Sermon on
The Law as a Revealer of Sin


1. Understanding the Purpose of the Law

1.1 The Law as God's Standard of Righteousness: God's law serves as the divine standard of what is right and wrong, revealing His perfect character and will for humanity. Psalm 19:7-9

1.2 The Law as a Mirror: The law acts as a mirror, reflecting our true spiritual condition and showing us our need for a Savior. James 1:23-25

2. The Law Exposes Sin

2.1 The Law Defines Sin: The law provides a definition of sin. Without the law, we would not know what sin is or how it offends God. Romans 7:7

2.2 The Law Reveals Our Guilt: The law reveals our guilt before God, showing us that we all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Romans 3:19-20

3. The Law Points Us to Christ

3.1 The Law Shows Our Need for a Savior: The law shows us our need for a Savior, as it makes us aware of our sin and our inability to achieve righteousness on our own. Galatians 3:24

3.2 Christ Fulfilled the Law: Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, taking our punishment upon Himself and offering us His righteousness. Matthew 5:17-18

4. Living Under Grace, Not the Law

4.1 Freed from the Law: Through Christ, we are freed from the law and its condemnation, and we are now under grace. Romans 6:14

4.2 The Law of the Spirit: We now live under the law of the Spirit, empowered to live a life pleasing to God, not by our own efforts, but by the power of the Holy Spirit within us. Romans 8:1-4

5. The Law and Christian Living

5.1 The Law as a Guide: While we are not under the law, it still serves as a guide for godly living, teaching us how to love God and our neighbor. Matthew 22:37-40

5.2 The Law and Love: Love is the fulfillment of the law. When we love others, we are fulfilling the law's requirements. Romans 13:8-10