Sermon on
Using Words to Edify


1. Understanding the Power of Words

1.1 Recognizing words as tools of creation or destruction Proverbs 18:21

1.2 The biblical account of God creating the world through words Genesis 1:3

1.3 The destructive potential of uncontrolled speech James 3:5-6

2. The Biblical Mandate to Edify with Our Words

2.1 The command to use words for edification Ephesians 4:29

2.2 The example of Jesus using words to heal and restore Matthew 8:8

2.3 The call to speak truth in love Ephesians 4:15

3. Practical Ways to Edify Others with Our Words

3.1 Speaking words of encouragement 1 Thessalonians 5:11

3.2 Using words to forgive and reconcile Colossians 3:13

3.3 Sharing the Gospel message Romans 10:15

4. The Impact of Edifying Words on the Speaker

4.1 The blessing of giving Acts 20:35

4.2 The transformation of the heart through edifying speech Matthew 12:34

4.3 The reward of peacemaking Matthew 5:9

5. The Impact of Edifying Words on the Listener

5.1 The power of words to bring life and healing Proverbs 16:24

5.2 The influence of positive words on one's faith Romans 10:17

5.3 The potential of edifying words to restore relationships Proverbs 15:1

6. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Edifying Speech

6.1 The Spirit's guidance in our speech John 16:13

6.2 The fruit of the Spirit manifested in our words Galatians 5:22-23

6.3 The Spirit's power to convict and convert through our words 1 Corinthians 2:4