1.1 The Law as God's Standard: God gave the Law to Moses as a standard for His people to live by, reflecting His character and holiness. Exodus 20:1-17
1.2 The Purpose of the Law: The Law was given to reveal sin, to guide the people of Israel, and to point them to their need for a Savior. Romans 3:20
1.3 The Inability to Keep the Law: Despite their best efforts, the Israelites were unable to keep the Law perfectly, highlighting the impossibility of achieving righteousness through human effort. Romans 3:23
2.1 Jesus' View of the Law: Jesus affirmed the Law, stating that He did not come to abolish it but to fulfill it. Matthew 5:17
2.2 Jesus' Fulfillment of the Law: Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Law, both in His actions and His teachings, demonstrating His sinlessness and righteousness. 1 Peter 2:22
2.3 Jesus as the End of the Law: Through His death and resurrection, Jesus ended the Law's condemnation, making a way for us to be justified by faith. Romans 10:4
3.1 Freedom from the Law: In Christ, we are set free from the Law's condemnation and are now under the law of the Spirit of life. Romans 8:1-2
3.2 The Law of Love: Jesus summarized the Law in two commandments to love God and to love our neighbor, which is the fulfillment of the Law. Matthew 22:37-40
3.3 Living by the Spirit: As believers, we are called to live by the Spirit, not by the Law, producing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Galatians 5:16-25
4.1 The Law as a Mirror: The Law continues to serve as a mirror, revealing our sin and our need for Christ's righteousness. James 1:23-25
4.2 The Law as a Guide: While we are not under the Law, it still provides wisdom and guidance for godly living. Psalm 119:105
4.3 The Law and the Great Commission: As we make disciples, we are to teach them to obey everything Jesus commanded, which includes His teachings on the Law. Matthew 28:19-20