Sermon on
Positive Words Can Change the Atmosphere


1. The Power of the Tongue

1.1 Understanding the Influence of Our Words: Our words have the power to build up or tear down, to encourage or discourage. We must understand the weight of our words and choose them wisely. Proverbs 18:21

1.2 The Tongue as a Creative Force: Our words are not just mere sounds but creative forces. When God created the world, He spoke it into existence. As His children, our words also carry creative power. Genesis 1:3

2. The Impact of Positive Words

2.1 Positive Words Bring Healing: Positive words have the power to heal and restore. They can mend broken relationships, heal wounded hearts, and restore hope. Proverbs 16:24

2.2 Positive Words Foster Growth: Positive words can foster growth in individuals and communities. They can inspire, motivate, and challenge us to reach our full potential. Ephesians 4:29

3. The Atmosphere-Transforming Power of Positive Words

3.1 Changing the Atmosphere in Our Homes: By choosing to speak positive words, we can change the atmosphere in our homes. We can create an environment of love, peace, and joy where everyone feels valued and loved. Proverbs 15:1

3.2 Changing the Atmosphere in Our Communities: Positive words can also transform our communities. They can foster unity, mutual respect, and cooperation, making our communities better places to live. Romans 14:19

4. Cultivating a Habit of Speaking Positive Words

4.1 Guarding Our Hearts: To speak positive words consistently, we must guard our hearts. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Proverbs 4:23

4.2 Relying on the Holy Spirit: We need the help of the Holy Spirit to consistently speak words that edify and build up. The Holy Spirit can guide us in what to say and how to say it. John 14:26