1.1 Recognizing the creative power of words: God spoke the world into existence Genesis 1:3
1.2 Realizing the destructive power of words: Words can break spirits and relationships Proverbs 15:4
1.3 Understanding the healing power of words: Words can bring comfort, encouragement, and hope Proverbs 16:24
2.1 The promise of salvation: Through faith in Jesus, we are saved Ephesians 2:8-9
2.2 The promise of eternal life: Believers are granted eternal life John 3:16
2.3 The promise of God's presence: God promises to be with us always Matthew 28:20
3.1 Speaking the truth in love: We must share the gospel with love and respect Ephesians 4:15
3.2 Using words to build up: Our words should encourage and edify others 1 Thessalonians 5:11
3.3 Proclaiming the gospel boldly: We should not be ashamed to share the good news Romans 1:16
4.1 Leading others to Christ: Our words can lead others to salvation Romans 10:14
4.2 Strengthening the faith of believers: Sharing the promise can encourage and strengthen other believers 1 Thessalonians 3:2
4.3 Glorifying God: Sharing the gospel brings glory to God 1 Peter 4:11
5.1 Fear of rejection: Trusting in God's power and not our own 2 Timothy 1:7
5.2 Lack of knowledge: Studying and understanding God's Word 2 Timothy 2:15
5.3 Feeling unqualified: Remembering that God equips those He calls Hebrews 13:21