The Power of Speech >
Conclusion: The Power of Speech in the Life of a Believer >
Our words reflect our relationship with God.
The Power of the Tongue >
Conclusion: The Tongue's Ultimate Power >
- The tongue's power to bring life or death (Proverbs 18
Using Words to Edify >
The Impact of Edifying Words on the Speaker >
The transformation of the heart through edifying speech
Based on Our Words >
The Reflection of Our Words >
Our words reflect what is in our hearts
Speak from the Heart >
Understanding the Importance of Speaking from the Heart >
The heart as the source of our words
In Our Speech >
The Power of the Tongue
Our words reflect what is in our hearts. If our hearts are filled with love and kindness, our words will reflect that. Conversely, if our hearts are filled with anger and bitterness, our words will reflect that as well.
Words Carry Weight >
The Reflection of Words >
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks
Practicing Godly Speech >
The Role of the Heart in Speech >
The connection between the heart and the mouth - (Matthew 12
Our Words >
The Source of Our Words >
- Heart Reflection
The Heart >
The Heart as the Source of Our Words and Actions >
The words we speak and the actions we take are a reflection of what is in our hearts.