1.1 Recognizing the need for self-examination 2 Corinthians 13:5
1.2 The role of personal reflection in spiritual growth Psalm 119:59
1.3 How personal reflection leads to wisdom Proverbs 14:15
2.1 David's reflection and repentance Psalm 51:1-4
2.2 Paul's reflection on his spiritual journey 1 Timothy 1:12-16
2.3 The prodigal son's moment of reflection Luke 15:17-20
3.1 Acknowledging our shortcomings Romans 3:23
3.2 Confessing and repenting of our sins 1 John 1:9
3.3 Seeking God's guidance in our reflection James 1:5
4.1 Spiritual growth and maturity Ephesians 4:15
4.2 Improved relationships with others Matthew 7:5
4.3 A closer relationship with God James 4:8
5.1 Setting aside regular time for reflection Mark 1:35
5.2 Using God's Word as a mirror James 1:23-25
5.3 Seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance in our reflection John 16:13