The Blessing of Speech >
The Blessing of Speech in our Relationship with Others >
The role of speech in spreading the Gospel.
Understand the Urgency of the Gospel >
The Gospel is for Everyone >
The Gospel is urgent because it is for everyone, and everyone needs to hear it. How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
The Power of Words to Create >
The Power of Words in Evangelism >
Our words can bring others to know Christ, demonstrating the power of words in evangelism.
The Impact of Proclaiming His Greatness >
Proclaiming His Greatness Reaches the Lost >
Our testimonies of God's greatness can draw others to Him. When people hear about the great things God has done, they may be moved to seek Him.
A Call to Witness >
The Importance of Witnessing >
Witnessing as a Means of Spreading the Gospel
Proclaiming the Gospel >
The Importance of Proclaiming the Gospel >
Proclaiming the Gospel is how people come to know Jesus and receive salvation
Through Our Words >
The Influence of Our Words on Others >
We should use our words to share the Gospel
Share the Gospel >
The Importance of Sharing the Gospel >
It is the means by which people are saved
Increased Evangelism >
Understanding the Importance of Evangelism >
Acknowledging the urgency of evangelism in a world in need
Our Witness >
Living Out Our Witness >
Proclaiming the Gospel through our words.
Proclamation >
The Role of Proclamation in Evangelism >
Proclamation as a tool for evangelism