1.1 Understanding who Satan is: The fallen angel Isaiah 14:12-15
1.2 Recognizing Satan's power: Prince of this world John 12:31
1.3 Acknowledging Satan's limitations: Under God's authority Job 1:12
2.1 Deception: Master of lies John 8:44
2.2 Temptation: Enticer to sin Matthew 4:1-11
2.3 Accusation: Accuser of the brethren Revelation 12:10
3.1 Distortion of God's Word: Twisting truth Genesis 3:1-4
3.2 Exploitation of human weaknesses: Preying on vulnerabilities 1 Peter 5:8
3.3 Promotion of disunity among believers: Causing division 1 Corinthians 1:10
4.1 The Word of God: Our defensive weapon Ephesians 6:17
4.2 Prayer: Our communication with God Ephesians 6:18
4.3 The Holy Spirit: Our guide and helper John 14:26
5.1 Abiding in Christ: Our source of strength John 15:5
5.2 Walking in the Spirit: Our path to victory Galatians 5:16
5.3 Standing firm in faith: Our shield against the enemy Ephesians 6:16