1.1 The power of life and death is in the tongue: Proverbs 18:21
1.2 Our words can either build up or tear down: Ephesians 4:29
1.3 God's Word is the ultimate authority and source of power: Hebrews 4:12
2.1 Speaking God's Word brings spiritual growth and maturity: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
2.2 Aligning our words with God's Word helps us to live righteously: Psalm 119:11
2.3 Speaking God's Word activates His promises in our lives: 2 Corinthians 1:20
3.1 Meditate on God's Word daily: Joshua 1:8
3.2 Speak God's Word in prayer: John 15:7
3.3 Use God's Word to encourage and edify others: 1 Thessalonians 5:11
4.1 Speaking contrary to God's Word can lead to spiritual confusion: James 3:9-10
4.2 Not aligning our words with God's Word can hinder our prayers: James 4:3
4.3 Speaking against God's Word can bring negative consequences in our lives: Proverbs 18:20
5.1 Speaking God's Word brings peace and joy: John 15:11
5.2 Aligning our words with God's Word brings spiritual victory: Ephesians 6:17
5.3 Speaking God's Word can bring healing and deliverance: Proverbs 4:20-22