Preparing for Judgment >
Preparing for Judgment through Salvation >
Accepting Christ's sacrifice as the only way to salvation
The Source of True Happiness >
True Happiness is Found in a Relationship with Jesus Christ >
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and in Him we find true happiness.
Source of Hope >
The Word of God: The Blueprint of Hope >
The teachings of Jesus as a source of hope
Fulfillment in Jesus >
Jesus Fulfills Our Longing for Relationship with God >
Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
God's Forgiveness >
Receiving God's Forgiveness >
Belief in Jesus Christ is the key to forgiveness
Jesus as the Word of Life >
The Word of Life as the Source of Truth >
Jesus, the Word of Life, is the way, the truth, and the life
It is a Command from Jesus >
Understanding the Authority of Jesus' Commands >
Recognizing Jesus as the Son of God and the ultimate authority
The Consequences of the World's Influence >
The World's Influence Distorts Our Perception of Truth >
The world promotes relative truth over absolute truth. Relative truth is the idea that truth can vary from person to person, while absolute truth is the belief that there is one ultimate truth.
A Symbol of God's Presence >
Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Symbol of God's Presence >
Jesus as the way to the Father, providing access to God's presence
The Gospel Breaks Down Barriers >
The Gospel Breaks Down Religious Barriers >
The Gospel invites everyone to a personal relationship with God, not a religion.
Entering the Kingdom of God >
The Role of Faith in Entering the Kingdom of God >
Faith in Jesus Christ is the key to entering the Kingdom of God
Jesus' Purity in His Teachings >
Jesus' Teachings were Pure in Truth >
Jesus declared Himself to be the truth, making His teachings the ultimate source of truth.
Build on a Solid Foundation >
Jesus Christ: The Solid Foundation >
Building our lives on Christ means trusting Him completely, obeying His Word, and following His example.
The Joy of Knowing God >
The Joy of Knowing God is Experienced Through a Relationship with Him >
This relationship is initiated by God through Jesus Christ.
God as the Solid Tower >
Building Our Lives on the Solid Tower >
Building our lives on God, the source of eternal life
A Call to New Life >
The Necessity of the New Life >
The new life is the only way to eternal life and a relationship with God.
The Necessity of the Cross >
The Cross: The Only Way to Salvation >
Jesus declared that He is the only way to the Father, and the Cross is the path
Understanding the Belt of Truth >
Conclusion: The Belt of Truth as a Key Component of a Victorious Christian Life >
The Role of the Belt of Truth in Reflecting Christ's Character
Truth in God's Word >
The Manifestation of Truth in God's Word >
Truth is revealed in Jesus Christ
God Will Judge Righteously >
The Fairness of God's Judgment >
God's judgment is based on truth. He does not judge based on appearances or false accusations. God is truth.
The Desire for Meaning >
God's Purpose: The True Source of Meaning >
We find true meaning in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ
Our Identity Without Jesus >
Destined for Eternal Death >
Jesus is the only way to eternal life, and without Him, we remain condemned.
Wise Speech is Truthful >
The Ultimate Example of Wise and Truthful Speech: Jesus Christ >
Jesus always spoke truth
God's Plan for Us >
God's Plan is Fulfilled Through Jesus Christ >
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
The Gift of Life >
Eternal Life through Jesus Christ >
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
Truth in Jesus Christ >
Jesus Christ: The Embodiment of Truth >
Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Nature of Light >
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World >
Jesus illuminates the path to God
Jesus as the Guide >
Jesus as the Guide in Our Spiritual Journey >
Jesus as the Way to the Father
Jesus as the Gatekeeper >
Understanding Jesus as the Gatekeeper >
The significance of Jesus' role as the gatekeeper
The Claims of Jesus >
Jesus Claimed to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life >
Jesus declared He is the only way to the Father
The Claims of Jesus >
Jesus Claimed to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life >
He claimed to be the embodiment of truth
Jesus as the Gate >
Understanding the Metaphor of Jesus as the Gate >
The role of Jesus as the gate in our spiritual journey
Jesus as the Gate >
The Gate as a Point of Entry >
The gate as the only way to the Father
Jesus as the Way >
Understanding Jesus as the Way >
Jesus as the only way to God
Jesus as the Way >
Understanding Jesus as the Way >
Jesus as the way to truth and life
Knowledge of Jesus Christ >
The Importance of Knowing Jesus Christ >
Knowing Jesus Christ brings us into a personal relationship with God
Truth Originates from God >
The Nature of God as the Source of All Truth >
God is the embodiment of truth. He is the ultimate standard and measure of all things true.
Truth Originates from God >
The Manifestation of God's Truth in Jesus Christ >
Jesus declared Himself to be the way, the truth, and the life.
Eternal Life in Christ >
The Role of Jesus Christ in Eternal Life >
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
The Cities of Refuge >
Applying the Lessons from the Cities of Refuge Today >
Embracing Jesus as our refuge and savior
The Promise to Mary >
The Implications of the Promise >
The promise fulfilled God's plan of salvation
God's Word is Life >
The Word of God is Jesus, the Life >
Jesus, the Word, is the life. As (John 14
Understanding the Term 'Revelation' >
Jesus Christ as the Ultimate Revelation of God >
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Accepting Jesus as Lord >
The Importance of Accepting Jesus as Lord >
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life(John 14
Seeking Peace with God >
Seeking Peace through Faith and Repentance >
Faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to peace with God
The Doubt of Thomas >
Conclusion: Embracing Faith in the Midst of Doubt >
The assurance we have in Christ
The Reality of Existence >
The Redemption of Existence through Jesus Christ >
Understanding that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
The Assurance of Heaven >
The Assurance of Heaven through Faith in Jesus Christ >
Jesus Christ as the Only Way to Heaven
The Word as Truth >
The Word as Truth in the Life of Jesus >
Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Through Unexpected Sources >
God Saves Through Unexpected Means >
God's salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, not through our own efforts.
Faith in Jesus >
The Object of Our Faith: Jesus Christ >
Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Access to God >
The Role of Jesus in Our Access to God >
Jesus as the only way to God
Walking in Freedom >
The Process of Gaining Freedom >
Accepting Christ's sacrifice as the only means of our freedom
The First Lie >
The Truth that Overcomes Lies >
The fulfillment of the promise
Preservation of Life >
The Preservation of Spiritual Life >
Recognizing Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life
Closeness to God >
The Biblical Path to Closeness with God >
Faith in Jesus Christ as the foundation of our relationship with God
Jesus as God >
Jesus as the Worshiped God >
Jesus as the Object of Faith
The Deeper Issue >
The Solution: Jesus Christ >
Understanding Jesus as the solution to our sin problem
Jesus is Truth >
Jesus Himself Declares He is the Truth >
Jesus' own words
Maintaining Your Freedom >
Embracing the Freedom in Christ >
Accepting Jesus as your Savior is the first step towards freedom
Truth is Divine >
The Revelation of Divine Truth >
Truth is revealed in Jesus Christ
Truth is Objective >
The Source of Objective Truth >
God is the source of all truth. He is the ultimate standard by which all truth is measured.
Truth Brings Freedom >
The Personification of Truth: Jesus Christ >
Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Leading Others Astray >
The Call to Lead Others Towards Christ >
The example of Christ in leading others towards God
To Be Prepared >
The Ultimate Preparedness: Preparing for Eternity >
Accepting Jesus as our Savior
Jesus and Faith >
Jesus as the Object of our Faith >
Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Sheep Gate >
The Sheep Gate and Our Spiritual Journey >
Entering Through the Sheep Gate
A Heavenly Home >
Preparing for Our Heavenly Home >
Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior
Truth is Eternal >
The Transformative Power of God's Truth >
God's truth has the power to guide us in righteousness and lead us to eternal life.
Rest in Heaven >
Conclusion: The Hope of Rest in Heaven >
An Invitation to Rest
New Testament Affirmations >
Affirmation of Salvation through Jesus Christ >
The affirmation of Jesus as the only way to the Father.
Defining Future Glory >
The Path to Future Glory >
Through Faith in Christ - The path to future glory is through faith in Christ. It is only through faith in Him that we can have the assurance of this glory
Trusting in Christ >
Trusting Christ in Difficult Times >
- Trusting Christ in Uncertainty
Jesus Christ's Authority >
Jesus Christ's Authority is Manifested in His Teaching >
Jesus' teachings are the final and ultimate truth
Understanding God's Plan >
God's Plan is Fulfilled in Jesus Christ >
Through Jesus, we can have eternal life and be part of God's eternal plan.
Understanding God's Plan >
God's Plan is Fulfilled in Jesus Christ >
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Pursuing Biblical Success >
The Path to Biblical Success >
The path to biblical success starts with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Understanding God's Path >
God's Path Leads to Eternal Life >
God's ultimate path for us is not about temporal success, but eternal life in Christ.
Avoiding Eternal Punishment >
Accepting Jesus Christ as the Only Way of Salvation >
Believing in Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father
Truth Sanctifies >
Understanding the Concept of Truth in the Bible >
Truth as Revealed in Jesus Christ
Building Bridges >
Building Bridges with God >
Embracing Jesus Christ as the bridge that connects us back to God.
Jesus' Message >
The Message of Salvation >
Jesus as the Way to Salvation
Jesus' Reassurance >
Jesus' Reassurance in Times of Doubt >
Jesus' reassurance of His truth
Jesus' Proclamation >
The Proclamation of Salvation >
Jesus proclaims that He is the way, the truth, and the life
True Fulfillment >
The Source of True Fulfillment >
The Role of Jesus Christ in Fulfillment
Guiding Others >
The Biblical Model of Guidance >
Jesus as the ultimate guide
Understanding Relativism >
The Biblical View of Truth >
Recognizing Jesus as the embodiment of truth and the ultimate revelation of God's truth.
Ruth's Choice >
Conclusion: The Power of Choice >
The ultimate choice - to follow Jesus Christ
Avoiding Hell >
Embracing Salvation Through Jesus Christ >
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Role of Jesus Christ in Reconciliation >
Jesus Christ: The Mediator of Reconciliation >
Jesus Christ, the only way to the Father. He is the bridge that connects humanity to God, making reconciliation possible.
Jesus, the Perfect Example of Right Words >
Jesus Spoke Words of Truth >
Jesus always spoke the truth, regardless of the circumstances or the audience. He was never afraid to speak the truth, even when it was unpopular or difficult. John 14