1.1 The tongue can build up or tear down: . Proverbs 18:21
2.1 An untamed tongue can lead to sin: . Proverbs 10:19
2.2 An untamed tongue can cause strife and conflict: . Proverbs 15:1
2.3 An untamed tongue can damage relationships: . Proverbs 16:28
3.1 Taming the tongue requires self-control: . Proverbs 25:28
3.2 Taming the tongue requires wisdom: . Proverbs 15:2
3.3 Taming the tongue requires the help of the Holy Spirit: . Galatians 5:22-23
4.1 A tamed tongue can bring healing and encouragement: . Proverbs 12:18
4.2 A tamed tongue can promote peace and understanding: . Proverbs 15:4
4.3 A tamed tongue can reflect the love and grace of God: . Ephesians 4:29
5.1 Be slow to speak and quick to listen: . James 1:19
5.2 Speak the truth in love: . Ephesians 4:15
5.3 Use your words to praise God and edify others: . Ephesians 5:19