Sermon on
The Power of Words to Teach


1. The Significance of Words in the Bible

1.1 The Bible as the Word of God: The Bible is the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance for Christians. It is God's Word, given to teach, correct, and train in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16

1.2 The Power of God's Word: God's Word is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

1.3 Jesus as the Word: Jesus, the Son of God, is described as the Word in the Gospel of John, showing the power and significance of words in the Christian faith. John 1:1

2. The Role of Words in Teaching

2.1 Words as Tools for Instruction: Words are used to instruct and guide others. They provide understanding and wisdom. Proverbs 16:23

2.2 Words as Seeds: Words are like seeds that are planted in the hearts of listeners. They have the potential to grow and bear fruit in the form of understanding, wisdom, and transformation. Luke 8:11

2.3 Words as a Reflection of the Heart: The words we speak reflect what is in our hearts. Therefore, teaching with words is a reflection of the teacher's heart. Matthew 12:34

3. The Responsibility of Using Words to Teach

3.1 The Accountability of Teachers: Those who use words to teach, especially the Word of God, will be judged more strictly. This underscores the responsibility that comes with teaching. James 3:1

3.2 The Importance of Speaking Truth: Teachers must always speak the truth in love, using their words to build up, not tear down. Ephesians 4:15

3.3 The Need for Wisdom in Speech: Teachers must ask God for wisdom to know what to say and how to say it, so that their words will be beneficial to those who listen. Colossians 4:6

4. The Impact of Words in Teaching

4.1 Words can Build Up: Words have the power to build up and encourage, to give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

4.2 Words can Instruct: Words can provide instruction and wisdom, leading others in the way they should go. Proverbs 4:13

4.3 Words can Transform: Words, especially the Word of God, have the power to transform lives, renewing minds and changing hearts. Romans 12:2