1.1 Understanding the call to serve: Mark 10:45
1.2 The importance of unity in service: 1 Corinthians 12:12-14
1.3 The role of love in serving together: Galatians 5:13
2.1 The impact of collective service: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
2.2 The spiritual growth that comes from serving together: Ephesians 4:16
2.3 The joy and fulfillment in serving together: Acts 20:35
3.1 Overcoming personal differences: Romans 12:16
3.2 Dealing with conflicts and disagreements: Matthew 18:15-17
3.3 The danger of pride and self-centeredness: Philippians 2:3-4
4.1 Volunteering in church ministries: 1 Peter 4:10
5.1 Experiencing God's blessings: Proverbs 11:25
5.2 Building stronger relationships: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
5.3 The eternal reward of faithful service: Matthew 25:21