1.1 Truthful words are consistent and unchanging Numbers 23:19
1.2 Truthful words are powerful and have lasting impact Hebrews 4:12
1.3 Truthful words are life-giving and healing Proverbs 16:24
2.1 God is the source of all truthful words John 14:6
2.2 The Bible is the repository of God's truthful words 2 Timothy 3:16-17
2.3 The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth John 16:13
3.1 Truthful words endure all challenges and oppositions Isaiah 40:8
3.2 Truthful words remain even when everything else passes away Matthew 24:35
3.3 Truthful words stand as a testament to God's faithfulness Psalm 119:89
4.1 Truthful words transform our minds and hearts Romans 12:2
4.2 Truthful words guide our steps and decisions Psalm 119:105
4.3 Truthful words equip us for every good work 2 Timothy 3:17
5.1 We should embrace truthful words with a humble heart James 1:21
5.2 We should live out truthful words in our daily lives James 1:22
5.3 We should share truthful words with others Matthew 28:19-20