God's Timing is Different From Ours >
Experiencing God's Timing >
God's timing is experienced in the fulfillment of His promises. He is faithful to do what He has said He will do.
Cultivating Peace in our Hearts >
Cultivating Peace through Trust in God >
Trusting in God's promises can bring peace, as we know that He is faithful to fulfill them.
The Purpose of God's Blessings >
God's Blessings are a Promise of His Faithfulness >
The blessings we receive are a testament to God's unchanging nature and His commitment to His word.
Rejoicing in God's Unchanging Nature >
Rejoicing in God's Unchanging Promises >
God's promises are unchanging. When God makes a promise, He keeps it. He is not a man that He should lie.
Delays are for God's Glory >
The Glory of God in Delays >
God's glory is revealed when His promises come to pass in His perfect timing. God is faithful to fulfill His promises.
The Promise of Complete Renewal >
Understanding the Promise of Renewal >
The promise of renewal is a divine guarantee from God. God's promises are sure and steadfast. He is faithful to fulfill what He has promised.
The Nature of God's Reward >
God's Reward is Guaranteed >
God is not a man that He should lie. If He has promised a reward, He will surely fulfill it. His reward is certain.
The Unchanging Nature of God >
God's Unchanging Nature: His Immutability >
God's immutability means He is unchanging in His being, perfections, purposes, and promises
The Ultimate Promise of God >
Introduction: Understanding God's Promises >
The nature of God's promises - God's promises are steadfast and unchanging. They are a reflection of His character - faithful, loving, and true.
God's Promises are Inclusive >
God's Promises are Trustworthy >
God's promises are reliable and trustworthy because He is faithful and true.
The Covenant with David >
The Implications of the Davidic Covenant for Believers Today >
The Davidic Covenant as a testament of God's faithfulness to His promises
Lying is a Sin >
The Truth about Lying >
Lying is against God's nature
The Dream Comes True >
The Fulfillment of the Dream >
God is faithful to fulfill His promises and dreams
God's Power is Unchanging >
The Implications of God's Unchanging Power for Believers >
Assurance of God's ability to fulfill His promises
Confidence Comes from God >
Building Confidence through Relationship with God >
Trusting in God's promises and His character, which builds our confidence in Him.
God Understands our Doubts >
God's Assurance in Times of Doubt >
God's promises are unchanging - Even when we doubt, God's promises remain the same. He is faithful to fulfill His word.
Trust as a Choice >
Understanding Trust as a Choice >
Trusting God means choosing to believe in His promises and His character.
To Reveal His Character >
God's Character is Revealed in His Word >
The promises and prophecies reveal God's faithfulness and sovereignty.
God's Power is Sovereign >
The Implications of God's Sovereign Power for Our Lives >
God's sovereign power assures us of His ability to fulfill His promises.
God's Forgiveness is Irrevocable >
The Irrevocability of God's Forgiveness >
Once God forgives, He does not revoke His forgiveness. His promises are unchanging and everlasting.
God's Word Brings Hope >
God's Word Brings Hope in Times of Doubt >
God's Word brings hope by assuring us that God is trustworthy. He is not a man that He should lie.
Lessons from the Sunset >
The Sunset Reminds Us of God's Faithfulness >
Just as the sun sets each day, God's faithfulness is constant and unchanging.
Accuracy of Predictions >
Understanding the Nature of Predictions >
The infallibility of God's predictions and promises
The Promise in >
The Promise in God's Word >
The Assurance of His Promises
Trusting Despite Delays >
Encouragement for Trusting Despite Delays >
God is faithful and will fulfill His promises in His perfect timing.
God's Immutable Character >
Understanding God's Immutability >
The contrast between God's immutability and human changeability
Understanding God's Unchangeableness >
Defining God's Unchangeableness >
God's unchangeableness, also known as His immutability, is a fundamental attribute of His divine nature. This means that God does not change in His being, perfections, purposes, or promises.
Understanding God's Unchangeableness >
The Implications of God's Unchangeableness for Our Lives >
Because God is unchangeable, we can trust Him completely. His promises are sure, and His character is reliable.
The Word's Truth >
The Word's Truth is Absolute >
The Word's Truth is not altered by our understanding or acceptance of it. Even when we struggle to understand or accept God's Word, it remains the ultimate truth.
God is Trustworthy >
Understanding the Nature of God's Trustworthiness >
God's trustworthiness is inherent in His character
Definition of Immutability >
Understanding the Concept of Immutability >
The difference between human changeability and God's immutability
Truth is Eternal >
The Unchanging Nature of God's Truth >
God's truth is constant and unchanging, unlike human truths which are subject to change and interpretation.
How God Delivers >
God Delivers Through His Promises >
God's promises are trustworthy and reliable.
God's Covenant >
Living in the Light of God's Covenant >
Trusting in God's Promises
The Consistent >
Understanding the Concept of Consistency >
Consistency in the Bible
For Communication >
The Biblical Model of Communication >
God as the Ultimate Communicator
God's Heart >
God's Heart is Faithful >
God's Faithfulness is Reliable
Fulfilled Prophecies >
Conclusion: Living in Light of Fulfilled Prophecies >
Trusting in God's Promises
God's Perspective >
The Difference Between God's Perspective and Ours >
God's perspective is not influenced by emotions or circumstances. He sees things clearly and objectively.
The Fulfillment >
The Fulfillment of God's Promises in Our Lives >
God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises
Trust God >
How to Trust God in Difficult Times >
Remember His promises
Trustworthiness >
God as the Ultimate Example of Trustworthiness >
God's Trustworthiness in His Promises
God's Word is Unchanging in Its Power >
The Assurance of the Unchanging Power of God's Word >
The unchanging power of God's Word provides security. We can rest in the promises of God because His Word does not change.
The Power of God's Word in Trials >
God's Word as a Promise in Trials >
God's Word is trustworthy - We can trust in God's Word, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His promises, even in times of trials.