Sermon on
Sharing our Testimony


1. Understanding the Importance of a Testimony

1.1 A testimony as a powerful tool of evangelism Revelation 12:11

1.2 A testimony as a reflection of God's grace and mercy 1 Timothy 1:16

1.3 A testimony as a means of glorifying God Psalm 66:16

2. The Components of a Powerful Testimony

2.1 Your life before Christ Ephesians 2:1-3

2.2 Your encounter with Christ Acts 9:3-6

2.3 Your life after accepting Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17

3. The Power of a Personal Testimony

3.1 It is unique and cannot be disputed John 9:25

3.2 It is relatable and can touch hearts Acts 26:4-18

3.3 It is a testament of God's faithfulness Psalm 40:10

4. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Sharing our Testimony

4.1 The Holy Spirit empowers us to testify Acts 1:8

4.2 The Holy Spirit guides us in what to say John 16:13

4.3 The Holy Spirit convicts the listener's heart John 16:8

5. Overcoming Fear in Sharing our Testimony

5.1 Trusting in God's strength and not our own 2 Timothy 1:7

5.2 Recognizing the importance of sharing the Gospel Romans 1:16

5.3 Remembering that our testimony can lead others to Christ 1 Peter 3:15

6. Practical Tips for Sharing our Testimony

6.1 Be honest and authentic Ephesians 4:25

6.2 Keep it simple and concise Colossians 4:6

6.3 Share with love and respect 1 Peter 3:15