Sermons on
Romans 10:14

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Understanding Salvation >  The Implication of Salvation  >  A Call to Share the Good News
The Call to Reppentance >  Encouraging Others to Repent  >  Sharing the Gospel message
Understanding the Concept of Witness >  The Importance of Being a Witness Today  >  Our witness is crucial for spreading the gospel and bringing others to Christ.
The Blessing of Speech >  The Blessing of Speech in our Relationship with Others  >  The role of speech in spreading the Gospel.
The Power of Language >  The Power of Language in Evangelism  >  Proclaiming the Gospel
Understanding the Concept of Urgency >  The Urgency of the Gospel  >  The urgency of evangelism
Living with Urgency >  Responding to the Urgency of the Gospel  >  Sharing the good news with urgency
The Holy Spirit can empower our words >  The Impact of Spirit-Empowered Words  >  Spirit-empowered words can transform lives.
Defining Witness from a Biblical Perspective >  The Impact of a Biblical Witness  >  A Biblical Witness Leads Others to Christ
Speed in Spreading the Gospel >  The Results of Speed in Spreading the Gospel  >  More people hear the Gospel and have the opportunity to be saved
The Impact of Our Words >  The Impact of Our Words on Others  >  We should use our words to spread the gospel.
The Urgency of Today >  The Urgency of Sharing the Gospel  >  The critical need for the Gospel in our world today.
Predestination in the Bible >  Predestination and Evangelism  >  God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
Testimony to Others >  The Impact of Your Testimony  >  Leading Others to Christ
Boldness in Witnessing >  The Impact of Boldness in Witnessing  >  It leads to salvation
The Eternal Consequences >  Living with Eternity in Mind  >  The Urgency of the Gospel
Showing Genuine Care and Concern for Others >  Expressing Genuine Care and Concern through Our Words  >  Sharing the message of God's love and salvation
The Church's Role in the Great Commission >  Practical Ways the Church Can Fulfill the Great Commission  >  Through evangelism
Share the Love of God with Others >  The Impact of Sharing God's Love  >  It brings people to Christ
Sharing the Word of God with Others >  Understanding the Importance of Sharing the Word  >  Our Responsibility
The Tongue of the Wise Brings Healing >  Living Out the Healing Power of Wise Words  >  Share the Gospel message with others
The Right Word at the Right Time >  The Impact of the Right Word at the Right Time  >  It can bring someone closer to God
Sharing our Testimony of Deliverance with Others >  The Impact of our Shared Testimony  >  Leading others to Christ through our testimony
Hearing the Word Keeps us from Sin >  Practical Ways to Hear the Word of God  >  Listen to biblical preaching and teaching
Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ >  The Importance of Sharing the Good News  >  It is the means by which people come to know Christ and receive salvation.
Sharing the Good News of Redemption >  Practical Ways to Share the Good News of Redemption  >  Speaking about the Gospel to others
Understand the Urgency of the Gospel >  The Gospel is for Everyone  >  The Gospel is urgent because it is for everyone, and everyone needs to hear it. How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
Share the Promise Through Your Words >  The Impact of Sharing the Promise  >  Leading others to Christ
Language as Part of God's Creation >  The Restoration of Language in Christ  >  The Gospel Message
Jesus is the Word of God >  Responding to Jesus, the Word of God  >  Proclaiming Jesus
Truth is Embodied in Jesus Christ >  The Truth of Jesus Christ Must Be Shared  >  Sharing Jesus' truth can lead others to salvation
Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ >  How to Spread the Gospel  >  Through Preaching and Teaching
Spreading the Gospel and Making Disciples >  The Process of Making Disciples  >  Evangelizing the Lost
Proclaiming Christ's Victory to the World >  The Importance of Proclaiming Christ's Victory  >  To Draw Non-Believers to Christ
Words Can Bring Healing or Harm >  The Healing Power of Words  >  Words can bring salvation
Right Words Bring Life and Healing >  Speaking Words of Life  >  Using our words to share the gospel
The Power of Words in Relationships >  The Power of Words to Impact Eternity  >  Our words can lead others to Christ.
Words as a Tool for Influence >  Practical Ways to Use Words for Influence  >  Sharing the Gospel with others
The Importance of Communication and Understanding >  The Role of Communication in Our Relationships  >  Communication in Evangelism
Sharing Your Personal Story of Restoration >  The Impact of Your Story  >  Leading Others to Christ
Sharing Your Personal Experiences and Testimonies >  The Impact of Sharing Your Personal Experiences and Testimonies  >  The potential to inspire faith in others.
The Power of Language in Eternity >  The Power of Our Language Now  >  Our Words Can Lead to Eternity
Sharing the Gospel Message of Salvation >  The Importance of Sharing the Gospel  >  Sharing the Gospel can lead others to salvation
Sharing Our Hope Through the Gospel >  Our Responsibility to Share the Gospel  >  The Urgency of Sharing the Gospel
Through the Preaching of the Word >  The Importance of Preaching the Word  >  The power of the preached Word to transform lives
Share the Gospel, the Ultimate Blessing >  Overcoming Fear in Sharing the Gospel  >  Remembering the Importance of the Gospel
Understanding the Role of a Witness >  The Importance of Being a Witness  >  Our testimony as witnesses can lead others to Christ
The Role of Speech in Evangelism >  The Role of Speech in Sharing the Gospel  >  Proclaiming the Gospel
The Importance of Language in Creation >  Language in the Redemption Story  >  The Role of Language in Redemption
Negative Words Can Impact Our Witness >  Cultivating Positive Speech for Effective Witness  >  Use words to share the Gospel
The Power of Words in Witnessing >  The Role of Words in Witnessing  >  Words are the primary means of communicating the Gospel
The Impact of Speaking God's Word >  Speaking God's Word Influences Others  >  Speaking God's word can bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ
Understanding the Power of Our Words >  The Power of Words in Witnessing  >  Our words can be used to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
The Impact of a Biblical Witness >  The Impact of a Biblical Witness on the Community  >  Spreading the Gospel
The Gospel's Role in Spiritual Transformation >  Sharing the Gospel  >  The Gospel's Power to Save the Lost
The Responsibility of Sharing God's Word >  The Impact of Sharing the Word  >  The Word Brings Salvation
The Rewards of Sharing God's Word >  Sharing God's Word Brings Blessings  >  It brings blessings to others
The Command to Share the Gospel >  The Consequences of Not Sharing the Gospel  >  The spiritual state of those who have not heard the Gospel
Practical Ways to Share the Gospel >  Speak the Gospel  >  Sharing the Gospel message in conversations
The Rewards of Sharing the Gospel >  Impact on Others  >  Salvation of Souls
Understanding the Concept of Free Will >  The Implications of Free Will  >  Free will and evangelism
The Power of Words to Create >  The Power of Words in Evangelism  >  Our words can bring others to know Christ, demonstrating the power of words in evangelism.
The Urgency of Sharing the Gospel >  The Consequences of Not Sharing the Gospel  >  The fate of the lost
The Call to Proclaim His Greatness >  The Power of Proclamation  >  Our proclamation has the power to bring people to Christ.
The Impact of Proclaiming His Greatness >  Proclaiming His Greatness Reaches the Lost  >  Our testimonies of God's greatness can draw others to Him. When people hear about the great things God has done, they may be moved to seek Him.
A Call to Proclaim Christ >  The Method of Proclamation  >  Proclaiming Christ through our words
The Power of Personal Testimony >  The Impact of Your Personal Testimony  >  Leading Others to Christ
Share Your Journey and Experiences >  The Impact of Sharing Your Journey  >  Leading others to Christ
The Prophetic Power of Language >  The Prophetic Power of Language in Our Lives  >  Proclaiming God's Word
Be a Witness for Christ >  The Impact of Our Witness  >  Leading Others to Christ
Using Words for God's Glory >  Speaking Words of Life  >  Sharing the Gospel through our words
Gates as Seats of Authority >  Our Responsibility at the Gates  >  To Proclaim the Good News
Sharing the Gospel of Peace >  Practical Ways to Share the Gospel of Peace  >  Use words to share the Gospel
Spirit-led Words Can Transform Lives >  The Transformation Brought About by Spirit-led Words  >  Transformation in the Lives of Others
Sharing the Gospel of Christ >  The Importance of Sharing the Gospel  >  It is the means by which people are saved
Proclamation of the Good News >  The Importance of Proclaiming the Good News  >  Proclaiming the Good News is how people come to know Jesus and receive salvation
Making Disciples of All Nations >  The Process of Disciple-Making  >  Evangelism
The Command to Make Disciples >  The Process of Making Disciples  >  Evangelism
Zeal Attracts Others to Christ >  The Impact of Zeal on Others  >  Zeal Leads to Salvation
Using Language to Glorify God >  Using Words to Share the Gospel  >  Preaching the gospel
We Must Proclaim God's Word >  The Impact of Proclaiming God's Word  >  Proclaiming God's Word brings salvation to the lost
A Disciple is a Witness >  The Impact of a Disciple's Witness  >  Bringing others to Christ
Our Response to God's Mercy >  Sharing God's Mercy  >  Leading others to experience God's mercy
Remembering to Share the Gospel >  The Importance of Sharing the Gospel  >  The urgency of the Gospel
Introduction: The Power of Speech >  Practical Application: Using Speech for God's Glory  >  Using speech to proclaim the gospel
Understanding the Importance of Introduction >  The Importance of Introduction in Our Evangelistic Efforts  >  Introducing the Gospel to Non-Believers
The Impact of Spirit-Led Words >  The Impact of Spirit-Led Words on Others  >  Spirit-led words lead others to Christ
Understanding Our Role as Proclaimers >  The Impact of Our Proclamation  >  Proclamation Leads to Salvation
The Biblical Perspective on Urgency >  The Urgency of Sharing the Gospel  >  The condition of the world
The Consequences of Our Words >  The Positive Consequences of Our Words  >  Words can spread the gospel
The Urgency of Jesus' Ministry >  The Urgency for Believers Today  >  We are called to share the Gospel with urgency
Understanding Our Role as Witnesses >  The Nature of Our Witness  >  Witnessing through words
The Nature of Our Witness >  The Impact of Our Witness  >  Leading others to Christ
The Impact of Bold Witness >  The Impact of Bold Witness on Non-Believers  >  Conviction and Conversion
Sharing Our Personal Experience >  The Impact of Sharing Personal Experiences  >  Spreading the gospel
Sharing Through Our Testimony >  The Impact of Sharing Your Testimony  >  Reaching the Unsaved
Witnessing Through Our Words >  The Impact of Our Words  >  Words can lead to salvation
A Call to Witness >  The Importance of Witnessing  >  Witnessing as a Means of Spreading the Gospel
Share Your Personal Testimony >  The Impact of Your Personal Testimony  >  Reaching the Lost
The Purpose of Language >  Language for Spreading the Gospel  >  Language for Preaching the Word
Testifying about our Transformation >  The Impact of Testifying about our Transformation  >  Encouraging repentance and faith in others
Sharing Spreads the Gospel >  The Impact of Sharing the Gospel  >  Salvation for the Lost
The Motivation for Evangelism >  The Reality of Hell and Eternal Judgment  >  The role of evangelism in rescuing people from eternal judgment
Bearing Witness to Christ >  The Nature of Bearing Witness to Christ  >  Bearing Witness through Words
Sharing Knowledge with Others >  The Ultimate Goal in Sharing Knowledge  >  To bring people to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ
Moments that Influence Eternity >  Moments of Faith  >  Moments of faith can influence the eternity of others
The Judgment of Unbelievers >  The Response to the Judgment of Unbelievers  >  The urgency of preaching the Gospel
Proclaiming the Gospel Boldly >  The Results of Proclaiming the Gospel Boldly  >  People come to know Christ
Through Preaching and Teaching >  Understanding the Importance of Preaching and Teaching  >  The power of preaching and teaching to transform lives
Faith in God's Promise >  Sharing the Good News of God's Promise  >  Sharing Through Words
The Creation of Language >  The Power of Language  >  Language and Salvation
The Method of Witnessing >  Understanding the Importance of Witnessing  >  The impact of witnessing on the lives of others
Responding to the Truth >  Sharing the Truth  >  The potential impact of the truth on those who hear it
Preparing Your Personal Testimony >  Describing Your Encounter with Christ  >  Sharing how you heard the Gospel
Through Personal Testimony >  The Impact of Your Personal Testimony  >  Leading Others to Christ
Using Personal Testimony >  The Impact of Your Personal Testimony  >  Reaching Non-Believers
Proclaiming the Gospel >  The Importance of Proclaiming the Gospel  >  Proclaiming the Gospel is how people come to know Jesus and receive salvation
Through Our Words >  The Influence of Our Words on Others  >  We should use our words to share the Gospel
The Bold Proclamation >  The Impact of Bold Proclamation  >  Bold proclamation leads to salvation
The Ultimate Decision >  The Process of Making the Ultimate Decision  >  Hearing the Gospel
Proclaiming God's Word >  The Method of Proclaiming God's Word  >  Through Preaching
Repentance and Confession >  Encouraging Repentance and Confession  >  Preaching the Word
Share the Gospel >  The Importance of Sharing the Gospel  >  It is the means by which people are saved
Sharing God's Word >  The Impact of Sharing God's Word  >  Salvation of Souls
Proclaiming Jesus' Reign >  How to Proclaim Jesus' Reign  >  Through Our Words
Our Teaching Words >  The Impact of Our Teaching Words  >  Spreading the gospel of Christ
Sharing Our Testimonies >  The Impact of Sharing Our Testimonies  >  Salvation of Souls
Proclamation and Testimony >  Understanding Proclamation  >  The Importance of Proclamation
The Latin Fathers >  The Latin Fathers and the Bible  >  Spreading the Word
Witnessing Opportunity >  Understanding the Importance of Witnessing  >  Witnessing as a Means of Bringing Others to Christ
Increased Evangelism >  Understanding the Importance of Evangelism  >  Acknowledging the urgency of evangelism in a world in need
Our Witness >  Living Out Our Witness  >  Proclaiming the Gospel through our words.
Defining Evangelism >  The Importance of Evangelism  >  Evangelism is Essential for Salvation
Sharing Righteousness >  The Blessings of Sharing Righteousness  >  Blessings to Others
Understanding Evangelism >  The Purpose of Evangelism  >  To Save the Lost
Proclamation >  The Role of Proclamation in Evangelism  >  Proclamation as a tool for evangelism
A Biblical Witness Brings Glory to God >  The Power of a Biblical Witness  >  A biblical witness has the power to bring people to Christ
The Importance of Witnessing in All Circumstances >  Understanding the Call to Witness  >  Understanding the urgency of sharing the Good News
Collective Witness in Community Building and Fellowship >  The Impact of Collective Witness on the Community  >  Salvation
Sharing the Good News of God's Promise >  The Impact of Sharing the Good News  >  Sharing the Good News can lead others to salvation. When we share the gospel, we provide others with the opportunity to accept Christ and receive eternal life.
Sharing the Good News of Eternal Life >  The Impact of Sharing the Good News  >  Sharing the Good News can lead others to a saving relationship with Jesus
Hearing and Doing the Words of Jesus >  The Process of Hearing the Words of Jesus  >  Through the Preaching and Teaching of the Word
Sharing through the Proclamation of the Gospel >  Practical Ways to Share the Gospel  >  Using Words to Share the Gospel
The Power of Language in Our Lives >  The Positive Power of Language  >  Language for Spreading the Gospel
The Impact of Proclaiming the Good News >  The Urgency of the Gospel  >  The Gospel is a message that needs to be proclaimed urgently. People are lost without Christ and need to hear the Good News.
Understanding the Biblical Concept of a Witness >  The Impact of a Biblical Witness  >  A biblical witness can lead others to faith in Christ.
The Witness as a Messenger of Truth >  The Impact of Truthful Witnessing  >  The potential for transformation in the hearer
The Role of a Witness in Evangelism >  The Urgency of Witnessing  >  People are dying without knowing Christ and we have the message of life
The Witness as a Disciple of Christ >  The Impact of a Disciple-Witness  >  Leading Others to Christ
The Power of Words to Give Life >  Using Our Words to Give Life  >  We should use our words to spread the Gospel of life
God's Love is the Foundation of Salvation >  Sharing God's Love and Salvation with Others  >  We share God's salvation by telling others about Jesus
Sharing Our Hope Through Our Testimony >  The Impact of Our Shared Testimony  >  Leading others to Christ
Sharing Our Personal Testimony of Faith >  The Impact of Your Personal Testimony  >  Reaching the lost
Praying for God's Mission with Urgency >  The Urgency of God's Mission  >  The urgency is seen in the plight of the lost - people are perishing without Christ