Sermon on
Being Transformed into His Image


1. Understanding the Concept of Transformation

1.1 Defining Transformation: A fundamental change in character or nature 2 Corinthians 5:17

1.2 The Process of Transformation: A gradual change from the inside out Romans 12:2

1.3 The Goal of Transformation: To become more like Christ Romans 8:29

2. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Our Transformation

2.1 The Holy Spirit as Our Helper: Assisting us in our journey of transformation John 14:26

2.2 The Holy Spirit as Our Teacher: Guiding us into all truth John 16:13

2.3 The Holy Spirit as Our Sanctifier: Setting us apart for God's purposes 2 Thessalonians 2:13

3. The Importance of Renewing Our Minds

3.1 The Power of the Mind: Our thoughts shape our actions Proverbs 23:7

3.2 The Practice of Mind Renewal: Replacing old thoughts with God's truth Ephesians 4:23

3.3 The Result of Mind Renewal: A life that pleases God Romans 12:2

4. The Role of God's Word in Our Transformation

4.1 God's Word as a Mirror: Reflecting who we are and who we can become James 1:23-25

4.2 God's Word as a Lamp: Guiding our steps on the path of transformation Psalm 119:105

4.3 God's Word as a Seed: Producing fruit in our lives as we meditate on it Psalm 1:2-3

5. The Role of Prayer in Our Transformation

5.1 Prayer as Communication: Talking to God about our desire for transformation Philippians 4:6

5.2 Prayer as Dependence: Acknowledging our need for God's help in the process John 15:5

5.3 Prayer as Transformation: Changing us as we spend time in God's presence 2 Corinthians 3:18

6. The Role of Community in Our Transformation

6.1 Community as Encouragement: Spurring each other on towards growth Hebrews 10:24-25

6.2 Community as Accountability: Keeping each other on the right path Proverbs 27:17

6.3 Community as Reflection: Seeing Christ in each other 1 Corinthians 12:27

7. The Outcome of Our Transformation

7.1 A Life that Reflects Christ: Our transformation makes us more like Jesus Romans 8:29

7.2 A Life that Glorifies God: Our transformation brings glory to God 1 Corinthians 10:31

7.3 A Life that Impacts Others: Our transformation influences those around us Matthew 5:16