1.1 Recognizing the creative power of words Genesis 1:3
1.2 Acknowledging the destructive potential of words Proverbs 18:21
1.3 Realizing the impact of words on others Proverbs 15:4
2.1 Using words to encourage and build up 1 Thessalonians 5:11
2.2 Speaking the truth in love Ephesians 4:15
2.3 Sharing the Gospel through our words Romans 10:14
3.1 Controlling our speech to avoid sin James 3:5-6
3.2 Avoiding gossip and harmful talk Proverbs 16:28
3.3 Speaking with wisdom and understanding Proverbs 15:2
4.1 Using words to communicate with God Matthew 6:7
4.2 Praying with faith and sincerity Mark 11:24
4.3 Interceding for others through prayer 1 Timothy 2:1
5.1 Speaking God's Word with boldness Acts 4:31
5.2 Using Scripture to teach, rebuke, correct and train 2 Timothy 3:16
5.3 Sharing the hope we have in Christ 1 Peter 3:15
6.1 Speaking with grace and kindness Colossians 4:6
6.2 Using words to glorify God, not ourselves 1 Corinthians 10:31
6.3 Letting our words be a reflection of our faith in Christ Matthew 12:34