1.1 Words as Tools of Creation: Recognizing the creative power of words, as God used words to create the universe. Genesis 1:3
1.2 Words as Instruments of Blessing: Exploring how words can be used to bless and uplift others. Proverbs 16:24
1.3 Words as Weapons of Destruction: Acknowledging the destructive potential of words when used carelessly or maliciously. Proverbs 12:18
2.1 The Command to Edify: Understanding the biblical instruction to use words for edification, not destruction. Ephesians 4:29
2.2 The Consequences of Destructive Speech: Exploring the spiritual and relational consequences of destructive speech. Proverbs 18:21
2.3 The Blessings of Edifying Speech: Highlighting the blessings that come from speaking words of edification and encouragement. Proverbs 15:4
3.1 Cultivating a Heart of Love: Recognizing that edifying speech begins with a heart filled with God's love. Luke 6:45
3.2 Practicing Mindful Speech: Developing the habit of thinking before speaking to ensure our words edify. James 1:19
3.3 Seeking God's Wisdom: Praying for God's wisdom to guide our words and make them a source of blessing to others. James 3:17
4.1 The Holy Spirit as Teacher: Understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in teaching us to speak words of edification. John 14:26
4.2 The Holy Spirit as Convicter: Recognizing the Holy Spirit's role in convicting us when our words are destructive. John 16:8
4.3 The Holy Spirit as Empowerer: Relying on the Holy Spirit's power to help us speak words that edify and build up. Acts 1:8