The Results of Jesus' Prayer >
Jesus' Prayer Brought Unity >
Jesus prayed for the unity of His disciples, just as He and the Father are one. This unity is a result of Jesus' prayer and is still evident in the body of Christ today.
Promoting Unity and Peace >
The Impact of Unity and Peace in the Church and the World >
A United and Peaceful Church Reflects the Glory of God
The Consequences of Disunity >
Disunity Breaks the Body of Christ >
Disunity weakens the church's witness to the world, undermining the credibility of the gospel message.
Strife and Division >
The Consequences of Strife and Division >
Strife and Division Damages Witness
On Relationships >
The Future of Relationships: Eternity and Unity >
Unity in relationships
The Witnesses >
The Church as a Collective Witness >
The unity of the Church as a witness
Jesus' Praise >
The Impact of Jesus' Praise >
Jesus' praise brought unity among believers
Division >
The Consequences of Division >
Hindrance to the Gospel
The Biblical Definition of Union with Christ >
The Biblical Basis for Union with Christ >
Jesus Himself prayed for this union in His high priestly prayer, asking that His followers may be one as He and the Father are one.