1.1 The Bible as a Lamp to our Feet: The Word of God illuminates our path, helping us to avoid stumbling and falling into sin. Psalm 119:105
1.2 The Bible as a Light to our Path: God's Word provides clear direction, showing us the way we should go. Psalm 119:105
2.1 The Bible Directs our Decisions: God's Word provides wisdom and guidance in making decisions, ensuring we make choices that align with His will. Proverbs 3:5-6
2.2 The Bible Points us to True North: God's Word always points us to Jesus, the true north of our faith. John 14:6
3.1 The Bible Reflects our True Condition: God's Word reveals our true spiritual condition, showing us where we fall short and need God's grace. James 1:23-25
3.2 The Bible Reflects God's Character: God's Word reveals who God is, His character, His love, and His plan for humanity. Hebrews 4:12
4.1 The Bible Plants Seeds of Faith: God's Word plants seeds of faith in our hearts, which grow and produce fruit in our lives. Luke 8:11
4.2 The Bible Nourishes our Spiritual Growth: God's Word nourishes and sustains our spiritual growth, helping us to mature in our faith. 1 Peter 2:2
5.1 The Bible Equips us for Spiritual Warfare: God's Word is our weapon in spiritual warfare, enabling us to stand against the enemy's attacks. Ephesians 6:17
5.2 The Bible Divides Truth from Error: God's Word discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart, dividing truth from error. Hebrews 4:12
6.1 The Bible Ignites our Hearts: God's Word ignites our hearts with passion for God and His kingdom. Jeremiah 20:9
6.2 The Bible Breaks Hard Hearts: God's Word has the power to break hard hearts and bring about repentance and transformation. Jeremiah 23:29