Purity in Speech >
The Blessings of Purity in Speech >
Pure speech can bring healing and life.
Taming the Tongue >
The Blessings of a Tamed Tongue >
A tamed tongue can promote peace and understanding
Mercy in Our Words >
The Transformative Power of Merciful Words >
The potential of merciful words to heal relationships
Wise Speech Brings Healing >
The Healing Power of Wise Speech >
A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit
Wise Speech is Gentle >
The Impact of Wise and Gentle Speech >
Wise and gentle speech promotes peace and understanding
Controlling Our Tongue >
The Blessings of a Controlled Tongue >
A controlled tongue brings healing and is a tree of life
The Physical Impact >
The Physical Impact of Our Words >
Our words can bring physical blessings or curses