Sermon on
The Responsibility that Comes with Our Words


1. Understanding the Power of Words

1.1 Words have the power to create or destroy Proverbs 18:21

1.2 Our words can either bring life or death to ourselves and others Proverbs 15:4

1.3 The tongue, though small, can set the course of one's life James 3:5

2. The Biblical Perspective on Words

2.1 God created the universe through His Word Genesis 1:3

2.2 Jesus is referred to as the Word of God John 1:1

2.3 The Bible, God's Word, is our guide for life 2 Timothy 3:16

3. The Responsibility of Our Words

3.1 We will be held accountable for every idle word we speak Matthew 12:36

3.2 We are commanded to speak truth in love Ephesians 4:15

3.3 Our words should always be gracious and seasoned with salt Colossians 4:6

4. The Impact of Our Words on Others

4.1 Our words can build up or tear down others Proverbs 12:18

4.2 We should use our words to encourage and edify others 1 Thessalonians 5:11

4.3 Gossip and slander are destructive and displeasing to God Proverbs 16:28

5. The Discipline of Taming the Tongue

5.1 Taming the tongue is a mark of spiritual maturity James 3:2

5.2 We should be slow to speak and quick to listen James 1:19

5.3 We should pray for God's help in controlling our tongue Psalm 141:3

6. The Transformation of Our Words through Christ

6.1 Christ can transform our hearts, and thus our words Ezekiel 36:26

6.2 The Holy Spirit can help us to speak words of life John 6:63

6.3 As we abide in Christ, our words will bear much fruit John 15:5