Sermons on
John 17:21

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

The Importance of Unity >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity Distorts the Image of Christ
The Path to Unity >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Practical Steps to Foster Unity >  Pray for Unity  >  Pray for unity within the body of Christ.
The Family's Mission in the World >  To Reflect God's Image  >  Living in Unity
The Blessings of Brotherhood >  Brotherhood Promotes Unity  >  Unity as a reflection of the Trinity.
The Mystery of the Unity of the Church >  The Mystery of Unity in the Church  >  The Unity of the Church as a Reflection of the Trinitarian Unity.
Unity as a Testimony to the World >  Understanding the Concept of Unity  >  Unity as a Reflection of God's Nature
Fellowship with Other Believers >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World.
The Challenge of Unity >  The Biblical Basis for Unity  >  Unity in the Trinity
Unity in Witness >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a reflection of God's nature.
Encouragement Promotes Unity >  The Blessings of Unity Through Encouragement  >  Unity reflects the nature of God.
Paul's Exhortation to Unity in the Church >  Conclusion: The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Maintaining Unity Through Humility, Gentleness, and Patience >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Reflection of the Trinity
Disunity due to Cultural and Racial Divisions >  The Role of the Church in Addressing Cultural and Racial Divisions  >  The Church as a Model of Unity
Resisting the Enemy's Attempts to Divide Us >  The Power of Unity in Christ  >  Christ's prayer for unity among His followers
Unity as a Testament of Our Faith >  The Importance of Unity in Our Faith  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Unity as a Reflection of the Trinity >  The Biblical Call to Unity  >  Unity among believers
Unity and Love Attract Others to Christ >  The Impact of Unity and Love on Evangelism  >  Unity and Love as a Means of Evangelism
Unity as a Reflection of God's Love >  The Call for Unity Among Believers  >  Unity as God's Design
The Example of Jesus Praying at Night >  The Content of Jesus' Night Prayers  >  Jesus prayed for unity among believers
The Role of Community in Spiritual Growth >  Community as a Witness to the World  >  The power of unity as a testimony to the world(John 17
Unity and Love Bring Blessings and Revival >  The Power of Unity  >  Unity in the Church
The Diversity within Unity in the Church >  The Beauty of Unity in Diversity  >  A Testimony to the World
Disunity and Division within the Church >  Understanding the Concept of Unity in the Church  >  The Importance of Unity in the Church
The Unity and Generosity among Belivers >  The Importance of Unity among Believers  >  Unity as a Reflection of the Trinity
Unity Strengthens the Body of Christ >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Fellowship for Sharing and Bearing Burdens >  The Importance of Sharing in Fellowship  >  Sharing Promotes Unity and Love
The Disruption of Unity Through Sin >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  The hindrance to God's work
Unity as a Tool for Evangelism >  The Importance of Unity in Evangelism  >  Unity Reflects Christ
Jesus' Prayer for Unity Among Believers >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a testimony to the world
Disunity Distorts the Image of Christ >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity distorts the image of Christ
The Teaching of Jesus on Brotherhood >  The Implications of Jesus' Teaching on Brotherhood  >  Unity and Peace
The Biblical Basis for Collective Witness >  The Power of Collective Witness  >  Collective witness is a powerful tool in evangelism
Pride as a Barrier to Unity >  The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Reflects Christ
Fellowship as a Means of Growth >  Understanding the Importance of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Reflection of the Trinity
The Power of Unity in Brotherhood >  The Power of Unity  >  God's desire for unity among believers
Understanding the Biblical Definition of Unity >  Unity Defined in the Bible  >  Unity as a Reflection of God's Nature
Unity and Harmony within the Church >  The Consequences of Disunity and Disharmony  >  The Impact of Disunity on the Church's Witness
The Joy of Unity in Christ >  Understanding the Concept of Unity in Christ  >  The Power of Unity
The Blessings of Living in Unity >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God  >  God exists in perfect unity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This divine unity serves as a model for us.
Unity in Diversity Reflects God's Heart >  The Blessings of Unity in Diversity  >  Unity in diversity brings glory to God
The Strength of a Unified Community >  The Benefits of a Unified Community  >  Effective evangelism
Cultivating a Culture of Collective Witness >  Understanding the Concept of Collective Witness  >  The Importance of Collective Witness
Understanding the Biblical Concept of Family >  The Importance of Love and Unity in the Family  >  Unity in the Family
The Power of Fellowship with Believers >  The Blessings of Fellowship  >  Fellowship Brings Glory to God
The Role of Prayer in Revival >  The Role of Prayer in Sustaining Revival  >  Prayer for Unity
The Impact of Unity in Witness >  The Impact of Unity on Evangelism  >  Unity as a testimony to the world
The Power of Prayer for Unity >  Understanding the Concept of Unity  >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ
The Results of Praying for Unity >  Unity Reflects Christ's Love  >  Unity is a fulfillment of Christ's prayer for His followers
The Unity of the Body >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Fellowship through Worship and Prayer >  The Power of Fellowship in Worship and Prayer  >  The Unifying Power of Fellowship
The Biblical Basis for Fellowship >  Understanding the Concept of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a reflection of the Trinity
Fellowship as Sharing Life Together >  Understanding the Concept of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a Reflection of the Trinity
It Promotes Unity and Harmony >  The Biblical Mandate for Unity and Harmony  >  Jesus' prayer for unity among believers
Prayer for Unity and Peace >  Understanding the Power of Unity  >  Unity as a Divine Mandate
The Holy Spirit Unites Believers >  The Impact of Unity on the Church's Mission  >  Unity among believers is a powerful testimony to the truth of the Gospel.
The Presence of Spiritual Warfare >  The Role of the Church in Spiritual Warfare  >  Unity in the Church
God's Original Design for Unity >  Understanding God's Original Design  >  The Unity of the Trinity
The Biblical Mandate for Community >  The Role of Community in Mission  >  Community is a witness to the world
The Importance of Christian Community >  Christian Community is a Witness to the World  >  A united Christian community reflects the unity of the Father and the Son
The New Commandment of Jesus >  The Implications of the New Commandment  >  The new commandment as a call to unity among believers
The Foundation of Christian Brotherhood >  The Impact of Christian Brotherhood on the World  >  Brotherhood as a Witness to the World
It Brings Unity Among Believers >  The Foundation of Unity: The Body of Christ  >  Unity is a reflection of the Trinity
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself >  The Impact of Loving Your Neighbor  >  Unity in the Body of Christ
The Last Will Be First >  The Principle of Love  >  The blessing of love
Praying for Unity in Purpose >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  The Pleasure of God
The Impact of Godly Relationships >  Godly Relationships Impact the World  >  They provide a powerful witness to non-believers.
Unity Brings Blessings from God >  The Power of Unity  >  Unity is a command from God, not a suggestion.
The Importance of Fellowship >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church  >  Fellowship Attracts Non-Believers
Understanding the Concept of Unity >  The Biblical Definition of Unity  >  Unity as a command from God
Fostering Unity in the Church >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Witness to the World
Understanding the Importance of Unity >  The Role of Unity in the Church  >  Unity as a mark of the church
Understanding the Importance of Unity >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity distorts the gospel
The Different Types of Fruitfulness >  Fruitfulness in Relationships  >  Unity
The Challenge of Maintaining Unity >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as God's Design
The Consequences of Neglecting Fellowship >  Hindered Witness  >  Lack of Unity
The Results of Jesus' Prayer >  Jesus' Prayer Brought Unity  >  Jesus prayed for the unity of His disciples, just as He and the Father are one. This unity is a result of Jesus' prayer and is still evident in the body of Christ today.
To Foster Fellowship and Unity >  The Impact of Fellowship and Unity  >  Unity Reflects Christ
Understanding Unity as God's Design >  The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Reflects God's Character
God Created Us for Relationship >  The Implications of Our Relational Design  >  The call to unity
The Biblical Basis for Unity >  Jesus Christ and Unity  >  Jesus Prayed for Unity
The Unifying Effect of Celebration >  The Impact of Unity through Celebration  >  Unity Reflects the Heart of God
The Danger of Division >  The Consequences of Division  >  Damages Our Witness
The Danger of Division >  The Blessing of Unity  >  Reflects Christ
Defining Unity in Diversity >  Understanding the Concept of Unity in Diversity  >  The call for unity among believers
The Gate of Relationships >  Understanding the Importance of Relationships  >  Relationships as a Reflection of God's Nature
Prayer for the Nations >  Praying for the Church in the Nations  >  Praying for Unity and Love
Fellowship in the Word >  Understanding the Importance of Fellowship  >  The Power of Fellowship
Unity for Spiritual Growth >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity is a Testimony to the World
Unity in the Church >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Unity in the Bible >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity is a Witness to the World
Promoting Unity and Peace >  The Impact of Unity and Peace in the Church and the World  >  A United and Peaceful Church Reflects the Glory of God
God's Intention for Relationships >  God Designed Relationships for Companionship  >  Companionship in relationships mirrors the fellowship within the Trinity
Fellowship as God's Design >  Fellowship as a Witness to the World  >  The Result of Fellowship
The Importance of Community >  The Power of Community in Mission  >  Collective Witness
Jesus' Prayer for Unity >  The Purpose of Jesus' Prayer for Unity  >  Unity as a testimony to the world
Unity Facilitates Effective Evangelism >  The Role of Unity in Evangelism  >  Unity as a Witness to the World
The Greeting of Peace >  The Impact of the Greeting of Peace  >  Testifies to the Peace of Christ
Jesus Praying at Dawn >  The Power of Prayer in Jesus' Ministry  >  Jesus' prayers brought unity among His followers
Preparation for Christ's Return >  Share the Gospel  >  Unity - We must strive for unity in the body of Christ as we await His return.
Stand Firm in Unity >  Understanding Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Disunity Caused by Pride >  The Consequences of Prideful Disunity  >  Obstruction to the Gospel Message
The Blessing of Unity >  The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Reflects Christ
The Power of Fellowship >  Understanding the Concept of Fellowship  >  Fellowship as a reflection of the Trinity
The Call to Fellowship >  The Benefits of Fellowship  >  Fellowship enhances our witness
Fellowship Reflects God's Nature >  The Impact of Fellowship  >  Fellowship Attracts Non-Believers
The Consequences of Disunity >  Disunity Breaks the Body of Christ  >  Disunity weakens the church's witness to the world, undermining the credibility of the gospel message.
Practical Steps towards Unity >  Pray for Unity  >  Pray for unity in the body of Christ
Promoting Unity in Diversity >  The Biblical Mandate for Unity  >  Jesus' prayer for unity among His followers
Disunity among Believers >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Damage to the Church's Witness
Strife and Division >  The Consequences of Strife and Division  >  Strife and Division Damages Witness
Brotherhood Glorifies God >  The Impact of Brotherhood  >  Brotherhood Spreads the Gospel
Lowliness Promotes Unity >  The Impact of Lowliness on Unity  >  Unity in the Church
Fellowship and Unity >  The Role of Unity in Fellowship  >  Unity as a Reflection of the Trinity
Unity Among Believers >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Fellowship with God >  The Impact of Fellowship with God on Our Relationships with Others  >  Unity
Unity and Love >  Understanding Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity as a Reflection of God's Nature
Love and Unity >  The Role of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity as a Reflection of the Trinity
Living in Unity >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Brotherhood Brings Joy >  The Impact of Brotherhood  >  Brotherhood Brings Glory to God
Brotherhood Promotes Unity >  The Impact of Unity in the Church  >  Unity reflects the nature of God
Living in Harmony >  The Call to Live in Harmony  >  Jesus' Prayer for Unity
Peace and Unity >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Understanding Corporate Prayer >  The Role of Corporate Prayer in the Church Today  >  Fostering Unity and Love
On Relationships >  The Future of Relationships: Eternity and Unity  >  Unity in relationships
Maintaining Unity >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as a Testimony to the World
Overcoming Disunity >  The Blessings of Unity  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Corporate Intercession >  The Importance of Corporate Intercession  >  Fosters Unity and Love
The Witnesses >  The Church as a Collective Witness  >  The unity of the Church as a witness
Defining Unity >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity reflects the nature of God
Jesus' Praise >  The Impact of Jesus' Praise  >  Jesus' praise brought unity among believers
Promote Unity >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Disunity Hinders the Gospel
Practicing Love >  The Impact of Practicing Love  >  Unity
Division >  The Consequences of Division  >  Hindrance to the Gospel
Community >  The Power of Community  >  Unity
Disunity >  The Consequences of Disunity  >  Hindrance to the Gospel
The Promise of Revival through Collective Witness >  The Role of Collective Witness in Revival  >  The impact of collective witness
Unity is Maintained Through Forgiveness and Reconciliation >  The Call to Unity Through Forgiveness and Reconciliation  >  The Urgency of Unity in Today's World
The Biblical Definition of Union with Christ >  The Biblical Basis for Union with Christ  >  Jesus Himself prayed for this union in His high priestly prayer, asking that His followers may be one as He and the Father are one.
Stability in the Church Leading to Unity >  The Role of Unity in the Growth of the Church  >  Unity as a Reflection of the Trinity
Praying for the Spread of the Gospel >  The Impact of Praying for the Spread of the Gospel  >  Unity in the Church
The Role of Fellowship in Spiritual Growth >  The Impact of Fellowship on the Church and the World  >  Fellowship Attracts Unbelievers
Fellowship as a Witness to the World >  The Role of Fellowship as a Witness to the World  >  Unity in Fellowship
Unity as a Witness to the World >  Understanding the Importance of Unity  >  Unity as God's Design
The Revolutionary Nature of the New Commandment >  The Revolutionary Impact of the New Commandment  >  On the Church
The Impact of Jesus' Light on Humanity >  Jesus' Light Unites Humanity  >  Promoting love and unity
Collective Witness as a Tool for Evangelism >  Understanding the Concept of Collective Witness  >  The Power of Unity
Fellowship in the Mission of the Church >  The Impact of Fellowship on the World  >  Fellowship Attracts Others to Christ
The Concept of Unity in the Church >  The Importance of Unity in the Church  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
The Mystery of Unity in the Church >  The Biblical Basis for Unity  >  Unity in the Trinity
The Impact of Positive Words on Unity >  The Impact of Unity on the Church and Society  >  Unity as a testimony to the world
Fellowship as a Reflection of God's Trinity >  The Ultimate Goal of Fellowship  >  To glorify God and to reflect His love and unity to the world.
Understanding the Importance of Unity and Love >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity reflects the nature of God
The Benefits of Fellowship with Other Belivers >  Fellowship Enhances Outreach and Evangelism  >  Demonstrating the love of Christ to non-believers through our unity
The Expression of Unity in the Trinity >  The Implications of the Trinity's Unity for Believers  >  The Trinity as a Model for Christian Unity
The Interplay of Eternal Joy and Peace >  The Impact of Eternal Joy and Peace  >  On the Church
The Biblical Basis for Unity in Witness >  Unity as God‚Äôs Design  >  The Triune God as the Model of Unity
Biblical Examples of Encouragement Leading to Unity >  The Unity of the Early Church  >  Their unity was a testimony to the world, leading to many being saved
Biblical Examples of Encouragement Leading to Unity >  Jesus' Prayer for Unity  >  Jesus prayed for his disciples to be one, just as he and the Father are one
The Challenge of Disunity and Division >  Understanding the Problem of Disunity and Division  >  The impact of disunity and division on the church's mission
The Gospel Unites Us in Purpose >  The Impact of a United Purpose  >  A united purpose leads to a powerful witness
Defining Unity from a Biblical Perspective >  The Importance of Unity  >  Unity Reflects the Character of God
Unity in the Body of Christ >  The Importance of Unity in the Body of Christ  >  Unity Reflects the Nature of God
Prayer as a Communication with God >  The Power of Corporate Prayer  >  Corporate prayer is a testimony to the world of our faith in God
Understanding the Biblical Concept of Fellowship >  The Blessings of Fellowship  >  Fellowship glorifies God and testifies to the world about His love
The Gospel fosters a loving community >  The Practical Implications of a Gospel-Centered Loving Community  >  A Gospel-centered community is a powerful tool for evangelism
Unity Reflects the Nature of God >  Unity Glorifies God  >  The Purpose of Unity