1.1 The Biblical Definition of Transformation: A Change from the Inside Out Romans 12:2
1.2 Transformation as a Process: It Doesn't Happen Overnight 2 Corinthians 3:18
1.3 The Role of the Holy Spirit in Our Transformation Titus 3:5
2.1 The Image of God: Love, Righteousness, and Holiness Ephesians 4:24
2.2 Jesus Christ: The Perfect Image of God Colossians 1:15
2.3 The Goal of Transformation: To Be Like Christ Romans 8:29
3.1 The Word of God: A Mirror Reflecting God's Image James 1:23-25
3.2 The Word of God: A Seed that Produces God's Life in Us 1 Peter 1:23
3.3 The Word of God: A Tool for Renewing Our Minds Romans 12:2
4.1 Trials and Suffering: Tools for Refining Our Faith 1 Peter 1:6-7
4.2 Trials and Suffering: Opportunities for Growing in Christlikeness Romans 5:3-5
4.3 Trials and Suffering: Means of Sharing in Christ's Sufferings Philippians 3:10
5.1 The Church: A Community for Mutual Edification Ephesians 4:15-16
5.2 The Church: A Place for Exercising Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 12:7
5.3 The Church: A Family for Practicing Love and Forgiveness Colossians 3:13
6.1 To Reflect God's Glory to the World Matthew 5:16
6.2 To Prepare Us for Eternity with God 1 John 3:2
6.3 To Fulfill God's Original Purpose for Creating Man Genesis 1:26