1.1 Words have the power to create and destroy Proverbs 18:21
1.2 Our words are a reflection of our heart Matthew 12:34
1.3 God's words have creative power Genesis 1:3
2.1 God spoke the world into existence Genesis 1:1-3
2.2 Jesus is referred to as the Word of God John 1:1
2.3 The power of prophetic words in the Bible Ezekiel 37:4-10
3.1 Words can bring life and healing Proverbs 16:24
3.2 Words can cause harm and destruction James 3:5-6
3.3 The importance of speaking truth in love Ephesians 4:15
4.1 God's words are powerful and effective Hebrews 4:12
4.2 God's words bring transformation Romans 12:2
4.3 God's words provide guidance and wisdom Psalm 119:105
5.1 The importance of taming our tongue James 3:7-8
5.2 Speaking words of encouragement and edification 1 Thessalonians 5:11
5.3 The power of confessing God's word Romans 10:9-10
6.1 Praying God's words back to Him Jeremiah 1:12
6.2 The power of declaring God's promises 2 Corinthians 1:20
6.3 The impact of intercessory prayer 1 Timothy 2:1
7.1 We will give account for every careless word Matthew 12:36
7.2 The call to speak words of life Ephesians 4:29
7.3 The challenge to use our words for God's glory 1 Peter 4:11