Sermons on
John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Return >  The Blessings of Return  >  Eternal Life
Roads >  The Road of Salvation  >  Jesus as the Only Road
Truths >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
Truths >  The Source of Truth  >  Jesus is the Embodiment of Truth
The Process of Salvation >  The Reception of Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus
The Assurance of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation.
The Reality of God's Judgment >  The Urgency of God's Judgment  >  The Call to Faith in Jesus Christ
Preparing for Judgment >  Preparing for Judgment through Salvation  >  Accepting Christ's sacrifice as the only way to salvation
Jesus as the Light of the World >  Jesus: The Light of the World  >  The characteristics of Jesus as the Light
Living in Light of Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Accepting Christ's Salvation
The Armor of God >  The Belt of Truth  >  Understanding the importance of truth.
Mountains as Places of Divine Encounter >  The Mountain Top Experience and Our Christian Walk  >  Recognizing Christ's divinity
The Assurance of Our Heavenly Mansion >  Understanding the Promise of Our Heavenly Mansion  >  The Assurance of the Promise
The Gates of Heaven >  The Way to Heaven's Gates  >  Jesus
The Source of Truth >  God as the Ultimate Source of Truth  >  The Nature of God as Truth
The Source of Truth >  Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Our Response to Truth >  Recognizing the Truth  >  Understanding the nature of truth
The Promise of Eternal Life >  The Basis of the Promise: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ
The Assurance of Our Eternal Destiny >  The Role of Faith in Our Eternal Destiny  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Pleasure >  Experiencing the Ultimate Pleasure  >  Through faith in Jesus Christ
The Ultimate Purpose >  Fulfilling Our Purpose  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Our Eternal Home >  The Journey to Our Eternal Home  >  The Role of Faith
The Kingdom of God >  Entering the Kingdom of God  >  We enter the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Gift of Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life  >  Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life
The Response to the Gift of Salvation >  Responding to the Gift of Salvation  >  Faith
The Promise of Eternal Life Without Suffering >  Understanding the Promise of Eternal Life  >  Jesus Christ is the Way to Eternal Life
God is the Source of All Truth >  The Revelation of Truth in Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the Truth
Understanding Christ's Victory on the Cross >  The Necessity of the Cross  >  The Solution to Sin
We Should Speak Truth in Love >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as a Fundamental Christian Virtue
The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus >  The Death of Jesus  >  The Significance of Jesus' Death
Jesus' Claim to be the Light >  The Implications of Jesus being the Light  >  Jesus Provides Spiritual Enlightenment
Our Role in God's Eternal Kingdom >  Preparing for Our Role in God's Kingdom  >  Through Faith in Christ
Jesus is the Embodiment of Truth >  Jesus Himself Declared He is the Truth  >  Jesus' bold proclamation
Jesus is the Embodiment of Truth >  Jesus Himself Declared He is the Truth  >  Jesus' claim to embody truth sets Him apart from all other religious leaders.
Jesus is the Embodiment of Truth >  Jesus Himself Declared He is the Truth  >  Jesus' declaration of truth is not just about facts, but about a person and a relationship.
We Must Live by the Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Source of Truth
We Must Live by the Truth >  The Blessings of Living by the Truth  >  Eternal Life
Salvation as a Source of Gladness >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
The Consequences of Our Decisions >  Making Decisions in Light of Eternity  >  - The ultimate decision
The Impact of Jesus' Light >  Jesus' Light Guides Our Path  >  Jesus as Our Guide
Angels are not Human Spirits >  The Importance of Correct Understanding  >  Focusing on Our Relationship with God
Jesus Suffered for Our Sins >  Jesus: The Fulfillment of Prophecy  >  Jesus' Teachings and Claims.
Jesus as the Promised King >  The Response to the King  >  Recognition of Jesus as King
Christ's Work on the Cross >  The Implications of Christ's Work on the Cross  >  A Call to Faith
The Shut Gates of Heaven >  The Shut Gates of Heaven: Causes and Implications  >  Unbelief and rejection of Christ
Jesus as the Only Road >  The Road That Leads to Life  >  Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life
Jesus as the Only Road >  The Exclusivity of Jesus  >  No One Comes to the Father Except Through Jesus
Truth Leads to Righteous Living >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth
Truth is Essential for Salvation >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute, Not Relative.
Truth is Essential for Salvation >  The Source of Truth  >  God is the Source of All Truth.
We Must Believe the Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
We Must Defend the Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the Foundation of Our Faith
The Judgment at the End >  Living in Light of the Final Judgment  >  The Call to Faith in Christ
Speed in Spreading the Gospel >  The Urgency of the Gospel  >  The Gospel is the only hope for a dying world
The Source of True Happiness >  True Happiness is Found in a Relationship with Jesus Christ  >  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and in Him we find true happiness.
The Need for Salvation >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation  >  Jesus as the Savior
The Source of Salvation >  Jesus Christ: The Mediator of Salvation  >  Jesus Christ
Biblical Examples of Stewardship >  The Ultimate Stewardship of Jesus Christ  >  Jesus' stewardship provides salvation for all who believe in Him.
The Belt of Truth >  The Truth We Must Uphold  >  The Truth about Jesus Christ
The Gift of Salvation >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation  >  Jesus as the Only Way
Trusting in God's Provision >  The Ultimate Provision: Salvation through Jesus Christ  >  Trusting in Christ for eternal life.
The Road of Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Faith in Christ
Truth Sets Us Free >  The Person of Truth: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth
The Hope of Redemption >  The Promise of Redemption  >  The Life of Jesus
The Language of Heaven >  The Language of Truth  >  Truth as a fundamental element of the heavenly language.
The Restoration of Language >  The Restoration of Language Through Jesus Christ  >  The Language of Love and Truth
The Necessity of Faith >  The Role of Faith in Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father.
Urgency in Jesus' Ministry >  The Urgency of the Gospel Message  >  The Gospel message is urgent because it is the only way to salvation
Guiding Us into Truth >  The Source of Truth  >  Recognizing that Jesus Christ, as God incarnate, is the embodiment of truth. He declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.".
The Source of Morality >  The Implications of God as the Source of Morality  >  The Need for a Relationship with God
Salvation through Faith >  The Role of Faith in Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Assurance of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way of Salvation
Definition of Discipleship >  The Rewards of Discipleship  >  The Reward of Eternal Life
Source of Hope >  The Word of God: The Blueprint of Hope  >  The teachings of Jesus as a source of hope
Hope in Salvation >  Understanding the Concept of Salvation  >  Salvation through Jesus Christ
Faith in Christ >  Understanding Faith in Christ  >  The Object of Our Faith
Definition of Reconciliation >  The Process of Reconciliation  >  Our Response to God's Initiative
Joy in Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
Trusting God's Provision >  The Ultimate Provision: Salvation through Jesus Christ  >  Trusting in Jesus for eternal life.
Reconciliation with God >  The Process of Reconciliation  >  Faith
Promise of Salvation >  The Fulfillment of the Promise  >  Jesus is the only way to salvation.
Disobedience to God >  The Remedy for Disobedience  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Fulfillment in Jesus >  Jesus Fulfills Our Longing for Relationship with God  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Truth is Absolute >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  Defining Absolute Truth
Truth is Absolute >  Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Absolute Truth  >  Jesus as the Truth
Truth is Unchanging >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
Truth is Universal >  The Source of Truth  >  Jesus is Truth
Investing in Eternity >  How to Invest in Eternity  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
To Speak Truth >  The Importance of Speaking Truth  >  Truth as a Foundation of Christian Life
The Eternal Word >  The Eternal Word and Salvation  >  The Eternal Word as the Way to Salvation
Abundant Life >  Understanding the Concept of Abundant Life  >  The Source of Abundant Life
Knowing God >  Knowing God through a Personal Relationship  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
God's Forgiveness >  Receiving God's Forgiveness  >  Belief in Jesus Christ is the key to forgiveness
Eternal Pleasure >  The Path to Eternal Pleasure  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Heaven >  Preparing for Heaven  >  Accepting Christ as Savior
Honesty >  The Importance of Honesty  >  Honesty as a reflection of God's character
Standing Firm in the Truth Despite Persecution >  Standing Firm in the Truth  >  The Importance of Truth
Jesus as the Rock of our Salvation >  The Rock of our Salvation  >  Salvation through Jesus Christ
How Today's Choices Impact Our Eternal Destiny >  The Ultimate Choice  >  Choosing Jesus
The Importance of Truthful and Honest Speech >  The Biblical Command for Truthful Speech  >  Jesus Himself is the embodiment of truth
The Importance of Truth in Spiritual Warfare >  Embracing Truth in Spiritual Warfare  >  Living in Truth
Persevering in Faith Despite Obstacles and Setbacks >  Understanding the Nature of Faith  >  Faith as a Relationship with God through Jesus Christ
The Permanence and Unchanging Nature of Christ >  The Unchanging Character of Christ  >  Christ's Steadfast Truth
The Reality of Death and the Afterlife >  Preparing for Death and the Afterlife  >  Accepting Christ's Offer of Salvation
Without Salvation, We Are Separated From God >  The Necessity of Accepting Salvation  >  The Only Way
Jesus Christ is the Word Made Flesh >  Living in Response to Jesus, the Word Made Flesh  >  Embracing Jesus as the Truth
God Promises an Abundant Life in Christ >  Understanding the Promise of Abundance  >  The Source of Abundance
Jesus as the Gate of the Sheep >  The Implications of Jesus as the Gate  >  Exclusivity of Salvation
Preparing for Our Eternal Home with God >  Preparing for Heaven  >  Salvation through Faith in Christ
Jesus is the Only Way to Salvation >  The Exclusivity of Jesus as the Way to Salvation  >  Jesus as the Only Way
Embracing the Truth, Despite the World's Opposition >  Understanding the Truth  >  The Truth is Jesus Christ
Accepting and Acknowledging Our Salvation in Christ >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
Building a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ >  Understanding the Need for a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ  >  Acknowledging Jesus as the only way to salvation
The Importance of Purity in Our Words >  The Biblical Call to Purity in Speech  >  The Example of Jesus
The Wicked Will Go Into Eternal Punishment >  The Urgency of Repentance and Faith in Christ  >  The Necessity of Faith in Christ
The Significance of Honesty in Cultivating Trust >  Understanding the Biblical Concept of Honesty  >  Honesty as a reflection of God's character
Truthful Words Stand the Test of Time >  The Source of Truthful Words  >  God is the source of all truthful words
Words of Truth and Love Give Life >  The Truth in Love  >  The importance of truth
The Triumph of God Over False Gods >  Experiencing the Triumph of God Over False Gods  >  Through Faith in Christ
The Hope of Eternal Rest in Heaven >  The Path to Eternal Rest  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Anticipating the End of Sorrow and Pain >  Preparing for the End of Sorrow and Pain  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Believing in the Truth of the Gospel >  Understanding the Gospel  >  The Gospel is Truth
Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ >  Understanding the Good News  >  Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
Transformed by the Renewing of Our Minds >  Understanding the Need for Transformation  >  Acknowledging Our Need for a Savior
The Inability of Man to Redeem Himself >  The Call to Repentance and Faith  >  The Invitation to Believe
Understand the Basics of the Gospel >  The Central Message of the Gospel  >  The Gospel declares Jesus as the only way to salvation
Joy in the Assurance of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way of Salvation
The Promise of Restoration Through Christ >  The Process of Restoration  >  Faith in Christ
Faith in Jesus Christ Brings Salvation >  Understanding the Concept of Salvation  >  The source of Salvation
The Courage to Stand for Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the foundation of faith
The Temporality of Our Physical Existence >  Preparing for Our Eternal Existence  >  Accepting Christ's offer of eternal life
Realizing our Inability to Restore Ourselves >  Embracing God's Plan of Restoration  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior and the only way to God
Salvation is by Faith, Not Works >  Understanding the Concept of Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
Living Out the Truth in Love >  Understanding the Truth  >  The Importance of Truth
Living Out the Truth in Love >  Understanding the Truth  >  The Person of Truth
Truthful Words Promote Trust and Integrity >  The Power of Truthful Words  >  Truthful words are a reflection of God's character
Love Without Truth Can Be Misleading >  Understanding the Nature of Love and Truth  >  Defining Truth from a Biblical Perspective
God Calls Us to Speak Truthfully >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  God is the source of all truth
Truth as the Foundation of Righteousness >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
Living by Faith, Not by Works >  The Role of Faith in Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
Recognizing the Consequences of Our Choices >  The Ultimate Choice: Choosing Christ  >  The importance of choosing Christ
Bad Deeds Lead to Destruction >  The Remedy for Sin  >  Faith in Christ
Revealing His Identity to His Brothers >  The Ultimate Revelation  >  Salvation Through Jesus
By Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus >  The Rewards of Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus  >  Eternal Life
The Shepherd Cares for His Sheep >  The Shepherd Leads His Sheep  >  The Shepherd leads His sheep to eternal life. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
The Living out of the Truth >  Understanding the Truth  >  The Truth in Jesus Christ
Maintaining a Vibrant Relationship with God >  Cultivating a Personal Relationship with God  >  Accepting Jesus as our Savior
Enjoying a Deeper Relationship with God >  Cultivating a Personal Relationship with God  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior
The Blessing of Intimacy with God >  Understanding Intimacy with God  >  Intimacy through Christ
Realizing our Inability to Change Ourselves >  Acknowledging Our Human Limitations  >  Accepting our need for a Savior
Jesus is the Word of God >  Jesus, the Word, Reveals God to Us  >  Jesus as the Truth
Jesus as the Word of God >  The Word and Salvation  >  The Word Brings Salvation
Jesus as the Word of Life >  The Word of Life as the Source of Truth  >  Jesus, the Word of Life, is the way, the truth, and the life
Receiving Christ as our Personal Savior >  Recognizing Jesus as the Only Savior  >  Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life
Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth >  Jesus is the Truth  >  Jesus Himself declared that He is the Truth
Jesus Came to Make God Known >  Jesus, the Teacher of God's Truth  >  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life
Jesus Came to Make God Known >  Jesus, the Mediator between God and Humanity  >  Jesus is the only way to the Father
True Abundance is Spiritual and Eternal >  The Path to True Abundance  >  True abundance is found through faith in Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ's Proclamation of Abundant Life >  Understanding the Abundant Life  >  The Source of Abundant Life
Jesus as the Gate of Salvation >  Understanding Jesus as the Gate  >  Jesus as the only legitimate access to God's kingdom
Truth is Embodied in Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ is the Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus Himself declared that He is the truth
Truth is Embodied in Jesus Christ >  The Truth of Jesus Christ Sets Us Free  >  Jesus' truth provides us with a clear path to salvation
The Nature of God as Truth >  God Reveals His Truth to Us  >  Through Jesus Christ
Truth as a Fundamental Christian Virtue >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Jesus as the embodiment of Truth
The Language of Love and Truth >  Understanding the Language of Truth  >  Truth as the Foundation of Christian Faith
The Life and Teachings of Jesus >  The Ministry of Jesus  >  The Teachings of Jesus
The Son's Relationship with the Father >  The Son's Mediatorial Relationship with the Father  >  The Son is the way to the Father
Jesus as the Revealer of Truth >  Jesus Reveals the Truth about Salvation  >  Jesus is the only way to salvation
The World's Definition and Its Impact >  Understanding the World's Definition  >  The world's definition of truth
God's Strength Promises Us Eternal Life >  The Promise of Eternal Life  >  Eternal life is only through Jesus Christ
The Role of Belief in Faith >  The Role of Belief in Salvation  >  Belief as the gateway to salvation
Faith is Belief in Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ: The Object of Our Faith  >  Belief in Jesus is essential for salvation
Belief in Jesus Guarantees Eternal Life >  The Role of Jesus in Eternal Life  >  Jesus as the Way
Differentiating Between Physical and Spiritual Pilgrimage >  The Biblical Perspective on Physical and Spiritual Pilgrimage  >  Jesus as the ultimate example of a spiritual pilgrim.
Believing the Truth Sets Us Free >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Personification of Truth
The Two Thieves Crucified Alongside Jesus >  Conclusion: The Choice is Ours  >  The call to choose life in Jesus
It is a Command from Jesus >  Understanding the Authority of Jesus' Commands  >  Recognizing Jesus as the Son of God and the ultimate authority
Christ's Invitation to Take His Yoke >  Understanding the Invitation  >  The significance of Christ's yoke
The True Value of Heavenly Treasures >  How to Store Up Heavenly Treasures  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Watchmen in the Time of Jesus >  Jesus as the Ultimate Watchman  >  Jesus as the revealer of truth
The Righteous Will Inherit Eternal Life >  The Promise of Eternal Life  >  Eternal Life through Jesus
The Finality of Heaven or Hell >  The Criteria for Heaven and Hell  >  Faith in Christ
Heaven as a Place of Reward >  The Criteria for Receiving the Reward  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Recognizing Heaven as our Eternal Home >  The Assurance of Heaven  >  Salvation through Christ
Love Softens the Impact of Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
Love without Authority Leads to Chaos >  Biblical Examples of Love and Authority  >  Jesus' Love and Authority in His Ministry
Truth as the Measure of Righteousness >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth as God's Nature
Truth as the Guide to Righteousness >  The Ultimate Truth: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus
To Draw Us Closer to Him >  The Role of Jesus in Drawing Us Closer  >  The Bridge
The Need for a Greater Power >  Experiencing the Greater Power  >  Through faith in Jesus Christ(John 14
The High Wall and Twelve Gates >  The Role of Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the Gate
The Power of Language in Eternity >  The Language of the Kingdom  >  The Language of Truth
The Promise of the New Jerusalem >  The Requirements for Entering the New Jerusalem  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
The Joy and Praise of Heaven >  The Joy of Heaven  >  The Joy of Heaven is for Everyone
The Heart's Resistance to God's Truth >  Overcoming the Heart's Resistance to God's Truth  >  Faith
Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior >  Recognizing Jesus as the Only Savior  >  Jesus as the Son of God
Believing the Truth Leads to Salvation >  Understanding the Truth  >  Jesus is the Truth
Restoration through Faith in Jesus Christ >  The Role of Faith in Restoration  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Truth Reveals Our Need for Salvation >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Personification of Truth
Recognizing the Fallen Nature of Man >  The Solution to the Fallen Nature: The Gospel of Jesus Christ  >  Faith in Christ
Reconciliation Brings Us Back to God >  The Process of Reconciliation  >  Faith
Understanding the Biblical Concept of Reconciliation >  The Process of Reconciliation  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior
The Test of a True Prophet >  The Prophet's Recognition of Jesus Christ  >  A true prophet upholds Jesus as the only way to God
Drinking from the Fountain of Life >  Accessing the Fountain of Life  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
The Eternal Rock of Our Salvation >  The Rock of Our Salvation  >  Salvation through the Rock
The Choice of the Yoke >  The Consequences of Our Choice  >  Choosing the yoke of Christ
Understanding the Concept of Heaven's Gates >  Entering Through Heaven's Gates  >  The necessity of faith in Jesus Christ for entry
Salvation Through Faith in Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ: The Only Way to Salvation  >  Jesus as the Savior
Understanding the Promise of Eternal Happiness >  The Path to Eternal Happiness  >  The path to eternal happiness is through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Prideful Ambition: Building the Tower >  The True Tower: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus, the Way to God's Kingdom
The Restoration of Innocence through Christ >  Accepting the Gift of Restoration  >  Believing in Jesus
Understanding the Gift of Eternal Life >  The Way to Eternal Life  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Jesus as the Revealer of God >  Jesus as the Way to God  >  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, revealing the path to God
The Balance of Truth and Love >  Understanding the Nature of Truth and Love  >  The Definition of Truth
The Balance of Truth and Love >  The Perfect Example of Truth and Love: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth
Introduction: The Promise of His Coming >  The Promise Proclaimed  >  The Proclamation of Jesus Himself
The Source of Wisdom and Knowledge >  Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of God's Wisdom and Knowledge  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Jesus' Life and Teachings Reflect Truth >  Jesus Embodied Truth  >  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
How to Live by the Truth >  Recognizing the Truth  >  Understanding the nature of truth
Practical Steps to Walk by Faith >  Understand the Meaning of Faith  >  Faith as a Relationship with God through Jesus Christ
Understanding the Concept of Spiritual Death >  The Solution to Spiritual Death  >  Recognizing Jesus Christ as the only solution to spiritual death
Living Out Our Faith through Works >  The Role of Faith in Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation
Introduction: The Existence of False Knowledge >  The Truth of God's Word  >  Jesus as the Truth
The Ultimate Authority - Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ - The Savior and Redeemer  >  Jesus is the only way to salvation - No one comes to the Father except through Him
The Road That Leads to Life >  How to Walk on the Path of Life  >  Faith in Jesus
Following Jesus on the Only Road >  Understanding the Road  >  The Road is Exclusive
Embracing Truth in Our Daily Lives >  The Blessings of Embracing Truth  >  Eternal Life
The Role of Truth in Salvation >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth as Absolute
The Role of Truth in Salvation >  The Necessity of Truth for Salvation  >  Truth Leads us to Christ
The Assurance of Our Eternal Home >  Assurance of Our Eternal Home  >  Assurance through Faith in Christ
Sharing the Assurance of Eternal Life >  Understanding the Promise of Eternal Life  >  The Promise is Secured Through Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ: The Agent of Restoration >  The Process of Restoration  >  Faith
The Consequences of the World's Influence >  The World's Influence Distorts Our Perception of Truth  >  The world promotes relative truth over absolute truth. Relative truth is the idea that truth can vary from person to person, while absolute truth is the belief that there is one ultimate truth.
Sharing the Hope of Eternal Life >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life  >  Jesus Christ
The Person of Truth: Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ: The Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus is the Truth in Person
The Urgency of the Gospel Message >  The Gospel Message is a Matter of Life and Death  >  The Gospel is the only way to eternal life
The Importance of Worshiping in Truth >  The Importance of Truth in Worship  >  Truth as a reflection of God's nature
Our Response to Separation from God >  Believing in Jesus Christ  >  Accepting that only through faith in Jesus Christ can we be reconciled to God
The Choice of Our Eternal Destiny >  The Path to Eternal Life  >  Acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth >  Defining Absolute Truth  >  The Nature of Absolute Truth
The Importance of Investing in Eternity >  How to Invest in Eternity  >  Through Faith in Christ
Understanding the Concept of Eternal Life >  The Call to Eternal Life  >  The call to accept Jesus Christ
Understanding the Concept of Abundant Life >  Defining Abundant Life  >  The Source of Abundant Life
Knowing God through a Personal Relationship >  Understanding the Concept of a Personal Relationship with God  >  The uniqueness of Christianity
The Promise of Eternal Happiness >  The Path to Eternal Happiness  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior
Jesus, the Conqueror of Death >  Our Response to Jesus' Victory Over Death  >  Faith in Jesus
A Symbol of God's Presence >  Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Symbol of God's Presence  >  Jesus as the way to the Father, providing access to God's presence
The Future Hope of Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Accepting Christ
The Proclamation of the Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  The Nature of Truth
Inability to Discern the Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Biblical Definition of Truth
Inability to Discern the Truth >  The Promise of God for Those Who Seek Truth  >  Eternal Life
Blindness to Spiritual Truths >  The Role of Jesus in Healing Spiritual Blindness  >  Jesus, the Truth
The Transformation Brought by Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
Reconciliation with God through Christ >  God's Plan for Reconciliation  >  The Role of Jesus Christ
Christ as the Perfect Sacrifice >  Our Response to Christ's Sacrifice  >  Acceptance
Grasping the Urgency of Salvation >  Embracing the Offer of Salvation  >  The Only Way
The Confirmation of Jesus' Divinity >  Jesus' Divine Nature as Revealed in His Teachings  >  His Teachings About Salvation
To Bring Repentance and Salvation >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Repentance and Salvation  >  Jesus Christ, the Mediator
Hell as Separation from God >  The Hope of Salvation through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the way to God
Truth Leads Us to Reppentance >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth as God's Character
The Bible as God's Revelation >  The Bible as the Revelation of God's Salvation  >  The Bible Reveals the Savior
Truth as Revealed in Scripture >  The Source of Biblical Truth  >  Jesus is the Embodiment of Truth
A Eulogy is a Message >  Crafting a Eulogy  >  Sharing the Hope of the Gospel
The Bible as God's Word >  The Bible as Truth  >  The Bible as the standard for truth
Jesus Christ as the Means >  Jesus Christ as the Means of Salvation  >  The Provision of Salvation
Gates as Seats of Authority >  Jesus as the Gate  >  Jesus as the Gate to the Father
Living Without Purpose and Direction >  The Biblical Perspective on Purpose and Direction  >  Jesus as our Guide and Direction
God's Sovereign Plan of Salvation >  God's Plan of Salvation  >  The Fulfillment in Jesus Christ
God's Forgiveness Through Jesus Christ >  Receiving God's Forgiveness  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Realizing God's Forgiveness Towards Us >  Receiving God's Forgiveness  >  Believing in Jesus
Access to God the Father >  The Role of Jesus Christ in our Access to God  >  Jesus as the way to the Father
We are Saved by Faith >  The Necessity of Faith for Salvation  >  The Exclusivity of Faith
Salvation as a Divine Gift >  The Necessity of Salvation  >  The Only Way to Salvation
Salvation Through Faith in Christ >  Faith in Christ  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
The Inability to Save Ourselves >  Accepting God's Gift of Salvation  >  Believing in Jesus
Not a Means of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Accepting God's Gift of Salvation >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation  >  Jesus as the Way
Speak the Truth in Love >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  The Nature of Truth
The Importance of Speaking Truth >  Truth as a Divine Attribute  >  God is the Source of all Truth(John 14
The Command to Speak Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  God is the source of all truth
The Responsibility to Speak Truth >  The Call to Speak Truth  >  Jesus as the Model of Truthfulness
A Noble Person is Truthful >  The Importance of Truthfulness  >  Truthfulness Reflects God's Character
The Challenge of Living Authentically >  Understanding Authenticity  >  Authenticity in the Bible
The Gospel Breaks Down Barriers >  The Gospel Breaks Down Religious Barriers  >  The Gospel invites everyone to a personal relationship with God, not a religion.
Jesus' Birth, Death, and Resurrection >  The Significance of Jesus' Birth, Death, and Resurrection  >  The Foundation of Our Faith
The Motive Behind the Tower >  The Contrast: The True Way to Reach Heaven  >  The provision of Jesus Christ as the only way to God
Fear can lead to Dishonesty >  Overcoming Fear and Dishonesty  >  Living in Truth
Sin's Entry into the World >  The Call to Repentance and Faith  >  The Call to Faith in Jesus Christ
God's Promise of a Savior >  The Promise Fulfilled  >  The Ministry of Jesus
Designed for Fellowship with God >  Jesus Christ: The Bridge to Fellowship  >  Jesus
Maintain Your Focus on Jesus >  Jesus as the Perfect Object of Our Focus  >  Jesus as the source of eternal life and truth
God as a Loving Father >  The Father's Love Demonstrated in Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the way to the Father
Striving to Enter God's Rest >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Entering God's Rest  >  Jesus as the Way to God's Rest
We Have Access to God >  The Means of Our Access to God  >  Through Jesus Christ
The Reality of Judgment Day >  Preparing for Judgment Day  >  Accepting Christ
God Resides in the Heights >  Our Access to God in the Heights  >  Through Jesus Christ
Heaven as God's Dwelling Place >  The Access to Heaven  >  Jesus Christ
Through Personal Relationship with God >  Understanding the Concept of Personal Relationship with God  >  The Importance of a Personal Relationship with God
Cultivating a Relationship with God >  Establishing a Relationship with God  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior
God's Word Consumes All Falsehood >  The Victory of Truth  >  Truth Leads to Life
Jesus, the Word of God >  The Word Speaks to Us  >  The Word as Truth
Accepting Christ as our Savior >  Recognizing Jesus Christ as the Only Savior  >  Understanding Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Eternal Word Became Flesh >  The Word Dwelt Among Us: The Ministry of Christ  >  The Word as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Significance of Jesus' Claim >  Jesus' Claim of Exclusivity  >  Jesus claimed to be the only way to God
Living in Truth and Righteousness >  Understanding the Concept of Truth and Righteousness  >  Defining Truth
Acknowledging the Need for Deliverance >  Seeking God's Deliverance  >  Believing in Jesus Christ
Recognizing Jesus as our Gate >  Jesus as the Only Way to Salvation  >  Jesus as the exclusive path to eternal life
The Hope of Eternal Life >  Understanding the Concept of Eternal Life  >  Eternal Life is Only Possible Through Jesus Christ
The Significance of Being 'Living' >  Understanding the Concept of 'Living'  >  The role of Jesus Christ in granting us 'Living' status.
Our Eternal Home with God >  The Journey Towards Our Eternal Home  >  The Role of Faith
Jesus' Encouragement to His Disciples >  Jesus Comforts His Disciples  >  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Understanding the Importance of Truth >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth as God's Nature
Understanding the Nature of Truth >  The Definition of Truth  >  Truth as Divine
Truth is Absolute, Not Relative >  The Importance of Upholding Absolute Truth  >  Absolute Truth Leads to Eternal Life
Moral Relativism vs Absolute Truth >  Comparing Moral Relativism and Absolute Truth  >  The Contradiction between Moral Relativism and Absolute Truth
Jesus as the Only Way >  Understanding the Exclusivity of Jesus  >  Jesus as the Only Truth
The Challenge of Discerning Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is absolute and not relative
The Definition of Eternal Life >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life  >  Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life
Jesus as the Ultimate Witness >  Jesus as the Witness of God's Truth  >  Jesus, the Embodiment of Truth
Through Living a Godly Life >  The Path to Living a Godly Life  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
The Reward of God's Approval >  How to Gain God's Approval  >  By faith in Jesus Christ
Jesus as the Promised Savior >  The Significance of Jesus as the Promised Savior  >  Jesus as the only way to God
By Faith in Jesus Christ >  The Object of Our Faith: Jesus Christ  >  The exclusivity of faith in Jesus
Our Response to the Gospel >  Understanding the Gospel  >  Believing in the Gospel
Accepting Jesus as the Light >  Jesus as the Light of the World  >  Jesus' teachings as the illumination of truth
Entering the Kingdom of God >  The Role of Faith in Entering the Kingdom of God  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the key to entering the Kingdom of God
A Response to God's Love >  Accepting God's Love  >  Believing in Jesus Christ, the manifestation of God's love
Rejecting Jesus Means Rejecting Life >  The Consequences of Rejecting Jesus  >  Eternal Separation from God
Jesus' Purity in His Teachings >  Jesus' Teachings were Pure in Truth  >  Jesus declared Himself to be the truth, making His teachings the ultimate source of truth.
The Truth Sets Us Free >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth
The Importance of Absolute Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  Definition of Absolute Truth
Freedom in the Biblical Context >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Our Freedom  >  Jesus as the Way
The Defense of the Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  The Truth as Jesus Christ
The Reality of the Gates >  The Ultimate Gate: Jesus Christ  >  Entering Through Christ
Jesus, the Fulfillment of Prophecy >  Conclusion: Jesus, the Ultimate Fulfillment of Prophecy  >  Our response to Jesus, the fulfillment of prophecy
The Purpose of Jesus' Anointing >  Jesus was Anointed to Establish a New Covenant  >  Jesus' anointing was to provide a way for eternal life.
Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand >  The Application for Today  >  Recognizing Jesus' Identity
Addressing Issues Promptly and Honestly >  The Necessity of Honesty in Addressing Issues  >  The Value of Truth
Jesus' Loyalty in His Teachings >  Jesus' Loyalty to the Truth  >  Jesus as the embodiment of truth
Eternal Punishment for the Wicked >  The Urgency of Repentance and Faith  >  The Necessity of Faith
The False Testimony Against Jesus >  Conclusion: Responding to the False Testimony  >  Recognizing the truth of Jesus' claims
Sharing the Truth with Others >  Understanding the Importance of Sharing the Truth  >  The role of truth in the Christian faith
Reflecting Christ in Our Lives >  Understanding the Image of Christ  >  Living in Christ's Truth
The Uniqueness of God's Path >  God's Path is Singular  >  There is only one path that leads to God
Build on a Solid Foundation >  Jesus Christ: The Solid Foundation  >  Building our lives on Christ means trusting Him completely, obeying His Word, and following His example.
Guarding the Mind with Truth >  Embracing the Truth as the Ultimate Defense  >  The Truth as the Person of Jesus Christ
Lying is Detestable to God >  Understanding the Nature of God  >  God is Truth
The Value of Christ's Wisdom >  Christ's Wisdom is Life-Giving  >  The wisdom of Christ gives life. It is the way, the truth, and the life.
Restoration of Purpose and Direction >  God's Plan for Restoration  >  The Life of Jesus
Gates as Points of Entry >  Jesus Christ: The Gate of Salvation  >  Jesus as the only way to salvation
God's Word is a Guide >  God's Word as a Compass  >  The Bible Points us to True North
The Existence of Absolute Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  Defining Absolute Truth
The Existence of Absolute Truth >  The Biblical Evidence of Absolute Truth  >  Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Absolute Truth
The Joy of Knowing God >  The Joy of Knowing God is Experienced Through a Relationship with Him  >  This relationship is initiated by God through Jesus Christ.
The Promise of Eternal Pleasure >  The Path to Eternal Pleasure  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the path to eternal pleasure.
God as the Solid Tower >  Building Our Lives on the Solid Tower  >  Building our lives on God, the source of eternal life
We Will Celebrate in Heaven >  How to Ensure Our Place in the Heavenly Celebration  >  Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior
The Judgment of the Unbelievers >  The Urgency of Repentance and Faith  >  The only way to escape God's judgment is through faith in Jesus Christ.
Joy in the Coming Kingdom >  The Response to the Coming Kingdom  >  Faith in Christ
The Urgent Need for Salvation >  The Response to God's Offer of Salvation  >  Believing in Christ as the only way to salvation
Redemption through Faith in Christ >  Faith in Christ as the Means of Redemption  >  The Object of Our Faith
Understanding the Need for Salvation >  The Necessity of Salvation  >  God's Plan
Recognizing our Need for Jesus >  Recognizing Jesus as our Only Hope  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Salvation is by Faith Alone >  Understanding the Concept of Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
Righteousness through Faith in Christ >  Faith in Christ: The Path to Righteousness  >  The Object of Faith
Understanding the Consequences of Sin >  Our Response to Sin  >  Trust in Jesus for Salvation
Sin Leads to Physical Death >  The Solution to Sin  >  Jesus Christ, the only solution to sin
The Source of Eternal Life >  Jesus Christ: The Source of Eternal Life  >  Jesus Christ is the Way to Eternal Life
A Call to New Life >  The Necessity of the New Life  >  The new life is the only way to eternal life and a relationship with God.
Living in Newness of Life >  Embracing the Newness of Life  >  Accepting Christ as the source of new life
To Secure the Believer's Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
The Narrow and Wide Gates >  Making the Choice  >  The role of Jesus in our decision
Eternal Life Means Eternal Happiness >  Understanding Eternal Life  >  Eternal Life through Jesus Christ
Participating in God's Eternal Kingdom >  Entry into God's Eternal Kingdom  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
The Universal Offer of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
The Object of Saving Faith >  The Object of Saving Faith: Jesus Christ  >  Christ as the Object of Faith
Believing in Jesus for Deliverance >  Jesus as the Source of Deliverance  >  Jesus as the only way to the Father and the only means of salvation.
Our Response to Christ's Sacrifice >  Accepting the Gift of Salvation  >  Believing in Christ
Understanding the Kingdom of God >  Entering the Kingdom of God  >  Entering the Kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ
The Afterlife: Heaven and Hell >  The Reality of Heaven  >  Who Goes to Heaven?
The Significance of the Passion >  The Response to the Passion  >  Faith in Christ
Develop a Relationship with God >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior  >  Believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God
Entering the Gates of Righteousness >  The Gates of Righteousness  >  The Righteous Gate
The Promise of Heaven's Gates >  The Assurance of Heaven's Gates  >  Assurance through Faith in Christ
Walking the Road of Glory >  Understanding the Road of Glory  >  The Road of Glory is a spiritual journey
The Implications of the Resurrection >  Assurance of Salvation  >  1.1 The Resurrection confirms the truth of Jesus' claims about Himself
Sharing the Gift of Life >  Sharing the Gift of Life with Others  >  Encouraging others to choose life in Christ
The Ultimate Hope: Eternal Life >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life  >  Jesus as the Way
The Ultimate Revelation: Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ: The Way, The Truth, and The Life  >  Jesus is the only way to the Father
The Consequences of Righteous Actions >  Righteous Actions Result in Eternal Life  >  Eternal life through Jesus Christ
Understanding the Nature of Faith >  Faith is Essential for Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved and have eternal life.
Preparing for Eternity with Urgency >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
The Promise of Eternal Gladness >  Understanding the Promise  >  The promise is for those who believe in Jesus Christ
The Path to Eternal Happiness >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Our Savior  >  Jesus is the only way to God and eternal happiness.
The Nature of Ultimate Wisdom >  The Benefits of Ultimate Wisdom  >  Wisdom Leads to Eternal Life
Life in the New Jerusalem >  The Access to the New Jerusalem  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
The Impact of Christ-like Leadership >  Christ-like Leadership Practices Integrity  >  Jesus as the truth
The Joy of Eternal Satisfaction >  The Path to Eternal Satisfaction  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
God's Promise of the Mansion >  The Path to the Mansion: Faith in Jesus Christ  >  Believing in Jesus
Understanding the Concept of Hell >  The Avoidance of Hell  >  Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ
The Promise of Eternal Sweetness >  The Fulfillment of the Promise  >  The Promise Fulfilled in Christ
Understanding the Concept of Choice >  The Ultimate Choice: Choosing Christ  >  The eternal consequences of this choice
The Necessity of the Cross >  The Cross: The Only Way to Salvation  >  Jesus declared that He is the only way to the Father, and the Cross is the path
Understanding the Armor of Light >  Conclusion: The Call to Wear the Armor of Light  >  The call to walk in the light of God's truth
Recognizing Our Need for Restoration >  Acknowledging Our Brokenness  >  Admitting our need for a Savior
Understanding the Concept of Truth >  The Source of Truth  >  Jesus as the Truth
Understanding the Gift of Life >  Preparing for Eternal Life  >  Accepting Christ as Our Savior
The Nature of God's Revelation >  God Reveals Himself through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life
The Purpose of God's Revelation >  To Unveil His Plan of Salvation  >  God's revelation illuminates the role of Jesus in salvation
The Bible Illuminates Our Path >  The Bible as a Guide  >  The Bible serves as a roadmap, leading us to eternal life. It points us to Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.
Entering the Gates of Heaven >  The Way to Heaven  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Understanding the Uniqueness of Jesus >  Jesus is the Only Savior  >  Jesus is the only way to the Father
Understanding the Uniqueness of Jesus >  Jesus is the Only Source of Truth  >  Jesus is the embodiment of truth
Recognizing the Attacks on Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
The Resurrection of the Unbelievers >  The Urgency of Salvation  >  (John 14
The Path to Eternal Life >  Believing in Jesus Christ  >  Trusting in His sacrifice as the only way to salvation
The Impact of Eternal Life >  Understanding Eternal Life  >  Eternal Life through Jesus Christ
The Purpose of the Cross >  The Cross as a Means of Salvation  >  The cross as the only way to eternal life
Understanding the Belt of Truth >  Conclusion: The Belt of Truth as a Key Component of a Victorious Christian Life  >  The Role of the Belt of Truth in Reflecting Christ's Character
The Truth We Must Uphold >  The Truth of God's Salvation  >  The Way of Salvation
Receiving the Gift of Salvation >  Accepting the Gift of Salvation  >  Belief in Jesus Christ
The Power of Truth: Freedom >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Biblical Definition of Truth
Experiencing the Joy of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  Salvation through Jesus Christ
Living Out Faith in Christ >  Understanding Faith in Christ  >  The Role of Christ in Our Faith
Jesus Encourages Honesty in Relationships >  Jesus as the Model of Honesty  >  Jesus Lived in Truth
The Two Possible Eternal Destinies >  The First Eternal Destiny: Heaven  >  The way to Heaven
Understanding the Promise of Salvation >  The Fulfillment of the Promise: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ
The Implications of Christ's Sacrifice >  Christ's Sacrifice Paves the Way for Our Salvation  >  Salvation Through Faith in Christ
Maintaining Our Partnership with Christ >  Understanding Our Partnership with Christ  >  Recognizing Christ as our Savior and Lord
Jesus Fulfills Our Deepest Needs >  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life  >  Jesus shows us the way to God
Jesus Fulfills Our Deepest Needs >  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life  >  Jesus reveals the truth about God
The Practice of Speaking Truth >  The Biblical Command to Speak Truth  >  Speaking truth is a reflection of God's character
The Blessings of Speaking Truth >  Truth Reflects God's Character  >  God is truth
The Eternal Word and Salvation >  The Role of the Word in Salvation  >  The Word as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Responding to the Eternal Word >  Believing in the Eternal Word  >  Accepting the truth of the Eternal Word
The Reality of Eternal Consequences >  The Consequences of Our Choices  >  The Choice to Accept or Reject Christ
The Path to Eternal Elevation >  Repentance and Faith in Jesus Christ  >  Placing our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior
The Characteristics of Abundant Life >  Living in Christ  >  Acknowledging Christ as the source of life
The Nature of Jesus' Reign >  Jesus' Reign is Righteous  >  His Reign is Characterized by Truth
The Experience of Eternal Pleasure >  The Pathway to Eternal Pleasure  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
The Challenge of Moral Relativism >  The Biblical Response to Moral Relativism  >  God's Absolute Truth
The Gospel's Central Message >  The Gospel's Central Message: Salvation Through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Salvation
The Victory over Sin >  The Call to Victory over Sin  >  The Call to Faith in Christ
Joy in God's Salvation >  Understanding God's Salvation  >  Salvation through Jesus Christ
Christ's Suffering for Righteousness >  Responding to Christ's Suffering  >  By Accepting Christ's Sacrifice
Baptism Does Not Save >  The True Meaning of Salvation  >  Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone
Eternal Fellowship in Heaven >  Preparing for Eternal Fellowship in Heaven  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
The Means of Deliverance >  Receiving Deliverance  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
The Mediatorship of Jesus >  Responding to Jesus' Mediatorship  >  Accepting Jesus as the only way to God
A Beacon of Truth >  Jesus Christ: The Beacon of Truth  >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth
The Source of Contentment >  The True Source of Contentment: God  >  God as the Source
Definition of Spiritual Transformation >  The Process of Spiritual Transformation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ as the foundation of spiritual transformation
Heaven's Glory is Everlasting >  Experiencing Heaven's Glory  >  Through faith in Christ
The Transformation of Lives >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Our Transformation  >  Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation
God's Reconciliation with Humanity >  The Response to Reconciliation  >  Faith in Jesus
Jesus as the Message >  Jesus as the Message of Salvation  >  Jesus as the Way
Justification by Christ's Righteousness >  The Means of Justification: Faith in Christ  >  The Object of Faith
Preparing for His Judgment >  How to Prepare for God's Judgment  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
God's Desire for Reconciliation >  The Process of Reconciliation  >  Acceptance of Christ's Sacrifice
Eternal Separation from God >  The Remedy for Eternal Separation  >  Acceptance of Christ
Truth in God's Word >  The Manifestation of Truth in God's Word  >  Truth is revealed in Jesus Christ
God Will Judge Righteously >  The Fairness of God's Judgment  >  God's judgment is based on truth. He does not judge based on appearances or false accusations. God is truth.
Believing in Jesus Christ >  The Importance of Believing in Jesus Christ  >  Salvation
The Call to Respond >  The Nature of the Call  >  It is a call to faith in Jesus Christ.
Proclaiming the Truth Boldly >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  The Nature of Truth
The Certainty of Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Salvation through Christ
Biblical Examples of Integrity >  Jesus: The Perfect Example of Integrity  >  Jesus' commitment to truth, despite opposition.
The Desire for Meaning >  God's Purpose: The True Source of Meaning  >  We find true meaning in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ
Saved for His Glory >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
God's Control Over Salvation >  The Nature of Salvation  >  Salvation through Christ Alone
Our Identity Without Jesus >  Destined for Eternal Death  >  Jesus is the only way to eternal life, and without Him, we remain condemned.
Jesus as the Cornerstone >  Living with Jesus as our Cornerstone  >  Aligning our lives with Jesus
The Definition of Salvation >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation  >  Jesus Christ as the Only Way to Salvation
The Reception of Salvation >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation  >  Jesus Christ as the Savior
The Value of Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Biblical Perspective of Truth
By Speaking the Truth >  The Importance of Truth in Christianity  >  Truth as a Fundamental Christian Value
Speak Truth in Love >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the Foundation of Christian Faith
The Barrier of Dishonesty >  Overcoming the Barrier of Dishonesty  >  Embrace Truth
Speak Words of Truth >  The Importance of Speaking Truth  >  Truth as a Foundation of Christian Life
Wise Speech is Truthful >  The Ultimate Example of Wise and Truthful Speech: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus always spoke truth
Stand Firm in Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the Foundation of Faith
The Blessing of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  Salvation through Jesus Christ
Freedom Through Jesus Christ >  The Promise of Freedom Through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Gate of Heaven >  Jesus Christ: The Gate of Heaven  >  Jesus as the Only Way to Heaven
The Wickedness of Man >  Overcoming Wickedness  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Personal Relationship with God >  Understanding the Concept of a Personal Relationship with God  >  The role of Jesus Christ
Jesus is Our Hope >  Jesus, Our Hope for Salvation  >  Jesus is the way to salvation
God's Plan is Unchangeable >  God's Unchangeable Plan for Humanity  >  God's Plan of Salvation
Transformation in Our Faith >  Understanding the Need for Transformation  >  Acknowledging our need for a Savior
Faith Leads to Works >  The Role of Faith in Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
Spiritual Growth and Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
Be Honest and Open >  The Importance of Honesty  >  Honesty as a Reflection of God's Character
God's Plan for Us >  God's Plan is Fulfilled Through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
The Gift of Life >  Eternal Life through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
The Embodiment of Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Definition of Truth
The Embodiment of Truth >  Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Truth in Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ: The Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Walking in the Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Defining Truth from a Biblical Perspective
By Walking in Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth as God's Nature
The Nature of Light >  Jesus Christ is the Light of the World  >  Jesus illuminates the path to God
Abundant Life in Christ >  Understanding the Concept of Abundant Life  >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Achieving Abundant Life
Jesus as the Guide >  Jesus as the Guide in Our Spiritual Journey  >  Jesus as the Way to the Father
Jesus as the Gatekeeper >  Understanding Jesus as the Gatekeeper  >  The significance of Jesus' role as the gatekeeper
Jesus as the Gatekeeper >  The Gatekeeper's Guidance  >  Jesus as the way to the Father
The Claims of Jesus >  Jesus Claimed to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life  >  Jesus declared He is the only way to the Father
The Claims of Jesus >  Jesus Claimed to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life  >  He claimed to be the embodiment of truth
Jesus as the Gate >  Understanding the Metaphor of Jesus as the Gate  >  The role of Jesus as the gate in our spiritual journey
Jesus as the Gate >  The Gate as a Point of Entry  >  The gate as the only way to the Father
The Heights of Heaven >  The Access to Heaven  >  Access through Faith in Jesus Christ
Jesus as the Way >  Understanding Jesus as the Way  >  Jesus as the only way to God
Jesus as the Way >  Understanding Jesus as the Way  >  Jesus as the way to truth and life
Jesus as the Truth >  The Nature of Truth  >  Understanding the concept of truth
Jesus as the Truth >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus' claim to be the truth
Jesus as Our Guide >  The Blessings of Jesus' Guidance  >  Eternal Life
Jesus' Teachings and Claims >  Jesus' Claims  >  The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Knowledge of Jesus Christ >  The Importance of Knowing Jesus Christ  >  Knowing Jesus Christ brings us into a personal relationship with God
The Way of Salvation >  The Way to Receive Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Jesus as the Source >  Jesus as the Source of Truth  >  The Truth Revealer
Truth Originates from God >  The Nature of God as the Source of All Truth  >  God is the embodiment of truth. He is the ultimate standard and measure of all things true.
Truth Originates from God >  The Manifestation of God's Truth in Jesus Christ  >  Jesus declared Himself to be the way, the truth, and the life.
Truth as God's Reality >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth as the foundation of Christian faith
God's Provision of Salvation >  The Nature of God's Salvation  >  Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ
Jesus Promises Eternal Life >  The Role of Jesus in the Promise of Eternal Life  >  Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life
Eternal Life in Christ >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life  >  Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
God's Provision for Reconciliation >  God's Plan for Reconciliation  >  Jesus Christ as the Only Way to Reconciliation
Eternal Life through Christ >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life  >  Jesus Christ as the Way
Guarantee of Eternal Life >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life  >  Jesus as the Way
The Result of Faith >  Faith Leads to Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
Freedom through the Truth >  The Truth that Sets Us Free  >  Jesus as the Truth
Truth Leads to Freedom >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth as God's Reality
The Power of Truth >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
The Cities of Refuge >  Applying the Lessons from the Cities of Refuge Today  >  Embracing Jesus as our refuge and savior
The Impact of Relativism >  The Biblical Response to Relativism  >  The Existence of Absolute Truth
The Promise to Mary >  The Implications of the Promise  >  The promise fulfilled God's plan of salvation
The Joy of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
The Kingdom as Spiritual >  Entering the Kingdom of God  >  We enter the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus Christ
The Declaration by Jesus >  Jesus Declares His Power  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Acceptance of the Invitation >  Understanding the Invitation  >  The Nature of the Invitation
Guiding Others to Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Recognizing truth as the foundation of faith
God's Word is Life >  The Word of God is Jesus, the Life  >  Jesus, the Word, is the life. As (John 14
Living Out the Truth >  Understanding the Truth  >  Jesus as the Truth
Jesus' Words of Comfort >  Jesus Comforts in Times of Doubt  >  The promise of His truth
Earthly Investments are Temporary >  Investing in Heavenly Treasures  >  Our ultimate investment should be in a relationship with Jesus Christ, the only way to eternal life.
Invest in Eternal Treasures >  The Call to Invest in Eternal Treasures  >  A Call to Faith
Truth in Christ's Teachings >  The Nature of Truth in Christ's Teachings  >  Truth as Absolute
Trust in Jesus' Word >  The Authority of Jesus' Word  >  Jesus' Word is Truth
The Relativism of Truth >  The Biblical View of Truth  >  Jesus as the Truth
Deception Leads to Destruction >  The Hope in Jesus Christ  >  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
To Reveal His Character >  God's Character is Revealed in His Son  >  Jesus' teachings reveal God's wisdom and truth.
Truth as God's Character >  Jesus Christ, the Embodiment of God's Truth  >  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Truth Guides Our Path >  Jesus: The Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life
Biblical Meaning of Refuge >  Finding Refuge in God  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Understanding the Term 'Revelation' >  Jesus Christ as the Ultimate Revelation of God  >  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Accepting Jesus as Lord >  The Importance of Accepting Jesus as Lord  >  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life(John 14
Embracing a Biblical Worldview >  The Foundation of a Biblical Worldview  >  Jesus Christ as the Center
The Necessity of Salvation >  Understanding the Concept of Salvation  >  Salvation through Jesus Christ
Recognizing Our Spiritual Condition >  Accepting God's Solution  >  Jesus Christ
Seeking Peace with God >  Seeking Peace through Faith and Repentance  >  Faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to peace with God
Jesus as the Solution >  Receiving Jesus as the Solution  >  Faith
Hope of Eternal Life >  Understanding the Concept of Eternal Life  >  Eternal Life through Jesus Christ
The Assurance of Eternity >  The Promise of Eternal Life  >  Jesus Christ and Eternal Life
Ultimate Wisdom is Practical >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Ultimate Wisdom  >  Following Christ is the beginning of wisdom. (Proverbs 9
God's Solution: Jesus Christ >  The Solution: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus, the mediator between God and humanity
Building Trust in Relationships >  Building Trust through Honesty  >  Honesty Reflects God's Truth
The Doubt of Thomas >  Conclusion: Embracing Faith in the Midst of Doubt  >  The assurance we have in Christ
Understanding Our Heavenly Mansion >  The Access to Our Heavenly Mansion  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
The Path to Salvation >  Realizing the Need for a Savior  >  The Necessity of a Savior
Living in the Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth as a Person
The Reality of Existence >  The Redemption of Existence through Jesus Christ  >  Understanding that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
Experiencing the Ultimate Pleasure >  The Path to the Ultimate Pleasure  >  The path begins with faith in Jesus Christ
God's Remedy for Badness >  Receiving God's Remedy  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
The Significance of Jesus >  Jesus as the Savior of the World  >  Jesus as the only way to salvation
Understanding Our Eternal Home >  The Readiness for Our Eternal Home  >  Salvation Through Jesus Christ
Building a Christ-Centered Family >  Foundation on Christ  >  Faith in Christ
The Ultimate Change: Salvation >  God's Plan for Change: Salvation  >  The Role of Jesus Christ
The Rewards of Faith >  Faith Brings Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is the only way to salvation.
The Encounter with Jesus >  The Nature of the Encounter  >  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Jesus' Promise of Salvation >  Understanding the Promise  >  The Promise Proclaimed
The Exclusivity of Jesus >  The Uniqueness of Jesus  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Assurance of Heaven >  The Assurance of Heaven through Faith in Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ as the Only Way to Heaven
The Way to Heaven >  Believing in Jesus Christ  >  Believing in the deity of Jesus Christ
Preparing for Heaven's Glory >  Living a Life Worthy of Heaven's Glory  >  Accepting Christ's Salvation
The Road to Eternity >  The Path to Eternity  >  Jesus, the Way to Eternity
The Impact of Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Faith in Christ
Jesus, the Faithful Son >  Jesus, the Faithful Son in His Teachings  >  Jesus' Teachings Lead to Eternal Life
The Language of Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Definition of Truth
The Solution to Badness >  Responding to God's Solution  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
The Nature of Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Salvation
Breakthroughs in the Bible >  The Ultimate Breakthrough: Salvation  >  The Role of Jesus
Understanding Intimacy with God >  The Path to Intimacy with God  >  Through Jesus Christ
Walking the Narrow Road >  Understanding the Narrow Road  >  The Importance of the Narrow Road
The Response to Truth >  Acknowledging the Truth  >  Embracing the Truth of Jesus Christ
Avoiding the Eternal Fire >  The Way to Avoid the Eternal Fire  >  Accepting Jesus Christ
The Object of Faith >  The Object of Our Faith  >  Jesus Christ
The Word Made Flesh >  The Word's Role in Salvation  >  The Word as the way to salvation
The Word as Truth >  The Word as Truth in the Life of Jesus  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Biblical Definition of Happiness >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Our Happiness  >  Jesus is the way to true happiness
The Blessings of Honesty >  Honesty Reflects the Character of God  >  God is Truth
The Biblical Perspective >  Challenges to the Biblical Perspective  >  Relativism
Through Unexpected Sources >  God Saves Through Unexpected Means  >  God's salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, not through our own efforts.
Growth in Faith >  Understanding the Concept of Faith  >  Faith as a Relationship with God
Defending Absolute Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  Defining Absolute Truth
Salvation and Wholeness >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
Preparing for Eternity >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternity  >  Jesus as the Way
Transformation through Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  Salvation through Jesus Christ
Transformation through Jesus >  The Role of Jesus in Our Transformation  >  Jesus as the way to transformation
Transformation of Lives >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Our Transformation  >  Jesus as the way to transformation
Starting with Salvation >  The Necessity of Salvation  >  The need for a Savior
Upholding Absolute Truth >  Understanding Absolute Truth  >  Defining Absolute Truth
Upholding Absolute Truth >  Understanding Absolute Truth  >  The Personification of Absolute Truth
Responding to Relativism >  The Biblical Response to Relativism  >  Affirming the Existence of Absolute Truth
Upholding the Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the foundation of Christian faith
Upholding the Truth >  The Rewards of Upholding the Truth  >  Eternal life in God's kingdom
Preparation for Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Accepting Christ
Faith in Jesus >  The Object of Our Faith: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Justice in Eternity >  The Provision of Jesus Christ  >  Jesus is the only way to salvation and eternal life
Fulfillment and Joy >  The Source of Fulfillment and Joy  >  Jesus as the Way
Definition of Conversion >  Understanding the Concept of Conversion  >  Conversion as a Personal Encounter with Jesus
Righteousness and Obedience >  Practical Steps to Live Righteously and Obey God  >  Trust in Jesus Christ
Jesus as the >  Jesus as the Savior  >  Jesus as the only way to salvation
Access to God >  The Role of Jesus in Our Access to God  >  Jesus as the only way to God
Speaking the Truth >  The Importance of Truth  >  Truth as a Divine Attribute
Speak the Truth >  The Importance of Truth  >  Truth as a Foundation of Christian Life
Living in Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth as God's Nature
Standing for Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the Foundation of Christian Faith
The Ultimate Decision >  The Ultimate Decision: Choosing Christ  >  The Call to Choose Christ
Walking in Freedom >  The Process of Gaining Freedom  >  Accepting Christ's sacrifice as the only means of our freedom
The First Lie >  The Truth that Overcomes Lies  >  The fulfillment of the promise
Rebellion in Humanity >  Overcoming Rebellion through Repentance and Faith  >  The Role of Faith
Lying to God >  Understanding the Nature of God  >  God as Truth
Preservation of Life >  The Preservation of Spiritual Life  >  Recognizing Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life
Importance of Faith >  The Role of Faith in Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Truth as Unchanging >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
Alienation from God >  Overcoming Alienation from God  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Applying Absolute Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  Defining Absolute Truth
Applying Absolute Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  The Personification of Absolute Truth
Faith Can Save >  Faith and Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Submitting to God >  The Biblical Call to Submit to God  >  New Testament Call
Closeness to God >  The Biblical Path to Closeness with God  >  Faith in Jesus Christ as the foundation of our relationship with God
Jesus as God >  Jesus as the Worshiped God  >  Jesus as the Object of Faith
A New Identity >  The Need for a New Identity  >  The Need for a Savior
Walking in Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth as God's Reality
Truth Honors God >  The Reward of Truth  >  Truth Brings Eternal Life
Salvation Secures Eternity >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way of Salvation
The Deeper Issue >  The Solution: Jesus Christ  >  Understanding Jesus as the solution to our sin problem
Defining Absolute Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  The Source of Absolute Truth
Defining Absolute Truth >  The Biblical Evidence of Absolute Truth  >  The Teachings of Jesus
Jesus is Truth >  Jesus Himself Declares He is the Truth  >  Jesus' own words
Maintaining Your Freedom >  Embracing the Freedom in Christ  >  Accepting Jesus as your Savior is the first step towards freedom
Conviction of Judgment >  The Response to Conviction  >  Faith in Christ
Guidance in Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth as Revealed
Truth is Divine >  The Nature of Divine Truth  >  God is the source of all truth
Truth is Divine >  The Revelation of Divine Truth  >  Truth is revealed in Jesus Christ
Accepting Absolute Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  Defining Absolute Truth
Truth is Objective >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is universal. It applies to all people, at all times, in all places.
Truth is Objective >  The Source of Objective Truth  >  God is the source of all truth. He is the ultimate standard by which all truth is measured.
Knowing God Personally >  The Process of Knowing God Personally  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Believe the Truth >  Understanding the Truth  >  The Truth is Absolute
Our Eternal Future >  The Reality of Heaven and Hell  >  The Choice
Accepting Jesus Christ >  Understanding Who Jesus Christ Is  >  Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Eternal Life Defined >  The Path to Eternal Life  >  Belief in Jesus Christ
Salvation Through Jesus >  Jesus: The Way to Salvation  >  Jesus as the Only Way
Receiving Eternal Life >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Receiving Eternal Life  >  Jesus
Believing in Jesus >  The Importance of Believing in Jesus  >  Salvation
Provision of Salvation >  The Provision of Salvation through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus, the Savior
Believing the Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Absolute
Essential for Salvation >  Belief in Jesus Christ  >  Accepting Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation
Truth Frees Us >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Defining Truth
Truth Frees Us >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Source of Truth
Truth Sets Free >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth as God's Nature
Truth Brings Freedom >  The Personification of Truth: Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
God's Promise To >  God's Promise to Guide  >  God's Guidance through Jesus Christ
Defend the Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the foundation of our faith
Salvation of Souls >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
Learning from Christ >  Christ as the Path to the Father  >  Christ as the Way
Learning from Christ >  Christ as the Path to the Father  >  Christ as the Truth
Learning from Christ >  Christ as the Path to the Father  >  Christ as the Life
Leading Others Astray >  The Call to Lead Others Towards Christ  >  The example of Christ in leading others towards God
To Be Prepared >  The Ultimate Preparedness: Preparing for Eternity  >  Accepting Jesus as our Savior
The Ultimate Reward >  The Path to the Ultimate Reward  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Rewards from God >  The Conditions for Receiving God's Rewards  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
The Final Separation >  Preparing for the Final Separation  >  Accepting Jesus Christ
The Proclamation By >  The Proclamation by Jesus Christ  >  The Proclamation of Salvation
Impact on Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Accepting Christ
Jesus and Faith >  Jesus as the Object of our Faith  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Sheep Gate >  The Sheep Gate and Our Spiritual Journey  >  Entering Through the Sheep Gate
God is Truth >  The Nature of God as Truth  >  God is the Source of all Truth
God is Truth >  The Manifestation of God's Truth  >  Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Truth
Predestination and Fatalism >  Misconceptions about Predestination  >  Predestination Does Not Mean All Are Saved
A Heavenly Home >  Preparing for Our Heavenly Home  >  Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior
Truth Fosters Trust >  The Foundation of Truth  >  God as the Source of All Truth
Honesty Honors God >  Understanding the Value of Honesty  >  Honesty as a reflection of God's character
Truth is Eternal >  The Transformative Power of God's Truth  >  God's truth has the power to guide us in righteousness and lead us to eternal life.
Truth Guides Us >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth as a person
Truth as Absolute >  Understanding the Concept of Absolute Truth  >  Defining Absolute Truth
Truth as Absolute >  The Personification of Absolute Truth in Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the Truth
The Eternal Pleasure >  The Path to Eternal Pleasure  >  Through faith in Jesus Christ
Defining God's Path >  The Blessings of God's Path  >  God's path leads to eternal life
Honesty in Confession >  Understanding the Importance of Honesty  >  Honesty Reflects God's Character
God's Judgments Defined >  The Final Judgment  >  The Basis of the Final Judgment
Rest in Heaven >  Conclusion: The Hope of Rest in Heaven  >  An Invitation to Rest
Pleasure in Heaven >  Preparing for Heaven  >  Accepting Christ as Savior
Recognizing Our Condition >  Accepting Our Need for a Savior  >  Understanding that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
Truth is Attacked >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Truth is absolute, not relative
New Testament Affirmations >  Affirmation of Salvation through Jesus Christ  >  The affirmation of Jesus as the only way to the Father.
Defining Future Glory >  The Path to Future Glory  >  Through Faith in Christ - The path to future glory is through faith in Christ. It is only through faith in Him that we can have the assurance of this glory
Trusting in Christ >  Trusting Christ in Difficult Times  >  - Trusting Christ in Uncertainty
Salvation Shapes Eternity >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
Jesus Christ's Authority >  Jesus Christ's Authority is Manifested in His Teaching  >  Jesus' teachings are the final and ultimate truth
Understanding God's Plan >  God's Plan is Fulfilled in Jesus Christ  >  Through Jesus, we can have eternal life and be part of God's eternal plan.
Understanding God's Plan >  God's Plan is Fulfilled in Jesus Christ  >  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Assurance in Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way to Salvation
Recognizing the Truth >  The Source of Truth  >  Recognizing God as the ultimate source of all truth
Proclaiming the Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  The truth as the foundation of faith
Pursuing Biblical Success >  The Path to Biblical Success  >  The path to biblical success starts with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Understanding Moral Relativism >  The Power of the Gospel in a Relativistic World  >  The Gospel as the absolute truth in a world of relative morals
Understanding God's Path >  God's Path Leads to Eternal Life  >  God's ultimate path for us is not about temporal success, but eternal life in Christ.
Understanding Eternal Existence >  Eternal Life through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ
Understanding the Cornerstone >  The Consequences of Rejecting the Cornerstone  >  Missing the Way to Salvation
Understanding God's Kingdom >  The Entry into God's Kingdom  >  Entry through Faith in Jesus Christ
Avoiding Eternal Punishment >  Accepting Jesus Christ as the Only Way of Salvation  >  Believing in Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father
Understanding God's Deliverance >  Understanding God's Plan for Deliverance  >  The role of Jesus Christ in our deliverance
Accepting Jesus >  The Gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus as the only way to God
Experiencing Transformation >  The Process of Transformation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
Eternal Consequences >  The Urgency of the Gospel Message  >  The Gospel
Human Eternity >  Preparing for Eternity  >  Faith in Christ
Through Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
Practice Honesty >  Understanding the Biblical Concept of Honesty  >  Honesty as a reflection of God's character
Speaking Truth >  The Importance of Speaking Truth  >  Truth as a Divine Attribute
Through Words >  The Word Made Flesh  >  Jesus, the Word, is our model for speaking life
Generational Consequences >  Breaking the Cycle of Generational Consequences  >  The importance of faith
Spiritual Separation >  Overcoming Spiritual Separation  >  The Role of Jesus Christ
The Invitation >  The Invitation Extended  >  The Invitation through Jesus Christ
The Acceptance >  Our Acceptance of God  >  Accepting Jesus as Savior
Accepting Christ >  The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ  >  2.2 The teachings of Jesus
Truth Sanctifies >  Understanding the Concept of Truth in the Bible  >  Truth as Revealed in Jesus Christ
Christ's Atonement >  Our Response to Christ's Atonement  >  Faith in Christ
Celebrating Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
Building Bridges >  Building Bridges with God  >  Embracing Jesus Christ as the bridge that connects us back to God.
Jesus' Message >  The Message of Salvation  >  Jesus as the Way to Salvation
Jesus' Reassurance >  Jesus' Reassurance in Times of Doubt  >  Jesus' reassurance of His truth
Jesus' Proclamation >  The Proclamation of Salvation  >  Jesus proclaims that He is the way, the truth, and the life
The Connection >  The Connection through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus
Seeking Truth >  Understanding the Importance of Truth  >  Truth as the Foundation of Faith
Truth Guides >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Universal
Truth Guides >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth is Divine
Defining Truth >  The Source of Truth  >  God as the Source of Truth
True Fulfillment >  The Source of True Fulfillment  >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Fulfillment
Guiding Others >  The Biblical Model of Guidance  >  Jesus as the ultimate guide
Understanding Relativism >  The Biblical View of Truth  >  Recognizing Jesus as the embodiment of truth and the ultimate revelation of God's truth.
Ruth's Choice >  Conclusion: The Power of Choice  >  The ultimate choice - to follow Jesus Christ
Experiencing Restoration >  The Process of Restoration  >  Faith in Christ
Avoiding Hell >  Embracing Salvation Through Jesus Christ  >  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Cultivating Honesty >  Understanding the Importance of Honesty  >  Honesty as a reflection of God's character
Evangelism >  The Message of Evangelism  >  Jesus Christ
The Importance of "The" in the Bible >  Understanding the Significance of "The"  >  The power of "the"
Misconception >  Common Misconceptions About Salvation  >  Misconception
Misconception >  The Power of Truth  >  Truth Leads to God
Truthfulness >  The Nature of Truth  >  Truth as Absolute
Emulating the Perfect Integrity of Jesus Christ >  Understanding the Integrity of Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Truth
Longing for and Looking Forward to Heaven >  Preparing for Heaven  >  We prepare for heaven by accepting Christ
The Role of Jesus Christ in Deliverance >  Jesus Christ as the Deliverer  >  Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and deliverance. John 14
Salvation as the Ultimate Gift from God >  The Mediator of Salvation: Jesus Christ  >  Christ as the Only Way
Salvation is a Gift, Not a Reward >  Understanding the Concept of Salvation  >  The Source of Salvation
The Importance of Living in the Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth
Living Out the Truth in Our Lives >  Understanding the Truth  >  Accepting Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Putting on the Full Armor of God >  Putting on the Belt of Truth  >  The Role of Truth
Jesus, the Perfect Reflection of God's Glory >  Jesus: The Means by Which We Can Share in God's Glory  >  Jesus is the Way to God's Glory
Jesus is the Exact Representation of God >  Jesus is the Way to God  >  Jesus is the way to God, the truth about God, and the life of God.
Death as an Inevitable Part of Life >  Preparing for Our Own Death  >  Cultivating a Personal Relationship with Jesus
The Concept of Destiny in the Bible >  Fulfilling Our Destiny in Christ  >  Destiny and Discipleship
We Must Live According to the Truth >  Understanding the Truth  >  Jesus is the Truth
Trusting in Jesus' Sacrifice for Our Sins >  Trusting in Jesus' Sacrifice  >  Faith in Jesus
Jesus as the Gate for the Sheep >  The Significance of Jesus as the Gate  >  The Only Way to Salvation
Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life >  Understanding Jesus as the Life  >  Jesus as the Source of Life
Jesus Guides Us in Our Spiritual Journey >  Jesus as Our Guide  >  Understanding Jesus as our spiritual guide
The Mansion as a Promise from Jesus >  The Assurance of the Promise  >  Jesus as the Way
The Characteristics of Jesus as the Light >  Jesus as the Light Brings Illumination  >  Jesus reveals truth
Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life >  The Claim of Jesus as the Way  >  Jesus as the Only Way
Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life >  The Claim of Jesus as the Way  >  Jesus as the Truth
Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life >  The Claim of Jesus as the Way  >  Jesus as the Life
Truth as the Foundation of Our Faith >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth as God's Nature
Truth as a Foundation of Christian Life >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Definition of Truth
Jesus as the Model of Speaking Truth >  Jesus Spoke Truth to Guide Us  >  Jesus spoke truth to guide our lives
Securing Eternal Life Through Faith in Christ >  The Role of Faith in Securing Eternal Life  >  Faith as the Key
Securing Eternal Life Through Faith in Christ >  The Importance of Christ in Securing Eternal Life  >  Christ as the Way
Joy in the Promise of Eternal Life >  Understanding the Promise of Eternal Life  >  The Promise is Through Jesus Christ
The Hope of Eternal Life in Christ >  The Role of Christ in Eternal Life  >  Christ as the Way
The Promise of Eternal Life in Christ >  Understanding the Promise  >  This promise is only possible through Jesus Christ
Jesus Spoke Words of Truth and Life >  Jesus as the Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus declared Himself as the Truth
Jesus as the Manifestation of God's Light >  The Light that Reveals God's Truth  >  Jesus as the revelation of God's truth
Being Honest and Just in All Dealings >  Jesus Christ: The Perfect Model of Honesty and Justice  >  Jesus' truthfulness in His teachings
Striving to Enter Through the Narrow Door >  Understanding the Narrow Door  >  The Narrow Door as a Metaphor for Salvation
Entering the Kingdom through the Narrow Door >  Understanding the Concept of the Narrow Door  >  The Narrow Door as a Metaphor for Salvation
The Reward of Eternal Life with Christ >  The Path to Eternal Life  >  Faith in Jesus Christ
It is the Path to Eternal Life >  The Path to Eternal Life  >  Acceptance of Jesus Christ as the only way
Hell as a Place of Eternal Punishment >  The Urgency of Salvation  >  The Assurance of Salvation Through Christ
Sharing the Hope of Salvation with Others >  Understanding the Hope of Salvation  >  The Importance of Salvation
The Importance of the Word of God >  The Word of God is Our Guide  >  The Bible is a roadmap for our journey of faith. It shows us the way to eternal life.
Eternal Life is Living in God's Presence >  Experiencing God's Presence  >  Through faith in Jesus Christ
The Security of Building on the Rock >  How to Build on the Rock  >  Faith in Christ
Fire as a Symbol of Eternal Judgment >  The Urgency of Repentance and Faith in Christ  >  The necessity of faith in Christ
God Promises Eternal Happiness in His Presence >  The Path to Eternal Happiness  >  Accepting Jesus as Savior
Jesus' Sacrifice Brought Us Reconciliation with God >  The Reality of Reconciliation through Jesus  >  The access to God through Jesus
God's Promise of Eternal Life for Believers >  The Role of Jesus Christ in God's Promise  >  Jesus Christ
Eternal Life as a Gift from God >  The Source of Eternal Life  >  Eternal Life is Given Through Jesus Christ
Eternal Life is a Gift from God >  The Source of Eternal Life  >  Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
Anticipating the Joy of the Pain-Free Future >  Preparing for the Pain-Free Future  >  Accepting Christ as our Savior and Lord
The Hope of Eternal Life Brings Happiness >  Understanding the Concept of Eternal Life  >  Eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ
The Promise of Eternal Life Through Love >  The Promise of Eternal Life  >  Eternal Life is Through Jesus Christ
The Greatest Success is Gaining Eternal Life >  The Way to Eternal Life  >  Believing in Jesus Christ
Salvation as a Divine Gift from God >  The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation  >  Jesus as the way to salvation
The Role of Jesus Christ in Reconciliation >  Jesus Christ: The Mediator of Reconciliation  >  Jesus Christ, the only way to the Father. He is the bridge that connects humanity to God, making reconciliation possible.
The Final Judgment: The Lake of Fire >  The Urgency of Salvation: Escaping the Lake of Fire  >  The Necessity of Salvation
Jesus Christ: The Rock of Our Salvation >  Jesus Christ: The Source of Salvation  >  Only Way to Salvation
The Gospel is a Commission for Believers >  The Urgency of the Commission  >  The urgency of the Gospel message
The Cross: A Call to Follow Christ >  The Call to Follow Christ  >  Accepting the Invitation
Gates as a Metaphor for Jesus Christ >  Jesus as the Gate of Salvation  >  Jesus as the only way to salvation
Gates as a Metaphor for Jesus Christ >  Living Through the Gate  >  Embracing Jesus as our gate of salvation, protection, provision, and revelation
The Gates of Pearl: Purity and Value >  The Gates of Pearl in Revelation  >  The Significance of the Gates
God as the Ultimate Source of Truth >  Jesus Christ: The Incarnation of God's Truth  >  Jesus is the truth in human form
Jesus Christ as the Embodiment of Truth >  Jesus Christ: The Personification of Truth  >  Jesus Himself claimed to be the Truth
The Basis of the Promise: Jesus Christ >  The Promise of Salvation through Jesus Christ  >  The promise of salvation
Jesus as the Source of New Life >  Jesus, the Eternal Life  >  Jesus as the Way to Eternal Life
The Mansion as Our Eternal Home >  The Journey to Our Eternal Home  >  The Way
Our Response to the Day of Judgment >  Preparing for the Day of Judgment  >  Accepting Christ as Savior
The Revelation of Truth in Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ: The Embodiment of Truth  >  Jesus as the Truth
The Bible as a Tool for Evangelism >  The Bible as a Source of Conviction and Conversion  >  The Bible points to Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation
The Ultimate Example of Integrity: Jesus Christ >  Jesus Christ: The Embodiment of Integrity  >  Jesus lived a life of complete honesty and truthfulness
Jesus Himself Declared He is the Truth >  Jesus' Bold Declaration  >  Jesus' statement in John 14
The Importance of Living by the Truth >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  The Source of Truth
The Promise of Everlasting Peace and Joy >  Receiving the Promise  >  Through Faith in Jesus Christ
Understanding the Concept of Newness of Life >  The Source of Newness of Life  >  Jesus Christ as the way to newness of life
The Role of Truth in Righteous Living >  Understanding the Concept of Truth  >  Truth in Jesus Christ
Overcoming the Challenges to Believing the Truth >  Understanding the Nature of Truth  >  Recognizing the absolute nature of truth
The Power of Words to Give Life >  Jesus: The Word that Gives Life  >  Jesus, the Word, is the way, the truth, and the life
The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation >  Jesus Christ as the Mediator of the New Covenant  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Understanding the Connection between Faith and Works >  The Role of Faith in Salvation  >  Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation
Understanding the Meaning of a Christ-Centered Life >  The Importance of a Christ-Centered Life  >  It is the only way to eternal life
Jesus Christ: The Object of Our Faith >  The Call to Trust in Jesus Christ  >  The Object of Faith
The Example of Jesus in His Words >  Jesus Spoke Words of Truth  >  Jesus declared Himself as the Truth
The Ultimate Injustice: The Crucifixion of Christ >  Our Response to the Injustice  >  Accepting Jesus' Sacrifice
Jesus' Mission was to Model True Humanity >  Jesus: The Ultimate Revelation of God's Heart  >  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life
Jesus, the Perfect Example of Right Words >  Jesus Spoke Words of Truth  >  Jesus always spoke the truth, regardless of the circumstances or the audience. He was never afraid to speak the truth, even when it was unpopular or difficult. John 14
The Ultimate Success: Salvation through Jesus Christ >  Understanding the Concept of Success  >  The ultimate success
Joy as a Result of Salvation >  Understanding Salvation  >  The Way of Salvation
Jesus as the Model of Purity >  Jesus' Purity in Word  >  Jesus spoke truth, demonstrating purity in His words. John 14
Jesus as the Perfect Moral Example >  Jesus Lived a Life of Perfect Truth  >  Jesus always spoke the truth
Jesus, the Fulfillment of God's Glory >  Jesus as the Revelation of God's Salvation  >  Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Hope of Transformation and Renewal >  The Process of Transformation and Renewal  >  - Faith in Christ
The Reality of God's Final Judgment >  The Call to Respond to God's Judgment  >  Faith
The Source of Life and Strength >  God as the Source of Life  >  Jesus Christ as the Giver of Eternal Life
No Other Name Given for Salvation >  The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ  >  Jesus Christ