Sermon on
Definition of Remnant


1. Understanding the Biblical Concept of Remnant

1.1 The remnant as a recurring theme in the Bible: The remnant is a recurring theme in the Bible, referring to a small surviving group of people. It is a concept that spans the Old and New Testaments, and it carries significant theological implications. Isaiah 10:20-22

1.2 The remnant as God's faithful people: In the context of the Bible, the remnant often refers to a group of people who remain faithful to God amidst widespread unfaithfulness. These are the people who hold fast to God's commands and promises, even when the majority does not. 2 Kings 19:30-31

2. The Remnant in the Old Testament

2.1 The remnant in the time of Noah: Noah and his family were a remnant preserved by God during the great flood. Despite the wickedness that filled the earth, they found favor in the eyes of the Lord and were saved. Genesis 7:23

2.2 The remnant in the time of Elijah: During the time of Elijah, God preserved a remnant of 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed the knee to Baal. This shows that even in times of widespread apostasy, God always has a faithful remnant. 1 Kings 19:18

3. The Remnant in the New Testament

3.1 The remnant in the time of Jesus: In the time of Jesus, the remnant were those who recognized Him as the Messiah and followed His teachings. They were the minority, but they were the ones who truly understood the kingdom of God. Luke 12:32

3.2 The remnant in the end times: The Bible prophesies that in the end times, there will be a remnant who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. This remnant will be preserved through tribulation and will inherit the kingdom of God. Revelation 12:17

4. The Role of the Remnant in God's Plan

4.1 The remnant as a sign of God's mercy: The existence of the remnant is a sign of God's mercy. Despite the unfaithfulness of the majority, God always preserves a group of faithful people. This shows that God is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Romans 11:5

4.2 The remnant as a beacon of hope: The remnant serves as a beacon of hope, showing that faithfulness to God is possible even in the most difficult circumstances. They are a testament to the power of God's grace and the perseverance of faith. Zephaniah 3:12-13

4.3 The remnant as a catalyst for restoration: The remnant often serves as a catalyst for the restoration of God's people. Through their faithfulness, they inspire others to return to God and play a crucial role in the fulfillment of God's promises. Jeremiah 23:3