Sermon on
Words Can Cause Strife


1. The Power of Words

1.1 Understanding the Influence of Words: Words are not just mere sounds, they carry weight and can significantly influence our lives and those around us. They can build or destroy, heal or hurt, encourage or discourage. Proverbs 18:21

1.2 The Biblical Perspective on the Power of Words: The Bible emphasizes the power of words, as seen in the creation story where God spoke the world into existence. Our words, like God's, have creative power and can shape realities. Genesis 1:3

2. The Destructive Potential of Words

2.1 Words Can Cause Strife and Conflict: Words can ignite strife and conflict. Harsh, thoughtless, or careless words can hurt others and create divisions. Proverbs 15:1

2.2 The Consequences of Negative Words: Negative words can lead to negative outcomes. They can damage relationships, create hostility, and lead to lasting harm. Proverbs 12:18

3. The Need for Taming the Tongue

3.1 The Challenge of Controlling the Tongue: Controlling the tongue is a great challenge, but it is necessary for maintaining peace and harmony. James 3:8

3.2 The Role of the Holy Spirit in Taming the Tongue: We need the Holy Spirit's help to tame our tongues. With His help, we can use our words to build up rather than tear down. Ephesians 4:29

4. The Call to Speak Life-Giving Words

4.1 The Importance of Speaking Words of Life: As believers, we are called to speak words that give life, bring healing, and promote peace. Proverbs 16:24

4.2 The Impact of Life-Giving Words: Life-giving words can transform lives, mend broken relationships, and bring reconciliation. Proverbs 15:4

5. Practical Steps to Use Words Wisely

5.1 Think Before You Speak: We must learn to think before we speak, ensuring our words are helpful and not harmful. James 1:19

5.2 Speak the Truth in Love: We should always speak the truth, but it must be done in love, not in a way that causes strife or harm. Ephesians 4:15

5.3 Use Words to Encourage and Edify: Our words should be used to encourage and edify others, not to tear them down. 1 Thessalonians 5:11