Committing our Plans to God >
The Consequences of Not Committing Our Plans to God >
We may experience unnecessary hardship and failure.
False Knowledge Can Lead to Misleading Others >
Understanding the Dangers of False Knowledge >
The deception of false knowledge - False knowledge can seem appealing and convincing, but it ultimately leads to deception and confusion.
The Dangers of Not Listening to God >
Spiritual Deafness Leads to Disobedience >
When we choose not to listen, we miss out on God's perfect plan for our lives and instead follow our flawed human desires.
Discerning between Godly Counsel and Worldly Advice >
Understanding the Difference between Godly Counsel and Worldly Advice >
Godly counsel is rooted in the word of God and leads to righteousness, while worldly advice is based on human understanding and can lead to sin.
The Guiding Power of God's Word >
God's Word is a Lamp to Our Feet >
By following the teachings of the Bible, we can avoid the pitfalls and traps that the world sets for us.
The World's Distortion of Truth >
Understanding the Distortion of Truth >
The world often promotes relative truth, which is subjective and changes according to personal perspectives.
The Enemy's Tactics at Night >
The Enemy's Temptations >
He tempts us to sin by making it seem appealing and harmless, but the end result is always destruction.
The World's Definition of Fairness >
Understanding the World's Definition of Fairness >
The world's definition of fairness is often based on equality of outcome, not opportunity. This perspective often leads to resentment and conflict.
Morality as a Social Construct >
The Role of Society in Shaping Morality >
Society can influence our perception of what is right or wrong, but it cannot determine the absolute truth about morality.
Be Open to God's Guidance >
The Consequences of Ignoring God's Guidance >
Ignoring God's guidance can lead to unnecessary hardship.
The Call to Faith >
The Cost of Ignoring the Call >
It results in a life without true peace and joy
Recognizing the Source of Wisdom >
The Distinction Between Worldly Wisdom and Godly Wisdom >
The wisdom of the world leads to destruction, but Godly wisdom leads to salvation
Wisdom vs Worldly Knowledge >
Understanding the Difference Between Wisdom and Worldly Knowledge >
The Danger of Relying Solely on Worldly Knowledge
Trusting in God's Wisdom >
The Consequences of Not Trusting in God's Wisdom >
Not trusting in God's wisdom leads to confusion and mistakes
Obedience to God's Guidance >
The Consequences of Disobedience to God's Guidance >
Disobedience to God's guidance can lead to confusion and a life lived outside of God's perfect will.
The Consequences of Hopelessness >
Hopelessness Can Result in Negative Life Choices >
When we lose hope, we may make poor decisions that lead to negative consequences.
For Guidance and Wisdom >
Understanding the Need for Divine Guidance and Wisdom >
The consequences of leaning on our own understanding
Seek God's Will >
Understanding the Importance of Seeking God's Will >
The Consequences of Ignoring God's Will
Avoiding Harmful Relationships >
Understanding the Nature of Harmful Relationships >
Understanding the emotional, mental, and spiritual impact of harmful relationships.
To Restrain Evil >
Understanding the Nature of Evil >
The Deceptive Nature of Evil
Look for Confirmation >
The Dangers of Ignoring Divine Confirmation >
The Risk of Self-Deception without Confirmation
Jesus, Our Peace >
The World's False Promises of Peace >
Peace through self-fulfillment and pleasure
Defining Absolute Truth >
The Rejection of Absolute Truth in Today's Society >
The Consequences of Rejecting Absolute Truth
The World's Definition >
The World's Definition of Love >
The world's definition of love can lead to broken relationships and heartache.
Making the Decision >
Understanding the Importance of Decision Making >
The consequences of poor decision making
Lack of Direction >
Recognizing the Lack of Direction >
Acknowledging the consequences of a lack of direction
Responding to Guidance >
The Consequences of Ignoring God's Guidance >
The danger of leaning on our own understanding
Guidance in Life >
Understanding the Need for Guidance >
Realizing the consequences of self-guidance
Shifting Our Perspective >
Understanding the Need for a Shift in Perspective >
Identifying the consequences of a distorted perspective
Moral Decline >
The Biblical Perspective on Moral Decline >
The Consequences of Moral Decline
Long Life >
The Role of Wisdom in Long Life >
Wisdom helps us to avoid destructive paths that can shorten life.
God's Perspective >
The Difference Between God's Perspective and Ours >
Our perspective is often clouded by our emotions, experiences, and expectations. We see things from a limited, earthly perspective.
Missed Opportunity >
Understanding the Concept of Missed Opportunities >
Acknowledging that missed opportunities can lead to regret and unfulfilled potential.
Second Denial >
The Role of Fear in Denial >
The consequences of fear-driven decisions
Temporary Satisfaction >
Understanding the Nature of Temporary Satisfaction >
The Dangers of Pursuing Temporary Satisfaction
Understanding Relativism >
Defining Relativism >
Understanding the concept of Relativism as a philosophical standpoint that all points of view are equally valid, and that all truth is relative to the individual.
Understanding Morality >
Definition and Importance of Morality >
Understanding the concept of Morality from a biblical perspective
Deception >
Understanding Deception >
The Danger of Deception
Misconception >
Understanding Misconception >
Defining Misconception
Misconception >
The Consequences of Misconceptions >
Straying from God
Destruction >
Understanding the Concept of Destruction >
Destruction as a Biblical Concept
Direction >
Understanding the Need for Direction >
The Consequences of Lack of Direction