1.1 Defining Repentance: A change of mind and heart Repentance is not just feeling sorry for our sins, but a decisive turn from sin to righteousness. It is a change of mind and heart that leads to a change in behavior. Acts 3:19
1.2 The Necessity of Repentance: Repentance is not optional in the Christian life. It is a command from God and a necessary step towards salvation. Luke 13:3
2.1 Conviction of Sin: The first step in the process of repentance is the conviction of sin. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. John 16:8
2.2 Confession of Sin: After conviction comes confession. We must admit our sins to God, agree with Him about our sin, and ask for His forgiveness. John 1:9
2.3 Turning from Sin: True repentance involves turning away from sin and turning towards God. It is a change in direction, a change in behavior. Acts 26:20
3.1 A Changed Life: The evidence of repentance is a changed life. Those who have truly repented bear fruit in keeping with repentance. Matthew 3:8
3.2 Restoration and Reconciliation: Repentance leads to restoration and reconciliation with God. When we repent, we are restored to a right relationship with God and experience His forgiveness and grace. 2 Corinthians 5:18
3.3 Joy and Peace: One of the fruits of repentance is joy and peace. When we repent, we experience the joy of salvation and the peace that comes from being right with God. Psalm 51:12
4.1 God's Patience and Kindness: God's patience and kindness are meant to lead us to repentance. He does not want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
4.2 The Urgency of Repentance: The call to repentance is urgent. Today is the day of salvation. We must not harden our hearts, but hear His voice and repent. Hebrews 3:15
4.3 The Promise of Repentance: God promises forgiveness and cleansing to those who repent. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. John 1:9