Sermon on
God's Definition


1. God is Love

1.1 Unconditional Love: God's love is not based on our performance or worthiness, but on His nature. His love is unconditional, meaning it is not dependent on anything we do or don't do. 1 John 4:8

1.2 Sacrificial Love: God demonstrated His love by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. This act of sacrifice is the ultimate expression of God's love. John 3:16

1.3 Everlasting Love: God's love is eternal. It does not diminish or fade with time. His love for us is constant and unchanging. Jeremiah 31:3

2. God is Holy

2.1 Perfect in Righteousness: God is perfectly righteous, meaning He is always right and just. He never does anything wrong or unfair. Psalm 145:17

2.2 Pure and Sinless: God is completely pure and sinless. He is separate from all evil and wrongdoing. 1 John 1:5

2.3 Worthy of Reverence: Because of His holiness, God is worthy of our reverence and awe. We should approach Him with respect and honor. Psalm 99:5

3. God is Omnipotent

3.1 All-Powerful: God has all power and authority. There is nothing too hard for Him. Jeremiah 32:17

3.2 Creator of All Things: God created everything that exists. He has the power to bring things into existence out of nothing. Genesis 1:1

3.3 Sustainer of Life: God not only created life, but He also sustains it. He provides for all our needs and upholds all things by His powerful word. Colossians 1:17

4. God is Omniscient

4.1 All-Knowing: God knows everything. He knows our thoughts, our hearts, and our future. Nothing is hidden from Him. Psalm 139:1-4

4.2 Infinite Wisdom: God's wisdom is infinite. He always knows what is best and He guides us in the right path. Proverbs 2:6

4.3 Perfect Understanding: God understands everything perfectly. He sees the big picture and knows how all things work together for good. Romans 8:28

5. God is Omnipresent

5.1 Everywhere Present: God is present everywhere at all times. There is no place where He is not. Psalm 139:7-10

5.2 Constant Companion: God is with us always. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Matthew 28:20

5.3 Fills Heaven and Earth: God fills heaven and earth. He is not confined to a specific location but is present everywhere. Jeremiah 23:24