Sermon on
Nourishment for the Soul


1. Understanding the Necessity of Spiritual Nourishment

1.1 Recognizing the hunger of the soul(Matthew 5: 6) Matthew 5:6

1.2 Identifying the spiritual malnutrition(Hosea 4: 6) Hosea 4:6

1.3 The consequences of spiritual starvation(Amos 8: 11) Amos 8:11

2. The Source of Spiritual Nourishment

2.1 God as the provider of spiritual food(Psalm 107: 9) Psalm 107:9

2.2 Jesus as the bread of life(John 6: 35) John 6:35

2.3 The Holy Spirit as the living water(John 7: 38-39) John 7:38-39

3. The Word of God as Spiritual Food

3.1 The Word of God as milk for newborns(1 Peter 2: 2) 1 Peter 2:2

3.2 The Word of God as solid food for the mature(Hebrews 5: 14) Hebrews 5:14

3.3 Meditating on the Word for spiritual growth(Psalm 1: 2-3) Psalm 1:2-3

4. Prayer as Spiritual Nourishment

4.1 Prayer as communication with God(Philippians 4: 6) Philippians 4:6

4.2 The importance of persistent prayer(Luke 18: 1) Luke 18:1

4.3 The power of prayer in spiritual growth(James 5: 16) James 5:16

5. Fellowship as Spiritual Nourishment

5.1 The need for Christian fellowship(Hebrews 10: 24-25) Hebrews 10:24-25

5.2 The role of fellowship in spiritual growth(Proverbs 27: 17) Proverbs 27:17

5.3 The blessings of Christian fellowship(Acts 2: 42-47) Acts 2:42-47

6. Serving Others as Spiritual Nourishment

6.1 The call to serve others(Galatians 5: 13) Galatians 5:13

6.2 The blessings of serving others(Acts 20: 35) Acts 20:35

6.3 Serving others as an act of worship(Romans 12: 1) Romans 12:1

7. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Nourishment

7.1 The Holy Spirit as our teacher(John 14: 26) John 14:26

7.2 The Holy Spirit as our guide(John 16: 13) John 16:13

7.3 The Holy Spirit as our comforter(John 14: 16) John 14:16

8. The Results of Spiritual Nourishment

8.1 Spiritual growth and maturity(Ephesians 4: 13) Ephesians 4:13

8.2 Fruitfulness in the kingdom of God(John 15: 5) John 15:5

8.3 Eternal life(John 6: 27) John 6:27