1.1 The Law as God's Standard Psalm 19:7
1.2 The Purpose of the Law: To Reveal Sin Romans 3:20
1.3 The Law as a Mirror: Reflecting Our Sinful Nature James 1:23-25
2.1 Sin Leads to Death Romans 6:23
2.2 Sin Separates Us from God Isaiah 59:2
2.3 Sin Brings Guilt and Shame Genesis 3:7-10
3.1 Christ Fulfills the Law Matthew 5:17
3.2 Christ Takes the Penalty of Our Sin 2 Corinthians 5:21
3.3 Christ Frees Us from the Law of Sin and Death Romans 8:1-2
4.1 Grace Does Not Nullify the Law but Fulfills It Romans 3:31
4.2 Grace Empowers Us to Live Righteously Titus 2:11-12
4.3 Grace Leads Us to Repentance and Transformation Romans 2:4
5.1 Recognizing Our Sinfulness Romans 3:23
5.2 Repenting and Turning to Christ Acts 3:19
5.3 Living in Obedience to God's Word John 14:15