means for Discipleship >  The Importance of Community in Discipleship  >  Promoting Unity and Love
Influencing the World for God's Glory >  Demonstrating God's Love to the World  >  Reflecting God's love through our actions and attitudes
Calm as a Testimony to Non-Believers >  The Impact of Our Calm on Non-Believers  >  Calm as a catalyst for non-believers to seek Christ
The New Commandment and our Relationships >  The New Commandment and Love  >  The role of love in the New Commandment
Impact on the Kingdom of God >  The Impact of Our Actions on the Kingdom of God  >  Our love for others reflects the Kingdom of God
Passionate Relationships Bring Joy and Fulfillment >  The Role of Passionate Relationships in the Church  >  Passionate relationships are a testimony to the world.
The Biblical Concept of a Name >  The Importance of Bearing God's Name as Christians  >  Bearing God's name means representing His character and love to the world.
Fellowship as a Means of Growth >  The Role of Fellowship in the Church  >  Fellowship as a Means of Evangelism
The Power of Unity in Brotherhood >  The Intersection of Brotherhood and Unity  >  The impact of unity and brotherhood on the world
Understanding the Biblical Definition of Unity >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
The Joy of Unity in Christ >  The Impact of Unity in Christ  >  Unity Reflects Christ to the World
The Blessings of Living in Unity >  Unity is a Testimony to the World  >  The unity of believers is a powerful testimony to the world about the love of Christ.
Glory to the King of Kings >  Proclaiming the Glory of the King of Kings  >  Demonstrating God's Love
Show Genuine Interest in Each Other >  The Impact of Showing Genuine Interest  >  Reflecting Christ's love
Through Love and Service to Others >  The Impact of Love and Service  >  Love and Service as a Witness to the World
Understanding the Concept of Collective Witness >  The Role of Collective Witness in Evangelism  >  The impact of collective witness on non-believers
Cultivating a Culture of Collective Witness >  The Impact of Collective Witness on the World  >  Demonstrating God's Love
The Impact of Thanksgiving on Others >  Thanksgiving Strengthens Relationships  >  Strong Relationships Reflect Christ's Love
Drinking from the Fountain of Life >  Sharing the Fountain of Life  >  Sharing through Love
The Importance of Sharing God's Refuge >  The Impact of Sharing God's Refuge  >  Impact on Communities
The Blessings of Brotherhood in Christianity >  The Impact of Brotherhood  >  Reflects Christ's Love
The Role of Love in Brotherhood >  The Impact of Love in Brotherhood  >  Witness to the World
Our Responsibility in the Great Commission >  Our Role as Disciples  >  Demonstrating love as Christ's disciples
Living with Urgency in Our Relationships >  The Impact of Urgency on Our Relationships  >  Reflecting Christ's love
The Implications of the New Commandment >  The New Commandment and Our Relationship with God  >  The New Commandment and the demonstration of God's love to the world
The Impact of Living with Love >  Love as a Witness to the World  >  Demonstrating God's love to the world
The Results of a Renewed Mind >  Increased Capacity to Love  >  Love becomes the defining characteristic of our lives.
The Responsibility to Act in Love >  The Importance of Acting in Love  >  Love Attracts Others to Christ
The Church: A Community of Witnesses >  The Church as a Community of Love  >  The Witness of Love
Practical Ways to Share the Gospel >  Live Out the Gospel  >  Reflecting the love of God in our interactions with others
The Impact of God's Indwelling Presence >  The Impact of God's Indwelling Presence on the Church  >  Witness to the World
The Role of Love in Fellowship >  The Impact of Love on Fellowship  >  Love attracts others to the fellowship
The Joy Derived from Encouraging Others >  The Impact of Encouragement  >  Encouragement Reflects Christ's Love
Embracing the Attitude of a Servant >  The Importance of Having a Servant's Attitude  >  Servanthood Reflects Christ's Love
Understanding the Biblical Concept of Love >  Love as a Christian's Identity  >  Known by Love
The Impact of Love in Action >  The Impact of Love in Action in Our Communities  >  Love Witnesses
The Benefits of Accountability in Fellowship >  Accountability Enhances the Witness of the Church  >  Reflects the love and holiness of God to the world
The Challenge of Living Reconciled Lives >  Living a Reconciled Life with Others  >  The Benefits of Reconciliation with Others
The Impact of Walking in Love >  Walking in Love Impacts Our Relationships  >  Reflecting Christ to others
The Impact of Living in Peace >  The Role of Peace in Evangelism  >  Peace as a testimony of God's love
The Power of Prayer for Unity >  The Impact of Unity in the Church and the World  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
The Impact of Advocating for Adoption >  The Power of Advocacy  >  Advocacy as a Form of Witness
The Practice of Loving One Another >  Understanding the Commandment to Love One Another  >  The significance of this commandment
The Practice of Loving One Another >  The Impact of Practicing Love  >  Witness to the world
The Impact of Loving One Another >  Love Demonstrates Genuine Discipleship  >  Love is a mark of discipleship
Cultivating Spiritual Growth in Stable Relationships >  The Impact of Stable Relationships on the Church and the World  >  Reflecting Christ's love to the world through our relationships
The Impact of Love without Partiality >  The Impact of Unbiased Love on the World  >  Unbiased love is a powerful witness
Love as a Catalyst for Transformation >  The Transformative Power of Love  >  Love Transforms Communities
The Transformative Power of Loving Others >  The Power of Loving Others  >  The Power to Reflect Christ
The Blessings of Being a Peacemaker >  The Power of Peacemaking in Today's World  >  Peacemaking as a testimony of God's love
A Sweet Spirit Glorifies God >  The Impact of a Sweet Spirit  >  A Sweet Spirit Draws Others to Christ
The Unity of the Body >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity is a Testimony to the World
In Our Love for Others >  The Impact of Our Love for Others  >  It draws others to Christ
Without Love, We Are Nothing >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  Love as a Defining Characteristic of a Christian
Love for God and Others >  The Impact of Love  >  Love Reflects God's Kingdom
The Enduring Nature of Love >  Our Response to God's Love  >  By this all people will know that we are His disciples, if we have love for one another
The Assurance of Final Victory >  The Manifestation of Our Victory  >  Manifested through our love for others
A Symbol of God's Presence >  The Church: A Symbol of God's Presence Today  >  The role of the Church in manifesting God's presence through love and unity
The Biblical Definition of Brotherhood >  Brotherhood Defined by Love  >  Love for one another is a witness to the world of our discipleship.
Increased Capacity to Love Others >  The Command to Love Others  >  The evidence of discipleship
The Responsibility of Being Witnesses >  The Importance of Living a Witnessing Life  >  Being examples of Christ's love in our daily interactions
The Call to Be Witnesses >  The Nature of Our Witness  >  Witnessing through our love – demonstrating God's love to others
The Assurance of God's Deliverance >  Sharing the Assurance of God's Deliverance with Others  >  The assurance of God's deliverance is a message of love and redemption
Fellowship as a Biblical Concept >  The Impact of Fellowship  >  Fellowship Demonstrates God's Love
The Biblical Basis for Fellowship >  The Power of Fellowship  >  Witness
Fellowship as Sharing Life Together >  The Importance of Fellowship  >  Fellowship for Witnessing
Fostering a Community of Believers >  Understanding the Importance of Community  >  Community as a Witness
Embracing Fellowship as a Lifestyle >  The Importance of Embracing Fellowship as a Lifestyle  >  Fellowship Reflects Christ's Love
Fellowship Attracts Others to Christ >  The Power of Fellowship in Attracting Others  >  Fellowship displays the love of Christ
The Church will experience growth >  The Proof of Growth  >  Growth is evident in the love and unity among believers
A Servant's Heart is Compassionate >  The Impact of a Compassionate Servant's Heart  >  A compassionate servant's heart reflects God's love to the world.
Speak the Truth in Love >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  The Necessity of Love
Encouraging Open and Honest Communication >  The Impact of Open and Honest Communication on the Church  >  Strengthening the witness of the church
The Holy Spirit Produces Love >  The Impact of the Love Produced by the Holy Spirit  >  It draws others to Christ
Faith Loves Christ and Others >  Faith's Love for Others  >  Demonstrating Our Love for Others
The Importance of Christian Fellowship >  The Purpose of Christian Fellowship  >  To show love and unity
Providing a Community of Support >  The Impact of a Supportive Community  >  A Witness to the World
Responsibility of Bearing God's Image >  The Consequences of Neglecting Our Responsibility  >  The Impact on Our Witness to Others
Brotherhood as a Family Relationship >  The Role of Brotherhood in the Church  >  Demonstrating God's Love to the World
Fellowship for Encouragement and Edification >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Fellowship Reflects God's Love to the World
Surrounding Ourselves with Godly Fellowship >  The Impact of Godly Fellowship  >  A Stronger Witness
Experiencing God's Goodness in Community >  Embracing God's Goodness in Community as a Lifestyle  >  God's goodness in community is a testament to the world of His love and grace.
Fellowship as a Biblical Mandate >  The Importance of Fellowship in the Bible  >  Fellowship for Witnessing
Through the Fellowship of Believers >  The Importance of Fellowship  >  Unity and Love
Connect with Other Living Stones >  The Impact of Connecting with Other Living Stones  >  Reflecting the love of Christ to the world
The Importance of Christian Community >  Christian Community is a Witness to the World  >  Our love for one another in community shows the world that we are Christ's disciples
Worship as a Corporate Activity >  The Benefits of Corporate Worship  >  Witness to the World
Regular Fellowship with Other Believers >  The Power of Fellowship in Witnessing  >  Living Testimony
Brotherhood as a Spiritual Relationship >  The Importance of Spiritual Brotherhood  >  Witness to the World
Spreading the Gospel through Actions >  Understanding the Importance of Actions in Spreading the Gospel  >  Reflecting Christ's love through our actions
The Concept of Spiritual Adoption >  The Responsibilities of Spiritual Adoption  >  Love
The Biblical Definition of Fellowship >  The Purpose of Fellowship  >  Fellowship for Witnessing
Practicing the Principles of Fellowship >  The Benefits of Practicing Fellowship  >  Reflecting God's love
Our Response to the Light >  Sharing the Light  >  Demonstrating the Light through love
The Command to Love Others >  Understanding the Command to Love  >  Love is a (Mark of True Discipleship
A Love for Fellow Believers >  The Importance of Loving Fellow Believers  >  Love Demonstrates Our Discipleship
The Call to Love Others >  The Impact of Loving Others  >  Love Reflects God's Kingdom
The New Commandment of Jesus >  The Implications of the New Commandment  >  The new commandment as a call to be a witness to the world
The New Commandment of Jesus >  Conclusion: The New Commandment as the Heart of Christian Life  >  The new commandment as the mark of a true disciple of Jesus
Love as a Divine Commandment >  The Impact of Love  >  Love testifies
Passionate Relationships Reflect God's Love >  The Impact of Reflecting God's Love  >  Witness to the World
Demonstrating our Transformation through Love >  The Evidence of Transformation: Love  >  Love as the (Mark of a True Christian
The Biblical Definition of Peace >  The Impact of Biblical Peace  >  Peace Testifies to the Gospel
Staying Connected to the Vine >  The Ultimate Goal: Glorifying the Father  >  Reflecting the Love of Christ to the World
It Brings Unity Among Believers >  The Expression of Unity: Love  >  Love for one another demonstrates our discipleship
The Promise is for Everyone >  Sharing God's Promise  >  Share God's promise through acts of love. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Love is More Than Words >  The Impact of Love in Action  >  Love in action is a powerful testimony to the world of God's love
Our Call to Love Others >  The Rewards of Loving Others  >  We are known as Christ's disciples when we love one another
Loving One Another as Brothers >  The Blessings of Brotherly Love  >  Witness to the World
Love as the Binding Force >  Living Out Love  >  Love as a Witness
The Confirmation by the Disciples >  The Disciples' Role in the Early Church  >  The disciples' demonstration of love and unity among believers
The World's Perception of Greatness >  The Rewards of Pursuing Biblical Greatness  >  Pursuing biblical greatness strengthens our relationships with others. It leads to a life of love, service, and community.
Love as the Greatest Commandment >  The Power of Love  >  Love reflects God's character
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself >  The Impact of Loving Your Neighbor  >  A Witness to the World
Demonstrating Love for Our Neighbors >  The Impact of Demonstrating Love to Our Neighbors  >  Building Bridges of Relationship
Loving Our Neighbors as Ourselves >  The Impact of Loving Our Neighbors  >  Reflecting Christ
Love is the Greatest Commandment >  The Importance of Love in the Christian Life  >  Love Proves Our Faith
The Loss of our Witness >  Maintaining our Witness  >  Demonstrating Christ-like love in all we do
Sharing God's Light with Others >  The Importance of Sharing God's Light  >  To Reflect God's Love
Right Motives Enhance Our Testimony >  The Impact of Right Motives on Our Testimony  >  Our testimony becomes more powerful when our actions are driven by love for God and others.
Praying for Unity in Purpose >  The Impact of Unity in Purpose  >  Unity in Evangelism
The Warning Against Hypocritical Judgment >  The Problem with Hypocritical Judgment  >  Damaging Our Witness
The Joy of Peaceful Relationships >  The Joy and Blessing of Peaceful Relationships  >  Peaceful Relationships Reflect God's Love
Unity Brings Blessings from God >  The Power of Unity  >  Unity is a testimony to the world about the love of God.
Experiencing God's Presence Through Fellowship >  The Impact of Fellowship on Our Relationship with God  >  Reflecting God's Love
The Effects of Passionate Worship >  Passionate Worship Impacts the World  >  Demonstrating God's Love
Worship Ushers in God's Presence >  The Importance of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate Worship Testifies to the World
God's Discipline of the Church >  The Purpose of God's Discipline in the Church  >  To Foster Unity and Love
Living as Gates of Worship >  Influencing Others Through Our Worship  >  Demonstrating the love of Christ to others through our actions and words
Pursuing Peace in All Interactions >  The Importance of Pursuing Peace  >  Peace Enhances Witnessing
The Importance of Fellowship >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church  >  Fellowship Builds Unity
Love as Forgiveness and Reconciliation >  The Role of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Christian Life  >  Forgiveness and reconciliation are testimonies of God's love to the world
A Disciple is a Servant >  The Impact of a Servant Disciple  >  A Servant Disciple Reflects Christ's Love
Living in Light of Judgment >  Encouraging Others to Live in Light of Judgment  >  Demonstrating Christ's love through our actions
The Right Attitude towards Worship >  The Power of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate worship is a testimony to the world
Fellowship Provides Support and Comfort >  Cultivating Fellowship in Our Lives  >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World
Understanding the Need for Transformation >  The Evidence of Transformation  >  Love for Others
Understanding the Concept of Transformation >  The Evidence of Transformation  >  Love for Others
Understanding the Importance of Unity >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity damages witness
The Challenge of Conflict Resolution >  The Blessings of Resolved Conflict  >  Testimony of God's grace and love to the world
Understanding God's Design for Relationships >  God's Purpose for Relationships  >  Relationships are for Witnessing
To Foster Community and Fellowship >  The Impact of a United Community on the World  >  A Witness to the Gospel
Entering the Gates of Righteousness >  Encouraging Others to Enter the Gates of Righteousness  >  Demonstrating Love
Preparing for Our Shared Future >  Engaging in Mission  >  Demonstrating Love
Understanding the Commandment of Love >  The Fulfillment of the Commandment of Love  >  Love Reflects Christ
The Church Manifesting the Kingdom >  How the Church Manifests the Kingdom of God  >  Through demonstrating God's love and compassion to the world.
Understanding the Body of Christ >  The Mission of the Body of Christ  >  Demonstrating God's Love
The Challenge of Maintaining Unity >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Witness to the World
Overcoming Barriers to Loving Others >  The Impact of Love on the World  >  Love as a testimony of our faith
Cultivating a Lifestyle of Love >  The Impact of a Lifestyle of Love  >  Witnessing
The Consequences of Neglecting Fellowship >  Hindered Witness  >  Lack of Love
Understanding the Commandment to Love >  The Rewards of Loving  >  Love proves that we are disciples of Jesus
The Bride as a Nurturer >  The Bride as a Nurturer: A Reflection of God's Love  >  The Bride's Nurturing Role as a Testimony of God's Love
The Joy of Christian Fellowship >  The Impact of Christian Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Witnessing to the World
The Response to the King >  Responding in Witness  >  Reflecting the love of the King - showing His love through our actions and words.
Demonstrating Love that Ignites Faith >  The Impact of Demonstrating God's Love  >  It Strengthens the Church
The Impact of Love-ignited Faith >  The Impact of Love-ignited Faith on the Church  >  Witness to the World
The Elements of True Worship >  Worship in Community  >  Worship as a Witness to the World
Understanding the Law of Christ >  The Law of Christ and the World  >  The Law of Christ as a Witness to the World
Understanding God's Promise of Peace >  The Impact of God's Peace  >  God's peace is a witness to the world of God's love.
God's Command to Love Others >  The Importance of Loving Others  >  Love is the mark of true discipleship
The Challenge to Love Others >  The Power of Love in Action  >  Love Reflects Christ to the World
The Transformation in Knowing Christ >  The Evidence of Transformation  >  Transformation is visible to others through our love for God and people
Equality in Love and Respect >  The Blessings of Equality in Love and Respect  >  Witness to the World
Understanding Our Role as Witnesses >  The Nature of Our Witness  >  Witnessing through love
The Unifying Effect of Celebration >  The Impact of Unity through Celebration  >  A Unified Church is a Powerful Witness
Walking in Love and Unity >  The Importance of Walking in Love and Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Understanding the Importance of Community >  The Power of Community in Mission  >  Collective Witness
The Blessings of Healthy Relationships >  Healthy Relationships are a Witness to the World  >  Our love for one another is a testimony to the world of our discipleship
The Means of Seeing God >  Through Love  >  Love as a reflection of God's character
The Importance of Mutual Dependence >  The Impact of Mutual Dependence on Evangelism  >  Reflecting Christ's Love
The Role of a Peacemaker >  The Role of a Peacemaker in the Church  >  Reflecting Christ's Love
The Antidote to Selfishness: Selflessness >  The Impact of Selflessness on the World  >  Selflessness Reflects the Love of God to Others
Unity for Effective Ministry >  The Importance of Unity in Ministry  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
The Purpose of Fellowship >  Fellowship for Witnessing to the World  >  Our love and unity in fellowship is a testimony to the world of Christ's love.
Defining Unity in Diversity >  The Benefits of Unity in Diversity  >  The witness of the church to the world
Division in the Church >  The Dangers of Division  >  Division Damages Witness
The Unity in Diversity >  The Blessings of Unity in Diversity  >  The witness and testimony to the world
The Importance of Love >  The Evidence of Love  >  4.2 Love is the (Mark of a Disciple
Love as the Foundation >  Love as the Foundation of Christian Life  >  Love as a (Mark of Discipleship
Goodness Expressed Through Love >  The Impact of Expressing Goodness Through Love  >  It Draws People to Christ
Stability in our Love >  The Impact of Stable Love on Our Relationships  >  Stable love is a powerful witness to the world about God's love
Purification of the Church >  The Impact of a Purified Church  >  Unity and Love
Disunity Hinders the Gospel >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity Hinders the Spread of the Gospel
Knowledge Applied in Love >  The Result of Applying Knowledge in Love  >  Witness
Leading Others to Christ >  Living a Christ-Centered Life  >  Demonstrating Christ's love in our daily interactions
Living as God's Children >  Experiencing God's Love and Grace  >  Reflecting His Love
Brotherhood in Our Churches >  The Impact of Brotherhood on Our Churches and Communities  >  Brotherhood Reflects Christ's Love to the World
Biblical Definition of Brotherhood >  The Importance of Brotherhood in the Bible  >  Brotherhood is a witness to the world
Promoting Love and Respect >  The Impact of Love and Respect  >  Reflecting Christ to the World
Loss of Christian Identity >  Understanding Christian Identity  >  Defining Christian Identity
The Urgency of Love >  The Urgency of Love in Our Present Time  >  The world's desperate need for love
The Urgency of Love >  The Power of Love  >  Love transforms lives
Fosters a Healthy Community >  The Impact of a Healthy Community  >  Witness to the World
Encouraging Through Your Example >  The Ultimate Example: Jesus Christ  >  Reflecting His Love
The Conditions for Revival >  Unity  >  Unity in love
Transformation into Christ's Image >  The Evidence of our Transformation  >  Transformation evidenced by our love for others
Definition of Spiritual Transformation >  The Evidence of Spiritual Transformation  >  Love for others as a sign of spiritual transformation
Transformation into His Likeness >  The Proof of Transformation  >  Living a life of love
Forgiveness Leads to Reconciliation >  The Power of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Church  >  Witnessing to the World
More Than Just Socializing >  The Dangers of Superficial Fellowship  >  Misrepresentation of the Gospel
Building a Merciful Community >  The Impact of a Merciful Community  >  A Testimony of God's Love
Shared Worship Strengthens Fellowship >  The Impact of Shared Worship on the Church and the World  >  Shared Worship is a Testimony to the World
Practice Love and Grace >  The Importance of Practicing Love and Grace  >  Love and Grace Foster Unity and Peace
Promotes Unity and Love >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
By Accepting Christ's Salvation >  Sharing Christ's Salvation with Others  >  Demonstrating Christ's love
The Gift of God >  Sharing the Gift of God  >  Sharing through Love
Speak Truth in Love >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  Love as the (Mark of a True Christian
Fellowship Brings Spiritual Growth >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church and Society  >  Fellowship Reflects Christ's Love to the World
Brotherhood Strengthens the Church >  The Impact of Brotherhood on the Church  >  Brotherhood Glorifies God
Patience in Our Relationships >  The Rewards of Patience in Relationships  >  Reflecting Christ's love to others
Transformation in our Actions >  The Evidence of Transformation  >  Love
Accountability in the Church >  The Benefits of Accountability in the Church  >  Witness to the World
Forgiving Others with Urgency >  The Outcomes of Urgent Forgiveness  >  Demonstrating God's love to others
Showing Respect and Kindness >  The Impact of Showing Respect and Kindness  >  Reflecting Christ's Love - When we show respect and kindness, we reflect Christ's love to the world and draw others to Him.
Praying for the Church >  Praying for Church Members  >  Praying for Unity and Love
Love in the Church >  The Impact of Love in the Church  >  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Faith Expressed Through Love >  The Impact of Faith Expressed Through Love  >  Love Demonstrates Our Discipleship
Mutual Encouragement and Support >  The Impact of Mutual Encouragement and Support  >  Encouragement and Support as a Testimony to the World
Practicing Love in Action >  The Importance of Practicing Love in Action  >  Love is the (Mark of a True Disciple
The Role of Community >  The Role of Community in Service and Outreach  >  Community amplifies our witness for Christ
Experiencing Comfort through Fellowship >  The Impact of Comforting Fellowship on Individual Believers and the Church  >  Reflecting Christ's Love to the World
God's Intention for Relationships >  Relationships are a Means of Showing God's Love  >  Love is the defining characteristic of a disciple of Christ
God's Intention for Relationships >  Relationships are for the Purpose of Witnessing  >  Our relationships should be a testimony to the world
God's Intention for Relationships >  Relationships are for the Purpose of Witnessing  >  Our love for one another in relationships can draw others to Christ
Fellowship as God's Design >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World  >  The Power of Fellowship
Participating in Christian Community >  Understanding the Importance of Christian Community  >  The Christian Community as a Witness to the World
Brotherhood Encourages Spiritual Growth >  The Impact of Brotherhood on the Wider Community  >  Brotherhood as a witness to non-believers
Extending Fellowship to Others >  The Blessings of Extending Fellowship  >  Glory to God
Injustice in the Church >  The Consequences of Injustice in the Church  >  Hindrance to the Gospel
Fellowship as a Command >  The Blessings of Fellowship  >  Effective Witness
Jesus' Commandment of Love >  The Impact of Jesus' Commandment of Love  >  Love Reflects Christ
The Practice of Love >  The Impact of Practicing Love  >  Love Impacts Others
Demonstrating Love to Others >  The Impact of Demonstrating Love  >  Love Draws Others to Christ
Fellowship Reflects God's Love >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
Brotherhood Reflects Christ's Love >  The Role of Brotherhood in the Church  >  Brotherhood as a testimony to the world
Witness to the World >  Living a Life of Love and Service  >  Demonstrating Christ's love
To Love One Another >  The Impact of Loving One Another  >  Love Reflects Christ to the World
Demonstrating Love in Brotherhood >  The Biblical Command to Love One Another  >  Love as a (Mark of Discipleship
Demonstrating Love in Brotherhood >  The Impact of Demonstrating Love in Brotherhood  >  It Reflects Christ to the World
Through Love and Compassion >  The Power of Love and Compassion  >  Love and Compassion Reflect Christ
Practicing Love and Kindness >  The Impact of Love and Kindness  >  Love and Kindness as a Witness to Others
Love to the Unlovable >  The Impact of Loving the Unlovable  >  It reflects the character of God to the world
Jesus' Invitation to All >  The Response to the Invitation  >  Our acceptance of the invitation is demonstrated by our love for others
Sin and Unresolved Conflicts >  The Role of the Church in Resolving Conflicts  >  The Church as a Model of God's Reconciling Love
Promoting Reconciliation and Forgiveness >  The Blessings of Reconciliation and Forgiveness  >  Witnessing to the World
Signs of Spiritual Slumber >  Neglect of Christian Fellowship  >  Lack of Love for the Brethren
Our Love for Others >  The Impact of Our Love for Others  >  Love as a testimony of our faith
The Command of Jesus >  The New Commandment  >  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples
Relationships Reflect God's Nature >  The Importance of Healthy Relationships  >  Healthy relationships demonstrate God's love to the world
Love in the World >  The Impact of Love in the World  >  Love can transform lives and communities
Passionate Relationships Influence Others >  The Impact of Passionate Relationships on Others  >  Passionate relationships as a witness to others. Our relationships can serve as a testimony of God's love and grace.
Drawing Others to Christ >  Living a Life that Reflects Christ  >  Demonstrating Christ-like love in our actions
Our Celebration Attracts Others >  The Role of Love in Attraction  >  How our love for one another attracts others to Christ
The Blessings of Reconciliation >  The Blessings of Reconciliation with Others  >  Witness to the World
Stand Firm in Unity >  The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Glorifies God
The Nature of Discipleship >  The Characteristics of a Disciple  >  Love for Others
God's Peace Surpasses Understanding >  Sharing God's Peace  >  As Witnesses of God's Love
Brotherhood Strengthens Our Faith >  The Impact of Brotherhood on the World  >  A Witness to the World
Worship as a Relationship >  The Power of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate worship is a powerful witness to the world
The Blessing of Unity >  The Impact of Unity on the World  >  Unity Attracts
Fosters Unity and Love >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Tool for Evangelism
Eternal Fellowship is Fulfilling >  The Impact of Eternal Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Attracts Unbelievers
Respect in the Church >  The Impact of Respect on Church Growth and Effectiveness  >  The role of respect in attracting new believers
We Need Each Other >  We Experience God's Love in Community  >  Jesus said that the world will know we are His disciples by our love for one another.
Love Fulfills God's Law >  Living Out Love in Our Daily Lives  >  The Impact of Love
Promoting Peace and Harmony >  The Impact of Peace and Harmony in the Community  >  Peace as a Testimony of God's Love
Damage to Our Witness >  Ways We Can Damage Our Witness  >  By failing to show love and compassion to others
Righteousness as a Gift >  Sharing the Gift of Righteousness  >  Love
Love as our Motivation >  Living out Love as our Motivation  >  Love as a Witness
Experiencing Freedom in Christ >  Sharing the Freedom in Christ with Others  >  Demonstrating Christ's Love and Freedom in Our Lives
Transformation into Christ's Likness >  The Evidence of Transformation  >  The Love for Others
The Impact of Fellowship >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church  >  Witness to the World
Fellowship Reflects God's Nature >  The Purpose of Fellowship  >  Fellowship Reflects God's Love
A Love for Others >  The Impact of Loving Others  >  Reflection of God's Character
Brotherhood Demonstrates the Gospel >  Brotherhood Reflects God's Love  >  Love is the evidence of our faith
Sweetness in Human Relationships >  The Impact of Sweetness in Relationships on Our Witness  >  How our love for one another can be a powerful testimony to the world.
Understanding the New Commandment >  Living Out the New Commandment  >  Love as a mark of discipleship
The Responsibilities of Adoption >  Adoption as a Reflection of the Gospel  >  Adoption as a demonstration of God's love to the world
The Responsibility of Brotherhood >  The Impact of Brotherhood on the Church and Society  >  Reflecting Christ's Love to the World
Our Call to Love >  The Impact of Love on Our Relationships  >  Love and evangelism
The Power of Peace >  Promoting Peace in the World  >  Peace as a Witness to the World
Engaging in Godly Relationships >  The Role of Godly Relationships in Witnessing  >  Demonstrating God's love to the world
The Language of Love >  Living the Language of Love  >  Love as a witness
Holiness in Church Relationships >  The Importance of Holiness in Church Relationships  >  Witness to the World
Reflecting the Shepherd's Love >  The Impact of Reflecting the Shepherd's Love  >  It Draws People to Christ
The Consequences of Love >  Love Brings Transformation  >  Love transforms communities
Cultivating Love without Partiality >  The Blessings of Loving without Partiality  >  Witness to the world
Love Overcomes the World >  The Manifestation of Love in the World  >  Love as a tool for evangelism
The Benefits of Christlikeness >  Christlikeness Provides a Testimony to the World  >  As we become more like Christ, we reflect His love and grace to those around us.
A Community Celebration >  The Impact of a Community Celebration  >  The witness to the world of a united, celebrating community
Choosing to Love >  The Importance of Choosing to Love  >  Love is a Testimony
Love Others Endlessly >  The Impact of Loving Others Endlessly  >  Love reflects Christ to the world
Edifying the Church >  The Result of Edification in the Church  >  The witness of the Church to the world
Practicing Love Daily >  Living Out Love Daily  >  Love as a Witness
Knowledge without Love >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  The defining characteristic of a Christian
Damaging Our Witness >  Ways We Can Damage Our Witness  >  By Not Displaying Love
Responding with Respect >  The Impact of Respect on Our Relationships  >  Reflecting Christ's love to the world through our respectful interactions
Reflecting God's Forgiveness >  The Impact of Reflecting God's Forgiveness  >  Witnessing to the world about God's love and forgiveness
Transformation through Love >  Experiencing God's Love  >  Reflecting God's Love
Restoration of Relationship >  The Blessings of Restored Relationships  >  Strengthening our Witness to the World
Empowerment for Evangelism >  Empowered by Love  >  Love is the mark of a true disciple
Confirming the Gospel >  Confirming the Gospel through Love  >  By our love, all will know that we are His disciples
Created for Community >  The Blessings of Community  >  Community strengthens our witness to the world
Fellowship and Support >  The Impact of Fellowship and Support on the Church and the World  >  A Witness to the World
Sharing Builds Community >  The Role of Sharing in Building Community  >  Sharing as a Witness to the World
Sharing Life Together >  The Ultimate Goal of Sharing Life Together  >  Reflecting Christ
Peace in Relationships >  The Blessings of Peace in Relationships  >  A testimony to the world
Unity Through Forgiveness >  The Blessings of Unity Through Forgiveness  >  A Stronger Testimony
Transformation of Relationships >  The Role of the Church in Relationship Transformation  >  The Church as a Witness of Transformation
Fellowship through Worship >  The Impact of Fellowship through Worship  >  Witness to the World
Strength and Support >  Extending Strength and Support to Others  >  Reflecting God's Love through Our Actions
The Collective Implication >  The Challenges and Opportunities of Collective Implication  >  The opportunities of collective implication
Building Stronger Communities >  Impacting the Wider Society as a Community  >  Demonstrating God's Love to the World
Lowliness Fosters Unity >  The Blessings of Unity through Lowliness  >  Unity Glorifies God
Building Loving Relationships >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  Embracing Love as a Witnessing Tool
Fellowship and Unity >  Understanding the Importance of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Display of God's Love
Unity through Reconciliation >  The Fruit of Reconciliation  >  Effective Witness to the World
Gratitude Promotes Unity >  The Impact of Gratitude on Unity  >  Gratitude Enhances Church Growth
Unity Among Believers >  The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Reflects the Gospel
Grace to Forgive >  The Power of Forgiveness  >  Forgiveness Reflects Christ
Love Like Jesus >  The Impact of Loving Like Jesus  >  Witness to the world
Equality in Value >  The Consequences of Ignoring Equality in Value  >  The hindrance to the gospel message
Faith and Love >  The Role of Love in Our Relationship with God and Others  >  Love as a Testimony of Our Faith
Brotherhood Provides Support >  The Fruit of Brotherhood  >  Brotherhood Reflects Christ
Encouraging Spiritual Growth >  Living Out Our Faith as Evidence of Spiritual Growth  >  Demonstrating love as a sign of spiritual growth.
Brotherhood Requires Commitment >  The Blessings of a Committed Brotherhood  >  A committed brotherhood reflects the love of Christ to the world.
Thanksgiving in Community >  The Impact of Thanksgiving in Community  >  Thanksgiving and the Witness of the Church
Remembering Through Fellowship >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Fellowship is a Testimony to the World
Encouraging Corporate Worship >  Understanding the Importance of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate Worship as a Witness
Love Without Discrimination >  The Impact of Love Without Discrimination  >  Love without discrimination reflects God's heart and brings Him glory.
It Causes Conflict >  The Impact of Conflict  >  Conflict damages witness
Fellowship Brings Joy >  The Role of Fellowship in Spreading the Gospel  >  Fellowship demonstrates the love of Christ to non-believers
Unity Through Love >  The Impact of Unity Through Love  >  A Powerful Witness
Loving Our Neighbors >  The Impact of Loving Our Neighbors  >  Reflecting the love of Christ to the world
Equality in Love >  The Role of the Church in Promoting Equality in Love  >  Reflecting God's equal love to the world through our actions and attitudes
Through Our Love >  The Power of Love in Unity  >  The impact of unified love in the world
Demonstrates Christian Love >  The Impact of Christian Love  >  Christian Love Reflects Christ
Love and Unity >  The Command to Love One Another  >  Love as a (Mark of Discipleship
Love and Unity >  The Connection Between Love and Unity  >  Unity Demonstrates Love
Love and Unity >  The Connection Between Love and Unity  >  Love and Unity as a Witness to the World
Demonstrating Christ's Love >  The Impact of Demonstrating Christ's Love  >  It Reflects God's Character
By Our Love >  The Impact of Love  >  Love Draws People to Christ
Proclaiming Through Love >  Understanding the Commandment of Love  >  Love as a (Mark of Discipleship
Love in Community >  The Importance of Love in Community  >  Love Reflects Christ
Love for Others >  The Impact of Love for Others  >  Realizing that our love for others can be a powerful witness to the world
Love as Sacrifice >  The Impact of Love as Sacrifice  >  Impact on Our Communities
Brotherhood Requires Love >  The Impact of Love in Brotherhood  >  A Testimony to the World
Love Others Unconditionally >  The Command to Love Unconditionally  >  The Test of Discipleship
Love Reflects God >  Love is the Evidence of our Faith  >  Love is the mark of a true disciple
Loving Others Unconditionally >  The Impact of Unconditional Love  >  Unconditional Love Reflects Christ
Service to Others >  The Nature of Christian Service  >  Service as a reflection of God's love
To Love Others >  The Impact of Loving Others  >  Love Reflects Christ to the World
Fellowship in Worship >  The Impact of Fellowship in Worship  >  Strengthened Community
Jesus' New Commandment >  Living Out the New Commandment  >  Love as a (Mark of Discipleship
Jesus' New Commandment >  The Impact of the New Commandment  >  Witness to the World
Fruitfulness in Evangelism >  The Importance of Fruitfulness in Evangelism  >  Demonstrating God's Love
Sharing Our Faith >  The Methods of Sharing Our Faith  >  Sharing through our love
Discipline and Witness >  The Impact of Discipline on Our Witness  >  Discipline Points Others to Christ
Positivity Reflects Christ >  The Impact of Positivity on Our Witness for Christ  >  Positivity draws others to Christ
A Strong Testimony >  Building a Strong Testimony  >  Demonstrating Love
Actions Influence Others >  Our Actions Can Lead Others to Christ  >  Love in action
Loving Our Enemies >  The Blessings in Loving Our Enemies  >  Witnessing to Others
Love and Compassion >  Understanding the Biblical Concept of Love  >  Love as a mark of true discipleship
Respect through Attitudes >  The Blessings of a Respectful Attitude  >  A Stronger Testimony
Seeking Godly Relationships >  The Role of Godly Relationships in the Church  >  Spreading the Gospel
Disunity and Conflict >  The Role of Love in Resolving Disunity and Conflict  >  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another
Brotherhood Brings Joy >  The Impact of Brotherhood  >  Brotherhood Reflects Christ
Gladness Promotes Unity >  The Impact of Unity Fostered by Gladness  >  Unity Reflects Christ's Love
Brotherhood Promotes Unity >  The Impact of Unity in the Church  >  Unity attracts others to the faith
Celebration Fosters Unity >  The Impact of Unity on the Church and Society  >  A United Church is a Powerful Witness
Lack of Unity >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity is a testimony to the world
Reconciliation Brings Healing >  The Role of Reconciliation in the Church  >  Witness to the World
Sharing through Evangelism >  The Role of Love in Evangelism  >  The power of love to draw others to Christ
Joy in Community >  The Impact of Joyful Community on the World  >  A Joyful Community Reflects the Love of God
Peace and Relationships >  The Impact of Peaceful Relationships on the World  >  Reflecting God's Love
Reconciliation in Relationships >  The Blessings of Reconciliation  >  Testimony to the World
Peace with Others >  The Importance of Pursuing Peace with Others  >  Peace reflects Christ's love
To Experience Transformation >  The Evidence of Transformation  >  Love for others
A Life Transformed >  The Evidence of Transformation  >  Living a life of love and service to others
Serving in Perseverance >  The Impact of Persevering Service  >  Demonstrating the love of Christ to others
Love as Unconditional >  The Impact of Unconditional Love  >  Unconditional Love Reflects God's Character
Building Healthy Relationships >  Understanding the Importance of Relationships  >  Acknowledging the impact of relationships on our witness for Christ
Disunity and Strife >  The Consequences of Disunity and Strife  >  Hindrance to the Gospel
Lack of Love >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  Love as the defining characteristic of a Christian
Fellowship for Encouragement >  The Impact of Fellowship for Encouragement on the Church and the World  >  Fellowship is a witness to the world
Practicing Christlike Love >  The Impact of Christlike Love  >  Testimony to the World
Encouraging Reconciliation >  The Blessings of Reconciliation  >  Witness to the World
Embracing Diversity >  The Benefits of Embracing Diversity  >  Testimony to the World
Increased Love >  The Impact of Increased Love  >  It Reflects Christ
Showing Love >  The Commandment to Love  >  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Fostering Love >  The Importance of Fostering Love  >  Love Reflects Christ
Love Others >  The Impact of Loving Others  >  Loving others demonstrates that we are disciples of Christ. Discipleship
Building Relationships >  Cultivating Relationships for Evangelism  >  Demonstrating the love of Christ through our actions
Good Testimony >  Living a Life Worthy of a Good Testimony  >  Exhibiting Love
Serving Faithfully >  The Impact of Faithful Service  >  Demonstrating God's love to the world
Collective Breakthroughs >  The Impact of Collective Breakthroughs  >  Testimony to the World
Community Transformation >  The Impact of Community Transformation  >  Witness to the world
Regular Fellowship >  Understanding the Importance of Regular Fellowship  >  The Power of Fellowship in Spreading the Gospel
Consistent Fellowship >  The Importance of Consistent Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Testimony to the World
Forgiving Mistakes >  The Impact of Forgiving Mistakes  >  Witnessing to Others
Accountability Partners >  The Power of Accountability Partners in the Body of Christ  >  Witness
Overcoming Disunity >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity Damages our Witness
Rebuilding Relationships >  The Joy and Blessings of Restored Relationships  >  The testimony of God's love and grace in restored relationships
The Respecter >  The Impact of Being Respecters  >  Witness to the world
The Respectful >  The Impact of Respect  >  Witness to the World
Created Equal >  The Power of Equality in Creation  >  The Witness to the World
Communal Worship >  The Impact of Communal Worship  >  Witness to the World
Corporate Worship >  The Impact of Corporate Worship  >  Witness to the World
Loving Others >  The Impact of Love  >  Love is the mark of a true disciple of Christ
Jesus' Commandment >  The Impact of Jesus' Commandment  >  Love Reflects Christ
Demonstrating Love >  The Impact of Demonstrating Love  >  When we demonstrate love, we reflect God's character to the world.
Worshiping God >  The Power of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate worship is a testimony to the world
Defining Self-Sacrifice >  The Power of Self-Sacrifice in Witnessing  >  Reflecting Christ's love
Our Witness >  Living Out Our Witness  >  Demonstrating Christ's love through our actions.
Modeling Reconciliation >  The Impact of Modeling Reconciliation  >  Testimony to the World
His Disciples >  The Characteristics of His Disciples  >  Love for One Another
Influencing Culture >  Influencing Culture Through Love  >  Love is the defining characteristic of a Christian.
Seek Reconciliation >  The Blessings of Reconciliation  >  Reflecting God's Love
In Community >  The Impact of Community  >  A Witness to the World
Speak Respectfully >  The Blessings of Respectful Speech  >  Reflects Christ
Defining Unity >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity is a testimony to the world
Be Empathetic >  The Impact of Empathy on Our Witness  >  Empathy Demonstrates the Love of God
Cultivating Unity >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Demonstrate Love >  The Impact of Demonstrating Love  >  It Reflects Christ to the World
Ineffective Witnessing >  Not Living a Christ-like Life  >  Lack of love
Practicing Love >  The Impact of Practicing Love  >  Witness
Community >  The Power of Community  >  Witness
Mission >  The Role of the Church in Mission  >  The Church as a Community of Believers
Selfless >  The Reward of Selflessness  >  Reflecting Christ
For Unity in the Body of Christ >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Enhancing Our Witness
Damage to the Testimony of the Church >  Maintaining the Church's Testimony  >  Loving One Another
Love Covers Over a Multitude of Sins >  The Impact of Love that Covers Sins  >  Love Testifies
The Kingdom of God in the Church >  The Role of the Church in Advancing the Kingdom of God  >  Demonstrating God's Love
Enjoying the Support and Encouragement of Brothers >  The Impact of Support and Encouragement on the Church  >  It Reflects God's Love
The Role of Community in Maintaining Accountability >  The Blessings of Accountability in Community  >  Witness to the World
Love as a Fruit of the Spirit >  The Primacy of Love in the Fruit of the Spirit  >  Love is the defining characteristic of a disciple of Jesus
The Church as a Community of Support >  The Impact of a Supportive Church Community  >  Reflecting the Love of Christ to the World
The Role of Fellowship in Spiritual Growth >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Fellowship Reflects Christ's Love
Deeds as a Reflection of Our Faith >  The Impact of Our Deeds on Others  >  Deeds as a reflection of God's love
Service as a Reflection of Our Faith >  The Impact of Service on Our Christian Witness  >  Service Reflects Christ's Love
The Church as a Place of Restoration >  The Impact of Restoration in the Church  >  A Testimony to the World
Love One Another as Christ Loved Us >  The Command to Love One Another  >  Love as a Testimony to the World
The New Commandment as given by Jesus >  The New Commandment: A Reflection of Jesus' Love  >  The role of love in identifying us as disciples of Jesus
Fellowship Demonstrates God's Love to the World >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Attracting Others to Christ
Fellowship as a Witness to the World >  The Role of Fellowship as a Witness to the World  >  Demonstrating God's Love through Fellowship
Fellowship as a Witness to the World >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Fellowship as a Tool for Evangelism
Unity as a Witness to the World >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testament of God's Love
Serving as a Reflection of God's Love >  The Impact of Serving as a Reflection of God's Love  >  It draws others to Christ
The Greatest Commandment in the Old Testament >  Living Out the Greatest Commandment Today  >  - "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Jesus and the Heart of the Law >  Living Out the Heart of the Law  >  Reflecting Christ's Love
Collective Witness as a Tool for Evangelism >  The Impact of Collective Witness on Evangelism  >  Attracting Non-Believers
Fellowship in the Mission of the Church >  The Connection between Fellowship and the Mission of the Church  >  Fellowship Demonstrates the Gospel
Fellowship in the Mission of the Church >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Fellowship Reflects God's Love to the World
The Church's Mission to Reach the Lost >  The Church's Role in Reaching the Lost  >  Demonstrating God's Love
The Church as a Beacon of Light >  The Church as a Witness  >  The Church's responsibility to bear witness to Christ's love(John 13
The Difficulty of Loving as Christ Loved >  The Importance of Loving as Christ Loved  >  Building the Kingdom of God
Experiencing Unity in the Body of Christ >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity is a Testimony to the World
Love is the Fulfillment of the Law >  Practical Implications  >  Love as a Witness
The Hope in God's Promise of Redemption >  Sharing the Hope of God's Promise of Redemption  >  Sharing through Our Love
The Role of the Church in Discipleship >  The Church as a Place of Service  >  The Church as a Place of Love
Show Genuine Love and Concern for Others >  The Impact of Genuine Love and Concern  >  It reflects God's love and glorifies Him
The Importance of Unity in the Church >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity Damages Witness
The Importance of Unity in the Church >  The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Attracts Others to Christ
The Impact of Servanthood on the Church >  The Impact of Servanthood on the Church Community  >  Witness
Love is the Foundation of All Relationships >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  Love as the defining characteristic of Christians
The Church as the Family of God >  The Characteristics of God's Family  >  Love as the defining characteristic of God's family
Sharing the Fortress of God with Others >  The Importance of Sharing the Fortress  >  Sharing the Fortress as an Act of Love
The Impact of Sweetness in Our Lives >  The Impact of Sweetness in the Community  >  Sweetness Reflects Christ's Love
Living Out the "Right" in Our Relationships >  The Blessings of Living Out the "Right" in Our Relationships  >  Witness to the World
The Role of Love in Maintaining Unity >  The Impact of Love on the World  >  Love testifies to our faith
The Role of Community in the Journey >  The Impact of Community on the World  >  Community as a Witness to the World
The Role of the Church after Baptism >  Serving as a Beacon of Hope  >  Modeling God's Love
Understanding the Importance of Unity and Love >  The Importance of Love in the Body of Christ  >  Love is the mark of a true disciple
The Blood of Christ and Christian Living >  The Blood of Christ and the Christian Community  >  Living Out the Gospel Together
Living Out Brotherhood in Our Daily Lives >  The Importance of Living Out Brotherhood  >  Brotherhood Strengthens Our Witness
The Role of Fellowship in Christian Life >  The Impact of Fellowship on Christian Life  >  Witness to the World
The Role of a Witness in Evangelism >  The Importance of Love in Witnessing  >  Love can break down barriers and open hearts to the gospel
Applying Jesus' Servant Leadership in Our Lives >  The Impact of Applying Jesus' Servant Leadership  >  Transformation in Our Relationships
Lack of Love for God and Others >  The Power of Love  >  Love reflects Christ to the world
Brotherhood as a Reflection of God's Love >  The Importance of Brotherhood in Christian Life  >  Brotherhood as a Testimony to the World
The Call to Emulate God's Sacrificial Love >  The Impact of Emulating God's Sacrificial Love  >  A Testimony to the World
Jesus as the Ultimate Model of Servanthood >  Jesus Taught Servanthood  >  Jesus taught that servanthood is a mark of His followers
The Importance of Loyalty in the Church >  The Impact of Loyalty in the Church  >  Witness
Living Out the Brotherhood Beyond Blood Relations >  The Impact of Living Out the Brotherhood  >  The Testimony to the World
God's Love Calls Us to Love Others >  God's Command to Love Others  >  Love is a Witness to the World
Practical Ways to Foster Fellowship through Service >  Understanding the Importance of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World
The Biblical Basis for Unity in Witness >  Unity in Love  >  Love as the Mark of Discipleship
Understanding the Concept of Unity in Diversity >  The Importance of Unity in Diversity  >  Unity in diversity is a testimony to the world
The Challenge of Disunity and Division >  The Blessings of Unity  >  The testimony of unity
Using Our Victory to Glorify God >  Practical Ways to Use Our Victory to Glorify God  >  By Showing Love to Others
Unity in the Body of Christ >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity Demonstrates Christian Love
Identifying with the Body of Christ >  The Impact of Identifying with the Body of Christ  >  A powerful witness to the world
Damage to the Body of Christ >  Consequences of the Damage  >  Loss of Witness
Let Love Be Your Highest Goal >  Understanding the Importance of Love  >  Love as the defining characteristic of a Christian
Worship as a Means of Edification >  The Impact of Corporate Worship  >  Corporate worship is a powerful witness to the world
Bad deeds can tarnish our witness >  Living Out a Good Witness  >  Demonstrating Love and Good Deeds
Happiness as a Tool for Evangelism >  The Impact of Happiness in Evangelism  >  Attracting Others to Christ
Love as the Motive for Unity >  The Impact of Love-Driven Unity on the World  >  Love-driven unity is a powerful witness to the world
Encouraging and Building Up One Another >  The Impact of Encouragement on the Church  >  Encouragement Reflects Christ's Love
Praying for the Salvation of Others >  The Power of Corporate Prayer for Salvation  >  Witness in Prayer
Offer Words of Comfort and Encouragement >  The Impact of Comfort and Encouragement  >  Reflecting Christ's Love
The Early Church Shared Their Possessions >  The Blessings and Benefits of Sharing  >  Sharing is a powerful witness to the world about the love of Christ
The Role of Love in Unity >  The Impact of Love-Driven Unity on the Church  >  Love-driven unity as a witness to the world about Christ
Love as the Bond of Unity >  The Impact of Love as the Bond of Unity  >  Reflects Christ's Love