1.1 Recognizing the power our words hold: Our words can build up or tear down, encourage or discourage, heal or wound. They have the power to shape our world and the world of those around us. Proverbs 18:21
1.2 The biblical perspective on words: The Bible teaches that our words are a reflection of what is in our hearts. Matthew 12:34
1.3 The responsibility that comes with our words: As believers, we are called to use our words wisely, speaking truth in love. Ephesians 4:15
2.1 The harm caused by judging words: Judging words can cause division, hurt, and misunderstanding. They can damage relationships and hinder the work of the Gospel. James 4:11-12
2.2 The sinfulness of judging words: Judging others with our words is a sin, as it usurps God's role as the only righteous judge. Matthew 7:1-2
2.3 The consequences of judging words: Our judging words not only harm others, but they also bring judgment upon ourselves. Matthew 12:36-37
3.1 The call to speak words of love: As followers of Christ, we are called to speak words of love, not judgment. 1 Peter 4:8
3.2 The call to speak words of encouragement: We are called to use our words to build up and encourage others, not tear them down. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
3.3 The call to speak words of truth: We are called to speak the truth in love, using our words to point others to Christ. Ephesians 4:15
4.1 The need for repentance: If we have used our words to judge others, we need to repent and ask God for forgiveness. Acts 3:19
4.2 The power of forgiveness: When we repent, God is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
4.3 The call to forgive others: Just as God has forgiven us, we are called to forgive others who have used judging words against us. Colossians 3:13
5.1 The Holy Spirit as our guide: The Holy Spirit can guide us in how we use our words, helping us to speak words of love, encouragement, and truth. John 16:13
5.2 The Holy Spirit as our teacher: The Holy Spirit can teach us how to control our tongues and use our words wisely. John 14:26
5.3 The Holy Spirit as our helper: The Holy Spirit can help us to repent when we have used judging words and to forgive others who have judged us. John 14:16