Sermons on
Revelation 21:7

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Understanding Adoption in the Bible >  Adoption and the Church  >  Adoption as a reflection of God's kingdom
God's Promise of Eternal Life to the Remnant >  The Future Hope of the Remnant  >  The remnant's ultimate victory
Defining Conquest from a Biblical Perspective >  The Spiritual Significance of Conquest  >  Conquest as a promise of eternal inheritance
The Ultimate Victory >  The Ultimate Victory in the End Times  >  The ultimate reward for the faithful believers
The New Heaven and New Earth >  The Inhabitants of the New Heaven and New Earth  >  The Saints
The Remnant as God's Faithful Followers >  The Promise for the Remnant  >  Victory
The Hope of Our Future Glory >  The Nature of Our Future Glory  >  The Promise of Inheritance
The Mark of the Beast >  The Hope for Believers  >  The Assurance of Eternal Life
The Promise of the New Jerusalem >  The Promise of Living in the New Jerusalem  >  The promise of inheritance
Our Position in Christ as Overcomers >  The Rewards of Being Overcomers in Christ  >  Inheritance of All Things
The Implications of Christ's Imminent Return >  The Promise of Reward  >  The Inheritance of the Saints
Introduction: The Revelation of Jesus Christ >  The Purpose of the Revelation  >  3.2 To Encourage Believers in Their Faith
The New Heaven and Earth >  Living in the New Heaven and Earth  >  The promise of inheriting the new heaven and earth
A Call to Eternal Reward >  The Joy of Eternal Reward  >  Inheritance of All Things
The End of the World >  The New Heaven and New Earth  >  The eternal dwelling place of God's people
The New Jerusalem's Radiant Beauty >  The Invitation to the New Jerusalem  >  The Promise of Eternal Life
Grace Assures Us of Victory >  Living in the Assurance of Victory  >  Looking forward to the Ultimate Victory in eternity
The Future Celebration in Heaven >  The Invitation to Heaven  >  The promise to those who overcome
The City of God >  The Citizens of the City of God  >  Those Who Overcome
Walking in the Truth >  The Ultimate Goal: Becoming More Like Christ  >  The Promise of Eternal Reward for Walking in Truth
Faith Leading to Victory >  Faith Leading to Eternal Victory  >  The promise of eternal victory for those who have faith
The Church in Pergamum >  Application: Lessons for Today's Church  >  The Promise of Reward
The Remnant is Obedient >  The Blessings of Obedience  >  The eternal reward of the obedient remnant
Understanding the Ultimate Conquest >  The Ultimate Conquest and the End Times  >  Believers will share in Christ's ultimate victory
The Rewards of Integrity >  The Rewards of Living with Integrity  >  Eternal Reward
The Security of Sonship >  The Fulfillment of Our Sonship  >  We will inherit all things
Living in the Kingdom >  The Blessings of Living in the Kingdom  >  Living in the Kingdom brings inheritance of all things
Living as Overcomers >  Experiencing the Victory of Overcoming  >  Looking forward to our eternal reward
The Victory Secured >  The Assurance of Our Victory  >  The eternal perspective of our victory
Defining Victory >  The Rewards of Victory  >  Eternal Life
Be Courageous >  The Call to Be Courageous  >  The Reward for Courage
The Mansion as a Motivation for Faithfulness >  Understanding the Promise of the Mansion  >  The Mansion as a Reward for Faithfulness
Finding Courage in the Face of Fear >  The Promise of Courage  >  The Reward of Courage
The Reward of Eternal Life with Christ >  The Joy of Eternal Life  >  Inheritance of All Things
The New Heaven and the New Earth >  Our Role in the New Heaven and New Earth  >  Inheriting the New Heaven and New Earth
The Outcomes of Overcoming Challenges Through Faith >  Faith Leads to Victory  >  The reward of faith
Rivers as a Place of Divine Judgment >  The Ultimate River of Divine Judgment and Mercy  >  The promise of eternal life for those who overcome