Sermon on
Demonstrating Christ's Love in Our Words


1. Understanding Christ's Love

1.1 Recognizing the depth of Christ's love: Unconditional and Sacrificial Ephesians 3:18-19

1.2 Christ's love as the standard for our love: Love as Christ loved us Ephesians 5:2

1.3 The transformative power of Christ's love: Changed by His love 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

2. The Power of Words

2.1 Words as tools of influence: Power to build or destroy Proverbs 18:21

2.2 The biblical perspective on words: Words reflect the heart Matthew 12:34

2.3 The responsibility that comes with words: Accountability for every word Matthew 12:36-37

3. Demonstrating Christ's Love Through Our Words

3.1 Speaking words of love: Encouragement and affirmation 1 Thessalonians 5:11

3.2 Speaking words of truth: Truth in love Ephesians 4:15

3.3 Speaking words of peace: Peacemakers Matthew 5:9

4. Practical Steps to Demonstrate Christ's Love in Our Words

4.1 Daily renewal of the mind: Transformed by the renewing of the mind Romans 12:2

4.2 Guarding our tongues: Taming the tongue James 3:5-6

4.3 Praying for a heart of love: Prayer for a loving heart Psalm 51:10

5. The Impact of Demonstrating Christ's Love in Our Words

5.1 Building up the body of Christ: Edification Ephesians 4:29

5.2 Witnessing to the world: Light of the world Matthew 5:14-16

5.3 Glorifying God: Glorifying God with our words 1 Peter 4:11