Sermon on
God's Words are Always Truthful and Reliable


1. The Nature of God's Word

1.1 God's Word is Truthful: God's word is not just true; it is the ultimate truth. It is the standard by which all other truths are measured. John 17:17

1.2 God's Word is Reliable: God's word is dependable. It is a solid rock that we can build our lives upon. Psalm 18 30 Psalm 18:30

2. The Power of God's Word

2.1 God's Word is Powerful: God's word has the power to create, to transform, and to bring about His purposes. Hebrews 4:12

2.2 God's Word is Effective: God's word accomplishes what it sets out to do. It never returns to Him void. Isaiah 55:11

3. The Certainty of God's Word

3.1 God's Word is Unchanging: God's word is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It does not change with the shifting sands of culture or time. Psalm 119 89 Psalm 119:89

3.2 God's Word is Eternal: God's word stands forever. It is not bound by time or space. Isaiah 40:8

4. The Application of God's Word

4.1 Trusting in God's Word: We can trust in God's word because it is always truthful and reliable. Proverbs 3:5-6

4.2 Living by God's Word: We are called to live by God's word, allowing it to guide our steps and direct our paths. Psalm 119 105 Psalm 119:105

5. The Promise of God's Word

5.1 God's Word Promises Salvation: God's word promises salvation to all who believe in Jesus Christ. Romans 1:16

5.2 God's Word Promises Hope: God's word promises hope for the future, a hope that does not disappoint. Romans 15:4

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